Avatar of Dinh AaronMk


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Current Never spaghetti; Boston strong
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The last post below me is a lie
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1 yr ago
Was that supposed to be an anime reference
1 yr ago
I live in America, but the m, e, r , i, c are silent


Harry Potter is not a world view, read another book or I will piss on the moon with my super laser piss.

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Are there any limits to races, apart from what was stated in the first post?

I would really not rather stupid shit. No being of pure magic, no smurfs or mushroom people. No sentient blobs of slime. It's really up to my discretion at this point I think.
@Erik Tiber

I don't know about the NPC kingdoms you added, so I'm leaving them off. But I'll refer anyone who wants to pick land near to you to you for adjustment. But I went ahead and changed locations and edited the map as requested.

Hi, since the previous GM droppen out, I wondered if there is room again :)

If I like what you put out.
You can now fight me over where I put you.

Given how some details in some apps may not have been obvious and required digging, if I forgot some obscure feature than of well. *shrug*

But a couple things going on: I added lines of Latitude to give a general idea of climate or even roughly distance if we assume 1:1 with Earth. But also because at least for me the language component is important, I added a line to mark where I think the language related to myself would go. I am willing to add more to create more a language backdrop so as to make up some kind of organic relationship between kingdoms in an area based on who speaks what. You don't need to create a deep syntax but in doing this it'd be kind of expected that the naming of things somewhere loosely match up, work it out among yourselves.

If you want me to move, change, or add anything: do say. I tried to make early nations nice and big since you've all bore through this early bit so long. I'm thinking anyone I might accept in post-launch will and should be drawn smaller. I'm not adding anything more to the scale of the Star Children or Azurei again.

I'll also have to throw a new thread together, once this is settled and I get some input on magic, as said above.
Hrm. This could be interesting - if you want, I could have it so that the Pliyev Troika instead flee to China, and then potentially offer themselves as another option for a government after the Siberian invasion has been completed? Pliyev, Yeryomenko and Chuikov are all pretty hard-line communists, and would likely retain the support of a fairly sizeable chunk of the Russian Far Eastern Theatre - I estimated that the Russian Far Eastern Theatre would probably have been made up of between 24 and 28 divisions (based on relatively similar Soviet ORBATs from the 1960s in the area) and therefore they would maybe have been able to retain the support of 70-80% of the men under their command.

However, this is all subject to your ideas for the region. I can work with whatever, or I can simply relocate elsewhere if necessary.

Given how the Bolsheviks were pretty much crushed before the uprising could happen, and that the February Revolution was prevented, probably helping to weaken the base of the Communist parties in the first place I doubt to begin with these figures would exist in this time-line. I would rather we work as little as possible with real life people.
The plan was:

In the aftermath of the assassination of the Tsar, and the rather spectacular implosion of the Russian state, Generals Issa Pliyev, Andrey Yeryomenko, Vasiliy Chuikov and several others take command of the Russian Far Eastern Theatre's forces based around Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, and transform the area (by force in some instances) into the Commune of the Amur, a communist state in the Russian Far East with designs of eventually re-conquering Siberia and the Urals, eventually driving west and taking the capital areas in European Russia (probably not, but that's their ultimate goal).

Sadly, I was a muppet and didn't read Japan's NS, which claimed the Amur area for their own. So now, in a bit of limbo here.

Presently I've written how the territory from the Japanese border in Russia to the Urals is controlled by a confederacy of sorts of former Imperial Cossacks. The Chinese are in the very early stages of invading Siberia with the intent of planting their own communist government on the pretense they're going to get Outer Manchuria back once they get around to figure out how to tackle the Japanese.

The government they intend to put in place is to be built from an activist group of sorts headed by a defrocked Orthodox Priest named Dymtro Radek whose been trying to get the Chinese government to help out for a while, and now just got them to do the thing.
-Redacted, because the map on the first post of the OOC had indicated the Amur was free... when it wasn't-

What were your plans and how can we help negotiate them to elsewhere?
Googer be lurking

Hail master Googer, how be you?

In any case, I suppose I'll take up the mantle. It's not like this is the first RP I've adopted.

In any case, I would like to propose a change to the magic in the RP. Usually my norm is to say to use magic like action requires like. But I wanted to play with something else, what magic requires the use of one's "Will of Life" or some such. My hopes is that I can simplify and clarify magic as a natural force like any natural law ("all objects with mass exert force on others proportional to the product of the masses", for example).

That said I'll also whip up a blank map and toss people down and probably throw in some notes and shit. I'll run a preliminary deal sort of thing and set people up in regions described by their apps, but if they don't like it they can mark their preferred new place.
@Drunken Conquistador@Legion02 i wasn't saying it was a bad thing, I was just saying that we should be wary that they don't wind up taking too similar paths, unless we wanted to do that as a plot point.

I'd hazard to say that if you set up a world of weakly or ill defined magic it's probably what you're bound to get.
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