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Dana woke at the same time as the bell, but not because of the bell. He woke because this is the time that the school woke. For the first few seconds of his consciousness, he could feel everyone in the building rousing themselves. This only lasted the briefest of moments before he returned to himself.

His eyes fluttered openand he got out of bed, humming along as a Dolly Parton song played from somewhere else in the dorm. When he stepped outside, the rasping croak of Crow came from up on the roof, picking up the song from where it left off when the other student had left the dorm before Dana did.

He walked into the cafeteria, and piled a plate with fruit and bacon(he barely touched grains, personally), and peered around the room. He wasn't one to put much thought into where he sat, or who with, but he saw Imani sitting with Jo, and remembered he'd been meaning to speak to her.

Serendipitously, as he approached she was discussing exactly what he needed from her.

"So... I'm open for business, right? you two hear anyone needing any potion, you tell them to come to me, right? God knows I could use the cash."

"Well, gods know I have the cash to burn," he said as he sat nearby. "Think you can whip something up for me?"

Mainly he knew her through Imani, but her business made her easy enough to approach.
Cassandra of course was reasonably familiar with the treaty. In fact, she had a copy of it(or, most of it) back at her dorm. It was a subject that concerned her a great deal, though, and so she watched Count Varis with rapt attention.

As the lecture went on her eyes began to widen, as she was fighting her lack of seep to pay attention. She soon had a wild look in her face, and her pen was standing still.

When Varis brought up Solaris Pius, and its final exclusion from the treaty, Cassandra suddenly sat forward, brow furrowed. She had never heard of this practice itself, let alone the fact that it was considered as a part of the law.

The Starage Commandment was a point of particular interest. The Count was right, in that its existence had enormous symbolic significance. That was the part of the Treaty that ensured, in theory, that humans and mages(for they were separate in the Treaty) carried the same protections basically everywhere. Count Varis treated it more as a curiousity, dismissing it as a legal entity.

When the Count opened the floor for questions, Cassandra's mistress was actually asking the very question Cassandra herself was about to pose. She smiled at the coincidence. Though she didn't know what was going on in the vampire's head, it was nice to know that they landed on the same point without even discussing it. Of course, this was anecdotal, and could easily be a fluke.

Neither mage nor vampire got an answer, as the doors blew open with force, making Cassandra jump, nearly leaving her seat.

Cassandra raised her hand, but spoke without waiting for permission.

"Count Varis, were we all supposed to enter the room and anounce ourseleves? I think my tutors missed that particular piece of etiquette."

Hey, I'm still around and interested, just still working on my CS.

I think this will be my color.(code is 7ea7d8)

Character name is Dana Allbright, face claim is Lucky Blue Smith. You can look him up, but I'll obviously have pictures when my CS arrives.
@Allycat Nobody said the life had to be innocent ;P

Yeah, reciprocity is a weird one. Always good to edit that kind of thing to fit the world.

Also, for simplicity I think balance and equivalent exchange can be combined. They're kind of the same, in spirit.

Here's some that I found. Obviously you have your own ideas for how things work, so all of these might not jive, but it's the kind of thing I mean.

@Allycat I dont mean like things that aren't allowed, I mean things that cannot be done.

Also, to revisit the picture question: does a face claim have to be a literal photograph, or is a realistically styled drawing okay?
I'm pretty interested.

Is there a specific way that spells are cast? Or does it just depend on the type?

And are there magical laws? I mean, like the laws of physics. Things that aren't possible(at least as far as anyone knows).

[color=f26522][/color]“Oh, it's just a mark! It didn't hurt you a bit.” Aine exclaimed quietly. “Lucky you, that's a rare natural trait.”

"No," Cassandra greed, "It never does. I didn't realize that was uncommon, I've been like this since my awakening."

Something from across the room drew Aine away just as fast as she had come.

“A fireproof fire mage, nice! Most of 'em really gotta work to get that skill down but looks like you're a natural, lucky lucky! Come teach my best friend, save me some time when our boyfriend forgets his turn on date night.” Kanalie rolled her eyes. “Says he doesn't care about it and then sets the dorm on fire when our vampire takes him at his word. Boys. Such drama queens. Anyways, I'll get out of your hair for now unless there are anymore questions. And since I've decided you two are awesome…” She quickly scribbled her number on a piece of paper. “Here is my number. Don't hesitate to text if you have questions or just want to hang out with someone.”

"R-right," she took the number and put it in her pocket. She didn't really understand a lot of what the older girl had just said, but it seemed like they were friends now.

Cassandra looked at the back of her hand during the last part of the class, musing. That her immunity to fire was useful was common sense, but she had never known it was rare. She had always assumed it was just a fire mage thing. It pleased her, to know that she had a power others didn't. It was the first step to being powerful, and she would take any advantage that came from herself, rather than her brother's infamy.

The ringing bell startled her some, and she got up from the table in sync with Lilie. She glanced back at the crystal one last time, wondering how much time she would be spending mastering the basics.

Together, they walked to their next class, chatting idly. It was strange to Cassandra, who hadn't interacted with someone her own age since she was ten.

When they arrived, they found a much larger class. The name listed as the TA was familiar to her, but it took her a moment to place it. Sinnenodale was all too well known, of course, but she knew this particular member of the family because he had invited her to a party, tonight in fact. Well, he had not invited her, it was Dominique Astorio. This gave her pause, but she supposed she would have to check with her new partner to see if she was still meant to attend.

Speaking of whom, Cassandra had scanned the class, but Amaris had yet to arrive. There were seats set aside for the nobles, but unsure whether she was meant to join the Countess or not, Cassandra selected a seat just behind the noble's section, and checked her syllabus.
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