Avatar of datadogie


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2 yrs ago
Current Smarty Jones... Just... Consider removing the 'Smarty' part of your name if you're going to try and kick up a side-argument here, there's no reason for that. Otherwise, let's just move on.
2 yrs ago
People don't tend to think about rules when in disputes. Instead, just point out that whoever stops arguing first gets to see the other make a fool of themselves if they going after it all stopped.
2 yrs ago
The best part about being on the Guild this long is that nowadays, I can sit back and chuckle as the newcomers try to start a fight an instead get all the old hands ganging up on them. Popcorn for me.
3 yrs ago
Got my first covid vaccination today. I was terrified, but the staff there were very well trained and things went well.
3 yrs ago
Every few minutes playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I tear up from the memories. It's not often you get a game that truly pulls at the same heartstrings as your childhood playthrough's once did.



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During this time, the Terran Dominion would tear itself apart with Raynor's Raiders beginning to strike back and the resurgence of the Zerg swarm.
From Sophrus' CS

This part makes me believe it's pre-LOTV, because Raynor's Raiders are just beginning to strike back, which is pretty much the beginning of Wings of Liberty. But yeah, I could also make it post-LOTV if time-dilation is possible. Might even make the Zerg a little friendlier; OverQueen Zagara was smart enough to allow the swarm to somewhat make allies.
<Snipped quote by datadogie>

Is this post LotV or pre?

Judging by the other CS being pre, probably pre. Unless time dilation comes into effect.
I didn't join the previous iteration of this because I was too busy, but I'm glad there is a reboot that I can join. :P

In other news, I want to make a Zerg Leviathan from Starcraft, which is funny because I see that @Sophrus is working on a Minotaur-class Battlecruiser. Probably captained by a Broodmother, for the sake of having some sort of intelligence aboard the thing. ;P
Are you good with Sci-Fi?
Ayyy, I found her again!

Ah, doesn't this look familiar? I recall the last one, and indeed it still sits in my subscriptions, though apparently hidden (and as such, I can't grab my old character and don't remember who it was, pah).

I'll be making a character for this. Hope it goes a little longer than the last one. ;)

Is there gonna be a Discord for this one?
Kiviere Panthera

There were some that joked that waking a COVSPEC Combat Specialist, such as the Commandos, was safer when they were in cryostasis. At least there, they could be waken slowly under the power of the cryostasis operator, rather than being jolted awake by footsteps that the Combat Specialist could easily register as a possible threat. There had been times when an NCO had entered a Combat Specialist barracks and had guns from all angles drawn upon him. Thankfully, COVSPEC Combat Specialists were too disciplined and well-trained to actually fire, but the message-bearer always tried to leave as fast as they could.

"She's coming awake too quickly. Something could be wrong," A voice spoke. The woman in the cryopod could hear it, but couldn't quite see it just yet, as she hadn't opened her eyes. She felt the chill, an experience that was felt if someone was waking up too quickly in the 'defrosting' process. A few more moments passed, and the woman could see two cryostasis operators in front of her, one of them tapping at a blurred item that she knew was a datapad of some kind, most likely connected to the cryopod that she was laid within. She could hear them both talking about her awakeness levels, most likely devoid of the thought that she, as someone much more specialised was practically made to wake quickly, in case something was happening that urgently required the presence of a combat trooper, such as the surprise boarding of the ship. Her mind flashed to both the frigate UAF Antarctican Warmth and the carrier UAF Happy Hornet, where that happened in both cases. And in the reverse, she'd sometimes walked amongst the cryopods of an enemy ship, watching them enjoy their naps before the pods were opened one-by-one and the occupants captured.

It was seconds before the woman could see clearly, and one of the techs knocked on the pod. "You alright in there?" He asked. "Quick test; name and serial number?" The man got a roll of the eyes in response, before the woman gave the reply he was looking for. "Petty Officer First Class Kiviere Panthera, Serial Number Zero-Six-Nine-Two-Four-Eight, Two-Two-Seven-Nine-Zero-Seven, Kilo-Papa." She gave a moment's thought, before adding on, "Foxtrot-Uniform-Charlie-Kilo-Yankee-Oscar-Uniform."

The techs took a moment, before the one who had previously spoken frowned and the other one laughed. "I think she's good, boss!" The laughing one said. Of course they had been worried about Kivi's health after she had woken up a tad early. The lid of the pod slid open even as Kivi was still analysing the situation. There were several questions immediately popping into her head, and she turned her head about to look for the answers. It was odd that she was the only one getting out of the pod in her row; if they were under attack, more security would have been awoken. If the entire project was being awoken, having arrived at wherever they were going, then all of the other pods would be up and about. Instead, it was only her on this deck. It didn't fill her with confidence in that everything was going alright. She suspected that something was going wrong.

"What is the reason for kicking me out of cryo? I was having myself a well-deserved nap," Kivi asks, crossing her arms over her naked breasts. She didn't care much for the nudity of cryosleep, no spaceborn soldier did after training. It was only the implications of nakedness that effected her, such as the coldness. Otherwise, she had grown a little insensitive to the wolf whistles. In response, she was simply handed a datapad, which she began reading as she walked off toward the military lockers. Behind her, she heard the cryo techs mumbling about how she didn't even thank them or say goodbye. She smiled a little to herself at that, and waved a hand behind her lazily. She didn't even look to see if the techs had actually noticed.

At the military lockers, Kivi placed her hand on a scanner. She saw her identification appear on the screen; a picture of her, as well as her name and rank placed underneath it. Reaching up to the screen, she tapped in an eight-digit security code and then confirmed it. The screen turned off, and she was guided by a few lights over to the locker where her equipment had previously been stored. Normally, her full equipment would be stored at the armoury, but due to the fact that this was such a vital project her equipment was stored in her locker, ready to go. She had obviously told nobody of this arrangement, both for her equipment's safety and in case she accidentally trod upon some kind of regulation. Even if the latter had happened, there would be little caring from Kivi. She suspected something was wrong, it tugged at her mind.

Following the directions and information on the datapad that she had been given earlier, the newly geared and suited up Kivi made her way to the dock where the Monolith was stationed. On her way there, she finally saw some crewmen milling about, though of the lower and maintenance types rather than the hustle bustle she would typically have expected if everyone was up and about. Now that she was one hundred percent awake and a little happier now that she was in her gear, she gave them some nods, waves and most importantly for herself, some smiles. It felt good not to be asleep. That cryopod had been like one, long nightmare.

Once she arrived at the dock, Kivi put her head on a swivel, looking back and forth to find anyone. She immediately noticed the group that was gathering, and without a word, strode over to join them. Considering some were already asking questions, she stayed quiet, just taking inventory of her equipment and running a check on her augmentations. She hoped she would get the details during the briefing.
Holy god, I am finally finished making Kivi's CS. Here she is! Let's hope I didn't forget anything or make a silly mistake.

I think Tokyo has more impact for some reason.

It certainly has an impact crater now. Maybe the aliens have studied enough to know we would make more japan bombing memes and spread panic. :P
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