Avatar of Feyblue


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11 mos ago
Current My favorite genre. :D
1 yr ago
hehe lore go brrrrrr
1 yr ago
Wasn't the Black Knight "None shall pass," though?
1 like
2 yrs ago
You ever realize that you haven't changed your status in months, go back to change it, and then wonder what the *fuck* your previous status was even talking about?
2 yrs ago
No, no, they clearly are referring to Ohio -- which Georgia is geographically south of, so the theory is still sound.
1 like


Oh, hi. Thanks for checking in.

I'm an exceedingly enthusiastic roleplayer who's been writing for about ten years now and yet still hasn't managed to produce any kind of solo piece of writing worth reading. I like to consider myself a good writer, but that's kind of a matter of opinion, as many would argue that my tendency to ramble on at entirely excessive length about things is boring rather than interesting. I'm also incredibly OCD about formatting, so if you're wondering why my bios look so fancy, that's why. It's just something I do because... reasons, I guess.

Anyway, as you've probably noticed from my avatars and RP choices, I'm more than a bit of a fan of anime and manga, but also enjoy movies, video games, the occasional comic book... the list goes on. For you see, I am not a mere dork - I am the one spoken of in legends, the one whose dorkiness transcends all forms and boundaries. I am... the Legendary... OMNI-DORK!

...Anyway, thanks for dropping in to check on my profile! Hope to RP with you sometime!


Most Recent Posts

I think right now I’m debating with myself on the tropes of my character. Do I go with my usual hot-tempered tsundere or icy kuudere, or do I want to execute things a little differently this go around? I think once I get a personality down the rest will fall into place.

I vote not Kuudere, because my character is largely going to be a stoic loner, so there'd be a lot of overlap.

<Snipped quote by Feyblue>

So you have somethings mixed around.

World of End cards are the Leader Cards

Warriors of End are the guardians who once held the leader cards

Warriors of End can be Humanoid if you like.

And I can make a lock down deck for you. No big deal. :)

World of End Cards will get more info here in a second. I am just workin' on lots of info.

Alright, so no Vanguard-esque avatar shenanigans. Gotcha. If you need further themes for the deck, I'd recommend monsters being themed as snakes, destructive support cards having venom motifs, counterspells and lockdowns having either more snakes or chains, and the world of end card... I dunno. I'll have to rethink that one and get back to you on it once I know more about how they work.
@TheRedWatcher Do Warriors have to be Human? Because I was actually considering designing mine partially based on the Chinese fable of the white snake who attained a human form. Her leader unit would be her true form, while all her supporting units are just cast-off manifestations she's "molted." That being said, she'll probably have a playstyle based around lockdowns and ruthless attrition and being the last one left standing. Lots of counterspell type utilities to shut down enemy options, like preventing them from summoning or evolving units, and then sacrificing her own units for mutual destruction plays. Probably, her leader unit would get stronger the fewer cards are on the field, so she lets her own allies be destroyed so they can take her enemies with them - something like that.
Hmm... I've never tried my hand at a card game RP before. Seems fun, although I'd have to know a bit more about the rules and mechanics before I could start designing a deck.

Question, though. Are the Warriors of World's End supposed to be based on actual mythological figures and heroes, or just made up on the spot?
Not sure if I'll live or die for dramatic effect, but I do know one thing for sure.

It's going to be bizarre.


𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #FF741D ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #DFD989

What an absolute mess this all was. Not twenty minutes after they'd finally made it to Komei, and not only had she, a complete bystander, been dragged into some kind of personal mess of Harukaze's, but Fumika had even thrown herself right into the middle of their argument. But the more Asuka thought about it, the more it didn't make sense. Her sister didn't get involved with other people. It just didn't happen. The only exception had apparently been Harukaze, but even so, it was rare she'd actually care about anything enough to break her customary silence. And yet, she hadn't just talked... She'd shouted in both of their faces, for crying out loud! And she'd said all sorts of bizarre things that didn't make any sense. Blaming herself? Calling herself stupid? Why was somebody so arrogant acting like that? Did she get some kind of change of heart the moment she arrived here? No, that was a ridiculous assumption. Then it hit her. Asuka didn't actually have any reference how she acted around other people normally. Or, in other words, it wasn't how she interacted with other people, but rather...

"Haruka, it looks like there's dinner. Would you like to eat?" The soft voice of her sister piped up from next to her as the tall blonde tugged on Harukaze's sleeve, motioning over to the kitchen as they entered the common area of the dorm. The shorter girl seemed to be distracted by something, staring off to one side with an unreadable look on her face. At Fumika's words, however, she snapped back to attention and nodded a moment later, evidently giving her assent to the plan.

"S-sure. We spent most of the day traveling, so I'm kinda hungry." Harukaze tried to pass things off casually, but her usual enthusiasm was gone. Fumika's face fell, but, undeterred, she placed a hand on her friend's arm and gave it a gentle squeeze before turning and walking with her over to where they were serving food.

Asuka's eyes narrowed. She knew Harukaze was unhappy, and was trying to comfort her. Sure, the way she went about it was awkward and clumsy, but even so! She cared about someone, had read the mood, and now was behaving like a normal human being and trying to support her instead of just ignoring the problem without a care in the world!

What the hell? She can talk to people just fine! It's not that she's oblivious like she pretends to be, or that she's just arrogant in general... It's not anything complicated at all, in fact. She's just ignoring me like some little brat!

Asuka clenched a fist unconsciously, but released it a moment later. No... It was certainly infuriating being treated this way, by her own sister of all people, but... She couldn't allow it to get to her. If she did that, then she'd just be letting her annoyingly smug sibling get one over on her. She wouldn't give that two-faced idiot the pleasure of seeing her upset. She took a deep breath, and was about to follow along, grumbling to herself that her opinion had never been consulted on the matter even though she'd probably have accepted a meal anyway. However, just then, a familiar person brushed past her.

It was that short, sporty-looking kid who'd come running when her sister was freaking out in the courtyard outside. It looked like he was trying to catch up to her, evidently not satisfied that she was alright. Asuka gave a wry smirk. She knew enough about boys that she had a feeling that he wasn't just being friendly. So, he must have been the white knight type. But seriously, of all the people to get interested in... Honestly, she had to feel sorry for him. He'd probably talked to her, what, once? And now he just thought she was "interesting" or "quirky" because he hadn't realized how stupid and petty she could really be. Hell, he probably just got taken in by Fumika's appearance, just because she got all the luck with her genetics and ended up tall and busty... Not that she was jealous of that or anything. She'd get the last laugh, when her dumb older sister ended up with back pains later on!

Asuka cleared her throat. "Oi," She spoke up from right behind him, poking him in the center of his back. "You're looking for my big sis, right? I can tell you where she went just now, but I'd like you to answer a couple questions first." Grinning knowingly, she stood arms crossed and head cocked, confidently staring down the boy in front of her. "Who are you, and what exactly is your deal with her, anyway? You called her -chan earlier. Don't tell me you asked her out on the first day of classes or something."




𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #C9C916 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #3F9CB1

As Fumi led her along into the dining area, Haruka shot one last glance over her shoulder. The shape she'd seen on the edge of the stairs... She couldn't quite make it out anymore. And yet, she knew what she'd seen. There was only one person who could have been standing there. He wasn't looking at her. He probably hadn't even seen that she was watching. Because there, at that moment, there had been another person taking up the entirety of Jett's attention.

Someone's arms were wrapped around him. They were small and dainty, with fair, pale-skinned hands that could only have belonged to a girl. There was someone holding him. She couldn't see who it was, but that didn't matter, because he was embracing her tightly as though... as though...

"I did have a crush and still do on a girl my age, way back when."

So that's what it was. He hadn't really meant that. He'd been putting it lightly, because he must have known... Surely, he must have realized how she'd felt back then... How she'd ALWAYS felt about it. He knew, so he'd been trying to let her down gently, saying that he wasn't interested, because in actuality...

He had someone else. It wasn't just a crush, they were probably already dating. Or, if they weren't, then at this rate, they probably would be soon. She'd never had a chance. Of course, she knew that. Deep down, maybe she'd always known that it was impossible for someone like her to be seen in that light. And now that she didn't even have her Quirk... Of course, there was really no reason to even consider it. It was a perfectly reasonable decision, so reasonable she couldn't even fault him for it. And yet... even though it made so much sense...

It hurts. Damnit, it hurts to have to actually see it myself... I wish I'd lost my eyes as well as my damn leg. Why did it have to end up like this!?
@CollectorOfMystStill here. 0w0


𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #FF741D ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #DFD989

Asuka had just finished yelling at the one who'd started all this mess when, all of a sudden, for reasons she couldn't possibly fathom, everything suddenly spiraled downward into complete chaos. First, the girl herself started talking big about how she didn't have any right to be angry... Didn't have any right? She was family, that was as good a right as any. And as for her sister, Fumika was probably too stupid to realize what being angry even meant, so as her sister, it obviously fell to Asuka to be angry for her. Honestly, she was just about ready to take the smug girl up on her challenge just to wipe the smirk off her face, when something even more confusing happened.

The boy from outside the gates showed up, and apparently, Harukaze hadn't avoided him by accident. The two seemed to know each other, but what all they were yelling about, she hadn't the slightest idea. What, was he her jilted ex-boyfriend or something? She'd been in a few situations like that herself, but she'd always managed to find some way to settle things peacefully, if not happily. This, though... They were yelling at each other and crying, and any sensible person would have known not to get involved.

So of course her idiot sister jumped right into the middle of it. Asuka mentally facepalmed. Why didn't she understand that this wasn't any of her business? She clearly didn't know anything more about this than Asuka herself did, so really, all they could do was stay back and not escalate this any further. She was just about to intervene and try to pull Fumika out before she made things even worse, but then, she realized something.

She called him "Jett." No surname. No honorific. Just Jett. So now she's being rude on top of being oblivious? There's no way that they're friends... But then why is she so invested? Is it just because Harukaze's in trouble, or...?

She glanced around her, and noticed students poking their heads out of windows, or rushing out of the dorms to see what was happening. Geez, didn't Harukaze have any shame? She was being so loud that half the campus must have been thinking there was a fistfight going on or something... One of the new arrivals approached Asuka first, and she had to suppress a groan.

To her credit, she really did try not to be too standoffish.

"Motome Asuka," She replied brusquely. "And your guess is as good as mine." She shook her head, shrugging with disdain. Like hell she was going to get involved in a public lover's spat. Sure, she felt bad for Harukaze... After all, that Jett guy seemed kind of clingy. But at the same time, Harukaze herself wasn't exactly helping her case by berating him the moment he approached them. Regardless, she'd brought this on herself, and there was nothing Asuka could do to make this easier on her, so perhaps she'd just help her make a quick getaway afterward to save face and try to console her once she knew the full story... Just so long as her idiot sister didn't do anything else stupid, then-


...No way. There was absolutely no way. There was no way her perennially oblivious, practically mute sister just shouted that. In all the years Asuka had lived with her, she'd seen many things... but never before had she seen Fumika angry.

...So then why was she screaming at the top of her lungs, exactly? And what was she talking about? Asuka's head was still spinning from the sheer surprise of realizing that Fumika was actually capable of articulating more than a single sentence at once, but her shock had only just begun. Because one of the things that she heard her sister say was...

Because I'm stupid.

There was just no way. She must have misheard, must have been dreaming, must have... Must have what? How? Why? When? Fumika had always, for as long as she'd remembered, barely even noticed other people. On the rare occasion that she was actually home, she'd hardly even looked at her own sister or parents, let alone spoken to anyone. That was why her mom and dad had sent Asuka to check up on her in the first place - to make sure she hadn't gotten into any fights with anyone, that she was actually participating in classes. It was obvious that she thought she was better than anyone else, that she couldn't have cared less what anyone else thought. She never even tried to understand them. So why... Why was she saying things like that with tears in her eyes?

At that moment, a boy came jogging up wearing some kind of mask, which he hastily pulled off and rather awkwardly tried to insert himself into the conversation. But as he did so, Asuka couldn't help but pick up on his reason for doing so.

"I just...thought I heard Motome-chan shout."

He knows who she is. Not just that, he's close enough to be worried and come running at the drop of a hat. And what's this -chan all about?! Why's he so chummy with my sister? How's that even possible?! And more importantly...

"Oh my god," Asuka murmured aloud, blinking furiously as if trying to awaken from a bizarre dream. "My sister is friends with a guy. My sister is friends with a really cute guy... There must be some kind of mistake. How did this happen?" She pointed to the new arrival, her head darting back and forth between him and Fumika. "Kasuke-san, you go to school here, right? How did this happen?!"



𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #F50A83 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #0A8BF5

Light streamed through the window.

They'd finally stopped yelling at each other. Haruka wasn't crying anymore, and Jett didn't seem angry at her anymore. But the way they both looked at one another... it wasn't right. This wasn't how friends were supposed to act. That meant that something was still wrong.

The curtains fluttered in the spring wind.

She hadn't solved things at all. She hadn't been able to help...! But what more could she do? How could she make things better?

The dull white light shone down upon dull white walls, filling the room with blinding radiance.

She'd been so happy to see Haruka, but now that Haruka was here, she was only sad. What could she do?

Something was beeping methodically. A single tone, then a pause, then another tone a moment later, like an electronic drum keeping time to an unheard song.

She'd tried hugging her, but even that didn't help. Haruka didn't even seem to want to be close to her. She didn't want to be close to anyone. What, then, could she do?

She couldn't forget it even if she wanted to. The sounds were ringing in her ears, the images had already burned themselves into her mind, inscribing themselves forever upon her consciousness. And there, right in front of her, was the thing she dreaded most to see...

In the first place, she didn't understand it. She couldn't understand it, because it didn't make sense and even if it did she was too stupid to work it all out! This feeling, this overwhelming pounding in her head and burning in her chest, as if her heart would stop at any moment... What was it? Why couldn't she even fix this?!

She felt just like she had back then.

A pale, emaciated, dark-haired figure lay on the utterly white bed in front of her. Even if those golden eyes opened, like the doctors said they would, she knew that everything would still be wrong and there was nothing she could do about it and it just made her want to throw up and-


Huh? That voice is...

The image was gone, replaced by a figure standing in front of her. He was trying to smile with his lips, but his forehead was still pursed in a frown as he scratched his cheek uneasily.

Yoshida...! She wanted to rush over to him, to ask him for his help. He was smart and kind. He would know what to do. Maybe, he could fix things...! Yet, suddenly, her legs wouldn't move.

"Everything, uh, alright?"

No. Nothing's alright. Haruka is hurting, and Jett is sad, and my heart feels heavy and I don't know why. She wanted to say that, but the moment she opened her mouth to speak, the words seemed to flee, bottling themselves back up inside her throat as if to suffocate her.

"I mean, I don't wanna interrupt anythin', I just...thought I heard Motome-chan shout."

You did. I didn't know what else I could do. I thought I could help, but it didn't work and now I don't know how I can help. She wanted to answer him, but even though she could find the words, it was hard just to move air up and down her windpipe.

She couldn't move an inch, couldn't so much as whisper. Because no matter how much she wanted to, the moment she saw Yoshida's face looking at her like that, she remembered...

He wants to me leave him alone... doesn't he?

For a moment, she'd been incredibly happy, but that feeling faded, while the weight in her heart only grew. The fact that he'd worried about her, that he'd come to her rescue, made her feel incredibly warm, and her heart had almost skipped a beat. And yet... she knew that if she acted upon that feeling, if she tried to take that warmth for herself no matter what... He'd only hate her, just like Asuka did. She didn't want that. It was precisely because he was so important that she didn't want that. So, even though she wanted nothing more than to speak, she shut herself up, and once more did something she detested.

"I'm fine," Motome Fumika lied.

"My friends were just arguing, and I didn't know what to do, so I got angry. That's all."

He wouldn't hate her for this. Even if it wasn't what she had just discovered she "wanted," at least he wouldn't hate her for this. Besides, there were more important things to worry about than herself. She needed to help Haruka and Jett. Because friends were supposed to help each other. Heroes were supposed to stop people from hurting. As their friend and as a hero, then, it was her duty. There had to be something she could do for them. She just had to stop being stupid and think of it. So, bowing sheepishly to Yoshida, she quickly disengaged from the conversation, and rushed over to Haruka's side.

And, like always... A computer worked best when it was addressing one problem at a time.

So, Fumika said nothing that she wanted to say, and kept working on the problem at hand, like a good computer should.



𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #C9C916 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #3F9CB1

How could I be so stupid?

Haruka watched in a daze. Her arms and legs were still shaking, even though she'd managed to stop the tears. She could hear the pounding drum of her own heartbeat ringing in her ears, beating ever slower and slower until her breathing had finally returned to normal. As the haze of terror turned to outrage turned finally despair reached its end and faded from before her eyes, she took a deep breath, and the meaning of her own words washed over her like a tidal wave.

This wasn't how she'd wanted it to be. Even if everyone else passed her by, or rejected her or looked down on her or even pitied her...

All she had wanted was for Jett to still look at her the way he had back then. She had just wanted him to admire her, to respect her, to treat her like she was important. She hadn't meant to lie to him, or to ignore him. It was just... This was the only way she could think of! Why couldn't he understand that? Of course she'd wanted to see him again. That had never changed. But... The moment he saw her, she knew this would happen. She knew he'd be angry, and then he'd think she didn't trust him. But that wasn't it at all. Couldn't he see? She'd just wanted... She'd just wanted him to be proud of her. It was precisely because he was so precious that she couldn't afford to let him know.

But it was too late to say any of that. After all, she'd already ruined everything, hadn't she? Not just Jett... Even Fumika had been angry at her. That was a punishment that had been coming for a long time, though, and one she well deserved. If there was anyone who should have hated her, then it was-

But she'd just been so angry! She'd been so upset that he wouldn't listen, so upset that now even he was looking down at her with those smug eyes. And the worst part of all was that she deserved it. She deserved to be coddled, to be pitied, to be set aside as weak, to be left in the dust, because in the end, all she was-

But what was even the point of trying to hold out any longer? It was all already over. She'd been found out, and now, she might as well just quit. She'd been an idiot to try to protest. In the first place, he'd already seen her, so why hadn't she just conceded immediately? Why had her stupid pride compelled her to say all those idiotic things? She wouldn't have been surprised if Jett probably hated her now. She deserved that, too.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke as evenly and as calmly as she could, but after her outburst, even she couldn't think of her own words as anything but empty. The sound of her own voice made her want to strangle herself just so it'd stop ringing in her ears.

Above all else, she was tired.

"...Jett. I'm sorry. As I said, I was wrong not to tell you. I'll explain everything later, just..." She motioned slightly to the growing crowd all around them. "Not here. Until then, I'll just... stop. I'm sorry."

Harukaze Haruka was so very, very tired.

As Fumika approached, reaching out wordlessly to take her hand and motioning towards the dorms, she didn't even have the heart to resist. She'd just get in, make sure Fumi was settled in... And then she'd just go. She'd seen more than enough for one day.

"Asuka. We're going. Come on," Fumika said quietly, her tone uncharacteristically grave. Her argumentative sister didn't even see fit to disagree, but rather simply nodded, bowed to a twintailed girl standing next to her, and then silently followed them away from the gathering crowd...
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