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Just did rolls for the hell of it.

Turns out I'm a 10 year old shota in a speedo, punching out monsters with gravity magic while working for an asshole of a lesser spirit. Also lugs around a fatass backpack with a familiar attached to it.

Might be worth.

Oh, tough skin eh? Nice, nice. Moe always did like someone who could take a punch, even if it was a verbal one that was basically half a compliment as well. And, like basically everyone else that mattered in Purple Crown Academy, of course the blondie was going to have complete confidence in the depth of her coffers. “Sure sure,” Moe chimed along, following after Itsuko with her arms trailing behind her. Maybe in a duo, the juxtaposition between ‘cool’ and ‘cute’ would be enough to convince the store owner to give them discounts due to attractiveness?

Naw, perverts like that would probably already be routed out of the vicinity of Murasaki City, considering how many abnormally good looking young students there were. All of them had a screw loose, of course, but still. Attractive crazies were better than ugly crazies.

Letting out a low whistle as a particularly handsome individual walked on by, Moe blinked when Itsuko suddenly spoke up. “Sorry, what was that?” she asked, an eyebrow raised. An idol coming over for a few days? What was this, an exchange program? Or maybe…

“Wow, she one of those eternal transfer students that just float around schools beating up the student body while they have no idea how her avatar works, and then transferring again once they figure out all her tricks?”

Moe tilted her head to the side. That was pretty negative, even for her.
“Or is she just planning on making her solo debut here? Dunno who though. Maybe just some no name member from KGS116? Probably would be on tabloids if she were anyone big.”
Why can't you? Just have the non posting characters get knocked out or whatever, prompting a whole different set of actions from the remaining ones.

Brent was fine with losing. It was pretty shitty, of course, and pretty dislikable, but losing was just a part of winning, and thus, no matter how many times he was defeated, the Arbiter had no trouble with bouncing back.

But there was one exception.

Brent refused to lose to himself. Even if he had to tear his body and mind apart, there was no way that the Brent of the present would allow himself to be weaker than the Brent of the past. No matter what, he would, at the very least, match himself in any task he performed. He would not surrender, not settle for anything less than his very best.

And yet, and YET!


Unable to react, or perhaps uncaring, the Rift Beast faced Azure Aeon’s foot head on, the larger God of War’s steel-blue boot slamming into its cavernous face. Forward momentum stopped suddenly, it spun thrice in the air as it was launched back, before its massive claws dug into the ground. Dust and dirt kicked up as the abyssal monster skidded to a stop, six eyes still not focused on the giant that stood before it.

Half its teeth were broken off, falling like rain as pitch oozed from its wound.

A wave of plasma washed over its body, scorching shut the open wound but introducing a whole other collection of injuries as a foul stench wafted from its half-melted flesh.

From the distant cliffs, a silver light surpassed the speed of sound, before piercing the giant being’s back. Moments later, the Talentium staff’s shockwave caused its entire body to shudder violently.

And yet, it did not fall. Another ear-splitting roar resounded as it drove past its own pain and injuries, its tongue lashing out in front of it as it positioned itself into a quadrupedal stance, before launching itself forwards, barreling towards the God of War.

A charge? No, a feint to the right and then a break away to the left!

Even after reaching such challengers, it still sought to advance, following a trail that only it could see.
@Click This@Polaris North@Vega7285
To be fair, Fireball, Pyromania and Lightning Bolt are also super duper hella generic. So really, it could be seen as a reference, or it could just be stretching it.
Moe's current outfit. Got short shorts underneath, because no one wants to see her boring panties.
Purple Heart Arcade

Huh? Who was this nosy goody-two shoes? Tilting her head upwards more, Moe’s first instinct was to shoot a death glare and tell that person to buzz off before they got a fist sandwich. Her magenta eyes softened, however, when it turned out that it was nothing but a blondie who was even more bored than Moe. After all, you had to be either hella desperate for friends or hella bored of life if you made it a thing to pick up randoms in arcades when you couldn’t even fuck them.

Oh, no, apparently, she was just happy she ‘won’ a cute plushie that probably cost more in change and effort than it took for the store to purchase from a warehouse. Amazing, and was she trying to show off how popular she was with boys, implying that she literally had no girlfriends to hang out with? Moe snorted, before peeling her face off from the machine.

“Yeah, you look like the type to have boys all over you,” the pink-haired girl remarked flatly, “and piss off all the other girls with your popularity. Don’t care enough though. The arcade’s giving me a headache now, so why the hell not?”

Hopping off her chair, Moe brushed a few strands of hair out of her face, before a cheeky, toothy smile emerged, one fist raised up to her new acquaintance. “Name’s Yumekawa Moe. Whisk me away, sweet prince. I hope your treasury is great enough for a princess-size meal!”

Free food always served as useful bait for the carnivorous being that was Moe, especially when her parents were both Spartan niggards.

Name: Moe Yumekawa
Age: 14
History: The Yumekawa family had always been about competition. Her father was merely a middling academic with an above average score in Deep Ground Online, but through vicious backdoor agreements and cutthroat business deals, Yumekawa Fitness is now one of the largest health and fitness corporations worldwide, filled with sweaty macho men getting swole and 40 year old housewives trying to burn off body fat. On the other side of the spectrum, Moe’s mother was a competitive kickboxer, only recently retiring due to injuries. With such strong-willed parents on both sides, Moe’s childhood was filled with both loud, violent arguments as well as loud, violent love-making scenes.

It became obvious to her at an early age that love was a war she didn’t want to get into, and though she did want to become a princess as a young girl, what she wanted more was to become a princess that could snatch away the prince from some random tramp on the streets.

As she got older, that interest in being a princess faded, but working out and practicing martial arts never did, and Moe went into Deep Ground Online as a small demon child, quickly joining up with the Scarlet Harleys because beating the shit out of real players was way more satisfying than exploding Dissolutions.

Sure, rising to the top was fun, but so was kicking others down.

Personality: Cheeky and aggressive, Moe’s primary personality point is her absolute lack of empathy and her love for simple answers. A friend has crippling depression due to bullying in school? Either suck it up or break a bat over those bullies’ heads. Her cousin wants relationship advice about a messy relationship? Stop dawdling about and fuck the dude already. She’s foul-mouthed and direct, never bothering to hide her intentions or hesitate when it comes to getting what she wants. After all, there’s just so many things to enjoy and so many things to work for. Lazing about is for losers and backpedallers.

A meathead brute in the form of a 14 year old girl, Moe has yet to fully deal with the suffering that is puberty and adolescence.

Avatar Class: Rogue - Ranger
Avatar Title: Mauve Night
Avatar Level: 3
Avatar Guild: Scarlet Harleys

Other: Currently uses a level appropriate hand gun, enchanted to increase accuracy.
And I'll post tonight, just to show off my superior speed.
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