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The enormous black Oni cocked his head sideways as the grenade was thrown. It detonated with concussive force, blasting bits of brick and rubble from the walls on either side of the alley. The Oni Threw his upper two hands up, covering his ears in a moment of pain. His lower arms, meanwhile, held the massive club in front of him defensively. He lowered his hands gingerly, head questing from side to side, sniffing through the mask. His foot tapped, lifting up on the tow to bring the heel down sharply, over and over. Suddenly, he lunged sideways, ramming one of his feet into a newly made crater in the building. His lower right arm dangled with the club, the other three meanwhile shoved their fingers forcefully into the brick, and began to clamber up the wall.

Shinobi, meanwhile, was sprinting past the alley mouth. He slide across the hood of Destructo's truck, shouting at him.

"Get the fuck out of here with that! You've caused more damage than the Oni now!"

He skidded to a stop in front of the noodle stand, peering inside cautiously. But the only one in there was Mr. Hamayoto, an old balding man, cowering behind his counter. The table was an absolute mess, and Shinobi could see that every pot in the place had been emptied bowl by bowl, to feed the Oni.

<Snipped quote by Gisk>

It’s an explosive he made mostly out of dynamite. The explosion itself is made for demolitions and will probably cause property damage. There’s also probably going to be shrapnel from the blast also sending shards of sidewalk/wall all over the place. Mm Destructo is less trying to injure the oni (Though he definitely wants to do that) and more trying to block its escape route by creating debris and also disorient it to leave it open for his next move. That’s also why he turned his brights on and positioned himself between them: If it tries to charge him it probably will be blinded.

Thanks, that gives me plenty to work with.

Destructo is about to learn something about Black Oni.
Sorry for delays, everyone!

I'm working on posting to update all situations going on.

@Spike, could you explain the nature of the bomb? Exactly how it works will have a big impact on how it affects an Oni.
As Jack fumbled with his sword, the pale Oni drew a sword, also still sheathed, from their sash. They slammed it point first into the ground, where it stuck inexplicably. Something was spreading from the point where it touched the ground, though in the dark it wasn't clear what it was. They drew the sword out with deliberate care. The hilt was wrapped in white silk, with a golden pommel and matching guard. The blade was the palest silver.

When Jack lunged, the Oni brought their sword up to block with breathtakingly perfect form. Form of the sort that assumed the opponent was fighting in the same caliber, which of course Jack was not. His wild and ill practiced slash skittered off of their sword, and nicked the left side of their neck.

They kicked off the ground, flying back an unreasonable distance for the slightness of the motion. A hand came up and stroked the cut thoughtfully. Nothing flowed from the wound. They brought their sword up to their own neck, and mad a cut, matching in perfect symmetry, on the right side.

Suddenly, they lunged, closing the distance they had created in the blink of an eye, and aiming a diagonal slash across Jack's chest.

Hey all, I'm gonna officially announce that I'm dropping out of this, before my character becomes entangled in the story.
Hey all, I'm gonna officially announce that I'm dropping out of this, before my character becomes too entangled in the story.


“Maybe they did it on purpose?” Cassandra suggested. “I also can’t help but see the color of your magic in the stone. It’s kind of funny if you’re a water mage. My element is fire.”

She eyed the crystal, her hand hovering hesitantly. The whole “Awakening” thing had never had good associations for her, but it’s not like the crystal was harmful itself, right? Her eye flicked up to Lilie, and she seemed to firm up in the face of an audience. She dropped her hand onto it. More forcefully than necessary, as if to prove it didn’t bother her.

The crystal began to glow, a deep dark red, with a heart of bright orange.

Watching Cassandra as she would place her hand on the crystal, Lilie’s eyes lit up, fascinated. ”Fire?” She repeated the word, although she found herself grinning at her previous comment. ”Actually, I am a water mage! Funny coincidence, water and fire. I can put you out if needed and you can…” She trailed off, trying to think of another reason they would be paired together. ”...well, I’m sure there’s some reason.”

“Thought so, from the color…” she trailed off, focusing on the crystal, tongue poking out of the side of her mouth. If she put in too much, she’d blow out like Lilie did, but if she was too hesitant she’d give a pathetic glow and go out anyway. May as well fail spectacularly.

She pushed it out, the magic. The fire, as she had always thought of it, though now she would learn to do more than just burn. But not this moment, apparently. The orange heart of the crystal expanded outward, but unevenly, with spikes reaching through the red. One of the spikes reached to Cassandra’s hand, and a small flare of fire burst from the back of her hand. Then, she too lost the glow.

She looked at the back of her hand, where there was a small, irregular black circle.

“You didn’t put me out,” she grinned at Lilie, trying to cover up her embarrassment, make it a joke.

Lilie was completely silent as she watched Cassandra, completely entranced. She couldn’t imagine actually being able to control fire of all things, though as the small burst manifested she gasped. Maybe she should be grateful she had water, it seemed a little more predictable than other elements. Even if fire was cool to watch. Unpredictable, but it had its own little pulse of life and vigor.

She smiled at Cassandra’s joke, shaking her head. ”I don’t even know if I could, honestly,” She admitted. ”Control is one thing I’m sorely lacking at the moment.”

Taking her turn, Lilie decided to try to learn from her mistake, furrowing her brow in concentration as she rested her hand on the crystal. The soft, blue glow lit up once again, although this time it remained steady. Right, if she put in too much, it would burst and she’d get that weird feeling. Focusing, she pushed just a touch, watching the crystal brighten slightly, though it wasn’t enough this time, the light fizzled pathetically.

Sighing in defeat, she gestured towards it. ”This is the first time I’ve actually tried to control it, and...I suck,” She took it in stride, shrugging. ”How about you? You managed to make a fire already, you’re probably leagues ahead of me.”

Cassandra opened her mouth to agree, then closed it again. Her usual bluster felt uncomfortable in the face of Lilie’s easy humility. Instead, she shrugged, and came up with an excuse for it.

“I had an early awakening, and been stuck with tutors ever since. I don’t have any practical experience. I’ve only been able to actually use my magic for a few weeks now.

“I had a thought, though,”

she placed her hand on the side of the crystal, and then her other on the opposite. “She said it was a circuit, sort of, didn’t she? Maybe it would be easier if it goes in one side, and out the other.”

With her left hand, she pushed at the magic. She didn’t do anything in particular on her right, just letting it flow back into her. The orange heart in the crystal made a kind of bridge between her two hands. It glowed brighter and brighter, and then stayed steady.

she said, biting at her lip, “Wait, I might have it.”
Her hands were gripping the crystal hard now, and she was starting to sweat. She stared at the light, which stayed the same bright orange, until finally she gave an exhausted sigh and pulled away, the light dying all at once.

“Maybe that’s not right. I can't get it to slow down like that.” She was breathing heavily, trying to quell the dizzy light headedness.

Focused on Cassandra’s progress, Lilie tilted her head as she watched, curious to see her method. So she had an early Awakening, too? She seemed a little more nonchalant about it, but she was right about Cassandra having an edge. All Lilie had gotten out of the ordeal was being put under house arrest.

Deciding to take a turn again, Lilie decided not to focus so hard, hoping a more relaxed method would help. ”Tutors, huh? I haven’t really tried to use my affinity after my...incident,” She put her hand on the crystal, her sigh matching the light dimming before she would push a little. ”Do you come from a family of mages? You don’t have to answer, I’m just curious since I’m the first in my family.” She decided to inquire.

She shook her head. “No, I only know of one other in my family.” She didn’t care to elaborate, the subject of her brother was a wound long since healed, but that didn’t make it any less personal. Instead, she changed the subject, slightly. Still talking about their past and magical discovery, just not about family. “So you had an incident, too, huh? I set my kitchen on fire, what’d you do?”

Keeping her eyes on the crystal, the light dimmed slightly before glowing, the girl managing to keep a steady rhythm as her heart beat against her chest. Flickering her gaze to Cassandra for a second, she returned her attention to the crystal. ”My Awakening...was unpleasant,” Lilie admitted quietly, removing her hand and extinguishing the blue light completely. ”There aren’t a lot of mages or vampires where I’m from, but...”

As she trailed off, Lilie closed her eyes, letting out a sigh. So much for moving on. ”Sorry, I don’t really like to talk about it. The whole ordeal happened a while ago, but it feels pretty fresh to me,” Lilie threw on a small smile. ”No one in my family had magic, so it came as a complete surprise. But now I’m here, and I’m going to master it.” A rather bold declaration all things considered, but she was determined. ”Just have to keep at it, right?”

Cassandra shrugged off the apology. “Don’t worry, I get it. I feel the same way. I can’t escape it, so I’ll make sure I’m the one in control.”

She took her turn again. If Lilie had gotten it, she had better do it right this time. Humility be damned, she wasn’t going to be left struggling. Cassandra looked down at her hand touching the crystal. It was glowing passively, the way it did when a newly awakened mage touched it. And she looked at the palm of her other hand. That wasn’t right. Her body was irrelevant. The only thing that mattered was the fire. She closed her eyes, and pushed… then pulled. She thought she felt it; like breathing but… in reverse? Once she got some kind of rhythm going, she opened her eyes to see the effect.

She smiled watching the orange heart growing and shrinking in a sea of blood red.

“Yes… Now what, though?”

Lilie clapped at the other girl’s demonstration, happy to watch. ”We keep practicing ‘til it comes naturally,” She replied, grinning. ”But before that…”

She pulled out her cellphone, offering it to Cassandra. ”Since we’re neighbors and classmates, it’s a good idea to keep in touch,” She suggested hopefully.

Cassandra blinked at the phone at first, then it clicked what Lilie was doing.

“Oh! Yeah, definitely!”

She dug into first one pocket, and then the other, not used to reaching for her phone. She handed it to Lilie, with a slight flush. It was a little brick phone that slid sideways to reveal a keyboard for texting. They traded phones, and with some fumbling in menus, Cassandra managed to input her name and number.

All too happy that her gesture wasn’t rejected, Lilie returned the favor, amused by Cassandra’s phone. It looked like the kind her dad liked to use, complaining that he couldn’t quite figure out smartphones. Not that she was one to talk with her own older model, but she enjoyed the little sense of nostalgia as she put in her own name and number.

”Excellent!” Lilie was probably a little too giddy, but she was all too happy to have someone else to talk to.

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