Avatar of Demon Shinobi
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• Namimori Town •
{We should think of a date}

Mamoru growled, no visible change in reaction to his childhood friend now being naked. As she came at him his drones fired beams of energy at her to help slow her down. With that distraction he leaped over her using a blast from his gloves to propel himself, and a much weaker form of the gravity manipulation typically expected of the Simon Gauntlets adorning her hands to control his trajectory. He did say he had been using knock off after all. As he used the gloves to land himself on the wall behind Ringo he pressed one down and lifted the other. He aimed a blast at her from behind and fired.

As he did so his drones began to circle her are amazing speeds. If this was all she had, he'd be severely disappointed after they finished. Of course, only after he got over her being naked and got her some clothes. He face would probably be as red as the storm flame, if not more so. But for now, he was gonna win. All he really had to do was knock her out of Dying Will Mode.

• Planet Balsora •
Age 762 (Date Unknown)

Arkos listened calmly, offering a small nod to the information he was given by the native. "Thank you," he said with little to no worry in his voice. He couldn't help but chuckle at the actions of the companion of the apparent female he'd been speaking to. She seemed a little more cautious, no doubt a tad more knowledgeable of the PTO. Still, they were not the average PTO legion. Albeit, in name, even if that were all one were to consider, they were much worse. There lord, were he calling the shots, would likely have called for the extermination of the planet without a second thought.

However, they had neither the man power nor the present resources to handle such a task. Still, something felt off about the information he was getting. But if Glaceo wanted to move on, he'd do just that. "That all being said," he began as he glanced around before continuing, "could you give me the coordinates to the home of the ruler of this world?" Arkos didn't expect to get an answer so simply. "Even if you don't have such exact information, simply pointing me in the right direction would be helped." He added after a brief moment of contemplation on the matter.

New Arrival

> Planet Balsora <
Still... The Beginning
@CaptainSully@Archmage MC@Weird Tales

As the rebel meeting continued soon a new alert would blare through the meeting place. If they had been wondering why nobody else had been showing up, it was because they may have been busy. On the other side of the planet, other PTO pods had been spotted. As they plummeted to the planet one of the pods crashed through a large building on one of the moving cities. These pods, and the armor of the individuals in them, however, bore the insignia of Cooler. The Brother to the self-proclaimed "Galactic Emperor" Frieza and arguably more controlled of the two. Even so, within each army were oddballs. This force was had taken inspiration from the Ginyu Force. Though still fiercely loyal to Cooler, they took the words "by any means necessary" to be the most important part of their orders. It was always a good excuse to just begin with an attack. Get antagonized and give a reason for why and how it came about genocide to commandeer the planet.

"So much for the element of surprise." One of the individuals, a large humanoid snake like being with red scales said as he exited his pod.

"And who's fault is that." Another voice, from a female anthropomorphic cheetah like being, rang out soon after. the bickering would continue as the five finally emerged and gathered, staring down the city which had stopped in its tracks after the sudden crash and arrival of unknown visitors.

Looks pretty awesome man. I’m definitely interested!!

• Namimori Town •
{We should think of a date}

Mamoru chuckled at Ringo's excitement as he surveyed the training room and placed his bag on the ground. "Before we worry about the gifts, I wanna see how you've been doing. I'm getting pretty good as controlling Dying Will Mode myself. I can even sustain it for longer than 5 minutes too." He boasted proudly as he began to reach into his bag. "Of course, I haven't been able to properly manifest the Simon Gauntlets. I've been working with knock offs." He said as he slipped a B-rank ring onto his finger. He pulled his headphones out of his bag and put them over his ears. "But once I master using the Simon Ring, I'll kick some major ass. For right now, everything's just a fraction of its true strength."

The young mafioso grinned at his friend and even pull out to odd looking machines. They looked like they were pulled out of a video game or something. "Activate." He said softly. Soon they whirred to life and began to hover around him. "Now, I'm assuming you've been getting shot left and right by a certain little person. But since he's away on business, I'll lend you this." He pulled out a small pill container and spilled two into his hand. He held it out. "Take one. But remember the rule. Make sure you've got a damn good goal in mind." He instructed her before taking his.

He was silent for a moment before he released a loud roar like yell. His face became much more aggressive and angry and the flame of dying will appeared on his head. It's likely his clothes may have been destroyed had he not already received a special set of flame resistant clothing. "I'm gonna kick your ass with my dying will!!" He seemed more in control than was expected for Dying Will Mode as he clenched a fist, now covered in a black gauntlet. Still, he was yelling and ready to attack all the same. Thus, without another word he charged forward heading directly for his childhood friend.
Zenoram and Zero

> On the Boat to Tenrou Island <
Phoenix Wing
@Silver Fox@Crimson Raven@Burthstone@MarshiestMallow

Zenoram must have opened his mouth to speak 6 different times throughout the course of his meeting with Karn. The young man was so energetic, Zenoram had almost forgotten it. He loved it though. A nice change of pace from the loneliness and gloominess of just about everything else he and Zero began to feel, though Zero would never have admitted that. Still, it was something of a treat to see Karn so energetic. So energetic even that his motion sickness of before had been superseded by that excitement. Even more hilarious, even prompting a laugh from Zero in the mind of the two was was Karn licking the utterly confused Ferrin.

"You've been through a lot, huh?" Zenoram said with a soft smile as Karn came back to embrace him once more. He was a bit weaker so he spoke at a slower rate. "Me and Zero started taking jobs. One after another in fact. The brief periods of time we were here was taken up by him training with Damian. Or me talking with Damian." He sighed. "I missed you. But I guess the alone time was important." He crossed his arms and looked away for a moment as he released Karn. "Anyway..."

Before Zenoram could continue Ferrin spoke.
"Exactly how many people am I talking to right now?"

"Tell him 8."
"Stop, don't be mean."
"He had a sword pointed at Karn."
"I thought you didn't care."
"Um... I don't. I just know you care."
"Hehe you're a tsundere."

Zenoram laughed a bit aloud before opening his mouth to speak. However, before he could reply Jamie came over. She replied first much to his surprise. "You used to be more than one too?!" He burst out, his head turning sharply to meet the eyes of the young(?) woman. He smiled brightly as he stepped up close to Jamie, clearly much faster than he should have as he quickly felt lightheaded. He stumbled back a bit catching himself on the rail of the ship.

"Zenoram you've gotta be careful."
"Y-yeah... Sorry..."
"I know you don't get as bad as me, but it still effects you."
"R-right. I just..."
"I know. You got excited."

Zenoram took a breath and straightened himself. "Ahaha," he chuckled softly as he turned back to Ferrin and said, "me and Zero are here." The young man made it seem so simple and matter of fact. "But... We're not... The same." He spoke in increments visibly trying to figure out how to word it. Zero was always so blunt, but he hated his motion sickness and wouldn't come out for anything on the boat, barring protecting Zenoram or one of the others he actually cared about. "He showed up when I was little. I guess... Something like a weird... Personality thing? We don't know. It's not quite that easy. And sometimes it feels like more than that. But even so, there are two of us. And if there are two of Karn... Then it's four?" He said a bit unsure. He could have been wrong after all.
Wafer D. Kite - Ready to eat? Not now you aren't!

Just like that, the crew was surrounded by clear skies and deep blue water. He smiled as he released his grip on the newly fixed crossbeam of the mast and sat up. He took a breath as he untied himself and look out over the sea surrounding them. The Grand Line. In just the short period of time he'd seen so many new things, in just the crew itself. And now, who knows what he might see or find. He took a second to stand up and took another deep breath. "WE MADE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!" Kite's excitement was very clear in the tone and sound of his shout. He couldn't help in voicing his happiness. This was something he'd dreamed of for ages. The only thing that could make this better was sailing the rest of the world on a ship of his own design. He walked to the center and placed his hand on the mast.

"Even if the best I get is being allowed to keep you running, I'll push you to travel the world." Kite had a dream. He wanted to fulfill it, but it wasn't his place to make such a decision anymore. It was Captain Boone's. And a portion of a dream for a family, that was something he was willing to trade. "And I'll get back to mom safe and sound." He concluded his miniature promise to himself before using the rope he's previously tied himself to the mast with to descend.

Once he reached the deck he was met by Bonesword as Boone set up what was essentially a lunch time meal with the crew they'd almost hit. "Aha, right, I guess I did kind of come out of nowhere." He chuckled at the comment about proving himself. "BUT! Since we're together now we should totally get to know each other more. Greahahahahahha! After all you can't be a family if you don't know each other." It didn't hurt that he thought everyone was cool as all fuck. "And don't worry. I'll handle the anchor," he said with a small smile as he turned and walked to anchor the ship as per the Captain's orders and Bonesword's request.

As soon as the anchor was in place and the ship was set still in place he turned and clapped his hands together. "Greahahaha! Time to eat! I am-" It was at this moment that Slick burst through the deck of the ship. Kite was dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react. That is, until it finally hit him. This was something else he had to fix. And even more than that, he had to inspect below deck for damage. Having survived Reverse Mountain didn't mean a thing if the ship sank while they ate. Even worse if it was literally the second they'd reached the Grand Line.

"C-captain..." Kite began in a dejected tone, barely speaking up loud enough to be heard. "I think I'll stay behind to make sure I clean up the mess... Slick..." he paused. Was anybody gonna stop him? This most certainly wasn't good. Even so, he began to get to work on his fixing of the ship. He had his pride as a shipwright if nothing else at this moment.
Zenoram and Zero

> On the Boat to Tenrou Island <
Phoenix Wing
@Silver Fox@Crimson Raven@Burthstone

After all was said and done Zero had left the guild. Maybe it was the focus on getting ready, or the need to get something in his stomach after his last job. Perhaps it was letting Zenoram take over to get them home and to pack accordingly, but they'd just narrowly missed Karn and Mithera, if they'd even stopped by the guild. Still, the two had gathered a few things: food, a change of clothes and a few other things the two could easily carry in a single bag on their person. Zero took a back seat this time around at least until they reached what appeared to be the boat.

Okay, here we are. Zenoram smiled as he spoke to Zero within the confines of their mind.
Geez, we could have been late.
I was paying attention to the time.
You were in the showered for like an 30 minutes.
We were so dirty!
And you never clean right.
I'm gonna regret this, but stop...

Zenoram was pulled back as Zero took control. It was a fucking boat. Hurray. He hadn't been comfortable on one of these in years. Still, that wasn't it. He had felt something. Right now, he was smelling something though. It was as he thought. He hadn't been able to hear or smell before as the people gathered. Zenoram had been just on time, but even resting in their mind, he could feel the magic. Something was odd about it, but he'd felt Karn's. He was better at picking up on these things than Zenoram, even if only slightly, but in order to know he had to use his nose. That was Karn. And Mithera was here.

Ow... Zero winced. Fuck... Yes, it's them. Maybe.
What do you mean maybe?
There's something different. It has been a long time.

Without another word Zenoram regained control running up onto the ship. Zero directed him and in his excited he forgot to brace himself. However, as he stepped onto the ship reality hit. He groaned. The rocking of the boat was... Unpleasant. He hated it even if he never got hit as hard as Zero. It would only get worse once they were on their way. "I hate this," the young man groaned as he continued, albeit more slowly. Zenoram's lack of access to the enhanced senses and physical abilities of the Dragon Slayer magic was a bit part of this. It was after all due to the synchronization between the large gap of a human's semicircular canals and a Dragon's visual acuity. Thus, unless the vehicle is specially designed to accommodate Dragon Slayers, or if they were to believe that the transportation was more of an ally than a vehicle, they would almost definitely experience motion sickness.

Zenoram's lack of connection to these effects of the magic, as strange as it was left him at a far less disadvantage to it all as opposed to Zero. Still, as he moved and Karn, or rather Edarn, came into view a bright happy smile plastered onto his face. That was until he saw Ferrin.

Ugh... This guy. Zero thought.
What's he...

Before Zero could further question what Ferrin was doing, Zenoram had managed to speed up into a sort of jog. "KAR," he paused a bit as he brushed past Ferin, a sudden heavier rock in the ship also helping to break his voice, "N!" It was drawn out, but still continued to a finish as he wrapped his arms around Karn's body, unaware of the face that somebody else was currently in charge of the body. Just off to the side {I think} was the sleeping Mithera, though as far as Zero and Zenoram knew Mithera was no human. The scent was similar. In all honesty, the two just assumed she was in a smaller dragonic form and hidden somewhere on Karn's person. That was all either could think up, although Zero didn't think much about it at all.

"And what the fuck do you mean a flimsy..." Zero took over to turn to glare at Ferrin for a moment only to be forced back.

"Shhh Zero. Hugging Karn." Zenoram smiled happily.

"This fucker just had out friend up at sword point!" Zero retorted.

"I thought he wasn't your friend." Zenoram grinned as he tightened his hold on who he thought was Karn and grinned.
Shut up.

• Planet Balsora •
Age 762 (Date Unknown)

Arkos sighed at the responses given to him by the presumed locals before he heard Glaceo's voice ring in his ears. It'd been kept set fairly low. This was clearly more the Arcosian's forte than it was the Saiyan's. He took a breath, making sure not to move in any way that might be threatening or act in such a way that he would be attacked. This was especially necessary as he could not attack head on this being whose power could not be read by the scouter. He contemplated for a moment. Still, before he could answer himself Glaceo once again spoke to tell him what to do.

"A business relationship between this world and the Planet Trade Organization would be useful to all parties," he paraphrased the words of his leader. There was a reason for this. First, it would be feel more natural for him. Second, he wouldn't seem as though he were simply relaying orders. Nobody could trust a speaker who seemed like he wasn't able to act by his own wishes. "Because of that, if my allies and I can act on behalf of the planet in exchange for access to the resources we would be able to avoid anything unnecessary."

Arkos's face remained calm, unlike many others from the PTO, especially those of the GFA, who would take this moment to threaten the people. Even if that was what these two individuals assumed was his intent, it wasn't. Hopefully, thanks to his lack of change in demeanor and his calm facial expression would help convey just that.

"So, can you tell us more about the planet?"
Wafer D. Kite - Embarrassment and death defying stunts! Good luck Kite!

Kite had begun his preparation thinking they could somehow easily handle the challenge that had appeared before them. Reverse Mountain, however, was an obstacle ready to break down the spirit of any pirate not prepared to commit their lives to their dreams. He realized this quickly as the violent current pulled the Rum Runner in and jerks him back.

"Shit!" He yelped as he grabbed hold of the rail of the ship and held himself in place. Once he'd adjusted he began moving again. The sails had been pulled down and the ship stabilized, but soon a chunk of the mast's crossbeam was taken. This helped in part to throw off the balance once again. Then they lost a part of the hull. "Fuck..." He seemed to complain though the smile on his showed off everything but fear. He was excited. This was part of what he'd dreamed of. He'd never thought of the journey to freedom and the life of a pirate as simple and devoid of danger. So, he sprung into action.

Bonesword had created wood which he picked up. The amount was probably more than most people would be able to carry in one trip. Most normal people anyway. He had been tasked with keeping the ship moving. Besides, years of work, lifting, building and repaired had helped build a considerable amount of muscle. He began first by patching the areas that had been torn away. He grinned as he hammered the planks into place and covered the holes to avoid unnecessary water from getting in. It'd taken a few minutes, but it was still faster than the average shipwright would have handled it.

"Okay, that's done now..." He rushed because to the deck. He'd grabbed himself a rope, but he'd remembered hearing something earlier. Something about milk. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed all he could of the stuff before rushing out and to Bonesword. He hadn't paid much attention to anything else he was so focused on everything going on. "Here!" He called out as he skidded to a stop before the kid and threw the milk from the bucket onto him. It wouldn't be for a few that he'd notice the cup that'd likely be placed by Lilliana in front of him. "Oh..." Maybe the kid didn't need to be covered in milk, but drink it. Well that's embarrassing... He thought before the sight caught his eye.

"Holy shit..." The ship was on a collision course, but the little bone boy and Lilliana were fast at work to try and avoid it. But how could he... He stopped and shook his head. "The mast." He said simply. He couldn't just gawk at them all. This was a pirate crew. Still he'd heard the captains orders, but he couldn't follow them. "Bonesword, I need you to create a stump of a tree out of the broken end of the mast. It'll be a temporary fix, but I'll be able to fix the ropes and cables back so we can have better control of the sails." He explained quickly as he checked to make sure the cup was filled.

Without another word and hopefully sparing him of his own embarrassment he ran to the mast. He wraped the rope he'd grabbed around himself and, somewhat loosely, around the mast itself. He could at least climb with less fear of the wind and speed knocking him off. He began to climb watching as the "extra wood" formed. Hell yeah. He smirked as he made his way up to it and got to work driving in spaces he could loop the ropes through and among other things. Once he'd fixed those, hopefully they would hold until they were down the mountain.

Now, he was slowly making his way along the mast. He was pulling up, closing and fastening the sails. There would, hopefully, be less wind propulsion and help slow the ship further to avoid the collision. Unfortunately, he would need to hold on for dear life now, as getting up had already been enough of a challenge and getting down... Yeah That's gonna be a problem. He thought as he resigned himself to stand down and watch the others at work, particularly Lilliana, who's equipment was a technological marvel and he wanted to know more.

Okay, so here's a question - how far into fanon are we allowed to go? Because there's some canon stuff that... really doesn't make sense, and some fanfiction stuff (principally Embers-derived, I will admit) that really does.

Principally, I'm thinking:
  • Lavabending should be equally possible with fire or earth, and should require the user to study the bending forms of the element they don't have, and possibly water as well (earth that's hot like fire and flows (somewhat) like (really thick, sometimes, depending on type) water.)
  • Similarly, there should be other cross-element specialisations; a firebender might learn to bend heat by studying airbending, hot water (more specifically the 'fire' in hot water, but effectively) by studying waterbending, or steam by studying both, just as a waterbender might learn mudbending from studying earth or an airbender stormbending (as in genuine rain-thunder-and-lightning storms, not just huge winds) from water and fire.
  • Active chi use should be for more than just bending and mystical extrasensory perception; high-level warriors like Piandao, for example, defeating a hundred men or fighting blindfolded, should be active chi users. Likewise, strong benders should be capable of enhancing their physical power with chi, or even creating a surge in the power of their bending, at the cost of stamina.

Which ties into my (firebender) character sheet thusly:
Skill classification (as in difficulty/advanced-ness) goes universal/novice/apprentice/journeyman/expert/master
Skill level (as in how good you are) goes untrained/novice/apprentice/journeyman/expert/master

There are seven Universal skills: Inner Fire (how powerful your flame is, and some incidental bonuses like not freezing), Surging Breath (firebender chi use), Mountain Style (firebending technique one, aggressive), Dragon Style (firebending technique two, defensive), and then Study of Earth, Study of Water, and Study of Air; so, for example, if my firebender progressed to Expert Inner Fire, Expert Study of Water and Expert Mountain Style (or Master Dragon Style), he could learn Lightningbending and Lightning Redirection, or Controlled Lightningbending at Mastery.

A Waterbender, alternatively, might have Inner Flow, Surging Tide, Ocean Style and Moon Style, and then Study of Earth, Fire and Air.

Obviously this is fairly complicated, but I like to have a bit of a structure to work with. Is this all okay, or do I need to adhere to canon rules?

EDIT: Also, this would, double obviously, be a lot of work, it's not the sort of thing anyone can just breeze through. I'm thinking long-term here, mostly.

This is a little complication, but like really cool.
I might be like... Behind on info, but is that stuff all legit canon names for things or did you make some of it up? I kind wanted a fire bender, but now idk if I could compete lol Still really cool though
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