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Ansgar was silent as the Celestian and Apothecary returned with another man, who appeared to be another sort of mercenary or free lancer. At a glance, the Krieger could identify several models of slug throwers, implying coming from a lower tech world than a standard Imperial planet. While auto weapons were easier to create, las weapons remained superior in the Krieger's opinion, but that was neither here nor there. If the Celestian was bringing this newcomer into the group, he had to have some useful abilities or talents. Though, when the man mentioned taking off if his prey was spotted, the Krieger narrowed his eyes. Leaving without authorization was desertion, which warranted being shot, simple as that, and made such perfectly clear. "Departing without approval of a superior is desertion, a crime which is punishable by immediate summary execution."

The remark would likely bring the rumors that, in some extreme cases, the Death Korp had executed its own Commissars for lacking the spine to stand their ground and lead the charge to the forefront of those familiar with the regiments. Whether that was true or not, well, only Ansgar could say for certain either way, and the odds of him actually confirming or denying such allegations was unlikely, at best. Beyond that, the Krieger kept his silence while the others spoke and discussed the plan and potential of bringing the Orks into the conflict. He couldn't speak to their nature outside of his limited exposure to them during this current conflict, so he left such deliberation and debate to those who had fought Orks on more than one occasion. When the discussion as to whether or not to simply attempt to warp the bomb into place or make a proper assault, Ansgar spoke up.

"I recommend assaulting through the enemy lines while they are occupied with the Orks, not wait to mop up. It is unlikely the Orks will succeed, as the gate can likely funnel reinforcements right into the fight, even if they aren't immediately Traitor Marines. Our best chance is to strike while the fighting is at its fiercest, punch through, plant the explosives, and detonate them to remove the Gate from the field. Mop up operations can commence from there." Using the chaos of an Ork assault to blindside the traitor forces was an application of a fairly standard procedure. A false assault would draw attention and manpower from the path of a team that needed to punch through an enemy position to complete and objective before withdrawing. The team in question never waited for the fighting to start dying down, as that meant forces would be more readily available to respond to the attack actually meant to succeed.
Things had, predictably, gone from merely expecting things to go wrong to having gone completely wrong in a rather abrupt turn of events. The cut power was an attempt to disoreintate and distract from the primary assault, and while he had not been close enough to hear the sound of the canisters hit, Fauus could guess at the fact gas grenades were being employed when the order for filters on came across. Starting to scan higher up, he noted the hostile assault troops dropping in via jump jets instead of rappelling in or something more civilized. It would work well enough against anyone who couldn't aim worth a damn, as it was said, but as the Turian Spectre was quick to prove, a sharp shot could make short work of the exposed assaulting forces all the same as if they were roping in with a far less dramatic approach. That, and roping in would not have been nearly as easy to spot, considering the current lighting conditions. The roar of an anti material rifle, from the sounds of it, was attention grabbing. Affixing the scope to his own sniper rifle, some would deride for being merely a M-97, he began sweeping. From the sounds of it, it had been using explosive ammunition, which meant shock value as much as actually doing damage. The sniper responsible for wounding the VIP was already dead, but it was unlikely there was only one sniper.

The venue and current closed in location would make for easy pickings for multiple snipers. Instead of adding sniper fire on top of the already considerable amount of firepower being thrown towards the incoming hostiles, and giving himself away, he instead kept sweeping for trouble. Sure enough, near the hole, his enhanced scope picked up movement, and after spotting the blackened barrel of the Widow variant, Black Widow, he put several shots in rapid succession into the gap. Unlike the explosive, messy result of the Widow being employed by the Turian Spectre, the only indication that anything had happened to the second sniper was the fact the hostile sniper's rifle sliding forward and tumbling downwards. "Focusing attention towards preventing any further sniper activity. Second sniper down, continuing to monitor for further attempts by hostiles."

Fauus kept sweeping, firing another series of shots before ducking down and changing out thermal clips, which was fortunate since his timing coincided with the sudden flash that announced that the Citadel's defenses had blown the assailaint's ship apart. According to the report, the hole was temporarily blocked as well. Resuming his overwatch, he noted that overzealous citizens were joining in as well, opening fire with seized weapons, and he had to wonder how that would complicate identifying some of these terrorists if their weapon's had been cross contaminated, handling wise, by good Samaritans. Even so, the shooting and violence died down, and from what he could tell, there was no further movement or activity in the levels around where the hole had been created. "No further movement detected, maintaining overwatch until evacuation complete."

At this point, Fauus was mostly thinking to himself how much of a field day the press was going to have with this. Civilian casualties, the human ambassador crippled, a vessel getting close enough to actually enable all of this, access to the power grid to drop the lights, and that was just the obvious things. Sure, the vessel may be dead, as are the assailents, but the odds were very much that this was as much a stunt to prove a point, not necessarily maximize physical damage. They would have to wait and see though, though Fauus kept silent on his thoughts for now. Doubly so on an open channel.
<Snipped quote by RangingWolf>

I like to think I got the monopoly on teh memes ^_^

Oh, and that reminds me!


A majority hold, maybe, but there is other memeing going on. After all

I like how the ooc is 85% telling @Andromedai to post or to hurry up, 5% telling everyone else to post and 5% 40k memes

And the other five percent, ladies and gentlemen.

I'll have a post up soon. ^__^

The Celestian and Apothecary heading out on their own was, well, not terribly appreciated by Ansgar. Splitting up an already extremely limited force was not the smartest action, doubly so when the resident psyker had already confirmed she could sweep ahead and look for potential problems. It was a waste of resources in a situation where they had a disappointing amount available to begin with. But he was not the one in charge, so he was intent on following orders barring a change of pace. The Techpriestess noted the mercenary speaking in binary, albeit poorly, one might have mistaken her for being amused as she calmly remarked back in binary as well, speaking at the same speed as she might have if she were conveying low Gothic. "01010000 01110010 01100001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110000 01100101 01110010 01100110 01100101 01100011 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110010 01100011 01100101 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101110"

Ansgar was ignoring the two speaking in Binary, mainly since he hadn't even the slightest idea of understanding the manner of speaking the Adeptus Mechanicus employed. Instead, his attention was focused on what the Psyker had said about Orks being above them, and he moved to the wall, resting a hand on one of the larger pipes that ran through the ceiling, and likely several levels higher. Sure enough, thanks to the Psyker's forewarning, Ansgar's experience in tunnel fighting paid off, as he could feel subtle vibrations, faltering, which meant it wasn't starting yet. A sudden spike, though, warned otherwise, and he turned from the pipe. "Ma'am, they are attempting to tunnel down to right where we are. Likely in an attempt to reach a fight that actually interests them, meaning the Guard have been routed or surrounded. Mercenary, we need to get your device moving now." Ansgar checked his rifle, starting to move to a position along the barricade where he could see, before voxxing the Celestian. "Ma'am, Ork activity detected several levels above us. Likely tunneling downwards towards Chaos forces, and us. We are moving the device before they reach us, and will move to deliver it to the target."

At this point, Ansgar turned to their half of the group, unaware of the person the Celestian and Apothecary had found. Right now, the Grenadier knew, they had to keep moving or else risk getting bogged down in orks. "Arbites, recommend you take point. I will follow alongside. Techpriestess, assist the Mercenary in moving the device and have your Skitarii perform rearguard." At this point the Krieger turned to face the Psyker, comedically taller than he was, and the sound of rumbling and tunneling could be heard by the sharper eared among the group. The Psyker would also notice a spike in Orkish activity, likely pleased with them making progress finally thanks to their Mekboyz, no doubt. "Ma'am, can you still guide us as close to the Gate as possible while avoiding trouble? The Orks may prove useful to us, should they encounter the Chaos forces before us. If so, as soon as the device is ready, point the way we need to move."

Ansgar may not be the most comfortable around the Warp, considering his past experiences, but he was not about to ignore an asset that could get them through enemy lines to deliver their weapon. Just because the Death Korp may be known for its suicidal disregard for losses and frontal assaults, didn't make their specialist forces, Grenadiers included, incapable of operating smartly. Even if the Krieger wanted nothing more than to charge into the heretic ranks and take as many down as possible, they had a mission to accomplish.
"Why, Spectre, if I didn't know better, that tone of voice of yours would almost imply your not happy with me being here." Fauus kept a neutral, though hardly cold, tone as he remarked on how Aviza had come across the comms. Typical, really, of his fellow Turians. Cold and distrustful, he couldn't say he was surprised to see that from one elevated to the Council's own boogeymen. At this moment the human female, also a Spectre, was given access to the secure channel and he had a curious expression on his face as Aviza spoke on being in this together and all information should be shared with everyone at once. That was asking to clutter the comms, with both valid and invalid information, but, he was not in charge. He did sneak in a remark prior to changing over to the indicated security channel, considering it wasn't relevant for all parties in the security team after all. "Of course, right up until everyone isn't on the same team. Then things get interesting."

Spectre Morgenstern requested a comms check, one that C-SEC had run on the secured channels already, and it fit into the typical operational protocol for this sort of operation. Of course, the first to chime in was volunteered by Morgenstern, the Turian Spectre rattling off her ID number and providing a format for the rest to follow. There was little else for him to consider about Aviza at the moment, though he was preparing a intelligence package for Cabal forces. There was no shortage of Cabal agents that would be owing him drinks, considering he had confirmation of another Spectre. The first unknown to chime in was Alria Vicrinus, and a quick check on his omni tool brought up some basic information he had access to. Blackwatch, which raised several red flags, as the humans put it. Why assign both a Blackwatch operative AND a Cabal Adept to the same security detail? Something was going on, that much was plain to see. Her openly wearing Nightshade blades, coupled with the tell tale bumps of the Havoc jumpjets, gave him a feeling she was rather eager to get in close and personal.

Next where a pair of Geth units, and unfortunately, Fauus had little access to any information about them. Only that they were vetted and cleared to assist in security. A lot had changed since the Reaper wars, after all, so he didn't see it as odd. Rather, he was merely irked at the lack of information. A glance confirmed their kit though, typical Geth weaponry, and he had to respect that. He'd seen the results of Geth tech on hostile forces, not in person mind you, and he could respect their capabilities if nothing else. Though he would have to keep an eye out for tech savvy hostiles, last thing security needed was hacked and malfunctioning synthetics running amok. Next he noted the N7 human male chatting with an Asari, apparently swapping contacts. Excellent, distracted and unconcerned, at least in appearances. Fauus knew damn better than to underestimate the graduates of the N7 program, considering their reputation and the results they produced. Still, he would be keeping an eye on the N7 male, slightly more so than everyone else.

The next human on comm check was David Fletcher, a human biotic, according to the available summery Fauus' omni tool brought up after the ID code was punched in. Appeared to be lightly armed, meaning a focus on biotics over split firepower. The Turian could respect that, though hopefully David's chosen powers were not nearly as focused as Fauus' own abilities. Beyond that, extensive experience with the Asari, military man, but seemed rather comfortable with the pomp and circumstances around formal events and gatherings. Another useful tool to have, should it be necessary, if the need arose, Fauus would recommend the Biotic Human be assigned to crowd control, getting the dignitaries and the like to safety. Mentally filing the information away, his attention shifted to the next person to check in.

A Quarian also reported in, a Zarti'Kirtan and a Phantom Guardian at that. Now that was a group that had its fair share of gossip in his old Cabal. Initially considered a PR stunt, their rather alarming effectiveness in joint arms actions, be it violent or otherwise, had earned a begrudging respect among his peers. Even better, they avoided the spotlight whenever possible, which the Cabal had full respect for, often operating under similar conditions as well. Now he was convinced that the higher ups here were not only expecting, but certain of trouble. Cabal, Blackwatch, Phantom Guardian, numerous N7 and Spectre operatives, and that was just in their immediate security detail. That did not include forces outside their group that would be involved in assisting, should trouble indeed arise. But, unfortunately, that left the Turian as the last one of the immediate detail to apparently not have checked in yet.

"Fauus Caldros, Cabal Adept. Tightbeaming position tracking to your omni tool, Spectre Morgenstern." Fauus had no interest in sharing identifying information with just anyone listening in on the channel, so he took his own initiative in ensuring the detail lead knew where he was. He also had nothing else to contribute, discussion wise, so he continued observing. The Councilors were busy preparing speeches and the like, and sadly, this was shaping up to be a long, drawn out event. All the more concerning as to why so many elite, specialized forces had been gathered for an event that had an overwhelming amount of security to begin with. Fauus had a gut feeling things were about to get really ugly, really quickly, and no one was going to see it coming. No one that would speak up, at any rate...
"Inform our mutual friend that I have arrived in position." A small ways above the hustle and bustle of preparations, initial guest arrivials, and other security activities was a small nook, all but invisible to anyone who didn't know precisely what to look for. In there was a small, humble security set up where a Turian, wearing what looked like a civilian turned mercenary might attempt before getting his hands on proper armor. Of course, looks were deceiving, but that was hardly relevant for now. As for right now, Fauus Caldros was getting properly dug in. While have stationed and roving security forces, both from the Citadel itself and on loan as gestures of good faith, was good, certain discreet agencies within Council space had seen fit to have overwatch stationed as well. One of his superiors in the Hierarchy was one of them, and as an act of good faith, he had been assigned to the security of the event, though his presence wasn't formally announced. Very little was ever announced in regards to the Cabals and their activities, but such was life.

"Understood, maintain position until further notice. Use best judgement in communicating with security forces." The closest thing Fauus had to a handler right now was liasing between C-Sec, the special security forces, and any other parties so that they could minimize the amount of exposure this Cabal adept got. Suited him fine, Fauus mused, he was sort of used to single unit operations by this point, after his original Cabal had split up, between retiring to the civilian life or moving on to other postings and taskings. But that was then, and he noted his current set up. It was cramped, sure, but he had already scouted out a fast way down to the main level of the ceremony, if needed. It would require his biotics, but the strain itself would be relatively mild given what he had in mind. The scope for his rifle was acting as a scouting tool right now, detached from his M-97 Viper so that no one would see the barrel of a sniper rifle sticking out and panic. It would only take one smooth motion to reattach it, having done this trick enough times he didn't ruin its accuracy or calibration. Besdies, a quick tuning with his omni tool could fix it as well, if need be.

"Of course, as I see fit." With that, comm chatter with his handler was put on hold, to limit the potential for anyone monitoring short range, tight burst communications to begin noticing a pattern. Comm traffic was heavy as it was, hence choosing something that was quick and hard to pick up by those monitoring, but enough added comm messages would eventually garner unwanted attention. A very select few had been picked to be aware of Fauus' involvement in security affairs, to limit the potential compromise it would create. Most of the security forces down there, after all, would be unaware of the Cabal adept's involvement in their operation outside of knowing there were extra forces posted beyond simply roving and standing in plain sight as a show of force.

For the time being, Fauus scanned the currently gathered forces, picking out those who were likely security or otherwise worth noting. A Turian female, eating several of the samples before starting her rounds, looking rather pleased all things considered. Rather chipper for someone on guard duty, he considered, his scope scanning off her onto the next person of note thus far. Human male, moving towards the dome, and he picked out the N7 designation on his armor. Heading for the alcohol, sampling some of it, and Turian found the action mildly distasteful. If he was working, why risk impairing himself? His choice though, Fauus was not going to make any sort of calls to report the human, Spirits willing, he would not need to be called on to act as a soldier. Next was a pair of Geth, and before the Reaper War, that would have been a great deal of cause for alarm. These days, while rare, Geth still were seen serving C-Sec, and had their advantages, being synthetics and not requiring anywhere near the same things as organic forces might. They had their disadvantages as well, but that was neither here nor there, he actually trusted the Geth the most to do their job until a competent hacker showed up.

Speaking of Geth, next to be picked up was a Quarian female traveling with a C-Sec officer. Considering the C-Sec woman's blush, hard to pick up without the modification to his scope, it was likely she was a Xenophile of some sort or another (The C-Sec Officer). Nothing wrong with that, mind you, but worth noting. The Quarian enviro suit stood out as well, and a intel check confirmed a rather successful force was on its way back per requests put in. Likely unhappy with the arrangement, given the reported actions, and he could certainly relate there. He had no interest babysitting a Citadel party for a week, but here he was all the same.Lastly, Fauus' sweep spotted a Turian and Human walking together, both female, and once he got a look at their faces he could ID them. The Human was Spectre Morgenstern, rather short in comparison to the Turian she walked alongside.

The Turian in question, Aviza’Norea, had been the subject of some rather secure comm traffic among Cabal forces. Another Turian Specter, if the rumor mill was to be believed, and likely informed of his presence alongside Morgenstern. Still, he had time to kill, and if he could confirm rumors into intelligence, either way, why not try? The comm burst was short ranged and focused, on a Turian spec ops channel both of them would most likely have access too, and his tone was decidedly neutral, even with the quality not being the best due to how the communication was being done.

"Aviza'Norea. Curious to see both a Human, and one of the more recent Turian, Spectres in such close company on such an event. Is it not?" Fauus knew better than to simply ask for confirmation, word was she never openly or readily remarked on such thing, so he instead left the statement open to be denied or confirmed in a more subtle manner. Sure, most Cabals could look into such things with a few favors, but it was always far more interesting to figure it out on their own and compare notes with other Cabals. Almost a sort of competition between the various Turian Biotics units, considering they rarely found much in the way of friends and comrades outside their own kind.
Figured I'd get someone sorted out and thrown into the ring as well, why not?

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