Avatar of Guess Who


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3 yrs ago
Current Goodbye Miura. One of my favorite fantasy authors of all time has gone too soon.
4 yrs ago
Don't forget, they made another new hero named Screentime. A meme loving superhero who got his powers from exposure to internet gas. He has the ability to basically be a smart phone.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I open up a new tab on my browser and I forget what I intended to do with it... What am I doing here again?
5 yrs ago
When did I do that?
5 yrs ago
Whenever you're feeling down, just remember that this man is cheering you on: youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE


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@Guess Who Writers block has recently made me a bit apathetic towards writing, but I think I might be coming around thanks to that comment ;) But yes, we have a reply! Now to wait for everyone else ;-;

Yes! It worked! I'll probably write a post in reply tomorrow since I'm currently binge watching Log Horizon and will probably be too tired to write when I get to the next stopping point.
@Demon Shinobi Like with Rune I'll be writing tomorrow, so ja :D

Convel McConnor


"Soggy... shoe?" Convel asked aloud, raising an eyebrow in the strange girl's direction as the wolf ears atop his head twitched in confusion. As he listened to the girl talk more though, and took a glance at her chosen sub-class, the Guardian realized a possible reason why she spoke so strangely. She must be an RPer. A very avid one considering that she's continuing to put up her act even after the Apocalypse. That or she's gone crazy after being trapped within this game for two weeks and I've now gotten myself in heaps of trouble.

The young lad took his foot off the perch he'd been using as a foot rest and stood at attention like some noble knight of old would. "Um... Yes! Thank you my lady. You honor me with your... uh..." Convel replied, attempting to roleplay back and failing terribly. He had very little experience doing it and, even less so when it wasn't over a forum. This was more akin to LARPing, which required coming up with responses on the fly instead of giving yourself as much time as you needed to think of something decent. This was exactly why he often avoided taking a leadership position in parties, the man preferred to think long and hard on his possible choices which was never a good quality to have in the middle of combat. That didn't mean he was terrible at giving orders per se, he just had a preference toward following orders.

"Ah, screw it. Thank you, miss. I appreciate you giving me the chance," he finally said, breaking character but also ending his seemingly endless linguistic filler. "So do you have anywhere in mind? I personally would like to go farming for some XP so I can finally get that few hundred more that I need to get to level 87, but if you were already planning something I don't mind."

As he awaited her response, the adventurer continued to look over the girl's profile and stats, finally noticing the name of the guild she was a part of. Bud Virgin Logic? Uhh... I really hope this girl isn't into the more... erotic forms of roleplaying. Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?
Convel McConnor

"Like a long forgotten zit you're here to pester me once again, you pustule lookin' motherfucker. I swear, you limp dick son of a bitch, you better not be standing outside my store because you need that stupid fucking shield repaired again," the blacksmith said, not even looking up from the anvil he was smashing his hammer against to see who's shadow it was that was blocking his light. His poor customer service had driven away most of his previous customers, despite his admittedly high quality craftsmanship, with the exception of one adventurer who didn't seem to mind being the target of his insults. Perhaps he was a masochist.

"Sorry, Barry," Convel replied, taking off his helmet and tucking it underneath his arm. The former player of Elder Tale, now turned resident of what was once one of the most popular MMOs of all time, swept back his snow white hair and wolf ears with his free hand to get the stray strands out of the way of his eyes. "I underestimated Murkteeth the Malformed and thought I could take him on all on my own. Had to use Vicarious Shield or risk losing a lot of XP."

Barry let out a sigh as Convel handed over his shield, getting started on repairing the destroyed piece of equipment. "You do this one more time and I swear to the fucking gods, both those of our world and of this one, that I will turn your internal organs into external ones."

"That seems a bit excessive."

"Don't you fucking talk back to me," Barry replied angrily. "Do you know much time it takes to fully repair a completely destroyed piece of equipment? This is going to take me for fucking ever. Don't expect me to give you a discount for this like I did last time. In fact, I'm almost tempted to make you pay twice as much."

Convel merely shrugged in response before replying back, "I had been saving a lot of my gold before the expansion to buy whatever new stuff came out on the market, so I've got plenty to pay you back."

"Then maybe I'll make you pay five times as much."

"I'll shut up now."

"Good. Now get out of my sight, so I can focus on my work. I don't want to even hear your voice again until after I send you a message saying I'm done."

"Alright, see ya' around, Barry."

As Convel was walking away from the blacksmith's shop, he could hear the man screaming out more insults. The Wolf Fang Adventurer didn't catch everything he said, but it was somewhere along the lines of being denser than a neutron star and wishing that his mother had swallowed him back when he was conceived. Very vulgar and derogatory stuff.

After reaching the town square, the wolf-like Guardian began to look for any possible parties with unfilled spots, specifically in need of a tank. He needed to look for a small group who would probably need more than just him before heading out on any quests since he still needed some time before his shield was completely ready. It seemed that today was not his lucky day though since a majority of people seemed to have already grouped up with the people they knew. With few other options present for him, Convel approached the defeated looking blond sorceress sitting on her own.

"Excuse me, miss. You wouldn't happen to be in need of a Level 86 Guardian would you?" he asked Nozomi, placing his foot on the seat next to her and resting his chin on his open palm while his elbow dug into his knee.
Now that you've pointed that out, I can't help but be reminded of this:

<Snipped quote by GrandzHelios>

I'd argue that you should probably watch it because:
1) The RP is going to follow the plot line of the show (only we'll be playing side characters and the main plot will only affect us in certain ways)
2) Its a really good anime. I have never gotten more pumped up over politics in my life. You come for the better version of SAO, you stay for the politics, no lie.

@GrandzHelios Can confirm what Clock says above. Only started watching it two nights ago and I've only got the last five episodes to watch.

EDIT: Of the first season that is.
Looking forward to it!
hey guys, what do you think about me making a char tab template like this? basically if you click on the character's picture, it sends you to the character's cs. i made this before for another rp but i'm wondering if anyone likes or dislikes the idea.

(i had to zoom out a lot to nab a decent screenshot sorry)

<Snipped quote by Guess Who>

I'm not about to go naming names now. I just thought it'd be something to think about. Those that transfer server are few and far between, especially in MMOs as Clock said. I'd be okay with it if their bio mentioned anything about why they're in the Yamato server, but thus far it hasn't been clearly shown.

Of course, I have no authority to enforce such a thing.

I was merely pointing out the fact that you made it sound like the majority of people so far were going with Western names, which didn't seem to be the case in my opinion. I wasn't calling you out or anything. I do see your point, that it does sort of break immersion though.
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