Avatar of DeadDrop


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7 mos ago
[@Punished GN] you taught me that lifting is important and you're the reason I'm jacked but what are you lifting...?
7 mos ago
The grass at Stockbridge academy.
1 like
7 mos ago
Alright I touched grass, now what ?
7 mos ago
Tap in little note, US army inspector general RP will blow your socks off.
7 mos ago
Knew a guy who loved dojacat. Big dojacat simp, after he found out she was 'possessed' it was over for him.


Hey what's up, my name is DeadDrop if you know me from RPG Guild then you know that I'm a true survivor. Maybe you roleplayed with me with on one of my successful roleplays series, or with me on another roleplay hosted by someone else. I have a way of presenting roleplay that is considered southpaw in traditional roleplay circles.

My favorite roleplays of all time would have to be the following:

BLEAK by @Mirandae.

Divinity Lost & Nightland by: @Poet & @Kino End (These are the same people).

...That's it, no runner up. I wracked my brain trying to find a third, but since Elron Koltrey is retconned well - guess we don't have a runner up.

Admittedly I trolled every roleplay I've been in on Guild up until a few years ago, I found none of them spoke to me and didn't treat them like they mattered. Only BLEAK and Nightland/Divinity Lost actually spoke to me, evoked emotion and made me think - of course the roleplays I'm still in do the same, and can't be added to the GOAT wall.

My current roleplays I'm enjoying and giggling in are:

𝔽𝕦π•₯π•šπ•π•šπ•₯π•ͺ: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕒π•₯ π”Ύπ•’π•žπ•– by: @Opposition

The Envenomed by: @LustForDecay

Besides those two roleplays, I'm pretty much inactive. Alot of my day to day is moved off away from the guild, and I come back to service the above roleplays with insane imagination, bravado and dedication. In real life I'm an insane go getter motivated by a passion to continuously win, here I'm just a laid back roleplayer.

When I look for roleplays I find myself drawn to sci-fi, big story arcs and something that makes me feel. Needless to say, you don't find that alot on guild anymore, just downbad 1x1s and GMs with deadly aim.

Thanks for visiting my profile, leave a comment show some love and stay creative.

Most Recent Posts

Fun rp but it wont be continuing from what I know, thanks for the rp regardless.
epic sign me up
Did the relations, the traits aren't subjective it's just what he thinks what traits describe them best in his mind.

I thought this was ooc
I'll do it tonight prolly.
Hope things get better man, they will.
"Evening Corporal." Private Patel says as Varrina strides past the two soldiers, Alex turns her head avoiding eye contact with the older Corporal. After she had left the two's vicinity Patel turned to Alex. "Who is that chick?" Patel pratically barked in Alex's face as he closed the distance between the two of them. "What? Do you think I know everyone here, do I look like the meet and greet of the RIC you fucking NJP magnet." She said spitting back at him. Patel started to laugh, turning towards the direction Varrina had just walked his eyes running up the Corporals body from afar. He then turned back to face Alex with a shit eatting grin "Hey, rate her." Throwing an thumb over his back towards Varrina.

Alex looked up at Patel before shaking her head, she crossed her arms under her mid section. "I don't rate girls you weirdo, and besides I didn't even look at her. My eyes were on my boots Patel." Alex began to inch away from Patel as they stood incredibly close, too close for her comfort obviously. Patel groans out in disapointment as he puts his hands on his head "No fun, at all. I say she is like a solid eight, she looks nordic - right?". Patel let out a sigh as he took his hands off his head "She looks really tiny to me, I dunno about Nordic maybe your aryan-vision is acting weird." Alex quipped as she stepped forward flicking his temple a few times as Patel swatted her hand away from his face.

"Fuck off, it isn't aryan-vision it's just my fuckin' primal alpha instincts at work." Patel jeered as he went to flex his meagre muscles, as the words echoed nearby some heads turned. Alex put her head in her hands as the second hand embarassment blew right into her, it would be only a matter of moments before some staff sergeant would come up and give them a hard time about yelling in the cyro chambers. If only there would be a shift where Patel could act normal or where no one could fuck up, the stress of it all seemed to weigh hard on Alex as she tried to keep things together. Most of the time, atleast. Patel looked around before he dropped his arms "Caught you staring there Lance?"

"No, the day you catch me staring is the day the President gets JFK'd" She blows hot air towards him as she exhales, sighing once again in annoyance. "JFK!? Hey don't talk about the president like that, no one knew that he would get shot. Besides, that day could come soon." He grins stepping closer again which resulted in Alex stepping away. "I really doubt it, you're more likely to get into your shell kill the entire company than get anywhere with me." Silence cut into the two's conversation as neither spoke for what would be an awkward minute between the two. "I dig the SS bolts on your shell, I'm thinking about getting two on my throat when I get out, heh."

"You do know those are Bentley's right, not mine. Y'know the second shift operator you're trying to pose as. I hope he wakes up, maybe I should wake him. I want to see you guys fight, like badly." Alex goes to look behind her, to the exit of the cyro chamber. Could she just leave? No, the shift was about to start anyway and if Bentley was up he'd crush Patel but the MPs would probably crack the entire squad, maybe the platoon aswell. She turns back to face Patel who has his chest puffed out, arms crossed and shoulders up. "Who - Bentley? You mean that pussy is trying to impersonate me. Sometimes I wonder if he is hiding out here somewhere, you know, I'm always around if he wants to settle things off base."

"Sometimes I wonder if there's something better than this." Alex mutters leaning up against Morrisions pod. If only it would open and decapitate Patel. Would the paperwork be worth it to see that? That train of thought was broken by Patel again. "I know you're a hardcore nazi, Blond hair, Aryan, German? That's three for three, Lance." Patel begins to crack his knuckles now as he looks around anxiously "Fuck, fuck I just wanna jump in - plug me in now! Fucking hell why can't we start earlier." He yells banging on Morrisions pod, again some heads turn to the two.

"I really love the night shift." Alex sarcastically remarked as she looked into Morrisions pod, and back to Patel. "That your boyfriend?" He smirks at her as she looks back to him. "Yea man, I like guys quiet and asleep."
kk I'll react later this weekend
All he saw was red.

The guards stormed Hall as he anxiously tried to escape the mob of prison guards. "Wait a second, I'm a redeemer! Fuck fuck fuck!!!" The guards start to pummel him as their feet and batons grace the man's skin. Bruising and bleeding him before the order from the captain halts their viscious assault, it wasen't a long beating but it was efficent. Hall laid still around the group of guards as they picked up the man's limp corpse, before dragging him off and away from the cafeteria of prisoners. The energy Hall once had was faded as the guards pulled the limp man along the dirty, wet floors of the cafeteria and into another hallway which led to the Eastern Wing where the soon-to-be-troops were stationed.

He is thrown into the cell by the guards, his face bloodied and bruised as he coughs and spits blood onto the floor. Some inmates around him decide that they don't want to catch whatever he has and they begin to walk away. He looked up to the woman who he saw volunteering, the one he saw when he was being dragged away. "You! Do you think you're rightful for the Emperor's army? Look at yourself, - you're a woman! Something weak... And fragile, you should be serving men such as myself." He wipes the blood from his broken nose and bruised lips. "You are nothing to me, the Emperor or these men and everyone here knows it. The only thing you will prove here is that you are good whore or that you make good fertilzer."

After his rant he went to go sit down on the floor, around the bodily fluids that he had so graciously brought into the cell with him. He crossed his legs together and puts his hands behind him to balance his stance. He looks up to the ceiling, observing the bleak and grey tiles that held themselves together above him. "You know, once we redeem ourselves I will be by the Emperor's side to continue the fight. What will you all be doing?" He says standing up putting his hands in the air. "Redemption!" He begins to chant "Reeee-dehm-shun! Reeee-dehm-shun! Reeee-dehm-shun! Reeee-dehm-shun! Reeee-dehm-shun! Reeee-dehm-shun!"
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