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Day 1 [Night]
Moderate Rain
Harold's Academy [Main Ballroom]
@Mirandae Tessa Vellhart
@Emeth Raffaella Struna

@Ti Anastasia Arslan
@Deja Kaspaan Mustaven


One boop to the nose and a lighthearted giggle after the fact, and the mild panic on Raffaella's face would give way to a sunny smile. Soon, however, she would remember her current plight. Her frantic countenance returned, prompting Tessa to bring her into a swift but gentle huddle that included Pooka. The gupoo made a noise somewhere between a whine and a croak, like if a frog could complain. If one didn't know any better, they'd think Pooka loved Tessa more than her owner, if she didn't always find herself floating her way back to Raffaella eventually.

"Tessa! Tessa!" she whispered urgently. "I was seen! Everyone saw me!" she emphasized, as if that were the worst thing that could have possibly happened. "And, and! Kasp asked me to dance!" she squeaked, her voice caught in a confused limbo somewhere between fright and excitement. "—but, I ran away... I don't know how to dance! I barely know how to fly! Tessa~! I don't know what to do..! What if he's mad?! What if he doesn't ask me next year?!" she fussed in hushed whispers. For some, it might have been hard to resist laughing at the girl, making a mountain out of a molehill—but to Raffaella, whose breadth of knowledge regarding high society and socializing therein made her feel like an ant walking among giants, the distance from where she stood to the top of that molehill must have appeared truly insurmountable. A mist formed in her eyes, her body tense, as though she were standing at the precipice of the island, looking down at the endless ocean below.

Tessa's face was a canvas of mixed emotions as she listened intently to Raffaella's frantic whispering. Her eyes were wide with genuine concern, but the corners of her mouth were turned up in an understanding smile. The little girl's worries seemed somewhat absurd to her, but she could see that they were very real to Raffaella. Tessa's heart swelled with a mix of joy and concern, like a parent listening to a child's first big worry. Tessa's eyes sparkled as she looked at Raffaella, her heart aching for the girl's innocence. She wanted to laugh, not at Raffaella but with her, to show her that everything was okay. But she knew that the situation was serious to the girl, so she controlled herself. Instead of laughing, she just smiled warmly, her eyes filled with love and understanding.

Still squatting before Raffaella so that they were at the same height, Tessa reached out and gently straightened some creases in the girl's dress. Her touch was soft and caring, and her extensive stiletto shoes kept her at eye level with the child, creating a connection between them. "Oh, sweetie, you don't have to worry about any of that!" she said, her voice filled with warmth and her smile shining brightly. She winked at Raffaella and continued, "It would be a tragedy if nobody saw you in this fabulous dress that you are wearing!" Her words were like a soothing balm, hopefully calming the girl's worries. Tessa stood up, towering over Raffaella at almost six feet tall in her shoes, a figure of grace and confidence. "And Kasp will understand. Besides, dancing is easy! Especially when flying," she said, her voice filled with encouragement. "Remember that 'sweet reward' I promised you for coming? Let's do it right now." Tessa giggled softly and reached out a hand to Raffaella, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Dance with me. I'll show you how, and then you don't have to worry anymore." As she spoke, her smile transformed into something more, something almost divine. It was a smile that radiated pure love and understanding, a smile like that of an angel, filled with grace and compassion.

Raffaella made a pouting face, as if to suggest that Tessa didn't understand her worries at all. The growing patch of pink, partly hidden and barely visible beneath her mask told a different story, however. "I look silly," she protested through her puffed cheeks, repeating the criticism she'd given to herself in the mirror earlier that night. Though Tessa wouldn't know it, this time she sounded a bit less sure of herself while saying it. Try as she might, Tessa's enthusiasm was infectious, and she'd eventually crack a shy little smile once Tessa offered her hand. With instinctive trust, she took it, before she really knew what Tessa was up to.

"D-Dance?! With—AHH!" she squeaked as the two of them flew up into the ball proper, Tessa's vitesse carrying them both away until Raffaella added her own to the equation. Instinctively, she reached for Tessa's other hand, and Pooka sailed away, emitting a chirping purr that could approximately be described as 'whimsical.' Raffaella, meanwhile, stammered and stuttered various discordant notes of concern as she twirled, bounced, and generally frolicked in the air, mostly at Tessa's mercifully gentle whims. "Okay, o~kay. I'm okay," she convinced herself breathlessly as she slowly acclimated to the weightlessness of the situation. "I can do this, I can do this..." She gasped as Tessa tilted her backwards. "Hi Ana!" she blurted out in urgent greeting, too caught up in the moment to worry about little things like what she might've thought of her dress.

The Ballroom was transformed into a magical sphere of excitement as Tessa and Raffaella took to the air. Tessa's eyes sparkled with joy, and her laughter was a melody that filled the hall as she guided her young student in a delightful dance. There was a graceful frolic in their movement, a symphony of arms and legs that played out in the air. Tessa's heart was light, filled with the sheer joy of teaching her student how to dance while flying. As they twirled and glided, Tessa explained the key to dancing in the air. "Focus on me, sweetie, not the surroundings. The flying will take care of itself," she said, her voice soothing and encouraging. She demonstrated what to do with her legs, emphasizing how dancing in the air was different from dancing on the ground. "It's all about the body and arms," she said, her voice filled with warmth and wisdom. Her eyes sparkled as she led Raffaella into a gentle twirl, their fingers barely touching, yet connected by a magical bond. "Ready for a twirl? Here it comes," she said with a radiant smile, her voice dancing with excitement. The twirl was perfect, and Raffaella pulled it off with grace. "That was great!" Tessa exclaimed, her face beaming with pride. Her heart swelled with happiness, and she could feel the joy of their dance spreading through the event.

Tessa's laughter was like a bubbling brook as she giggled at Raffaella's reaction to being tilted backward. Her eyes were filled with mischief and joy as she guided her student through the next steps. "Okay, cutie, let's practice letting go for just a second. Sometimes you let go of your partner to do some moves, and then you catch each other again. So, let's just do something simple like flapping our arms up and down two times, and then we hold hands again!" she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. Tessa counted loudly, her eyes locked with Raffaella's, making sure everything was super clear. "Here we go – 3… 2… 1," she said, her voice filled with excitement. Tessa's smile widened as her student mimicked the movements with their arms, and then they caught each other again, their hands fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. "Gooood! That was awesome! See? Not so difficult!" Tessa laughed heartily.

Raffaella couldn't help but smile. This... was fun. Tessa was right: if she focused on her partner, flying really did take care of itself. So long as the two of them kept moving together, other students faded into the background. Their dance was surely a spectacle, but everyone else was too absorbed in their own dance for Raffaella to really feel like there were eyes on her. Even the sensation of the heartstrings of everyone around her faded into obscurity within the flurry of movement, the flowing of the air, and the graceful fluttering of their dresses. "Ohmigosh! I love dancing!" she gushed, breathlessly. She truly lost herself in the moment, her smile giving way to genuine laughter. She was having so much fun, in fact, that when her mentor told her she was going to let go, she didn't even question it. She flapped her arms like a silly, overgrown bird, letting Tessa take back her hands when she was ready. "This is the best! You're the best, Tessa! Thank you so much! I never could've tried this on my own..." she trailed off bashfully.

The graceful dance in the air gradually descended until Tessa and Raffaella's feet touched the elegant Ballroom floor again. The magic of the moment lingered in the air, settling around them like a gentle mist. With a soft and caring smile, Tessa squatted down to be at Raffaella's level, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. Her hands, gentle and assured, straightened out any creases in Raffaella's dress, making sure that every fold was in its proper place. "Of course, sweetie – I'll always be here for you," Tessa said, her voice soft and reassuring. She gave her student a playful wink, her eyes twinkling with mischief and love. Her gaze then drifted over to Anastasia, and she nodded her head, a look of admiration and wonder in her eyes. "Maybe one day we can dance like that," she said, her voice filled with hope and aspiration. "I feel exhausted just looking at it!" she chuckled. Tessa slowly stood up again. "Anyway, I think I need to say hello to some people, but I'll see you soon again -- have fun, okay?" Tessa said, her smile bright and genuine, a promise of friendship and guidance that would always be there for Raffaella.

In OBLIVION 12 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
A faint whimper of agony, fragile as glass on the verge of shattering, escapes Hanna’s lips as Ivy's strong hands pull her up. This mere moment of pain unfolds like the fluttering wings of a butterfly caught in a storm, giving way to bewilderment that dances in Ivy's eyes. Ivy's touch is no ordinary sensation -- it is the warm embrace of a golden sunset after a relentless storm, a healing symphony woven by Hanna's newly bestowed power. This ethereal magic dances between their interlocked fingers, an invisible thread offering solace to both body and soul. “I didn't do anything, babe. You're just holding my hand because I'll literally fall down and die if you don't,” Hanna murmurs, her voice a chuckling stream over pebbles, light yet laced with an undercurrent of intrigue. “And what the Hell is wrong with your eyes?” she inquires, her gaze fixed on Ivy's eyes, now shimmering like pools caressed by moonbeams.

The question hangs in the air as Hanna observes her best friend, a painter contemplating an unfamiliar masterpiece. A moment stretches, time's heartbeat slowing, as the effect of Hanna's power takes its mystical course in Ivy, rippling like the reflection in a disturbed pond. Uncertainty gives way to a dawning realization, a connection forged in the crucible of shared experience. It is as if a dormant seed of understanding has sprouted, allowing Hanna to step into Ivy's very soul, to feel her heartbeat, her wonderment, her confusion. The sensation plays out like a cherished memory returning unbidden, a ghostly echo of a time forgotten. It is as if Hanna can hear Ivy's thoughts from long ago, her feelings a poignant song. “Did you eat ink or something? Wait, what? Has this happened before?” Hanna breathes, the words tumbling like autumn leaves in a playful wind, the mystery deepening.

Reality crashes like a breaking wave as Hanna lets go of Ivy's hand, sinking back to the ground. Her eyes, those windows to a soul now touched by the unknown, fixate on her friend. “What the fuck is this, Ivy?” she says, her voice a blade drawn for the first time in ages, its edge honed by confusion and distress. Her words dissipate into the chaos that has befallen the once-tranquil football field. The world around them has been sculpted anew by the mystical explosion, and the landscape transformed into a surrealist painting, vibrant and violent. The surroundings lie in ruin, shadows of their former selves, while the reunion scurry like frightened birds, their voices shrill cries of panic and shock.

CJ and Lucas are distant figures by the shadows of this now desolate place, phantoms in this altered reality. Hanna's eyes, wide with terror and disbelief, sweep over the field, a ship lost in a storm. “We're leaving? Shouldn't we wait for an ambulance or something? Fuck dude, this thing hurts.” Her words are stones thrown into a tempest, her annoyance sharpened by the gnawing pain in her leg and Luca's voice in the dark, speaking generally with Jack and Anni. With a grimace and a will tempered in adversity, Hanna reaches once more for Ivy's hand. Their fingers entwine, strength found in unity, as she stands, an arm finding solace around Ivy's shoulders. A quick, tender kiss lands on Ivy's cheek, a fleeting touch of humanity amidst chaos. “Sorry, babe, but this leg hurts like a mother fucker. I don't mean to be a bitch about it, though. Let's just get the fuck out of here.” Her voice is a plea, a siren call to escape this place of madness, to find sanctuary in the familiar, even as the unknown beckons with its seductive mystery.



ritman high [football field]
interacting with: Jack/@skidcrow Anni/@Kuro Ivy/@CaliforniaState
Day 1 [Night]
Moderate Rain
Harold's Academy [Main Ballroom]
@Mirandae Tessa Vellhart
@Emeth Raffaella Struna

@Silver Carrot Lhoren Ashdale
@LuckyBlackCat Sylvia Copeland


A tapestry of emotions flowed through Tessa as she watched her students, Lhoren and Sylvia, prepare to dance. Her heart danced to a rhythm of its own, a pulse of pure delight that resonated with the youthful innocence before her eyes. The glamorous world of high-end fashion, with its intricate designs and alluring beauty, had always captured her heart. But there was something utterly irresistible about these simple, sweet connections. They were like delicate flowers blooming in a grand garden, each one unique and each one precious. The words had left Sylvia's lips, and Lhoren's acceptance was conveyed not only through words but through the understanding in her visage. Tessa's eyes sparkled, reflecting the magical glow of the ballroom, as she observed the two young women. Her lips parted in a silent exclamation of joy, the happiness bubbling within her like champagne in a crystal flute.

"Sure. You two have fun!" Tessa cheered them on. The transformation of Sylvia's legs, the nervous touch to her nose, Lhoren's reassuring smile –- every detail was a brushstroke on a canvas that only Tessa could truly appreciate. It was a portrait of youth, a snapshot of a time when everything was new and exciting, a time of exploration and discovery. The sight was endearing, enchanting, and everything that Tessa loved about her role as a mentor. These were the moments that she cherished, the moments that brought warmth to her soul. They were a reminder of why she did what she did, why she devoted herself to nurturing these young minds. It was a dance of love, and Tessa was its devoted audience.

A voice, sweet and filled with innocence, cut through the enchanting melody of the Moonlit Masquerade Ball a mere second later. Tessa turned, her face a picture of curiosity, just as Raffaella's Gupoo, Pooka, softly bumped into her face. The touch was like a kiss from a butterfly, delicate and full of whimsy. A giggle escaped Tessa's lips, a sound that resonated with pure joy. Her hands, graceful as a dancer's, reached out and caught the Gupoo, pulling it into a gentle embrace. Pooka seemed to enjoy the affection, making a cute noise that was music to Tessa's ears. She planted a little kiss on the soft creature, feeling its warmth and remembering past times together.

As Raffaella approached, Tessa's eyes met hers, and she squatted down to be closer to the girl's height. Her face was aglow with a smile that was both loving and proud, and she held Pooka in her embrace, a symbol of the bond they all shared. “Oh, look how cute Ella is tonight,” she said to Pooka, her voice a soft caress, filled with admiration for the young teen's appearance. Pooka responded with a charming little noise, a sound that seemed to agree with Tessa's sentiment, even though it probably didn’t understand the words. The connection between the three of them was like a gentle breeze, a flow of understanding and affection that transcended the grandeur of the ballroom. Tessa's eyes were soft, her expression tender, as she looked at Raffaella, a young student who had found a place deep within her heart ever since that day.

Tessa gently extended her embrace to include Raffaella, and at the same time handed the Gupoo over to her student. “Is Pooka excited about the Ball, you think? She seems to be excited about something,” Tessa smiled. The scene was like a painting, a moment captured in time, filled with the gentle beauty of a mentor's love and a student's trust. It was a dance of its own, a dance of hearts, a testament to the magic of the Moonlit Masquerade Ball.

I'd like to remind everyone of the once-a-week posting speed that we set for this game. We're not going to start kicking people out left and right for minor infractions, of course. However, there's the issue of waiting and everything else being stalled, which leads to even more waiting. If you're having troubles for whatever reason, speak with us as soon as possible!
Day 1 [Night]
Moderate Rain
Harold's Academy [Main Ballroom]
@Mirandae Tessa Vellhart
@Silver Carrot Lhoren Ashdale
@LuckyBlackCat Sylvia Copeland


Tessa leaned in towards Lhoren, the melody in the mentor's voice underpinned by a hint of modesty yet laced with playful ripples, all enveloped in the delicate hue of her signature pink. "Oh stop, sweetie -- it was really nothing," she chuckled. Tessa had the propensity to blush like a cherry blossom kissed by the first rays of dawn when praised or even remotely appreciated. "If anyone is amazing here, then it's certainly you." Tessa radiated, happy to be back at the Academy again with her students. She swayed her hips subtly to the hypnotic rhythm of the music being performed. Her movements, just enough to rustle the layers of her opulent gown, mimicked a gentle breeze playing across a tranquil meadow. Her demeanor exuded an infectious effervescence, a liveliness and sparkle that could melt the most disciplined and hardened of individuals.

A torrent of affection coursed through Tessa at the sight of her Home Class students. It was a phenomenon that never seemed to stop, nor did she want it to. Tessa's attention turned to Sylvia, maternal instincts inherent to her mentorship role firing up in full. "Everyone made it out alright," she said, her lips unfurling into an inviting smile. Sylvia's comment about the smokey scent still clinging to her clothes inspired a delightful giggle from Tessa, her laughter a melodious lullaby floating above the music, symbolizing her casual acceptance of the situation. "Very eventful, indeed. Getting this dress on and running in these shoes was by far more dreadful!" Tessa exclaimed, her laughter cascading like a waterfall, underscoring the paradoxical reality where fashion posed a greater challenge than a brush with death. She playfully hoisted her dress to reveal her audacious stilettos, the glittering monstrosities adding a theatrical eight inches to her stature. "I really should’ve gone with different shoes," she mused, her laughter enveloping her words like a veil. The surreal struggle to maintain her rhythmic sway in her towering heels added an endearing charm to her persona.

"So, did y'all dance yet?" Tessa asked, her fingers effortlessly matching the pulse of the music, her movements a visual sonnet. "I should probably say ‘hello’ to everyone, but damn am I vibing with this – Upperton is such an icon, a great singer, and an amazing woman." Her words sang an anthem of admiration for the performing artist, her smile radiating a brilliance that matched the starry night.

Day 1 [Night]
Moderate Rain
Harold's Academy [Main Ballroom]
@Mirandae Tessa Vellhart
@Silver Carrot Lhoren Ashdale

@Ti Anastasia Arslan
@vietmyke Leah Clearwater
@Deja Kaspaan Mustaven
@Emeth Raffaella Struna
@Aeolian Petyr Nostradé


The percussive staccato of Tessa Vellhart's platform stilettos rang throughout the winding corridors of the Academy. Tessa was racing against the insistent hands of the clock, eager to mark her presence at the much-awaited Moonlit Masquerade Ball, the jewel in the Academy's social crown. A recent escapade on a skyship had delayed her arrival, punctuating her day with an unexpected tinge of danger. The flirtation with death had been a trifle too close for her taste, and the following plunge of the ship towards the Endless Ocean Below had given her an ample shot of adrenaline for the day. She had summoned a generous portion of her Vitesse, sparing no expense in the theatrics aboard the ship and during her subsequent return to the Academy. Exhaustion nipped at her heels, but it was a sensation she relegated to the mere physical realm. The tangible anticipation for the Ball and the prospect of seeing her beloved students cloaked in their finery eclipsed any weariness.

Clad in her signature pink, Tessa was a spectacle unto herself. Her gown, an extravagant masterpiece by Aurum Astra, rippled and rustled with her movements, billowing like a fairy tale spun from cotton candy. The dress' voluminous layers framed her delicate figure, its whispers accompanying each swish of her hips. Her feet, ensconced in towering stilettos adorned with twinkling glitter, added a staggering eight inches to her lithe form. The twinkle of pink and gold danced on her ears, courtesy of the intricate earrings, matching the ceremonial choker gracing her slender neck. Her nails and makeup bore the same hue, completing the charming ensemble. All of it was an ode to the fashion powerhouse Aurum Astra, a symbiosis between Tessa, the Academy's ambassador to the brand, and the brand itself, stemming from a beneficial sponsorship for the Moonlit Masquerade Ball. All items were loaned to her, while the students' outfits were provided at a significant discount, the Academy taking care of the financial aspects. Although, plenty of students chose their own means of fashion for the event.

As Tessa crossed the threshold into the Ball, the event was already in full swing. The golden glow of Penelope Upperton's performance bathed the hall, her majestic attire from Elara Lyra reinforcing her reputation as the brand's foremost muse. Despite her lateness, Tessa allowed herself a moment of unabashed admiration, the sight of Upperton leaving her momentarily awestruck. However, the mentor in her wrested control, her girlish fascination ceding way to her sense of duty. Swiftly, she composed herself, fixing any visible misalignments in her dress, patting her hair into place, and catching her breath before venturing into the thrumming hubbub of her students.

She moved like a specter among the ocean of bodies, her gaze darting among the students, the erstwhile mates who now looked upon her as a mentor. The lines of her authority, often blurred due to her past as a student herself, made the dynamics slightly awkward, but she navigated it with grace. Slipping through the crowd, she caught sight of Anastasia and Leah, their presence as conspicuous as Fire and Ice in the sea of faces. Further scanning brought her gaze upon Lhoren, who appeared to be searching for someone to interact with. As Tessa prepared to approach the young girl, her eyes fell on Kaspaan and Raffaella, their sight sending a frisson of pure joy coursing through her.

With a joyful “Hey hey!" her voice rang out above the steady click-clack of her heels. A soft gasp escaped Tessa as she took in Lhoren's outfit, “Oh gosh, she is so fabulous in all white." Tessa's hand reached out to touch the fabric of Lhoren's dress, her fingers smoothing out the slight creases, having to slightly bend her knees to adjust for the height difference between them. The warmth in her smile washed over the girl as Tessa indulged in her dual role of a mentor and friend, with grace and panache. "I'm soooo sorry I ran late --" Tessa's blabber machine fired up. "Petyr and I were on our way back to the Academy. And, there was this guy there, an old guy, who was, like, sick or something." Tessa took a step closer to Lhoren to be able to lower her voice a bit, although most of it would be concealed by the music. "And I kid you not, he was sneezing fireballs that set the ship on fire," Tessa's eyes widened in retrospective excitement and adrenaline rush. "Everything goes to shit, right, and there is this explosion, Petyr made a big hole in the side of the ship so we could escape, and then the thing went down and crashed in the Ocean -- it was totally insane." Tessa relished in the gossip chatter.


Going forward I think if I ever make another character I'll probably just run their appearance through either of you first lmao, save a bit of headache for all parties involved.

Absolutely! We're both incredibly huge Midjoruney sluts, so we'll happily create character images for you, from scratch if needed, or anyone here for that matter.
@Ebil Bunny
If I may humbly suggest something, letting @Aeolian answer the other Aeonheart-related details, whenever Manny reincarnates into a human form, what if it is a look-alike or at least similar in appearance to her original? I'll even generate new images for you whenever this happens. Because, there is a certain element to characterization and familiarity that is (sometimes, unfortunately) rooted in visual representation. This would also make it a lot easier for people to recognize Manny in a new form if the physical appearance (facial features) is somewhat reminiscent of the original.

This is not a must, of course! It's just a suggestion to help with character cohesion. Take it in, think about it, and that's it :)

Hello All,

Today is the day to go over the character sheets that need some relatively minor changes before we can approve them. Aside from @Alfhedil, whom we've already discussed with in private, please look at the required adjustments for your character and make the necessary changes to your character sheet. Please resend your revised character sheet to @Aeolian in PM or repost it in the OOC thread by EOD Sunday Jul 2, EST.

@Alfhedil Go ahead and move your character sheet over to the character tab. Once your character art is done, you can add it retroactively; that's when we'll make the character blurb for Corrina too. Aesthetically, it doesn't work without the character art. lol Thanks!

House of Harold
@Crimson Flame
Taegan “Tae” Granlock

1. The reputation section should be 1 to 2 well-written paragraphs, so please expand on this.

2. Expand the goals section to a few more sentences. Gives us more insight into what Tae wants to accomplish, whether that be during his time at Harold's Academy or after graduation, and why?

3. Expand the "Mystic Code" section to at least a paragraph. Give us more details about what his light manipulation can do.

Ezekiel Seganal

1. Your character art isn't working. If you need help finding suitable art, let @Aeolian or @Mirandae know.

2. Please resubmit your character sheet with the proper formatting, as seen in the original character sheet template. In our rules, we're pretty upfront about maintaining aesthetics. It's okay to add creative elements to your sheet like some other players did, but stripping most of the original aesthetic elements from the sheet without adding creative details is not permissible for us.

3. Please expand the Appearance section to a full paragraph.

4. Remove the "At least four...must take Sustain Flight" text from the Classes section.

5. As discussed with @Aeolian in PM, please make the necessary changes to your character's gift, as Vitesse Nullification is not permissible.

6. You will need to change part of your history to reflect the changes made to your gift.

Aurora Celeste

1. Your current art for your character doesn't match the aesthetic of this RP. Please choose an art style similar to what the other characters have, which you can find under the Character tab. If you need help with suitable art, reach out to @Aeolian or @Mirandae

2. Please include a paragraph about your character under their image. This "Appearance" section is stated in the character sheet template.

3. Please resubmit your character sheet with the proper formatting, as seen in the original character sheet template. In our rules, we're pretty upfront about maintaining aesthetics. It's okay to add creative elements to your sheet like some other players did, but stripping all the original aesthetic elements from the sheet and leaving it bare is not permissible for us.

4. Please change the classification of her gift to Astra. Molecular acceleration is not an elemental gift.

House of Seraphine
Lucius Kree

1. Lucius is approved if you remove the precognition gift. We feel as though the precognition is tacked onto a powerset, especially since he already has two gift, telepathy and mediumship. Precognition is a powerful gift by itself, and on it's own, that might have been acceptable, but in addition to two other gifts, it feels displaced and can cause some issues with the creative narrative process. Let's just have him stick with the telepathy and medium.

Beatrix Gyre

1. Please resubmit your character sheet with the proper formatting, as seen in the original character sheet template. In our rules, we're pretty upfront about maintaining aesthetics. It's okay to add creative elements to your sheet like some other players did, but stripping all the original aesthetic elements from the sheet and leaving it bare is not permissible for us.

2. Your appearance section under the character photo is only one sentence. We would like you to put in a little more effort here and expand it to at least one paragraph (4-5 sentences).

3. Please expand your goals section to several sentences. Again, lets put a little more effort here and let us know what motivates your character. Why does she want to be known far and wide?

@Ebil Bunny
Manny Ryi

1. After some delegation, we ask that you remove the teleportation aspect of her gift. Not dying (reincarnation) is pretty powerful by itself, plus you can shapeshift into different animals; that seems pretty sufficient for a Mystic gift. The teleportation element seemed more like a tacked-on gimmick that doesn't really have anything to do with reincarnation. Plus, teleportation would be an Astra gift, not Somatic.

2. Please clarify what you mean by "if her aeonheart is triggered with". We didn't quite understand with this meant. What are some examples of this that you thought of?

3. Is this character unrecognizable to other people every time she reincarnates? Please clarify that.

4. So we assume that the image in her character profile pic is her "base form". Please clarify whether she does, or rather, can she ever go back to her base form. This kind of plays into the 3rd bullet above, but informs us on whether the other players can ever recognize her whenever she reincarnates into a new form, whether human or animal.
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