Avatar of Emma


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Its been like a year since I logged on...the ads are an annoying new thing?
1 yr ago
Being an adult with a job, how does one come back to RPing?!
4 yrs ago
Was excited to dye my hair blue tonight...it is now obsidian black....oops
6 yrs ago
I want to get back to RPing so bad. The new job schedule is killing me. How do ya’ll manage when you have a full time job?!
6 yrs ago
Windows 10 update...its been at 6% for fifty god damn minutes. I have post I need to write Mr. Laptop hurry the hell up!


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Most Recent Posts

Can I reserve the third born please? :)

When I asked about the pace of the IC I meant like how quick posting will be? If there is any kind of post order or something. And since this is a reboot, how many posts in the IC happened on average a day. Just wondering cause this is my first time RPing while haveing a full time job and living in a different country.
Sounds interesting. How fast pace do you figure the IC will be? How does vampire reproduction and aging work? And can humans be turned into vampires? If so what is the turning process? What time period does this take place? And what positions are open in the line of succession?
Everyone stop what you are doing! I have to put this RP on hiatus. I just got my visa, and will be leaving for Sweden in two weeks. I had assumed my visa would take much longer, and I had until January to get ready to move to Sweden and start my job as an au pair. Apparently not, and now I have to sell my condo, car, pack up my whole place, and somehow come up with the money for plane tickets within. Kind of freaking out. I am so sorry about just abandoning y'all. Especially with the amount of work, and creativity you have put into your CS. I will be gone, but that does not mean this RP can't continue. If anyone wants to take over as GM, feel free.

@EmmaMay I join as Lason?

Of course! I'll reserve him for you. His name is actually Iason with and I. It's the Ancient Greek form of Jason. :D

Also anyone needing help with finding pics, just PM what you are looking for and I'll go hunting. I have a huge data base of saved pics on my laptop organized by gender, age, hair/eye color, and historical dress.

Whoopsy. I won't be able to post my character yet. I have some more revisions to make. I should have it ready tomorrow after class.

That's totally ok with me! Take your time, and make it yours. I'm still working on Myrrine's bio, and I prolly won't finish until tomorrow.
@Emma Hows this so far?
Did you have any ideas of his life before the order?

Good stuff! Feel free to make him your own. If your having trouble thinking up backstory stuff, or have questions, just PM me and we can brainstorm together.

Have any of the 6 had a child throughout their many reincarnations? Specially Myrrine?

Yes they all have at some point. The six are human, just like you and me, the only difference is they can remember every past life they have ever lived.
I might also make a second character, someone a lil less significant and important. So I can run around and play with the more ordinary people.

What powers might the first vampire posses in this setting?

Original Vampires posses super human strength, reflexes, and speed. They can run up to bout 70 mph, without getting winded or exerting much energy. They only have to feed like once a month to retain their human appearance. Without feeding they start to look more like a corpse. They can walk in the sunlight. They can only be killed by being stabbed in the heart with one of the silver daggers forged by Nikomedes. The can see in the dark. There senses are heightened, and they have impeccable hearing. They have retractable claws and fangs. They have enhanced healing ability (similar to x-mens wolverine). Vampires have a natural charm, and can easily persuade the weak willed. and They have limited telepathy between the vampires, and the six. Jon Lytton is basically king/god of the vamps, and has the sole ability of being able to control regular vampires. Via commands, he can make regular vamps obey even if they don't want to.
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