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Ok real quick I noticed this has the casual and advanced tag, does that = to high casual?

Want to know what's up?
@Gareth Thanks I spent five minutes thinking this up. No effort went into this

@WhatAmIDoing I like it.
@Lord Sawsaw2 I like it, like it.

I'm in it now?
<Snipped quote by Gareth>

Of course, in the sense that the content is not the content that was suggested by the name.

Yeah, that's definitely the number one sense of clickbait.

Like a lot of words it changes over time to have another meaning.


Clickbait is using common or overused phrases in order to gain more attention to a story. That story could be true based on the title but the fact that it used common or overused phrases, makes people call it click bait.

Despite my earlier posts, agreeing with what the other guy said. I don't particularly have anything against clickbait.

If it gets you attention and helps out your stuff I'm fine with doing that.

You are not selling something for money, you are only asking someone to read some made up fiction.

Are you still against clickbait?

<Snipped quote by Gareth>

I've put a considerable amount of effort into it. I didn't think people would write it off as clickbait.

It all comes off in tone right. Yes in this chat the tone was negative against click bait.

And you are also negative against clickbait?
<Snipped quote by Gareth>

But I wanted to give people a roleplay to participate in and enjoy...

Ok, I can understand that.

But are you messing around?
me too I like the redwall series @tigersloth
Used to click and found that my statement was true. After the experience of clickbait, I have assumed that these are clickbait. Anyways if you click it are you not giving people what they want

It can be a safe assumption.

And yeah giving them attention by clicking their stuff is giving them what they want.
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