Avatar of datadogie


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2 yrs ago
Current Smarty Jones... Just... Consider removing the 'Smarty' part of your name if you're going to try and kick up a side-argument here, there's no reason for that. Otherwise, let's just move on.
2 yrs ago
People don't tend to think about rules when in disputes. Instead, just point out that whoever stops arguing first gets to see the other make a fool of themselves if they going after it all stopped.
2 yrs ago
The best part about being on the Guild this long is that nowadays, I can sit back and chuckle as the newcomers try to start a fight an instead get all the old hands ganging up on them. Popcorn for me.
3 yrs ago
Got my first covid vaccination today. I was terrified, but the staff there were very well trained and things went well.
3 yrs ago
Every few minutes playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I tear up from the memories. It's not often you get a game that truly pulls at the same heartstrings as your childhood playthrough's once did.



Most Recent Posts

Sometimes they do. So they can rant to the youngsters. So, anything about a chatting Discord?
"Fine with me." Molly just goes off wandering in the tunnels.

Molly is young enough that she hasn't seen the world before the nukes. She was born in the metro as they were still going off.
Thank you a bunch, @Athol and @Treue. I put her in the thread, along with all you old people already in there. ;P
Sorry for the double post, but I finally finished my character. Hope you like her!

In regards to the Discord only being used for chatting, that's fine, that's typically what it's for. Of course, this'll be the main announcement place. :P
Hey hey, was thinking about making a character, I played the first two Metro games (got both on Steam) and watched a playthrough of Exodus. I do have a few questions;
How did our group end up forming? I was going to make a wanderer character, but I don't know how the group actually formed, so... XD
Adn the second question - I saw something about a Discord. Is there a Discord? Can we have a Discord? :P
Penelope Balvorn

"Alright guys, that was a good match, but I'm going to have to call it here."

Penelope Balvorn was just on the edge of closing off her stream for the night, with a good eight thousand viewer count; pretty good, but she had gone higher. It was a shame to have to close off, as she was enjoying herself, but she didn't want to miss the party, no matter how much her friends were willing to have some more games - after all, they had been doing well for the day, albeit with a few hiccups here and there from various flaws in technique and committing to foolish actions just for the fun of it. After all, that was what her stream was about - having fun and enjoying herself.

"Everyone else is staying, so I'm going to host Zye's stream and they can go play threes without me. We'll most likely be playing again tomorrow, or I might get started on Stormworks, since that finished downloading earlier. I'll see you guys next time!"

Penny gave a wave to the camera, before closing off the stream with just a few clicks, and then switching it to host Zye's stream. She sat for a few moments, letting herself melt into her chair now that she was off the air as she watched Zye's stream as he and other friends began setting up for another game. Sometimes she envied YouTubers, such as the ones that lived in the same very building as her, and the fact that they didn't have a live audience to cater for. At least they could stop and start a video they were recording whenever they needed, whereas a break for her left people hopping up and down waiting for her to get back. In a way, she felt special that she had that amount of people interested in her and her doings.

And to think that they liked her so much to donate to her. Penny kept Zye's stream up on one monitor whilst clicking her way through to her donation's page, to see how much had been given to her. A couple hundred in direct donations, and then an extra few hundred would get to her through subscriptions. Of course, Twitch would take their small cut, but she would still be getting plenty of money in. Despite this, she knew most of it was going to sit in her savings anyway - she didn't like spending too much money unless she was doing it for a purpose. Mindless spending was not her style, but she still bought a fair amount of candies and soft drinks whenever she was shopping.

Finally, Penny rose to her feet. It was time for her to head to the roof, to join the others. Leaving her headphones for her computer on her desk and retrieving her phone, Penny left her room. She took note of her roommate's absence and figured that he must already be there, or perhaps he was having his own party elsewhere - no, she figured it was the former. She doubted anyone would want to miss the party on the roof. Locking the apartment door behind her, Penny began to make her way up.

Once she had reached the party, the girl decided to just hang to the side, keeping clear of most people and just letting herself have a little room. For parties such as this, Penny preferred to just sit and watch, a little too nervous to interact with people lest more get involved.
Yeah, life has just kinda went down, and then a bit more down, and now I'm at a stage where I'm worrying about some things, and kinda trotting around like a lost puppy whenever I'm not at work.
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