Avatar of Fetzen


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11 days ago
Current When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
13 days ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
14 days ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
16 days ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!
18 days ago
I neither have a multiverse in my mouth nor any pocket dimensions stashed away in my clothes. All I got is a Hilbert's Hotel in my head. Does that make me a viable competitor ?


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Well first of all, just remember that you can definitely die for doing stupid things, @Fetzen.

Second, it occurs to me as I prepare my post this round that Stormflyx didn't post at all in the last round, and that she hasn't actually been online in the last 13 days. I hope she's alright, is basically it.

Well like said, non-seriously. I am fully aware of the leeroy-ness of provocative answers :

And the same thing occurred to me as well... :/
I'm non-seriously wondering what the most inadequate answer of An-Hasst could be in order to heat up the situation. What do you think about the following:

"Okay, so let me tell you something:. I might be a mongrel of the noble race of wood elves and living giants. You however, I'm afraid, are merely a mongrel of minerals. Aeons old, shattered, rearranged and aggregated by the tides of water and geology again and again. You are an impure, polycristalline, partly maybe even amorphous pile of rubble that happens to have a considerable size as of now, but one that can only diminish as the time you are forced to witness goes by. I, however, am monolithic. Grown according to a delicate plan, not assembled out of pure randomness."
Vadym had a not so comfortable time trying to evade the almost ubiquitous amount of dirt that was lying on the streets, rotting and waiting to be dilitued and washed into the sea with the next rain. That dress of him had not been that cheap after all, but never was it in so much danger than in a town like this. The mage almost considered using some kind of spell to alleviate the task, but what would the people around him say ? According to his experience by far not every commoner was open-minded with regard to such things, especially in regions where education was a more rare thing to be seen.

Still Vadym made it, only his shoes had turned into a pile of mud. Carefully and with eyes wide open he knocked against the door, hoping that someone was still there to respond.

In the meantime some strange happened near Port Vale's only church... Just like with many other sacred buildings people had not been hesitant to attach weird looking statues to them. Grotesque creatures of fantasy that looked horrifying, but actually were meant to demoralize and scare away evil spirits. Those arts of work were meant to cling to the walls forever, but unknown to most people very few of them didn't. Now the night was coming and one of them separated itself from the high spire it once had been mounted on. A hulking beast that didn't come crashing down since it unfolded giant wings, now gliding through the dark skies with almost disturbing silence. It would try to roam around the streets this night, trying to find out more about its environment.

Vodilic Hadayn

Level 1: (Strong-arm, apprentice)
Currency: 9 bits
Ammunition: 0
Armor: +3
Status: -

"The solution to the immovable object and the unstoppable force paradox ? Them being the same thing!"

Outer district

Torril Morvayn was what could probably be described best as a mildly important figure among the criminal societies of Guillan. His motives most likely were the same mixture of primitivity, egoism and thrall-like obedience to whomever was secretly pulling the strings as they were with many others of similar rank, but at least so far he had been reliable in terms of payment and his information trustworthy. If not Vodilic, in chronic need of additional funds, would not have accepted yet another... let's say 'task'... of him. Said task was about delivering a message, but the message would involve enough of a crime to get any perpetrator behind iron bars if caught. However, according to Torril, the receiver would be out of home this evening and busying himself on a party.

The sun had already settled below the horizon, the remaining dim reddish glow was not enough to illuminate the streets. A rather chill wind was underway, so not many people were left out here. The majority of them apparently had already prepared for the night and was at home, but not so that semi-rich, allegedly quite arrogant snob whose house Vodilic was about to break in. There was no light to be seen behind any of the windows and no other activity to be seen around it. For moments Vodilic wondered if he should try to climb up to that opulent balcony, but considering how many workers might have died already by falling off ladders during its construction he abandoned the idea.

The much more simple solution was the main door. There was the chance of some passer-by spotting the tiny bits of damage that would be caused by Vodilic's method of getting inside, but given the poor illumination it was only a very slight risk preferable to breaking one of the windows. With that certain, satisfying snap the door's lock gave way to the brute force applied via the iron bar lodged into the seam between the door and its frame. Vodilic, having to duck in the process, slipped in and slanted a small stool against it in order to keep it closed at all times again. Now was the time to see what he had at hand here...

The most immediate observation: Richness. The desk alone was so decorated with inlaid work and shiny metal fittings that it must have cost more than an average dock worker could afford in several months. It would make an excellent platform for the message, so Vodilic gently placed the folded piece of parchment he had been given by Torril onto it and secured it with the bronze paperweight. The plan was for this to be the only piece of written stuff to survive this evening. The victim whose house he just had broken into was a tradesman, someone who had to keep record of what was in stock, what was to be bought, what had just been sold, who was working for him and countless other things. What could be more devastating than obliterating some of those ? The ordinary blackmailing job was to get in and wreak havoc upon every piece of equipment inside, but Vodilic liked the cleverness of this different approach. It was silent, efficient and would allow him to snatch away whatever he could make fit into his pockets.

The first task was to reignite the fire in the chimney, an issue that was greatly alleviated by the fact that there were still some embers left from hours before. Like said, it was a cold evening... Then Vodilic started searching the drawers, cabinets and other containers for the things to burn. In order to save time he didn't look at them, but just fed them into the flames right away. Trying to check if the plethora of numbers and words on them was relevant information to be destroyed or not would just give him a headache anyway, just burning everything suspicious was much easier. It would get rather hot in here.

Then, with Vodilic already having reached the second floor, a creaking noise could be heard. Vodilic's ears told him that it was not one of the floorboards suffering under his weight. He twisted his head in order to look downstairs and could only watch in horror that it was the stool rubbing against the entrance door. It was forced open from outside and a man whose general body shape clearly had seen better days entered the building among with two other, armed persons.

Instincs told Vodilic to try and jump out of the next window and make a run for it, but he barely was able to slow down in time in order not to jump. There were more people outside and they too were armed.

"Ohh how cute. Thanks that you already have arranged for a comfortable temperature in here Vat... Vod... Vodilic ? Is that your name ? Well neither I'm sure nor do I care so I'll just call you cuddle bear if that's okay for you ? That party really was disappointing from the very beginning so I decided to leave early. Or no... wait... that was yesterday! Today I just left in order for you to come in!"

The man burst into a bit of laughter that would have raised Vodilic's anger level even if he had not just been realizing that he had been set up. He shoved his chubby frame over towards the fireplace, bent down and pulled out a piece of parchment that had not yet completely incinerated.

"Let's see what we have here. Trade records from... like 10 years ago ? Good luck that I've been so lazy about cleaning up my archive, certainly don't need this anymore do I ?"

Vodilic stared at the tradesman's stubby fingers as he used them to crumple the piece of parchment and toss it back into the flames.

"Thanks for disposing of this crap! Maybe I should have waited a few more minutes but my colleagues became nervous." The tradesman patted the shoulder of the armed man standing next to him, putting up a nasty smile while the other maintained his quite disciplined grimace. Vodilic was about to say something, but the tradesman who identified himself as Garan raised his index finger as an indication not to say anything.

"Now you're certainly wondering what has happened. Well... let's say this beautiful city works like a giant set of gears. Big ones turn the smaller ones, but without the smaller ones the whole thing would come to a grinding halt as well. Now unfortunately this set of gears suffers from a slight error: Some of those smaller gears hang so low that, as they turn, their teeth touch the ground and dig up dirt and pieces of sand. They either don't realize that this is dangerous for the entire machine or they can't change much about their situation anyway. Most of this dirt and sand drops off in time, but some pieces get sucked in and start to annoy. Pieces like you. And the small gear I'm talking about is your brave master Torril who stopped asking critical questions the moment he was confronted with a sufficient amount of coins. I guess he doesn't even know that his very latest contract was a trap for one of his employees and that the one contacting him was my loyal secretary. Now please do me the favor and arrest this cuddle bear. The machine must continue to turn!"

The armed men had waited halfway partiently so far, but now all three of them rushed up the stairs while those waiting outside around the place continued to stand by. Even Vodilic could see that it would be lethal to try and resist against this summoning without solid armament on his own side. This bootlicker of Garan must have called for the entirity of his low-cost private guards that usually protected his warehouse. They put Vodilic in chains and forced him to walk towards the castle, Garan accompanying the bunch of men along the whole way. He appeared to have enough authority to claim that Vodilic had broken into his house and tried to sabotage him.

A not so comfortable cell awaited Vodilic. The ceiling was a tad too low for him to stand completely upright, but there was a rich supply of water seeping in from various places. There was no such thing as a bed, just a pile of hay for him to sleep on. The question was what would come next for him: Just this or a trial ? An uncomfortable, tingling sensation started to appear around Vodilic's neck.
Is there something like an annual fair where people would pay a slice or so for having them tossed as far as possible back into the crowd or into a pond of water? Just in case Vodilic needs to pick up a second job ;-)
Sooo, please tell me where I've done totally wrong!
And sorry for the long-ish delay...

(edited Fiery Heart skill, 21.06.2019)

Climbing up a seemingly endless flight of circular stairs was not exactly one of Týfurkh's most favorite activities, but it was necessary nontheless and he was fully trained. Anyone not believing this would be proven wrong by his ability to maintain a fair speed despite the fact that he had to lift an almost ludicrous amount of weight, taking two steps at a time each time.

"Der Freischütz, you say ?" A gentle smile crept onto the man's face. "You know that the nation of hearing has a certain faible for music and such ? If you like operas you really should go there once. Maybe, once this is over, we can travel together..." That was a bit of a two-sided coin Týfurkh was referring to. After all an opera was much more than just music. It also was sort of a visual novella and as such good operas probably could also be found in the nation of sight as well, but that was place he never had been previously.

"I'll try to remember that code..." Well... he simply had to. They probably would only have the opportunity to deliver a message once, so if this one transmission did not match what was expected their mission would end in utter failure. As they continued to climb the tower Týfurkh and the others could already feel fresh gusts of winds coming down. Apparently the top of the tower had not been sealed off or had already been opened up again, a good sign at least.

"I also need a direction as precise as possible. Give me a landmark or something else to shout at, given the distance the area where my voice will be heard will still be pretty small." The top of the stairwell was covered by a large wooden hatch that lead to a platform probably intended for maintenance. From there the tower's bells and the mechanic that allowed them to be rung from down below were within an arm's reach. The latter seemed to be fairly new, but the bells themselves probably had been hanging there for decades, if not centuries. Not really surprising given how much effort had to be put into getting them there in the first place.

"Alright. Give me a minute or so, please..." Týfurkh whispered and tried to stay back from the rim of the platform. It was preferable if noone spotted them high up here and the same was true for hearing them. He untied the uppermost part of his armor, allowing his breast to spread further while shouting, and seemed to become more and more concentrated. "Karina ? The direction, please."
Did I already mention that I like undead characters and would like to play one at some point ? You know... lifetime restrictions can be bypassed, and bypassing the constraints of reality is what fantasy was invented for.
Happy Birthday then @The Fated Fallen :)

And to answer the question... Well I'm still the same incorporation of roleplaying-lazyness I always was since forever. But I'm on 4 days vacation!
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