Avatar of g1ngersnapped


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2 yrs ago
Current [wakes up from year long coma] theres another sonic movie
3 yrs ago
to everyone waiting on a response, i'll get back to yall ASAP!! things are a little hectic rn, but i should be back to normal by monday <3
3 yrs ago
out here judging Met Gala looks in my sweatpants like im Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada
3 yrs ago
having a harry potter phase in 2021 because of tiktok..........this is so humiliating to my brand. sirius black brainrot
3 yrs ago
i bet on crazy frogs


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alright thanks!! just to make sure <3
@Liv@HEAVY METAL@RedXIII@viktorseier@SpeakNoEvil@Xandrya

I will likely write my next post (concerning the inside of the house) on Monday, July 12 (UTC + 2), because I honestly don't have time before then. I will try my best to post sooner, since I can see that people are going inside. :)

wait, sorry, so we wait for your post to keep adding to the IC tab right??
@HEAVY METAL lmaooo i mean, evan is not really much of a bully, he's just kind of a mean weirdo. he'd probably laugh if scott did that tho

(also i updated his CS just a bit<3)
story's barely started and evan's already getting called a fruit thats so funny fasdjfhui as a sapphic i approve
"You don't know my life, man." He snorted, and let Scott be reckless as he usually was "Really? I Love Lucy? In 2021?" Evan mumbled as he shook his head, hands in the pockets of his hoodie. It was an atypically cold day, and there was something other than the cold wind that was throwing him off...though he couldn't quite place what.

Evan turned to the two girls standing behind him, a slight grin on his face "Mikaela, Adele...ladies first?"
"Right. Cancel the plans, everyone, the place is too poor for Adele's liking." Evan turned back to her, with a raised eyebrow and a mocking expression "You know that not every place that isn't a mansion is falling apart at the seams, right?"

Evan took a couple steps further, leaning against the wobbly gate that separated the street from the dreaded building.

"It's an ugly house that some poor people were probably chased out of and everyone made up some urban legends about it. You guys are being pussies, I've been in there a bunch of times, it's no big deal." The dark-haired boy lied, as he often did on every subject "It's actually kind of the perfect place to hide. You think any teacher is setting foot in there?"
it's all good by me :)
"You would believe something like that." Evan accepted the vape taking a quick hit of it before handing it back to it's rightful owner. He opened a slight, amused grin at Scott's very poor attempt at vandalism, and shook his head.

"That's a ghost story people tell to keep kids from going in there and stepping on one of the leftover needles." Evan addressed the rest of the strange little group they'd formed to sneak out of detention "It's just an abandoned crack den."
@viktorseier@Liv I like both of those character sheets as well! You can move those over to the characters tab :D

done!! <3

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