Avatar of Demon Shinobi
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Post by tonight!!
Char wouldn't give up so easily lol
Stubborn bastard that one.
So Happy New Year!!

Also, I FINALLY got a post up. Here's hoping its not too late lol

• Chihaiten Academy, Sakai (Japan) •

It was a morning like any other. At least, that was how it had started off. Right now, as far as Isamu Yukimura was concerned, it was the most stressful morning of his life. A mix of anxiety and excitement had kept him awake almost all night.

"Ohnoohnoohno!" Isamu repeatedly shouted as he ran out of his house, his uniform in disarray and his bag half open. How could he have ended up so late? What had happened after he managed to really fall asleep? Didn't mom try to wake him? Dad? No... It was his own fault. He had stayed up late and he had eaten so much in his nervous stupor that once he had fallen asleep he'd slept through his alarm. That was on him. Now he was on his way to school though. He was from Sakai, only a few wards away from where the school was located. So, if he was lucky he would make the last train so he could possibly be on time for the opening ceremony.

Isamu ran as fast as his short legs would carry, but just as he reached the station he felt a sudden lightening of weight. Throughout the course of his run, it seemed, the zippers of the bag had become looser and looser until finally everything inside fell out onto the platform. He gasped, scrambling to try and pick it all up just as the train began to close. "Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap--" he repeated as he jammed everything into the bag and forced it shut only to turn to the sight of the training pulling out of the station.

"That was the last train for thirty minutes." Isamu was dejected to say the least. What kind of impression would he make as a hero if he couldn't even be on time for the first day? The idea of heading back home crossed his mind, but he shook his head. "Alright! So I'm a little late. I'll start living in the dorms soon. So, it won't happen again." He said trying to keep his morale up. He'd initially been against the idea for fear of being away from home, but his mother and father had managed to convince him with help from his sister. They would be sending some of the essentials soon, but he was good otherwise. At least that's what he wanted to say. Isamu's troubles were just getting started.


After waiting for the next training and getting on he was finally almost at his stop. The young boy rushed out as soon as the doors opened and pressed forward to his new school. He was late... so... SO LATE.

"Maybe I can at least get to class!" He spoke to himself as he came upon the campus. He had definitely missed the opening ceremony. There was no way he hadn't. He entered the school to a mass of empty hallways. He was like a chicken without a head, scurrying about with no real destination. That is until a teacher found him. After a brief scolding along with a trip to the headmistress. He was given the information he needed and after a few bows and apologies he was on his way to class. Things seemed to have been, mostly, settled and class was underway, to an extent. He takes a breath standing at the door.

"Okay... Just walk in." Isamu wasn't sure if he could do that. He was late. He wanted to open the door. He reached out, but pulled back. He turned away from the door and then back. He turned away again and then back. He steeled his resolve. He turned the doorknob. And finally, pushed the door open. And yet, as he pushed the door open and lifted his foot and tripped moving forward. He literally tumbled in, rolling across the floor and into a desk with a loud yelp and a grunt.

"Um... Hi..." He groaned as he rubbed his head, sitting on the floor of the classroom before a class of what were effectively giants and a few individuals who at least stood above him height wise.
So truuuuuue
Merry Christmas to all of my players! I give unto you 1000 xp to spend anyway you like! ;)

Someone whispers in ear from just off screen.

Really? Oh. Ok. Well I have just been informed that this isn't a game that involves xp progression, meaning my gift is null and void. Huh. You'd think I should have known that, since it's my game and all. Oh well. Still, a very happy celebration and holiday to you all!

Aaaaaayyyyy!!! You too brotha.
Looking forward to the continuance of this fair story.
even though I definitely still have to post on other rps
You guys are great and you have been great, and that's great. Lol
Wafer D. Kite - An Official Introduction? Wafer D. Kite.

Kite had been caught midair. He thoughts he was dead for sure and yet, somehow he survived. He took a deep breath relishing the sight of a battered Krabbe and a flying shrimp. The crew who'd been battling with Krabbe seemed to be making their way off the ship and onto their own. Most of them anyway. He chuckled at the one liner given by the... child? He wasn't sure. Everything was happening in succession. He just wanted to sleep.

"I can't yet..." He paused and pushed himself to his feet. He grit his teeth. It hurt to move. This was it. Krabbe was on the floor. He made sure to pick up his wrenches. He began his walk toward the downed man as what seemed to be the captain of the pirates did the same. "I have to..." He staggered a bit. He needed to finish Krabbe off; like the wannabe crustacean had done to the shipwright's crew. He stopped moving not far from where Cedric and krabbe were. Kite gave the deck of the ship a slight knock with one of his wrenches. He used it to stay upright, but also to garner the attention of the fellow pirate.

"Excuse me." Kite spoke in a hushed tone. "I know you don't know me. But I'm Wafer D. Kite and I helped fight with your crew." He gave the briefest explanation he could. "That being said... I have unfinished business with the Krusty Krabbe here." He was beaten, bruised, and bloody. Still, he was on his feet, though he looked like he could hardly stay on his feet much longer. It was a wonder how he thought he would be finishing the man off at all. "He took something dear to me and he's gotta pay." He had to force the words out. Things were getting blurry. He fell silent. That was all he had to say. He hoped the Pirate captain wouldn't try to stop him. He didn't have the energy to fight or argue anymore. He just wanted to be done with it and maybe fall in the sea god willing.
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall
Interacting With: Sasha, Amaya, Lazarus and Shujin, Ferrin, Joshua, and Trinity(?)

@Caits@Roseletta@YipeeXD@Joshua Tamashii@CirusArvennicus@Crimson Raven

The idea of more dragons was somewhat baffling for Zero. Zenoram relished the idea himself. To know that there was a possibility that there were more of the supposedly extinct race was exciting. And yet, as far as Zero was concerned, it was odd. Wouldn't Hemlock have come across another? Or Aurora? Even with magic involved shouldn't this have caused problems much earlier. "Something to do with Dragons, huh?"

I don't like the sound of this.
You never like the sound of anything.
Not true.
So true.
I'm being serious.
So, you don't wanna go?
No. We're definitely going. It's just really weird.
We don't have all the facts though.
Lets just focus on something else.

"Kek," Zero laughed with a small grin as he came back to his senses hearing what was going on. So many people had joined the conversation, but hilarity had indeed ensued. There was a bit of verbal threatening. Always fun. There was what seemed like fear or anxiety over the thought of dragons. Expected. And then there was this thing between Amaya and her apparent beau. "Tried to tease her and it backfired huh?" He asked with a small chuckle.

Don't be a jerk.
I should ask something else.
You're not even listening.

"Good job, Mr. Bodyguard." He said with a slightly larger laugh before turning his focus back to Sasha.

Oh yeah.
You're gonna cause trouble.

"When do we leave? And where do we meet?" He asked the girl. he would need time, even if only a little, to gather a few of his belongings, but even if there was none, he could use the payment from his last job to pick up a few impromptu things.

@floodtalon@Old Amsterdam@Demon Shinobi@Leaves@BCTheEntity@Spiffy@yoshua171 Basically everyone that isn't Gard, we're now at the 7 day mark since the last GM update and only one person has posted. This makes me a saaaaaad panda. But t's the holiday season, so I get it. Now I know Spiffy and Yosh have both said probably Tuesday will be when they can post, so that's that. OA wants to wait for some others to post, ok. Aaaand BC has said that he's waiting for Leaves because what goes on with Feya will determine what Dirk does. That's everything that I recall from what people have said to me, so if anybody else has anything else to tell me, please inform me of your status. I would be most appreciative.

I'm really sorry. I thought I'd told everyone, but I guess I forgot to let you know.
Finals came. Extra work cause of the holidays. A lot of stuff. I should be free by tomorrow night.
I don't wanna promise a post. But Wednesday at the latest.
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