Avatar of Dead Cruiser


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1 yr ago
Current It's too late. Always has been. Always will be.
1 yr ago
Life is just death in drag.
3 yrs ago
He has no friends, but he gets a lot of mail. I'll bet he spent a little time in jail.
4 yrs ago
jesse i have no money for fuckijg bills and steam sales
4 yrs ago


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@Achronum Tutelaries are generally expected to be small enough that they can accompany their master at essentially all times without being a distraction or obstruction.
@Duoya That would most probably fall under Demonology, which would be difficult for a Novitiate to pursue. Perhaps your character has become master over an aberrant Tutelary, which whispers strange, secret things to them... Just a possibility.
@Achronum Feel free to consult with me on ideas and character concepts. My PMs are open. I generally like to have characters at least drafted up by the time the OOC starts, so we can nail them down and then start the IC while the iron is hot.

Photep, the City of Light

Photep is the greatest city in the entire world. Possibly the only city, but the greatest all the same. It stands as a shining pinnacle of civilization. A monument to science, art, philosophy, and law. It is little wonder that it is known as the City of Light. Photep is your home. It has raised you as one of its own, regardless of whether you or those of your blood were born there. It has protected you, nurtured your talents, and now it will make you part of its legacy. For you are a Sorcerer, or at least, you soon will be.

Magic is a fairly common thing on the world of Ea. It suffuses the earth, the air, the seas, and every living thing that walks, swims, or flies. For this, Ea is both wondrous and dangerous. Strange beasts prowl the wastes outside the city walls, the weather is most vicious and unpredictable, and even the earth itself is known to upheave violently. It is little wonder then, why Photep may be the only city in all of Ea, and why it has become so great. Most people can, with practice, perform simple feats of magic. Before the founding of Photep, this was all people were ever capable of: petty witchcraft and parlor tricks. The Sorcerers of Photep are different; they cleave to the true magic, that which binds reality together, and decides the fate of men and gods. And in time, so shall you.

Today is the day of your commencement from the Pesedjet, the most prestigious learning institution in all of Photep. On this day, you ascend from your adolescence and begin your path toward maturity and mastery over magic. You and your fellow initiates will be inducted today into the Cults of Heka, the fellowships of Sorcerers that lawfully pursue the deepest mysteries of magic within Photep. You will be selected by a Sorcerer-Magus to begin your apprenticeship under their tutelage as Sorcerer-Novitiate, and be formally inducted into their Cult. From that point on, the Cult will be your home, your academy, your workplace, your family.

All stand ready. It is time for the commencement to begin. The five pyramids of the Heka provide no shade from Ea's harsh noonday sun, and a distant glimmer catches your eye. Standing high above all else, every tower and every pyramid, there it is: the Silver Tower. The symbol of he who has made all of this possible. The ruler and master of all of Photep since the day he founded it.

The Crimson King.

So this is a weird thing I've wanted to do for a while, and tried to do in 1x1s to little effect, as well as once before in Casual. The idea here is that your characters are sorcerers-in-training studying under the master sorcerers of the city of Photep. We're leaning heavily into a sort of magic-future version of Egypt/Persia, very Crystal Spires and Togas in terms of aesthetic. It's a utopia of learning and progress, an oasis in a harsh and dangerous world. Or at least, you believe it is.

Any returning players from the last IntCheck should feel free to post their characters again here.

I will consider the possibility of players getting to play as the Magus sorcerers, but that will depend on how well I know you, your work, and if I think you understand the feel and flavor of the world.

The extent of relevant worldbuilding I've done can be found here, but let me know if you have any other questions.

Here is a sample CS, I may or may not actually play this character, but still feel free to use it as a reference point for what I generally want to see.

And yes, before anyone points it out, I know that this looks a lot like a particular thing from a particular game. Just consider this a "school AU" version of that, and we'll leave it at that.

If anyone has any questions, comments, or interest, please let me know.
Mite b cool. I ponder though that Grey Knight may be rather dry characters to accurately roleplay, since they have their memories and personalities scrubbed as part of their initiation.
We just need a Mummy and Promethean to fill out our Universal/World of Darkness bingo card!

An alien and a robot would be cool too.
So it definitely seems like I'm going to be contributing the oldest member of the party thus far.

Something to the tune of 250 million years old.

CS forthcoming.
It was my impression that we were essentially representatives of our respective monster subcategories, without any particular loyalty to Dracula, beyond perhaps acknowledgement of his council.
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