Avatar of Deadlyrose9641


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2 yrs ago
Current To all my partners, Father’s Day plans today so no replies till tomorrow or Monday thanks for the patience
3 yrs ago
To all partners waiting on replies, I have come me down with something , so I won’t be posting rn. I’ll keep you updated and in the loop
4 yrs ago
Welp I’m back. Sorry for leaving without warning to all my partners
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4 yrs ago
Guild seems quiet today
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4 yrs ago
My roommates dog has broken two glass tables now... Pitbulls
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<Snipped quote by Migyudon>

You can come sit with Alex, Viola, Melody and Luna.

OOC: yeah feel free to hop in with us

Luna: Oh no more people to scare me

...I think I found Viola's new waifu best friend.

I for one love her.

And welcome to the guild, by the way!

I've been replaced
Luna was surprised by the kind gesture of her jacket, which she put on immidaitely, and was even more shocked by Viola speaking out for her. She had never had anyone do that, atleast no one she wasn't paying to do so, which she was never truly fond off, she new her staff hated her, which never sat well with her. She sat down after being forced into the Mess Hall. "I, Well, i don't know why you keep referring to me having feline features,I'm almost certain that i have none, nor have i exhibited any actions that may be misconstrued as that of a cat." she said still puzzled by Viola's names for her and the boy. She found herself sitting next to Viola, which some how made her feel at easy, she took her hand and firmly held a piece of Viola's clothing. "th-thank you, I do not turn invisible though, i simply displace the light around me, to create the illusion of my disapearance, like this," she said as she grabbed an apple, in her hand in plain sight before it seemingly vanished from thin air, she then took her hand and took a bite out of it, before revealing it again, She moved her body back for a second before bumping into another student, She turned quickly, "I-I'm sorry about that." she said as she sat back down, and looked at the others around her, "th-thank you for the jacket,"
Everyone Pick a Number From 1-9 !

And no, I will not be answering questions why.

I wrote a post half under the assumption you followed Melody and went along with her to sit with Viola, if you didn't, I'll edit a bit.

Works for me ^.^
The struggles of wanting to type a post, but also wanting to wait for the others posts to help make your own better.
@TheHangedManhappy birthday ^.^
You guys should have said so I would have changed lol
I will fix it sorry haha@Rune_Alchemist

*All done Hope that's better ^.^
Also should i switch my color, is it too hard to read?
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