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Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

Most Recent Posts

I want to make a post, but I want to wrap up the "God-Child" scene with one more post, so I'll wait for Fern or Atrophy before I post.

EDIT: I'll definitely post tomorrow.

I plan to post late tomorrow afternoon UK time, But if it ends up too late feel free to post first
Yeahhh! And don't worry about rushing it I've been away / still have one more exam anyway
I've been away since Thursday so I'll work on catching up on this train journey and actually writing a post tomorrow

@Surtr Inc@Prosaic@Atrophy
Grand Ridge Academy – Conference Room

Rien was honestly surprised when Britney pulled out some old book and showed it to them. Okay, so maybe there was a handy book to explain this all. Or a little bit. There wasn’t exactly as much information as they would have liked but it did clear some things up.

Though they weren’t really sure about all the shit to do with being Guardians. It kind of assumed they had useful abilities, didn’t it? What were they supposed to do, throw bats at monsters? Not really useful. Though they had to admit they had no wish to die horribly cause of this ‘abstraction.’

They kinda had to agree with Claire, though. Being some kind of guardian for a town they hardly cared for didn’t sound all that ideal.

Then Penny went off at Claire again and damn, even Rien wanted to leave now. Things hardly bothered them but they were starting to get pissed at just how much arguments were going on. They barely knew any of the people involved but it just seemed like this Penny kid was being an ass for the sake of it. She wasn’t really making them want to have to work with her for this whole ‘guardian’ shit either.

Caelea had to say that Penny was really starting to piss her off too – she didn’t like Britney by any means, but Claire was one of the few people she did like. And even she thought this girl was going on a bit. Really, what was the problem with just punching someone and having it settled? No need to shout on and on. Easier to get it solved with some good old physical violence (and then they all wouldn’t have to hear things they didn’t want to hear).

“What the fuck?” Rien was thrown off when they were suddenly in some weird space that was hitting far too close to their hair colour for comfort. And they did not remember being transparent normally. It was just like that dream… how strange.

Min had crouched down, scrutinising the transparent floor they were standing on. How did that work? How did any of this work?

“I’ve always wanted to be stuck in a strange blue room,” Caelea muttered sarcastically, though really she was relieved that something had happened to stop the arguing.

“This is nice and all, but where are we?” Rien looked around in confusion. “I feel like I’m in a dream, cause I know I’m definitely sober. What even happened?”

Though that brought up another question in their mind – if they were all transparent and ghost like could they even physically interact?

Grand Ridge Academy – Outside Conference Room

Tuyen jumped slightly as David spoke to her, having not really paid attention to her surroundings in the rush to leave the room. Even being out of it she was not feeling good. The panicky feeling wasn’t going anywhere nor was the crushing sense of self loathing. She really just wanted to get away from everything and back to the comfort of her room (though she knew Min would be annoyed if she didn’t talk to him after).

“Uh,” she stammered slightly, trying to think of how to explain it. “There were two people arguing a lot, then someone else pulled a bat out of a drawing and then everything went dark. I think that about summarises it.”

“It just turned into a bit of a shit show.” She paused, hearing more shouting from inside. “I’m assuming it hasn’t got any better.”

Yeah, she definitely wasn’t going back in there even if she’d left some stuff behind.
Wow that was a lot of posts in a short space of time o.O I'll probably get one up tonight
<Snipped quote by FernStone>

I'll try not to hurl abuse or prod the person David has never met but there will be no promises ("^-^)

I mean I think if David hurled abuse at Tuyen the shadow would materialise just to give him a thumbs up for aiding its torment of her :P
<Snipped quote by FernStone>

Perfect! Time for David to inadvertently make the Shadow throw him five storeys and injure himself yet again since he seems so talented at getting hurt and pissing things off.

I mean Im pretty sure the shadow would only do that to David if it would negatively affect Tuyen :P So he'll probably be fine
Was writing and I forgot that Tuyen just left the room, @FernStone would David "asking what the heck just went down" be alright to include or should he just let her go if you don't wish for a quick chat?

Yeah that's perfectly fine, I mean Tuyen is freaking out a bit but'll always pretend to be fine so if he asks she'll respond so that's fine by me

@Surtr Inc@Prosaic@Atrophy@Spoopy Scary
Grand Ridge Academy – Conference Room

Okay, so Rien felt just a little bit bad when the girl who’d helped organise this spoke up. She clearly wasn’t from here, that much was obvious from her accent. Rien placed it as somewhere European. Maybe from Poland? But wherever she was from Rien could sort of understand. They didn’t have much of an accent anymore but they weren’t exactly from here either.

“I guess I better apologise too then,” Rien shrugged, just ignoring Justin’s comment about laying off the alcohol. Okay so he was probably right. Both about that and this not just being another thing. But they’re choices weren’t exactly sound and they’d stick by that. “I’m sorry for pulling a bat into your face.” This was towards Billy, who did look fairly shocked. He’d deserved it but whatever. “And for freaking everyone out so much, especially Andrea. I didn’t really mean to.”

It was a bit more genuine than the last time even if they didn’t feel a bit more than a little bad. They weren’t exactly the one causing all the drama – that all went to Penny and Claire. They just hadn’t really helped things.

“Awakened…” Min murmured the word to himself after Britney finished talking, thinking on the word. So in short they’d all gotten powers from the trauma of Scott killing various teachers and classmates. It didn’t take him long to figure out that he was affected to. That would explain the things he’d been seeing when picking up objects and how he just knew things about them.

Testing his theory he picked up the jacket Tuyen had left in her rush to get out of the room with the mark on the back of his neck glowing slightly. Straight away he knew that Tuyen was the last person to use it and that she’d left it hanging in a wardrobe for almost a month. He didn’t quite know the word for this, but it definitely wasn’t normal.

Then he must have a mark like all the others, just somewhere he couldn’t see it.

“So if we have a tattoo, we have a magical ability?” Caelea spoke up properly for the first time. She didn’t particularly want to talk to or ask Britney, but it was a burning question. Because as far as she was aware she had the mark but not the power. And she had no clue how to figure out what magical ability she had.

“Well most people here have both, I’d say,” Rien responded even though they didn’t know the answer. “How come you seem to know so much, Britney? I mean I’m assuming it isn’t just in a handy book in the library.”

Min stayed in thoughtful silence – really all he wanted to know was how these abilities worked scientifically, but he doubted anyone else here was smart enough to know that. And now that he’d gotten the explanation he needed he didn’t need to ask anything else.
Its a bit shorter than I would've liked, but finally had time to write up a post! Hope all is going well for you with the wedding and all
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