Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Meanwhile, Cascade is just oblivious.

I’ll get a post up after work. ^_^
I was thinking of getting a DM post, but...

The Lornling only rolled a 7 on their Saving Throw for Tasha's Hideous Laughter after 12 seconds.

I can't do much as DM right now, so feel free to continue posting and if you're heading to the next room, I'll be able to post then. ^_^

EDIT: Here's the map again
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Brutrumukk only intends to bind her sides, but will also bind other things that get in the way. If the arms were near the torso at the time, they'd be tied up as well. The legs would be left alone.

Also, if he doesn't need all 30 feet of the rope to tie up Mini Bav 3, Brut will hold onto the remainder like an unintentional makeshift leash.

OK. Just wanted to make sure. ^_^
Thank you.

Upon seeing Rala struggle to stand up, Cascade immediately acted. She hurried over to Rala's side and helped her stand and support her weight. She spoke, "Woah! Auntie Rala, don't strain yourself like that. Let me help,"

When Rala asked Aura who did this, and mentioned that she was going to make them wish that she killed them, Cascade added, "Oh Ho...Yeah, I'll help with that for sure!"

She then answered Rala's question, explaining the situation, "Apparently the guys we fought didn't attack of their own free will. They were enslaved by somethings called an 'Efreet' and a 'Dao'. Apparently they were going to enslave everyone here and make this camp an area where they could continue enslaving others. Just repeating that makes me sick to my stomach,"

Rala and Aura would be able to notice that Cascade was getting angry again, but she kept her anger restrained so she wouldn't lash out at her friends.

Then Leaves mentioned what happened to the foe who attacked Plasm. She asked Leaves, her tone showing curiosity, concern, and confusion, "Huh? Wait, what do you mean? What happened to that person?"

Spectacular! XD

On another note: I have a question for you @rush99999.
When Brutrumukk tied the Lornling, is he including the Lornling's arms & legs? Or is it just wrapped around the Lornling's torso?
I'm also interested, if you'll have me. ^_^
Sorry it’s short, but I managed to write up a post during lunch break.

As Stargaze takes stock of the plant life around her, she catches the uncanny ragged breathing. She pokes her head up and expression turns into one of fear and dread.

She instinctively arches her back, spreads out her wings, and digs her talons into the ground. With her hackles raised, she warns the group,

Guys…! It’s in front of us. The darkness…it looks like a bearded dragon…!

She silently wishes that Garrock and Skob were here…
She notices the thorns moving, as though anticipating an attack from the wyrmlings.

She asked the group, “What should we do…?

After hearing nothing from the group she took it upon herself to study the shadow dragon in front of them, retreating into the darkness.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I didn't realise until just now: Haruki, on a 7 you are able to ask 1 of the questions for Survey An Area:
- What resources does this place offer?
- How can I gain access to this place’s secrets?
- What here harbors Darkness?
- Who else knows of this place?
- Are we alone?

I'm going to go with "What here harbors Darkness?", because she's going off of one of Echo's lessons, and looking for the specific source of the darkness in this area.
It's been pretty quiet around here. How's everyone doin'?

Doing okay here.
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