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Current Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.
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Here's a cautionary tale, always be there for your friends. If not maybe they might disappear, they should hear at least once a day they mean a lot to you.
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Depression is a bitch.
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Pathfinder > Dungeons and Dragons


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Tossed aside by the violent explosion the farmer flew backwards slamming into the earth from the sheer strength of the blast 'Damn it...We were so close to putting down the headless cock..' Clive struggled to get to his feet, vision severely impaired and his ears ringing from the explosion he was a sitting duck "N...N..NnoOoO.." the texan rasped as he weakly clawed at the soil where he laid.

Blood was beginning to pool around him gushing from the severe gash from his abdomen, severe pain wracked his body and his vision grew dim. 'No...No, I just came back. I can't darn well die now..' through bloodied teeth he grit, a fierce burning in the core of his being welled up filled with a roiling wave of determination..And something else.

Suddenly whispers filled his ears, and a white glow shone skyward above from his chest the wind picking up around the farmer's body causing the blades of grass around him to shift like waves upon the ocean.

'No..I ain't dying again...'

"You ain't killing me...I...REFUSE TO DIE!" the texan roared over the wind surrounded by a heavenly ethereal aura Clive slowly got up, from his hands and knees. Miraculously his bones mended themselves, his wounds closed all his cuts and bruises faded as light magic did it's work on the texan farmer.

Zigmund - now kitted out in a fancy new helmet, his armor all nice and shiny Clive's expression twinged with anger and annoyance 'If there’s a good god in heaven wherever you are right about now we could use a miracle of our own' the farmer gruffly sighed to himself staring up into the dark cloudy sky with a frown upon his usually chipper and smiley face.

"I ain't give a damn who you are, I only care about one thing..." though his wounds were healed his clothes were bloodied, red from his own blood shredded and ripped at the hem of his shirt he took one and and tore off the fabric with ease throwing aside the bloodied remains of his top in a heap.

"And if there's any justice in this world or anything that is holy I swear to all that is holy I will see you as bait for the vultures." as he made his speech the light around him faded though glimmers remained, he spoke to Zigmund and also shook a fist to the heaven's above.

Figures stood behind the form of the metallic warrior, shadowy indistinct forms, Clive blinked holding his breath as he saw the figures of people, some he might have recognized others he didn't. But it was certain that Zigmund was surrounded by death.

"Y...You're a damn monster...You killed them...All of them..." the hair tumbling over his face hid the grim expression he had, a tear trickled down his cheek and he felt himself ball up his fists tight Clive's knuckles cracked and whitened.

"For all the folk you have killed...I will avenge their deaths, it's time to dance with the devil you son of a bitch!" Clive shouted his voice rattled with anger.

Filled with a strange power deep in his core, Clive stood his muscular chest bare to the elements a faint ethereal glow dancing upon his arms. As much as he wanted to rush the bastard, Clive knew better then invite an attack. He didn't have no armor to protect him not like some of his allies.

Something was building inside him however but what he couldn't tell...but he went in on the powered up warrior, keeping a hand up to protect himself while delivering a gut punch that would send his opponent flying.
God damn it this man just won't die.
@XxFellsingxX yes kill the other orc, no matter how much we shouldn't there should only be one orc. 😈
Well I assume Gorgash has enough hp
How far above would Gorgash be at this point? Also I'm guessing his back is against the ceiling (if so, what I'm about to do might have some real bad consequences but I'm kinda willing to go with it)

Bad decisions yippee
It's a shame Hammerhand didn't get to finish what he was saying, I was trying to have him mention Nanna >:[
This should be fun

"Yer fuckin' fortunate that you didn't split a hair on the ladies ed' you little brat!" the orc loomed over the boy, the gall on this little shit to attack someone who had nothing to do with the quarrel pissed Hammerhand off.

"I'd ave' broken every itty bitty bone in your body you little shit, tha' fact you piss your britches the second someone says one fing about you shows you ain't deservin' of any respect and the skins you wear are disgustin' excuses for trophies. You better get the fuck out of my sight YOU USELESS EXCUSE FOR A WARRIOR." the orc yelled, practically breathing down the kids neck.

Realizing he let himself lost his temper the orc gruffly sighed, rolling his shoulder but watching the boy intently as if waiting for him to attack again "Oi shut yer fuckin gab, I know wot I'm doing."

Hammerhand snapped at the innkeeper with a huff before regarding Gorgash with a snarl "An' the rock eds' got a point maybe ye should run back teh the hag? Or maybe ye should go ask yer ponce god wot to do? Scratch yer ass maybe? Kill a few humies in the name o' 'honor' sure is honorable gettin' a child to fight for yeh your as worse a excuse an orc as me."

Mocking his kin, his former God and so called traditions, Hammerhand couldn't help but belt out a loud and boisterous laugh at Gorgash and Max the Bad Seed finding both of them not worth his time, both were poor excuses for warriors in the fallen chieftains eyes.
No wait it's me, but I'll wait if it's important that Max doesn't make the save.
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

Pretty much. His tolerance for people's shenanigans is rather limited, least those that are not close companions.

Makes sense, at this point Gorgash has shown to be a jackass. Is it the innkeeps turn now?
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