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Help? But it was definitely looking like the rest of the group had things settled down now. Hiraku almost felt a little sorry for the giant angry teddy bear, who had more or less been unable to do anything. Ensnared, set ablaze, punched, and then cut? The real monsters were truly the members of the Miura Youth Organization, and all things considered, the blue-haired youth already felt like he had done a good job. After all, he had alerted everyone to evacuate from the area that the teddy bear came from, talked all about what to do and what not to do (even though that was ignored), and TECHNICALLY kept Aoi from doing anything too reckless.

God knows what sort of hijinks she’d be trying to involve herself in if he wasn-

His yellow eyes blinked. What. She wanted to get somewhere high?


Hiraku knelt down on one knee, before patting his shoulders, motioning for her to sit on them.


The ocean of words encapsulated himself once more, and he knew that he had lost.

That this was undeserved.

But it still fell, more and more droplets sinking into his skin, his flesh, his organs, his bones, permeating every inch of his meat, as his silver blood carried this new stimulation into the wrinkles of his brain. New ideas were forming, indecipherable, meaningless. It oozed in, at its own apathetic pace, manifesting into yet another word.

The third gift from that sea of nonsense, from the generous vastness that cared not for his own will.


Would he ever grow stronger from winning?

He opened his eyes, confirming a result he was already aware of.

No, his power, his connection with Dreamcatcher, didn’t work that way, did it? It was powered by failures only. Failures that emerged even with the best of his efforts. So much planning, so much discussion, so many years spent forging his body and his mind, only for it all to be nullified by what? People whose powers gave them such strength that he’d never get close even if he pumped himself full of steroids. People who could wield a nigh infinite amount of powers just because they had ‘one’.

And then, this juggernaut of a human, capable of shredding buildings with her manifestations, even after receiving such a blow on her head. Telekinesis that could both move and completely erase matter? As well as transform into a variety of other objects, while still maintaining fine enough control that one could go from airlifting their allies quickly and quietly to crushing someone’s legs into powder?

Ah, hilarious.

With a power like that, how did he even get a sneak attack off on Hazel? What a badass. A matter destruction power like that would probably even be a match for Shane, wouldn’t it? First create a dome of that telekinetic force around her to make a nigh-impenetrable shield. Then launch attacks within to create a super mobile, super destructive tank. Maybe he was underestimating the pink-haired badass, but on the other hand…powers didn’t care for titles like ‘East’s Strongest Arbiter’.

Shane, after all, couldn’t put a scratch on the absolute invulnerability of the bloodsucker.

Perhaps he was underestimating the man though. Perhaps he was overestimating the woman though. Perhaps he was just wallowing in some strange sort of self-pity. Perhaps he should stop.

On the big screen, Hazel rose up once more, before launching herself downwards, taking down Emma instantly.

Ah, what a bad-fucking-ass. Both a terrible power and an unwavering determination, all accompanied by a stone-cold, expressionless face. He knew now that she was also the one that cleanly cut through the roof, the one that instantly destroyed all of Emma’s tulpas, the one that caused practically all the mass destruction in this fight. It had been team 4 against Hazel, and Hazel had won. Incredible! Between like and dislike, Brent figured that he liked that.

Yeah, he was going to focus on what he liked, and ignored everything else that stewed within.

Hazel’s power, her pragmatism, and her tenacity. Like.

Emma not folding over completely until all was lost. Like.

Gregory’s booby trapping, regardless of how useless. Like.

Zoe’s singular, perhaps unnecessary, save of Hazel. Like.

Sophia not getting hurt at all in this. Like.

Ernie’s rope trick. Like.

The fact that they went into this with high spirits. Like.

Brent let a deep breath hiss out from his teeth, before rolling off the cot he was in. His body was fine too. No aftereffects of getting tazed at all. Another thing to like: Christmas’s healing ability. Yeah, there was nothing to be angry or disappointed at, right? There were so many likeable things about this Flag-and-Seek match! Team 4 lost cleanly against a single individual! Switch Hazel out with someone like Marcus and things would have been way closer! It was really just the administration’s fault for tossing a heavyweight into a group of lightweights.

It was so fucking fun, making excuses when he knew that it was all his fault! When everything fell apart because he didn’t have the techniques ready to knock someone out without threatening literal death! When his power was so fucking useless in all these situations because he didn’t have the tools beforehand to do so! When he fucked up in the very beginning, or when he got everyone thinking that this would be a simple fight! When he didn’t fully consider every single possibility, or equip his allies with strategies in case he got knocked out early! When he didn’t even even even e-

“Hey, Lawrence, right?” he called, a smile on his face, “Name’s Brent. Mind handing my stuff back? Machete, gun, and phone. Don’t think there’s anything left of my pants though. Pretty interesting move, by the way, using that in place of rope. Where did you learn that from?”
Unless I'm misreading, the illusions seem to be so good they might as well be real?

The current user, Seta Hikaru, has only basic ability with the Soul Art, and his illusions can only affect sight and sound and are minute in scale.

Might be joining.
Blah blah, more upgrades no one asked for.

Overclock buffs now last ten minutes instead of five. Wooo.

Purple Heart Arcade


The ticking of the clock slowed, and then stopped, as the sprite rendition of Bio Drando posed gloriously, both hands splayed to the side, repeatedly taunting an opponent that was frozen in time for the entirety of nine seconds. As an actual super, it was a complete waste of meter, simply due to how a nine second combo couldn’t do nearly as much damage as ‘Road Roller’ or ‘Zero Point Knives’, but on the other hand? When the opponent only had a sliver of health left, it was wonderful.


A light jab KO’d the red-haired delinquent, before ‘Victory’ flashed up on the screen, prompting a long, deep sigh from Moe. Ah, even with all this pointless trolling and the sweetness of victory, she was just so bored. Her braided ponytail limped as she sagged over the arcade machine, even as everyone else had plentiful fun with their real life boyfriends and their real life dates. Hyperactive dancing games blared out pop synths, while zombies groaned and exploded into gory bits to the delight of the players. The happy click-clacks of the drum-beating game resounded above all else, as a veteran of the game actually danced and spun his drumsticks stylishly. On any other night, the atmosphere of Purple Heart Arcade alone was enough to get Moe in a bright mood, but now?

“Ah…………………………………..sucks to loseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”

She flopped onto the machine, face pressed against the buttons. To think that the PvP specialist Guild actually lost to the Ivory Masks and their goons. How frustrating. Even more frustrating that she couldn’t go for salty seconds due to DGO being offline, and most frustrating of all? Moe Yumekawa didn’t even have a friend to bitch about this bullshit with. One of them was on a dinner date, another decided to take the weekend as a chance to go visit their parents, while a third was busy with a part-time job.

And the rest? Pshaw, she wasn’t interested in the comfort of those people.

Bio Drando spazzed out on the screen as she rocked her face back and forth. Maybe she was becoming a DGO addict. She couldn’t wait for the maintenance to end so she could get herself into a real, zero-consequence fight.

“DEFEAT,” screeched the machine, as a headache-inducing scream sounded from the pixelated corpse. Moe clutched her cute little head and groaned in irritation once more.

Soon, her stomach was groaning as well.
The two dodged, splitting off in different directions as the rift-beast ran through...and continued onwards, only picking up more and more speed. Odile was almost trampled by the bipedal monster as it smashed through pine and gouged out the earth, but even then, it continued. A trail of broken foliage and gargantuan footprints followed in its wake, as it cut a path through the silent forest. The three within the ruins meant nothing to it.

What it sought was farther ahead.
@Polaris North@Click This@Vega7285
In Q - FLUX 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Rash mobsters attacking as revenge? While the Wireforts may have been the real culprits? No, perhaps that wasn’t correct. Just because they, on an organizational basis, had reason to hate each other and send otherworldly nightmares, that didn’t mean they hadn’t accumulated grudges from others on an individual basis.

It simply would have been a clean answer if it were a large organization. End sighed. Still silence from Blitz. That flamboyant idiot didn’t do something stupid and get himself killed by that random thug he picked up, did he? End scowled as her Heinbox beeped once more. The slums huh? Looked to be an entire day wasted on trips down the memory lane.

With a shrug, she began the Iron Revolution once more, bits of metal disintegrating around her and forming into new bullets to slot into her handgun. It would be a pain to go there with nothing but six bullets in the chamber, and the slums was one place that she did not want to be caught bulletless in.

For better or worse, reaching the sunless landfill of Neo Babylon took only a half hour’s walk, and within the perpetual gloom of the dank streets, Josephine couldn’t help but wish she had a gas mask with her. Too many years spent in a comfy, odor-free apartment suite meant that the stench of blood and shit was particularly pungent, but, if nothing else, there were few down-trodden losers occupying the streets. If she wasn’t making sure to stare down every single one of those desperate plebians, Josephine could have actually ignored them.

But she used to be the ignored in here, and knew just how great that advantage gave.

Soon, the raven-haired woman found herself at a heavily bolt door to a tin shed. The others may have been heading towards Cash’s informants, but End had her own. With her left hand, she thumped thrice on the door.

“Jamieson? It’s your cousin.”

Mind giving us a summary of plot events so far? The story thus far seems rather out of date. XD
RPs die by people waiting for other people when said people go missing. Stop waiting and just post.
@Gemini Tokenyeah dude. Gotta get swole as fuck now and head butt your way through life's problems.
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