Avatar of FamishedPants


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Current "Is this a joke? What, you think--You think I can't deal with a CAT?"
3 yrs ago
"You're a slave to history."
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3 yrs ago
"He was infuriated to see Jinguuji-san eating with another man."
5 yrs ago
"When you get to the point where you can laugh at your mistakes, you'll find new things to replace what you lost."
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5 yrs ago
"Damn stupid sun, making it morning whenever it wants even though I'm sleepy. Who does it think it is? Doesn't it know it has me to thank for its continued existence? "


You showed up.

One way or another, you've arrived at my profile. You've taken a wrong turn in an alleyway because you didn't pay enough attention to your map. You've heard of something cool and new and thought maybe you'd see what all the fuss is about? Or maybe it is that you noticed like me updating my status or were lurking through an RP or something I am in and just kinda clicked my profile, that happens too. Regardless, you'll come to learn that your actions have consequences. Not this one since you can always just, like, leave.

I have a few names and I don't mind being called whatever you fancy at that given time. KingofTheSpectrum, FamishedPants, ChadChadlainn. Any derivative of these is fine as well. Most tend to use Pants, however. I'm nearing my thirties and enjoy games, anime, V-tubers, and visual novels. You can find my still-obsolete list here as it contains everything important on it.

As for games particularly, I am a huge fan of Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, Nier and its sequel, FFXIV, and recently, Project Wingman.I tend to lean towards shooters and action games, but I have also wasted 8+ years on League of Legends. I think the only games I tend to avoid are card games and sports games, but there can always be exceptions.

For anime, I tend to watch whatever looks entertaining. It doesn't have to be good. I've seen a lot of the generic, poor-quality isekai harems that are out there. It's difficult to remember what I actually genuinely like, but Chaika the Coffin Princess comes to mind, as well as FMA: Brotherhood. I'm currently enjoying Tokyo Revengers.

I've read my fair share of visual novels, as my list would tell you. I can't recommend going through Muv Luv Extra/Unlimited, then playing Alternative enough! Big fan of Rance, Grisaia no Kajitsu, and Demonbane as well. I could probably go on and on about them, but I'll stop here.

Also, fuck you, Broken.

Most Recent Posts

Now you've done it.

Julius caught an armored fist to the face, but it wasn't anything he hadn't already experienced before. Besides the armor. Not to say it felt particularly pleasant, but visibly it looked like all it did was irritate the thug. "Who are you supposed to be, my mother?" he massaged his nose for a second, taking notice of the girl's attempt at a stance. Was this place full of disgusting women who couldn't keep the heroics to themselves? And besides, he was kind enough to punch the man instead of the woman. Was chivalry dead here too?

Ignoring both the gunshot and the out-of-character posts in the wrong topic before this one, Stiles replied to the armored girl's rhetoric question. "Picking a fight with a victim of molestation makes you no better than a criminal, ya know? But if you really want me to bea---"

Wait wait wait wait, what am I doing?

Deep breaths.

Now that Julius had gotten rid of that burning sensation in his body, he could think clearly. And clearly, fighting this woman was one of those bad things he was supposed to stop doing. As was striking that man, but he was a dick so Julius forgave that slip-up. Anyways, he needed to stop this before it got out of hand. If things got serious, well...

It was very likely he might beat somebody to death.

That was bad. Very bad. Like a solid 9/10. Only thing worse would be insulting somebody's hair, but even someone like him had standards. Now, how to fix this situation?


He had an idea.

It was now up to Julius Stiles to execute his master plan. It was flawless, really. All he needed was to become a wordsmith great enough to diffuse the situation and give him ample time to tactically retreat before his short fuse went off again. "I've gotta wash my mouth out with some dirty water to get the taste off my lips, smell ya later!" And with all the subtlety of a honey badger tearing a cobra apart, he dashed for the exit and left the guild.

He wasn't joking about the water, though.
You are now aware that @TsundereStorm exists and had an accepted app.
<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>

<Snipped quote by Zelosse>

Both of these statements are indeed true.
Julius Stiles

@Lady Athena@Hammerman@Spriggs27@Fonniku@Ryougu

"Such a sweet release..."

Julius dropped the man upon being forced to look at the badge this woman had thrust out towards him, for all to see. His eyes scanned the polished badge and then it became clear that all of his attention was focused from the man onto the badge and the woman presenting it. He studied it for a moment before looking up at the woman, a serious look on his face.

"The fuck are you s'posed to be? A mall cop?"

Julius clearly had no idea what it meant. After all, he was from another world. He was not given specifics about anything, just told there was some demon lord he needed to murderkill. He could glean this badge was supposed to mean something to somebody, but authorities never sat right with Julius. He was, after all, a thug of some renown. Your buttocks are my hunting ground.

But, even if he did not respect her authority whatsoever, she had managed to turn his attention, if only temporarily, to her rather than the NPC he was about to beat up. And as you would expect, compared to the woman, Julius was a big guy for you. He wasn't capable of backing down from a chest-puffing competition, especially not against somebody getting between him and some other asshole. They were asking for it! Glaring back at her, it seemed like neither was going to give up. Did she really want to get in a fight with him for that's man's sake? Did she want to be some form of hero? How disgusting. This woman was absolute disgust-----


There were no signs. It came without warning. Julius felt his lips connect with somebody else's. They were the lips of the woman he was glaring at mere seconds ago.

Contact probably did not last very long, but the sheer heart attack he nearly had at being pushed into her (he would expect somebody to hit him over the head, not push him) had made seconds feel like minutes. It was certainly not a romantic thing, at least to him. If anything, it was the exact opposite. He hated everything about this. Being kissed? This was the first time he had ever been kissed. To be acted upon was one of the things Julius tended to avoid. Kissing? That's what he did. He was the one to engage it, and being in control of the situation and himself was what he enjoyed most.

Yet... a feeling began to stir within him. His body felt a bit hot, and he wasn't used to this kind of thing.

I have to ignore it.

His conscience, somehow still existing deep within him, spoke to him and demanded that he ignore this feeling. It would do no good here, and he only had one outlet for it. And surely if he gave in here, people would attempt to cause him harm. He wasn't truly an idiot. He knew risks and where to take them. He was supposed to improve, damnit! How was he so bad at this? Was he doomed to be a bad person?

Julius took a deep breath in and turned around to face the crowd. If he looked back, he might give into that dark desire. He might do something he couldn't undo.

"Ha." he laughed in a blatantly fake way. "It's so funny I forgot to laugh."

He hoped by focusing on other things, he could forget about it. His eyes had then wandered to the woman whom he had entered the place with, and it dawned on him that he didn't even know her name. He wasn't sure if he should look at her right now, because he did not know if this fire inside him would stir. But it didn't. Well, not AS bad. He could contain it, he wouldn't lose control.

"Grimmwiess?" he repeated. "Fancy name for a bum." he teased. She never denied it earlier. Although he was in the same position. Since it was his own name he couldn't be sure, but Stiles could always sound grandeur for somebody who had not a single piece of currency to their name at the moment.



......I guess I can't hold it in.

He really tried. It seemed a lot of people here had some form of heroic intentions. Guess that made sense, given the trial they were signing up for. That being said...

Julius turned around, now facing the woman he had been forced to kiss. His desire ignited, a hot feeling burning through every part of his body, but particularly one part. Because she was smaller than him, this would be easy to do. He closed the distance between him and his target and made his move----

---Striking the man he had been holding up with a furious punch, assuming there was no reason for it not to hit.

Soon the fire in his body subsided. He began to feel better, more like himself. He had really needed to cause that man pain or he would have went nuts.


Julius isn't a nerd who will listen to reason all the time. Jasmyn needs to try harder if she's gonna help the NPC -- he's done worse things than the bullies who killed her. Anyways, I figured it would make the most sense to have the post neglecting to listen to her BEFORE anybody else responds to it. Hope I'm not breaking any unsung laws about posting order.
Julius Stiles

@Lady Athena@Hammerman@Spriggs27@Fonniku@Ryougu

"I'll beat you for screwing with me!"


Julius, quite obviously irritated by the interruption to his interrogation, glared at the girl clad in armor who had grabbed his arm. He, of course, did not simply let go. He figured that this man had to have some responsibility for this absurd "application" and if he didn't, then he would know somebody who did.

Either way, he needed to get beat. Julius might go into withdrawals soon if he didn't beat somebody up.

"This man--" the armored girl said, pointing to the jerk that Julius was holding onto still, "--is just doing his job. You can't just go around beating people up because you aren't willing to write a two-million word essay."

"And who says I can't? You? Ha. Don't make me laugh." Julius turned his gaze from the armored girl back to the man, considering her to be of no threat whatsoever. This man did not act very enthusiastic about his job. In fact, he seemed like he didn't even want to bother handing these damned forms out, the lazy bastard. It would be doing this fantasy world a service if he knocked this guy's teeth down his throat! Or so Julius thought. "Besides... he isn't doing his damned job at all! Guy's acting like some big dumb prick about it, like he's better than everybody else. Losing his front teeth should serve as a good lesson in humility." Julius lifted the man up by the neck of his shirt and pulled his fist back, ignoring the girl's attempts at moving the conversation onward. Regrettably, unless the guy gave up a satisfactory answer, or somebody forced him to stop, he was unlikely to hold himself back.

Julius Stiles

@Lady Athena@Hammerman@Spriggs27@Fonniku

"I'll beat you for screwing with me!"

"What the hell is it with this line?" Julian asked upon reaching the guild. "I don't recall asking to visit an amusement park."

Either not realizing or ignoring the fact that his partner would likely not have a clue what one of those were due to not being from the same place he was, Julius complained loudly. Waiting was not exactly one of his strong points, and it seemed as though they would need to wait quite a while to even get into this place. What was even going on?

"Sign up here for the trial of the hero." a sign above the place read.

Well there was an unrealistic amount of people signing up for this thing. Where were they in his world? "Hero?" he scoffed, "Is that something you can just take trials for now?"

As he looked back down from the sign, the line significantly shortened, surprisingly so. "Huh. Well, I guess a hero should make quite a bit of money, doncha think?" he commented, putting his helmet back on.

Julius did not seem as out-of-place as he thought he would be, given he was wearing a full suit of armor. There were plenty people there, all wearing an assortment of outfits. Some wore clean, shiny armor unlike his. Others wore lighter apparel and he had to figure that those absurd hats served some purpose besides looking silly. On top of that, not everybody was entirely human. There appeared to be a few individuals that looked more animal than man. While he had never seen something like this back when he was but your everyday badass thug, he couldn't bring himself to be too surprised. That just wasn't his style.




Why you take the challenge:
In 2 million words explain why you want to be the hero of Jaded Wilds?:"

"Oi. What the fuck is this?" he questioned, perhaps to the very world itself. He held the application in his hands and, like many other adventurers and so on, he was quite angry and confused at the piece of paper. Particularly the bottom part with the ridiculously long essay requirement. Julius stomped over to the man that gave them the application.

"Man, I wish I could read!"

"The hell ya trying to pull here, ya bastard!" Julius grabbed the man by his shirt and raised his armored fist threateningly. "Ya want me to write this thing with your blood, huh?!"

Without any intervention, Julius was obviously going to beat this man to a pulp. His goal of becoming a respectable human being was... perhaps a little ways away.

@Archmage MC

I agree with this.

Also, I will submit a CS at some point within a 24 hour period.
@Lady Athena@Lucius Cypher

Alright, well I hope that was all.
<Snipped quote by FamishedPants>

Hmm maybe I got rid of it every other time. The problem with the skill is you take damage you become stronger.

Yeah, I mean that's the point of a berserker class. But if you'd like, I can add that at higher damage thresholds he starts to go berserk like that.
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