Avatar of Deadlyrose9641


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2 yrs ago
Current To all my partners, Father’s Day plans today so no replies till tomorrow or Monday thanks for the patience
3 yrs ago
To all partners waiting on replies, I have come me down with something , so I won’t be posting rn. I’ll keep you updated and in the loop
4 yrs ago
Welp I’m back. Sorry for leaving without warning to all my partners
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4 yrs ago
Guild seems quiet today
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4 yrs ago
My roommates dog has broken two glass tables now... Pitbulls
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Luna felt nervous all the sudden, but she tried to shirk it off. She continued to listen to her new friends share pleasantries, with the newest addition, Abi. She kept herself quiet as not to interrupt anyone, not to mention she felt more comfortable hiding in the conversation, just listening, observing. "D-Death Knight?" she said in response to Viola referring to him. She knew she didn't want to get close to him, he seemed like the kind of man her father would be proud to know. She watched as Melody got up, stupid bravery. She obscured herself, and followed. Meldoy had gone out of her way to be nice, so Luna wasn't gonna take any chances, and she knew she would be useless from far away.

"C'mon guys, break it up! The year's barely started, do you really need to do this"

Luna thought to herself, Oh No Melody, know isn't the time to be meddling, They must call him the Death Knight for a reason! She looked in horror as the large man touched her friend, but almost instantly the hand was removed, this was her chance, She revealed herself for a second, she placed her hand on the small of Melody's back, and Screamed in terror, "B-BANISHMENT!" before, Zip!

Luna found herself in a familiar place holding melody in her small arms, she was breathing heavily, a full banishment of two people was difficult, and holding her here for long would be even harder, the banishment zone of hers was simply a pocket dimension, it was pitch dark, yet strangely full vision, of the endless void of darkness. As if the endless hall was painted black, there was just nothing. She looked at Melody for a second, "I-I'm sorry, Are you ok, I know i shouldn't have banished you without permission, i was scared." She held melody tight for a moment, as a Psuedo-teddybear replacement.

If you actually read all that then you deserve this,

now to get to the fun stuff

I'm really in the mood or a pokemon RP this doesn't have to be adult themed if my partner doesn't want it to be, with two trainers going on an adventure togethor, maybe they are already on a journey, so we know eachother a bit, and have decent pokemon Ex. four badges kinda area, no mega evolution, 3-5 pokemon, maybe six if one or two are weaker kinda thing

if anything sounds fun feel free to PM me
where have the men of this RP run off two?
"What did you mumble, Mandy?" Amy asked as she moved closer to the counter again. "And what did she want, you guys didn't seem to get along, which makes no sense , since you just so cute." she said laughingly as she reached out and scratched Mandy's arm.
Amy looked at the two of them for a moment before backing away from the counter to a chair near by, to watch the two go at it, she would have bet money this wouldn't end all too well.
@Rune_Alchemist @Natsu @HeroicSociopath @Migyudon

Luna looked uneasy as it seemed Viola was insulting Melody for a moment, "D-Do I really come off that negative? if so I'm rather sorry, I wouldn't say its negativity, just a lack of light. One must adhere to the shadows." she took a small bite from an apple. She didn't seem interested in any of the other food, maybe because she wasn't, but she maintained a steady pace on her apple, just one would probably be good for breakfast, but she considered snagging another for later, it was sorta all you could eat, so she didn't see any harm in that. "To answer your question, I'm fine, but thank you anyways melody." she looked at no one reacting to her voice for a moment, as she realized there was a new person among them, who was already talking, which over shadows the quiet tones of Luna's voice. She grew up alone, with people who had to listen to her, so she never developed a tendency to speak loudly, it would have been unnecessary at the manor, and her father would have hated it, not like she cared about his opinion anymore.

""H-Hi, I'm Luna..." she said quietly trying to introduce herself to the girl before she moved her head behind Viola, nervously avoiding eye contact, almost pathetically trying to hide herself. She couldn't understand why so many people where here, to many people it frightened her a bit, she wanted human interaction, but not this much this fast per say, She considered leaving and finding her room, it would be quieter there, she could listen to music. Wait! She thought, I have my headphones on already
She moved her hand and turned on her MP3 to a low volume, it didn't drowned out noise, just gave her something to focus on when she felt uneasy.
<Snipped quote by Migyudon>

You can come sit with Alex, Viola, Melody and Luna.

OOC: yeah feel free to hop in with us

Luna: Oh no more people to scare me

...I think I found Viola's new waifu best friend.

I for one love her.

And welcome to the guild, by the way!

I've been replaced
Luna was surprised by the kind gesture of her jacket, which she put on immidaitely, and was even more shocked by Viola speaking out for her. She had never had anyone do that, atleast no one she wasn't paying to do so, which she was never truly fond off, she new her staff hated her, which never sat well with her. She sat down after being forced into the Mess Hall. "I, Well, i don't know why you keep referring to me having feline features,I'm almost certain that i have none, nor have i exhibited any actions that may be misconstrued as that of a cat." she said still puzzled by Viola's names for her and the boy. She found herself sitting next to Viola, which some how made her feel at easy, she took her hand and firmly held a piece of Viola's clothing. "th-thank you, I do not turn invisible though, i simply displace the light around me, to create the illusion of my disapearance, like this," she said as she grabbed an apple, in her hand in plain sight before it seemingly vanished from thin air, she then took her hand and took a bite out of it, before revealing it again, She moved her body back for a second before bumping into another student, She turned quickly, "I-I'm sorry about that." she said as she sat back down, and looked at the others around her, "th-thank you for the jacket,"
Everyone Pick a Number From 1-9 !

And no, I will not be answering questions why.

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