Avatar of Dead Cruiser


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Current It's too late. Always has been. Always will be.
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Life is just death in drag.
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He has no friends, but he gets a lot of mail. I'll bet he spent a little time in jail.
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jesse i have no money for fuckijg bills and steam sales
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@Zyx An intrigue story set in Heaven's mean streets is something I would support.

@wikkit I guess it would be up to you how pervasive these effects are, and what effect (if any) their luck manipulation would have on the divine. If it isn't enough to completely protect them, what makes up the difference?
@Zyx "Peacekeeping" in a very loose sense of the word is probably what most Gods that live in Heaven are engaged in day to day. They are a fractious, overwhelmingly martial, and often short-tempered bunch, and duels among lesser Gods are a common sight. Minor Law Gods, Gods of Justice, Peace, and similar titles arbitrate disputes, end disturbances, and hunt down rogue Gods.


Their standards are are dependent on who/what they swear fealty to. Pantheons are alliances of gods, but function like competing gangs within the city/multiverse. Small pantheons are like street gangs. Larger ones function like the mafia. The biggest serve as the functional governments and organized religions in Heaven.

So it's fine to say "I'm the god of XYZ" but without support to back it up it's a quick way to becoming "god of being a dead asshole" while someone with connections loots your universe.

I hope I'm getting across what a ruthless place the center of the multiverse is. Literally everything is at stake.

With the seeing the future thing, there is no past or future in Heaven. Time describes a process that happens within universes, Heaven is explicitly outside of every universe. So she has a good motivation for leaving, but she would find her foresight useless within Heaven.

Seeing the future of the Multiverse requires perfect knowledge of everything that exists, as well as everything that does not exist. The last God that tried it had her eyes burn out of her skull.
@Zyx See above with mention to Gods. A description of what specifically your character does, and what they did to escape their world would be more relevant information.

Pretty much nobody cares what you get up to on your home World. If you start screwing people over in Heaven, then you tend to get your head cut off and universe annexed.
@wikkit I'll admit the first idea intrigues me, and would be an interesting piece in the overall puzzle. However, it isn't unheard of for freak accidents to thrust otherwise totally unprepared individuals into the role of being their world's New God. Often these people end up dead and more powerful Gods take over their territory.

The thing with being an actual, functional God (as the title is understood in Heaven) is that it basically means you have a job. There's a function you serve in Heaven's multiversal society, and what that function is typically describes what you are the "god" of. Many Law Gods, judges and other judicators, exist within Heaven. In fact there are multiple, competing "pantheons" which pay homage to different "supreme" deities.

@Zyx I'd pretty much handle it on a case by case basis. At the level our characters should generally be at, power is more of an abstraction.
@trenenp I can work with you on it if you can describe to me what aspects of Malice you consider most important to the character.

@wikkit I wouldn't say it's fantasy-only but a sci-fi styled character would basically be pushing into Clarke's Third Law territory to stay competitive.
Seems cool I could get into this. I need some action in my roleplay life.
The end result of someone better off writing fanfiction. I'll go ahead and plug my own RP at this time, which features multiversal travel and puts agency in the hands of the players.
Okay post is up.

The ship seemed to shift into red alert as the power dampeners failed, and all of the assembled teenagers had their superpowers return. Cautiously, Terra tested to see if she could fly again, and she gently rose a few feet off of the ship's deck. She clenched her fists and tensed her muscles, feeling her strength return, and unintentionally showing off her muscular Viltrumite physique through her skintight suit.

"Here's the welcoming party," she quipped as robotic sentries stormed in.

As they charged in, lasers blasting, Terra weaved and twisted through the air to avoid their laser-fire. There was no telling what they would do if they hit her. Getting close to one, it fired its laser at her at point-blank range, which scored a glancing blow against her shoulder. Terra braced herself, expecting her powers to disappear again, but instead found that it did nothing besides scorch her costume.

"Dampen this," she said as she clasped her fists together and swung them like a hammer into the robot's cranial unit. The thing was tough, but such a concentrated blow was overkill none the less. The force of the attack practically turned the robot inside-out, slamming its entire upper body down through its legs. A burst of machine-lubricant sprayed from the imploded droid, splattering across Terra like artificial gore.

Unflinching, Terra wiped the technological slime from her face and looked back to the others. "We'll need a contingency if your plan doesn't work. I'll fly to the bridge and see if I can get control of the ship from there. Unless you can breathe in space, those escape pods are going to be our last resort."

With that, she took off out of the cargo bay. The robots were tougher than the ship itself, and Terra tore her way through walls and bulkheads like they were made of cardboard. Any robots in her path she swung at while still flying at high speed, knocking their heads off their shoulders like whacking a mailbox with a baseball bat. While the ship was unfamiliar to her, it still obeyed basic design principles, and she found the bridge on the ship's highest deck. A single blow was enough to blast straight through the final bulkhead, leaving Terra alone in the bridge to face the robots that had been left behind to defend it.

"Knock, knock." Was all she said before diving in to battle them for control of the ship.
Mostly right now I don't feel like I have anything for Terra to do. Right now, given that's what everyone else is doing, Terra would be most likely to sit and wait for the Beyonder with America. I was going to have her try and smash up the ship, but that would now ruin the plan of turning the robots against the Beyonder. Regardless it seems like we're still just waiting for the "real" battle to start.

If you do happen to move the battle, I have an idea I think you'd like.
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