Avatar of Force and Fury


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2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
2 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
2 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts


Thanks for the quick response. Kaeli definitely 'stands' out once you notice her. I figured I'd strike up a conversation and possibly make your character an offer while we wait for the next update IC. Also, she's definitely messing with Rogalfi in an attempt to practice her 'human-style humour', though there may be more.


Can I respond to him immediately or should I wait until somebody else posts before I do? I find that different GMs have different policies on that sort of thing.
Stai male, Simona thinks as she hobbles along. At least he's trying. It sure beats nothing. "I, ah... I'm okay!" she manages as the others run past her. She piles into the truck a few seconds behind them and something sharp pokes at her stump. Cazzo! It's all that she can do to avoid actually shouting the word. She gets a couple of glances, but then Robert's outlining a plan that involves more killing and shooting and blowing things up and precisely zero espionage and Silvio's mashing the pedal. Her leg. Simona has to get it off. It's damaged and it's hurting her. "Mannaggia!" She hisses mostly under her breath. The Opel rumbles down the road and she shamelessly reaches up her dress and undoes all of the straps holding Legnoso on. Just as she can feel it come free, there's shouting and shooting, and she ducks and covers. Two Germans get run over, her prosthetic tumbles to the floor of the truck, and they keep barreling along. She glares up at Silvio with all of the ersatz fury that she can muster. "Looka dis!" she shouts, "Looka what you do!" She looks at Robert. "Whenna we go a take ah da treno, you no ah letta him drive. Okay? Ima gonna drive!" She crosses her arms. "So, is ah enne person ah hurt?"
The Legion giveth, the Legion taketh away. Kaeli had made a killing over the past couple of days, what with all of the minor repairs. It had scarcely been challenging work - not for one more accustomed to working on the machines of yore - but it had put more coin in her purse than anything else she'd done in this town - the people paid mostly in eggs, bread, and mead. Still, the legion had deprived her of her fountain. Every day, for the past two months, she'd perched on its lip, partly to place herself closer to eye level, and partly because restoring it had become something of a pet project. Every day, she'd sat there and offered her repair and appraisal services to passerby and actually made enough to live on. Kaeli felt that she'd claimed the old fountain, at least to the point that some of the townspeople had more or less come to expect her there, but perhaps that was an Elven conceit: the idea that your space was your own to the exclusion of others.

Of course, the irrational bit of resentment - they'd given her far more than two days worth of regular business - didn't stop the elf from availing herself of the free food. She'd even considered joining up and hitching a ride out of town, but then there was the 'able bodied' stipulation. Legs must be so convenient, she grumbles inwardly, making her way through a gaggle of curious onlookers. She doesn't see much but knees, thighs, crotches, and glimpses of grey sky when she glances upward. She slips between the moving bodies, paying careful attention to the placement of her hands. It wouldn't do to get them stepped on. Her hands are everything, and the fact that this town is mostly paved is half of the reason why she's stayed here so long. It's nice not to be all muddy for once. Nonetheless, she's been feeling the itch to continue on to a larger city, one where she might be able to find more of use and work with some dignity.

Eventually, Kaeli finds her way out of what is actually quite a small crowd and remembers a nearby building with a decent-sized ledge and an awning, only to find that a traveling courier has already set himself up over there, his sign - replete with misspellings - posted up behind him. She looks around the square. There's the upcoming hanging, of course, all the better to remind people of who makes the rules. Kaeli avoids looking at the magic user. Anyone who can break the natural laws of the world and has been backed into a corner is not safe to be around. The Legion recruiters are taking advantage of the spectacle: a bearded man on a mule has just signed up and there are sure to be others. One of the recruiters is regaling the townspeople with a tale that Kaeli supposes is good. She's been living among humans for some time now and even aping their behaviours, but understanding what actually makes them tick is not as easy as imitating that ticking.

No more than a dozen people are lounging around over in the Boar while a bard plays a soft tune. Kaeli generally avoids anything stronger than the occasional glass of wine. She glances down a couple of roards to see if interesting folk filtering into the square, and spots a spidery-looking Carnelian. You're as rare a creature as I, she muses. Her eyes rove one more time across the loose gathering of mostly-cloaked figures and then they stop. That one. She's an elf. It's subtle, but Kaeli can tell by the way that she walks. Your ability to recognize your own people is magnified in a place where they're so few among so many.

The hour is growing later and the shadows would be getting long if there were any on a day like this. Kaeli does not like executions, but she does like money. She scoots up to the courier and asks him a question: "Sorry to bother you, sir, but just how much weight can you carry in that bag of yours?"

I guess I'm going to be pretty openminded with this. This is mostly just intended to be a fun RP. Have something unlikely, byzantine, slightly less efficient or practical by all means. The only thing that I ask is that it not be way out there and at least look like it could potentially fly. If you have anymore questions, ask away!
Oooooooohhhh. Don't mind if I do!

I'll run Matthew, Candace, and Abigail for now.

However, I can't run six, obviously, though I'm saving Zack for later. If anyone wants to adopt a character that I'm not running (Mario or Selena), feel free to do so. Otherwise, I'll add them in situationally when they fit.
I am, but I had my character leave. The premise of this RP had a lot of promise, but the GM left and I wasn't crazy about the preeminence of personal storylines so far to the detriment of the plot.

Goddammit! Feast of Demeter! Smithing demigods warming up the forges! It's such a hard choice... can I possibly run two characters?
@Sir Lurksalot

The Mimic can most definitely speak when in a form capable of speech, and it often has quite a bit to say, mostly in an annoyingly earnest, curious, pestering manner reminiscent of your typical five year old brother.

@Member 00492

Ah, Okay. No worries. I thought it was kind of philosophically interesting and would make for some cool dynamics and evolution. It could always enter pretending to simply be a human that could shapeshift before being 'outed' because it's pretty shit at being a human lol. If that's not your cup of tea, then it's not the end of the world. I'll just wait for the right RPG.
@Sir Lurksalot

The Mimic does not know what Cage the Elephant is. Therefore it does not know if it sneaked a Cage the Elephant reference in. I, however, do.

It was difficult to resist.
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