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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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Mr. Wonderfull lowered his arms after what can only be called an anemic display of fireworks. A short spray of white sparks, two tiny rockets that fizzled out before exploding, and when he lowered his arms a ton of snakes had fallen out of his sleeves and shattered into ashy bits on the floor. Clearly he had not been packed with the good stuff before he had been shipped out here.

Nonetheless it had gotten the samurai's attention, the man backing against the wall. It wasn't an uncommon reaction to Mr. Wonderfull, he had seen many a person shrink away from him when he made himself known. Many more then moved on to the samurais next step, puffing out their chests and attempting to wrest some sort of control over their situation by threatening the strangest thing in the room. Though, unlike most of them, this one was armed. Mr. Wonderfull felt a twinge of what might be exactment as he was threatened. Normally his memory was constantly backed up to Master Control so that any attempt on his life was pointless. He would simply be reuploaded to a similar body should he be dismantled in some way. This was no longer the case, however. Death here would be quite permanent.

A polite and conciliatory attitude was to be adopted in order to ensure his continued existence for the time being. Jerkily, like the hand of a clock, he brought his arm up to the rim of his hat, took it off, and bowed to the man. "I mu-mu-must have appeared so r-r-r-rude. My designation is Mr. Wonderfull, my l-l-l-lord. I am the gracious host of Wonderworld and facilitator of the games ther-r-r-in."

It wasn't long after that that another of the wonderful guests of this place awoke and introduced herself. Pivoting its bow to her, "It is a p-p-p-pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mi-miss. Unfortunately, you ap-ap-appear to be caught up in some manner of-"

Before it could explain its theory on what was happening the woman made her way to the door and declared it some kind of magical creature. As she did the woman that had been first examining the door simply wandered further down the hall.

"All of our lives may very well be in d-d-d-danger." It said, its tone not dropping an octave below 'cheery.' He hadn't wanted to step outside because it very well may have been a death trap, but if someone else was going first that changed things. He stepped forward which a whirring of gyros, stiffly swinging its arms as it clomped across the floor. "It would be-behoove you to be cautious, miss."

As it reached the edge of the door it looked out beyond and, being an expert on them in all shapes and sizes, attempted to spot any lurking deathtraps.
In the darkest corers of the room, away from the open door, a figure that was stiff as a board and about as tall leaned against the wall like you would a mannequin. It was unconscious like the rest of them. Or at the very least, as unconscious as something like it could be. Then the darkness was illuminated by a sudden spark that erupted from the things neck as its entire body jerked. Slowly, sight and function retuned to Mr. Wonderfull.

What a first sight it was! A samurai, a full on Samurai, locked in a life or death duel with a door. An exchange the door emerged the winner off, amazingly enough, parrying the man with its bare...handle.

"My, M-m-m-m-m-my, how

The animatronic stiffly clapped its hands three times, a loub metal clang echoing through the hallways every time, before throwing them in the air and firing a few fireworks from its sleeves in celebration of the doors victory.

"An im-im-im-impressive display, young master!" It said. "Though if you wish to win the game it is imperative that you waste no time. After all, here in Wonderwo_ _ _ _ _EROOR EROOR EROOR."

Mr. Wonderfull spun his head completely around, taking in entire room. This wasn't Wonderworld. No, no, no, this place was entirely too drab for his masters tastes. He would have created something far more whimsical.

"I app-app-app-appear to be mistaken. This is not my home. All contact with master control severed. Am I p-p-p-perhaps a Player?" He said.

Room for one more?


Merge Rate: 30%

Level Up!

Level 9! - (1/90) + 2

Word Count: 984

Location: Frozen Highlands - Snowdin ~ Snowfield


There was nothing. No impacts. No vibrations. No dark shadows rushing over the horizon to the Strangers aide. Nothing but the wind. Linkle let herself slump forward, collapsing onto the ice in front of her and letting her adrenalin flow out into the iceberg. She couldn't exactly say that she had won here, but she hadn't lost either. She had gone mono a mono with one of Galeem's oh so precious guardians and she had eked out a draw. The thought made her giggle as she lifted herself back up and roughly patted the ice he was at the bottom of. "Serves you right, whoreson."

The question of the hour was what she should do now. She had a lot of information about the Guardian of this area now, but there was one really crucial thing she didn't know. He couldn't be invulnerable. He had to have some kind of weakness. Unless Galeem and the Black Coat that dropped her here were both in on the same sick joke there was definitely a way to take this guardian down. She just needed to find the right people and ask the right questions? Did she have that kind of time though? Buried as he was Linkle wasn't entirely convinced the Stranger wasn't currently boring a hole through the ice with his sharp tongue, and if he got out he probably wasn't going to fall for this trick twice. So maybe it was best to make a run for the border while she could with the info she had, hook back up with the rest of the Seeker's, and then let someone smarter try and figure out this trick. Which way was the border, though, and what was to stop him from following her? He was definitely the most active Guardian they had ever met, and she had just kicked his head like it was a hornets nest. Then again, if she waited for the guy in the Black Cloak to show up at Grillby's she could twist his arm and make him take her directly back to Alchamoth using his portal powers. It'd be hard to follow her then.

All these options danced around in Linkle's head, and when she found herself caught up in these situations there was only one thing she could consult. Linkle pulled out her Compass and held it up so she could see in the twilight. The needle of the old artifact spun hither and thither for a few moments before settling on a direction. Linkle looked, and spotted the warm lights of Snowdin. More than that, though, she saw a shadow moving across the ice toward her new landmark. A boy in a white coat, and the little dog that had given her that dirty look in Grillby's. She wondered why they were coming out here? She would have gone down and asked what they were up to, but just as she thought that she also realized that getting down from here was going to be a mean feat in itself. She had climbed as many trees and rocks as any self respecting rambunctious youth but those hadn't been nearly as high, sharp, or slick as what she was resting on now. Maybe if she concentrated she could make stairs or a slide but that feeling she had after creating the glacier made her hesitate.

Fortunately for her the boy had a technique in mind already. He floated up to her perch on a magic disk like Donnie's. He introduced himself as a seeker of truth and an alchemist, whatever that was. He had a kind face and eyes that sparkled with curiosity, but even beyond that they sparkled blue underneath the red haze of Galeem's influence. It was a strange sight, as though he were just on the cusp of freedom but hadn't taken that final step yet.

She sent of command to the ice binding her legs, and it splintered into pieces and allowed her to stand up, though stiffly. It wasn't from being caught in that position for a while, the insides of her boots were also coated in ice.

She didn't want to mistrust him, it was clear in her body language. Even as caution littered her face she stepped toward him like a pirate on two wooden legs to try and take his hand, nearly losing her balance in the process and whirling her arms to keep her from tumbling over the edge. She fell back down onto her butt and looked up at him sheepishly. "Maybe it's better if I just scoot?" She said, using her legs to drag herself onto the boys glowing disk and implicitly accepting the boys invitation.. She didn't know what he meant when he said he wanted to study her, but if he was willing to offer her any help he could she could probably put that library to work finding the strangers weakness. More than that though, a friend is something that she desperately needed right now. Someone to talk to that wasn't a madman or actively trying to devour her heart.

"Thanks a lot, Albeto. This was actually a great time. I don't know what I would have done if no one had come to get me. I didn't even mean to make an ice mountain." She said, letting her legs dangle over the side of the disk. She sent a command to the ice coating one of her legs, shattering it into pieces and wrenching off the boot. She turned it upside down and shook, letting the ice shards sparkle in the sunset as they tumbled down, down, down. "I'm Linkle." She said as she pulled it back on and set to work on the other one. "I might not look it right now but I'm a wandering hero, so I know a ton about the truth of the world. Oh, but can we stop by Grillby's to get my box and my sled first?"
Ahhhhh, I always forget cause its the last thing I do. @Archmage MC Should also be tagged in my post.

Level 4 - (15/40) + 3

Level 8 - (78/80) + 3

Word Count: 1600


Merge Rate: 30%

Location: Frozen Highlands - Snowdin ~ Snowfield


Panic briefly flashed across Linkle's face as the Stranger jumped once more, the force of his leap sending the crumbling ice he had been standing on into he depths below along with the hopes she'd had for her final ploy. That all stopped once she noticed the flurry of snow around her once again.

He'd gone too high. He'd used the same trick twice, one that hadn't even worked the first time. She dodged out of the flurry, letting loose with a bombardment of his incredibly telegraphed landing zone. This time there wasn't any fumbling about on falling ice. This time the Stranger went right through like a cannonball careening out into the night, disappearing beyond her view. She almost jumped for joy. She would have if she hadn't heard a noise that wiped her triumph off her face. A thud, somewhere down there beyond the darkness. A landing. A single question racing through her mind: what was to stop him from jumping back up?

Her. Her her her, it had to be her. She knew what she had to do, even if it seemed impossible to her. Falling to her knees and sliding forward toward the ravine she pressed her hands against the ice and snow. Her hair flashed blue. She took a deep breath, then went for broke.

Power slid out of Linkle into the ice under her, along with a single command; Fill. She screamed the word in her head, pushing the icy haired warriors spirit as hard as she could. Around her the ice obeyed, the jagged edges on her side of the ravine rounding off before starting to branch out toward the other side. Inside the ravine the same thing began, wicked spikes of ice shooting out across the divide and impaling themselves into the opposite wall. Like vines ice grew out of them, twisting, connecting, merging with one another, until the top of the ravine was covered seamlessly with a span of ice. It was as though the ravine had never even been there.

It wasn't enough, though. She couldn't just put a lid over him. Linkle dug deeper, pushing out more ice than she had ever tried before. To send it down. Grow, delve, deeper and deeper. Down into the crevasse. The ice jumped at her orders, growing from all sides straight downward. She wasn't going to cap the ravine, she was going to fill it in. The ice sprinted down along the walls, probing for every single nook and cranny that it could possibly fill and moving into the space. Linkle wasn't going to leave him with anything. No air to breath, no light to see, no space to even move those strong arms. Nothing but the dark and the crushing weight of the glacier.

"Just. Wait. Your. Turn!" She breathed out as she put everything she had into this. Distantly, in the back of her mind, she could hear a woman laughing. She closed her eyes and powered through it, not even noticing the ice creeping up her arms. Not feeling the air as the ground actually started to rise. When the ice found no more space to fill below it started growing on top. By the time Linkle stopped and opened her eyes once more she found herself seated atop a mountainous crag of solid ice that loomed like the tomb of some ancient king over the ice field, her arms buried up to the elbows in the ice. She jerked back with a shot, the ice around her arms shattering. The only thing that kept her from tumbling off this new landmark was that her legs were in a similar situation as her arms, her thighs half trapped in the ice from where she had knelt.

The reason for her surprise was simple. When she had opened her eyes she had been face to face with some kind of monster lurking on the other side of the ice. It only took her a moment of looking around her to realize her mistake. The mirror sheen of all this new ice mocked her with the truth. It was the first time she had actually seen herself since since the fight with Marie. She had expected herself to look pretty bad, she had seen the previous skullgirl, but there was a difference between knowing you probably look like a corpse and seeing yourself as a corpse. Her skin was pale, her eyes sunken, and even the blue hair she sported right now had lost the wintery sparkle she had grown fond of. Then there was the eyes. She could hardly see the laughing skull that inhabited them for the red glare her reflection cast back at her. It was no wonder the people at Grillby's hadn't given her a kind welcome, she looked like some kind of Dark Linkle. Then there was that empty feeling in her chest, it felt like more had fallen into the hole.

There was no time for wallowing in self-conscious despair, though. Linkle cupped her ears and tried to listen to the world around her for cracking or pounding or shattering. Had this worked? This was more than even she had intended, but she wasn't going to complain if it kept him down there. If it didn't she would probably feel in in her legs before anything else.


Location: Limsa Lominscuttle Town ~ The Drowning Wench

@Yankee@Dark Cloud

"But who's going to protect me if you're not around?" Link said jokingly as The Princess got up to leave, but didn't make any move to follow her. Even if he were still overly concerned for her safety she now had perhaps the biggest guy in the city to escort her around.

"You would be very surprised about what bugs can do for you." Link replied to Ms. Fortunes doubts. "There are lots of benefits provided you brew them with the right ingredients. Crickets for stamina, dragonflies to shrug off fire and lightning, fireflies to make yourself sneakier, beetles for a boost of strength. After my hero days are behind me I could live off making elixirs just from stuff you can find out behind your house."

The Cadet had his own answer to the question of where his strength sprang from, which was simple strength of arm and a hearty diet. Link wished he could be sure his came from the same place. He also added some details to Link's story of how he joined, and mentioned something that instantly intrigued Link as he sat the Dark Link statuette in the center of the table for all to admire. Link was surprised to hear that he had been equipped with arrows that could do that same thing during that battle, but before he got the chance to press further Ms. Fortune continued her story.

His face hardened the woman reveled the source of her horrifically strange powers. He could imagine what it would be like to be sliced apart, he had taken enough hits with bladed weapons that were bigger than him to understand what that would feel like. Still, he gave a hearty 'Hear Hear!" As the woman pushed past her sorrow over her state and her family to order another round of food. He slammed the rest of his milk as The Cadet stood up and started packing up to leave, eyeing Link as he motioned to the statuette sitting on the table. Link reached over, holding it up to his face by the base. "Yeah, I can hold onto handsome here." With a flick of his wrist the Dark Link vanished in a plume of blue sparks, safely stored away in the Shiekah Slate. "Be careful on your way! Don't talk to any strange women." He called out after him as he left.

After Cadet was gone Link handily started helping himself to the food he had left on the table, pulling up a plate of pasta with some kind of black sauce and digging in like he had been invited to. There was no need for food to go to waste. After her got done slurping that whole thing up in a matter of seconds he set down his fork and said, "If you see and of these Medici guys in this world make sure to tell us. I don't want to leave people like that to their own devices."

It was around that time Blazermat pulled up a chair, asking what was going on. Frog showed an immediate interest in the mechanical girl, a curiosity that was mirrored by Link come to think of it. All he knew about her was that she was good at healing things and that Zelda would go absolutely mad if she ever laid eyes on her. He whipped out the Shiekah Slate again to take a quick picture of her to show the Princess in case something happened to Blazermate tomorrow. "We were just talking." He said as he tried to find her best side from his seat. There was a SNAP as he took the picture. "I think the first question was about powers, which Frog never answered." He turned the camera on the amphibian and snapped two more pictures of his sword and shield. "What about it you two? Do your powers come from a special place? How did you get strong?"

"Also!" He said, lowering the slate and looking to Blazermate. "Cadet said something about me having special arrows that turned you into statues when we fought at the tower. You were there for that fight, could you explain a little more about those? Do you think it would be possible to scavenge some? They sound useful."
@Lugubrious Also would it be pre-ending Conker or Conker after the ending of CBFD? I'd love it to be after because he'd be like "BARRY WHY!! WHY HER AND NOT ME!"

Your choice.

Level 4 - (13/40) + 2

Level 8 - (76/80) + 2

Word Count: 795


Merge Rate: 25%

Location: Frozen Highlands - Snowdin ~ Snowfield


That was it? Linkle balked at The Stranger's explanation. He was only here, messing with her, because he was too impatient to hang out until it was his turn? He operated on the same logic as the kid who wouldn't quit trying to find his birthday presents the day before the party. "Just wait then." She said, launching her bombs as he flew across the gab. Unfortunately they were just as effective as anything else, The Stanger flying out of the smoke without even slowing down.

Fine, they would finish it. The Stanger himself gave her the idea as to how. As he flew across the gap she jumped back, her crossbows still blazing red light. She fired again and again and again, a series of explosions resounding out across the ice field as her bomb arrows struck the area she thought he would land. If she couldn't kill him, at the very least she was going to try and knock him down. Break off that ice shelf and dump him like garbage into the inky crevasse.


Location: Limsa Lominscuttle Town

@Yankee@Dark Cloud

Link looked at the Cadet in shock when he heard the boys order. "That's an option? We can afford that?" he asked, looking like the cat that had failed to catch the canary. The boy hadn't even bothered looking at the menu! Truly this was a man after his own heart.

Any concern over the food was forgotten, though, as Ms Fortune began her tale. Link leaned forward, hanging on the woman's every word. It was lucky for him that she was the one letting the cat out of the bag, because she had apparently been there from the beginning. It was where she had been drafted into this little group, though it didn't sound like it had been quite as forceful of a recruitment for her as it had been for him. That was lucky. If the people that had been holed up in the poliststation she had talked about had been hostile like he had then the group would have been stuck between a rock and a horde of monsters.

It was surprising that Linkle had fallen for something that sounded so blatantly evil, but he didn't really have a right to judge. How many times had he exchanged health and stamina using a statue that was definitely not of the goddess Hylia. Even evil artifacts or magic could be used for a good cause. Heck, hadn't he just made a similar choice when he had taken Cia into himself? As the story drew to a close and the first of many food trays was delivered to them Link sighed. "It will probably work out for her in the end." He said, trying to hide his worry. "Destiny has a long memory, and it'll bring you to the point it wants no matter how hard you try detouring around it. If Linkle is meant to save Hyrule she will, no matter how much heartache gets heaped on her before that." He picked up one of the curious rings the bar maid had laid in front of him, sniffed it, and took a bite. After that he popped the whole thing in his mouth and went to town on the rest of it, his spirits momentarily lifted on updrafts of pure flavor. "Basically, fate has got our back when we try to help her."

It wasn't long into the meal when Frog made his appearance, bowing politely to the princess and asking her how their force had been gathered. "Frog, sit down." Link said, pulling out the chair beside him for the amphibian and pushing his untouched plate of curry rice in front of it. "I don't know about everybody else, but I didn't come quietly. They had to fight me at the top of a tower and break the curse I was under, but I don't remember the circumstances too well."

He was in the middle of drinking his piping hot milk when Ms. Fortune asked whether he had any parasites and nearly chocked. He looked worriedly down at his stomach. "I have eaten a lot of bugs since I woke up..."

He looked back up as the woman clarified. In her world parasites made you stronger? "If they make you tougher do they really qualify as a parasite? There's nothing like that in Hyrule to my knowledge. I've always just been a bit of a freak. Apparently I was beating grown soldiers in swordplay back when I was a little kid. I don't know whether that was training or special hero powers I inherited though."

"Wait." He said, looking curiously at the cat woman as he remembered her exploding back in the Bismark. "Does that mean the thing that puts you back together again is a bug that lives in your guts? Where did you come by something that useful?"


Katherine lethargically looked up, a familiar voice prying her from her from the relaxing fugue of the water. She slowly smiled, then frowned, then tried to smile again. She didn't know what she was feeling right now. Dread? Relief? Happiness? Honestly she had been both waiting for this all night and at the same time wishing to put it off and now that he was here, head down, looking none to happy, she was having trouble figuring out what she should say.

"Hey buddy." She finally settled on, the words coming out breathily as though her lungs were only letting her use so much air lest she put her foot in her mouth. "I was afraid for a while you had given up on me. Maybe a party where everybody is wearing masks wasn't the best place to meet up again, huh?"

She turned over in the water, scooping some up in her hand and letting it drip out. "Looks like the nights been treating you pretty rough too. You want to come in? The water's really soothing."


Yuuto's smile pointed right at her inspired a perhaps unwarranted confidence in the girl. "We should dance!" She said suddenly, bouncing up and down as she said it. "I have never danced at party before. I will probably never get chance again. I am not most nimble girl, but I can swing like this." Bak proceeded to sort of shake from side to side, the hem of her costume swishing back and forth like a broom as she did so. Unfortunately she got a little to into it, and one of her shakes collided with the confection table. Behind her their was the sound of shattering glass and an annoyed "Gyrahh" that froze her mid sashay. Slowly, she turned her gaze over her shoulder.

Down the table a little ways a boy in a long cloak of multicolored feathers and an ostentatious bird mask with an absurd amount of plumage was trying to wipe a large purple stain out of a patch of feather. The source of the stain was obvious; a collection of over a dozen glasses sat next to him on the table, some of which were still half filled with liquid despite having fallen over. He looked down at them with obvious disgust. "My juice." He growled, looking down the way at Bak and Yuuto. "You!" He said, pointing an accusatory finger at her and holding up the cloak. "Do you know how many birds it took to make this?"

"Ahhh, I am so sorry." Bak said quickly. She knew how much work it was making her own costume.

The boys eyes, though, widened in recognition. "Wait, that voice." He lifted up his mask to get a better look, locking eyes with Bak. "The abomination from the roof."

Bak gasped in surprise. "Stupid bird-brain vigilant boy!"

"And you have a date?" Nas said, ignoring her and bringing up a spyglass he was holding in his other hand up to his eyes and thoroughly examining Yuuto. He didn't recognize him, the removal of the ninja's mask making him practically unidentifiable. "You, sir, are either very generous or have very peculiar taste."

The ominous "ker-chunk" of a missile slotting into place drew his attention back to Bak. Naserph did some very quick weighing of his options, then held up a hand. "Peace, hellspawn, though save that thought. You would make a fine Plan B if Plan A doesn't work out tonight." He directed the gaze of his spyglass back into the crowd and Bak, curious, followed the trail of his eyes until with her own advanced vision the fell upon an uncomfortable looking girl with an eyepatch.

"Why are you stalking cyclops girl?" She asked.

"It's not stalking if I'm not interested in her." He replied, reaching behind him and sipping the last of the grape juice from one of the fallen glasses. "The girl attracts danger at every event she attends. I'm just waiting for it. Though if no disaster has occurred by the end of the night and you still wish to confront me I encourage you to attempt a kidnapping of your own. Her card powers are quite remarkable."

"Oooooh, that is card girl." Bak said, a flash a remembrance playing across her eyes. She didn't know what card girls powers specifically were, but she did now that those three cards Bak had tried to give her back kept appearing behind her ear whenever she went to sleep. "Hmph!" She went, turning her head. "I do not want to take part in stupid nightingale plot. Bird brain cannot even follow simple good plans. Come on, Yuuto." Bak began stomping defiantly toward the dance floor.

"Your plan was stupid and your entire existence is the result of a divine clerical error." Nas called after her, but his attention was fully back to Andras watch by that point.
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