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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Hmm ok,
I've decided he misses his own dog back home so he will start training one.
My next character, who is his son, will be bringing this guy along.

@gorgenmast Can I have a pet dog-thingy?

"And that must be Max now!" said Romus as he eagerly put aside the broom and spun to face the door. He was about to welcome the stranger until he suddenly lost all words. Startled he froze and just um'ed and ah'ed on the spot as he stared wide-eyed at the two large sharp black horns poking through the doorway atop the strangers head.

"Ahh, Liz... This your friend? Romus asks in an uncertain whisper.
. . .
. .


"Ahh, pick on an old man and his tech troubles would ya. Manny, Just because you don't have the resources for the job, don't lose faith in the federation, the pirates never saw us coming.
Shouldn't you be tinkering away in your workshop anyway?

Miss Nought, well I was just gonna send them along as decoration but I guess they can do a bit more. Look miss, you let me worry about my fighters and you just worry about your makeup love. They'll do their job and do it damn well."

@gorgenmast hmm interesting, could I get a roll on some chash'ola and I'll try work a concept from that.
How about a dragonoid goblin, without the strength or defense.
Gliding, average speed, very little magic, pretty much nothing else but a little environmental awareness.


Hmmm, how many people are you taking.
Thinking some heavy character development on a goblin could be fun.
Different view point from down there.

EDIT: Ooh, are mixed races a thing?
@Dark Light
Shoot! I'll move that :)

Turn it into a post ;p
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