Avatar of Fabricant451


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23 days ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
24 days ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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24 days ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
24 days ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
24 days ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

I mean sure, you can play Bernadetta.

Why would I want to do that
If this is canons then I call dibs on best character/girl.

No I won't say who because it should be obvious.
In Shelter 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
18 - Scorpio - Senior - 5'11" - Demi Bennett/Rhea Ripley

“You're damned if you do anyway, so why not have a little fun with it while you can?”

Appearance Details

Standing just shy of six feet, Elliot is quite tall which, along with her style, makes her quite intimidating at a glance. Her day-to-day school attire ranges from the black leather vests and ripped denim with studded accessories that would make a BDSM enthusiast blush to vulgar-sounding graphic tees of bands. Most infamously was when she told a teacher that the reason the 'C' on her 'AxC' shirt looked like a certain reproductive system was because the name of the band was 'Anal Cunt'. They made her wear her gym shirt the rest of the day.

Elliot has three piercings: her septum and her ears and for her seventeenth birthday her dad let her get a tattoo which is above her left ankle. It's an Empire logo from Star Wars. Her dad got a matching Republic logo. Her hair has been an undercut bob since sophomore year and at this point she shows no signs of changing it. She pulls it off, why change that.

She's not an athlete but she does have biceps that don't go unnoticed - especially when she wears her favored 'vest and sleeveless punk tee' combo; the arm strength comes from having to be her own roadie though she's not a stranger to the gym, she just doesn't have a specific routine or regimen, but having to load up a drum kit and shitty amps requires more than just noodle arms.


Few people at Stockbridge are as defined as their reputation as Elliot Springfield and most of that she is willing to play into. Most students don't know her as 'Elliot Springfield', that's her stage name; most know her as either 'a terrible influence' or Eleanor Stadler, the girl who shows up to school looking like she came out of a magazine for leather punks. It's easy to accuse Elliot of wrong doings or of being 'that kind of girl' because of how she presents herself. As the lead singer (more of a wailer, really) and guitarist of a garage punk band currently calling themselves 'The Sex Magnums' - whose second concern after finding a permanent name was convincing the administration to let them play prom - Elliot does carry some of the mannerisms of a punk rock type. While not blatantly anti-authority, she's quite prone to slip profanity in front of teachers which certainly made an impression when she was a Freshman and the other Freshman in her class gasped at the audacity.

Naturally, Elliot can be incredibly loud and outspoken, brash and garish, which is where much of her reputation comes from, apart from her style. While she doesn't cut class or go behind the building at lunch to smoke, she acts like the kind of person who does, and on more than one occasion she's been the fall girl for some of the pranks and disturbances her 'friends' have pulled. Whether or not that makes her stupidly loyal or just stupid is up to the individual, but the fact that she's done more detention despite never doing anything worse than telling a teacher that "John Steinbeck is fuckin' boring, five hundred pages about how shit it was for the Joads and it ends like shit" probably lends more towards stupid more than anything else. The number of infractions on her record was a key factor as to why Elliot wasn't going to be valedictorian at graduation despite being in the top five academically in her year.

Despite her reputation and appearance and the fact that she carries herself as a troublemaker still, Elliot is incredibly intelligent both academically and generally. She's been on the honor roll all four years but the only ones who knew were her parents and her teachers, along with the guidance counselor constantly telling her that there's nothing wrong with being smart. Elliot agrees with the sentiment, of course, but in her eyes if people already look at her and think they have her entire self figured out, then it's their fault for making assumptions and not her job to show them otherwise. It's flawed logic, but she also once thought "Rectal Prolapse" was a good idea for a band name because their music "was gonna make people shit their pants!"

One might assume that Elliot had some kind of poor upbringing but it was more boring than anything else. She's quite fortunate in that regard, the most she had to deal with was divorce. Her mother was something of a serial bigamist so when her father caught her in bed with a neighbor and one of her co-workers (not at the same time), what choice did James Stadler have other than to file for divorce? Veronica Stadler, nee Webber, thought her only daughter would stay with her and they could be 'like sisters' but Elliot chose her father and the pair of them moved into a small ranch house, the same one belonging to Elliot's grandparents and where her father grew up. It was left to James in his parents' will. Her father is her best friend, he was the one who bought her her first instrument even if it was one of those baby drum kits for toddlers to bang on - it counted. James Stadler was not a man of means, he earned an honest living as a mechanic, and that was enough to get by. Elliot often helped him fix up old cars for free and their passion project was fixing up a 1970 Pontiac GTO which was then given to Elliot as a sweet sixteen present. She loves that car.

Perhaps because of the wall of expectation and reputation that has been built around her, Elliot never really made a lot of friends over her four years. Sure, she'd covered for people and taken their punishments but she'd hesitate to call them friends. Her band mates are the only ones in her phone other than her dad; at school most of the other students seem to either be intimidated by her or put off by her because of what they heard. One of the rumors going around in her senior year was that the only reason she hadn't been expelled was because she was doing something illicit with the principal, or had some incriminating evidence against the principal, or something equally as stupid as high school rumors go. Though she would claim otherwise, her lack of a true best friend or an active social life is one of the regrets she'll carry with her. When she's so caught up in what other people think of her, she sort of forgot to care about herself.


- Pair of Vic Firth drumsticks
- Half of a bologna sandwich, likely squashed now
- A wallet/keychain with $30, a library card, keys to her car, insurance card, and various other items of no real benefit in the situation
- Brought a guitar case to school; is not on her person

This looks cute
In Shelter 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Metamore I don't think they've accepted anyone yet, they're still reviewing
In Shelter 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Well here's my piece of shit

Here's second of three characters

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

That would assume I played anything except Fortnite...

How did you even manage to survive the three day down time? A kid on my block went outside for the first time as it happened and he exploded.
So, with the Game Awards tomorrow and the year quickly coming to a close I figure now's a good a time as any for everyone's favorite topic.

Hey, guys, what is your Game of the Year for 2019? If it's too hard to pick one, feel free to make a list. Or make a list anyway. What games from 2019 are the ones you look back on the most fondly?
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