Avatar of DracoLunaris


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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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I think I may have misinterpreted what the red pills forbidden insight means, I had assumed it would be something like the captain's sleep vision but looking at the wording again that seems like the wrong interpretation. well, only one way to find out what it actually means, so I suppose we shall find that out in the morning.

By the way this rp has been great so far and I am looking forward to the pvp writing contest segment, it should be interesting. Keep up the good work.

I should probably contrive a way to eat that forbidding knowledge pill before you make that post so Sophia can have some fun nightmares and descend further into madness.

will that sleep post be like a "Night happens" post or a night is going to happen post a flowed by a dawn happens post
@Holy Soldier
2 quick checks, 1 I assume Naija no-longer has the Valkyrie armor as a result of the normal game's events and 2 that she has her 3 items made and available for the tournament

Also maybe you could have someone else GM your chars round? Like me or one of the others who have actual gm experience if they where interested.

gave her a limited chemical selection rather than endless possibilities.

so the big boss of the woods is a tree? Looks like Iris may be joining Redd on the trying to bite people front.
what other races where you thinking of having and would the gladiators be able to do a wee bit of magic?

They had been sleeping for 3 whole days, so much wasted time that she could have spent doing… actually she wasn’t sure what she would have done with those three days. Found out what she liked doing perhaps. Anyway apparently their little group had a 3 day booting sequence, she wondered what made them all different.

She did not have to wait long to find out as the chief to arrive soon after, a big muscular guy with sharp claws who appeared out of thin air. His gaze made her feel like a tiny squirrel that had come face to face with a hungry fox and then he did this thing where his eyes glowed and he looked at them from far away while being right there and knew stuff about them. All in all the boss was. So! Freaking! Cool! The fact that he seemed to be somewhat kind despite being a big scary guy was also pretty great, she liked him already.

She wondered what she could ask. Knife ears had already asked for some clarification on this gift thing, it was nice to know she wasn't the only one receiving data from nowhere, though she probably had to stick more plants in her mouth rather than just knowing things. Gold Eyes was asking questions about the area which also was good though some of the answers they could get by just going outside. Apparently she also liked Knife Ears and was showing of some of the same superiority complex. Which was a shame, the two of them might get quite obnoxious together or worse be put in charge of them all because they acted like they should be. Well she was going to show them, other people could ask good questions too!

"What did you do that let you get to be so big Boss? And what did she do to get so..." she tried to find the words to describe the furred goblins mystical presence and failed miserably"existy? Also how’d you do that appearing from nowhere trick?"

Maybe not the best questions, she sort of knew how the evolution thing worked from her not memory memories but more info on what made you turn into what was helpful. Then she thought of another question that maybe she should have thought of first, ones that might be better.

"Who are our parents and what are they like? Now that we are born what will we mean to them?"

She was struck by a little bit of anxiety: would they like her or would she disappoint them? She stood with her arms folded next to the two other question askers, looking a little less exited than she had moments earlier.
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