Avatar of DarkFey


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9 mos ago
Current But are there Whalers on the Moon?
7 yrs ago
Obi Wan Kenobi in Battlefront 2: "It's over Anakin. I purchased the high ground in a Loot Box."
7 yrs ago
You sure your dog isn't just a fish?
7 yrs ago
The Plot of Lost: A plane crashes on a hot island so people are always sweaty. The island has a ton of MYSTERIES, chiefly that somehow all the women still have access to razors for their armpits.
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7 yrs ago
I've gotten weirdly into Synthwave lately...
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@SgtEasy Balak? As in the Leader of the Batarian Fleet during the Reaper War?
@BlackSam3091@MrDidact BTW I still have no idea if my character was accepted or not. I believe Blacksam asked for some info on why Sen was Exiled and I gave it, but there was no response to it.
It is now legal to sleep with my brother, only he isn't my brother because my brother is a demon bastard.
@Rithy@Dervish The Geth/Quarian war was actually very contained within the perseus veil. Admiral Hackett said it himself that the rest of the galaxy mostly wasn't even aware that the war had happened. I imagine even less people would be aware a reaper was involved. The first most people would have heard of the Geth being involved in the Reaper War is the ANN report from Diana Allers. Depending on what Shepard says about the Geth in the report would likely have affected the public opinion on Geth. So that's up to the GMs.
@BlackSam3091 What about my second group of questions? About the current legal standing of AIs in general, and Geth specifically.
@Leos Klien Tali talks about it taking generations before the alliance with the Geth. After peace is formed with the Geth, she mentions that with Geth programs in Quarian suit, jumpstarting their immune systems, "there are children on Rannoch who will grow up healthy, thanks to the Geth."
@BlackSam3091 @MrDidact I've been meaning to ask a few questions:

1) Since the Geth and Quarians are now at peace, and the geth have been helping to jumpstart the Quarians immune systems for an entire now, are Enviosuits still required? Are Quarians still trapped in their suits or do they wear them just for cultural reasons? Basically can Sen be popping her mask off every five minutes without fear of catching a cold and dying?

2) Obviously Geth also played an important role in the Reaper War, so what is their status under Council law? Do Geth have an embassy on the Citadel now? Are they still outlawed in council space? For that matter, what is the current law around AIs in general?
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