Avatar of Guess Who


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Goodbye Miura. One of my favorite fantasy authors of all time has gone too soon.
4 yrs ago
Don't forget, they made another new hero named Screentime. A meme loving superhero who got his powers from exposure to internet gas. He has the ability to basically be a smart phone.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I open up a new tab on my browser and I forget what I intended to do with it... What am I doing here again?
5 yrs ago
When did I do that?
5 yrs ago
Whenever you're feeling down, just remember that this man is cheering you on: youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE


Most Recent Posts

"Stupid! Absolutely careless idiot! What a fucking hero I am," Tristan berated himself. It had been a long time since he actually bothered concerning himself over the safety of another being and it seemed those centuries had made him rusty at this hero thing. You wanted him to risk sacrificing his soul to eternal damnation in an insane death game, he'd do so with a shrug. You wanted him to stare down the physical manifestation of death, he'd do it with a yawn. You wanted him to protect the innocent and do good for the sake of it being the right thing to do, well you would need to give him time to shake off the rust.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the luxury. "Sorry fleabag, I may have been the one to mess up, but it looks like you'll be the one to suffer the beating," the unheroic hero threatened, drawing his sword just before a newcomer interrupted the fight. He understood he was the chosen one, but he couldn't fathom why he seemed to attract so many morons and lunatics, especially in this world in particular. "Your pet attacked us first. Put a leash on that mutt and leave us alone."

Suddenly, the abused beast began to change its shape like an [copyright infringement] crawling out of the mud underneath the tower of [copyright infringement] in that film with the two towers. "Ah, great. Now it's a person," Tristan said with a sigh. "A chimera that shapeshifts into a human... what is that 25 now? 24? Fine, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say you're 24."

Noticing the way she clutched at her belly and growled at him, Tristan growled back, "Yeah, and I'll give you another if you hurt her again." That seemed to be the final straw as Regalia made her attack, launching bolts of lightening his way as if he were the most conductive thing around. Considering his choice in armor actually, he probably was. Regardless, the hero threw his shield in the chimera's direction like an Olympic athlete tossing a discus, while at the same time he ducked down to grab Nimoa and hurl her out of the direct line of fire.
@Guess Who Hello, hello. Hey, given Kathe's extremely expansive records, I can imagine Graft often visiting or requesting resources in order to get more precious information about what the Supreme Beings bought, sold, and were interested in, particularly from the legendary chronicle known as Trade Chat. He'd also be just generally interested in accruing information about the world or culture, anything that might benefit the guild. He and Kathe might not be friends, given Graft's sometimes overwhelming persona and her more introverted one, but they would at least know each other very well. So, well-acquainted coworkers, perhaps. Maybe Graft, often relying on her presence and ability to just manifest needed books, is always trying to start conversations about his products, new inventions, questions about the Supreme Beings, offering to loan out his Guards to defend the library, and so on.

Yeah, that makes sense to me. Considering their positions and personalities, it would almost make zero sense for them to not need to collaborate and such.
I might as well do the same while I'm already editing.

Huh. Stats wise, dragon form technically reduces her total stats... Just going to edit a bit more despite how arbitrary it is.
Oh, another cutie, and one that's easily flustered when put on the spot? Silke's gonna love this girl~

That being said, am I really bad at math or something? I've gone over Katri's levels three times now, but I still end up only getting her total level to 55... Am I missing something? Does whatever form she isn't using at the time count as 5 unseen levels? Or am I just miscalculating? o_o;

Nope, I totally miscalculated. But because Tree didn't point it out to me while reviewing my sheet, I'm passing the blame to him and saying it was his fault. Bad @The Irish Tree!
Totally. Now my book-ish dragonoid has got a bestie before the IC has even started.
<Snipped quote by Guess Who>

Good to see Kath back. Go ahead and pop her into the character tab, she's accepted!

Thank you!

Also, good to see you guys again @Lucius Cypher and @Lugubrious. Been a while.

Tristan would do his best answering Nimoa's questions on liches. Over his countless lifetimes and reincarnations, he had the unfortunate experience of playing both roles, as the one attempting to kill the undead creature and the one acting as the lord of death. If anything, he probably knew more about liches than most other liches knew about themselves.

Upon entering the graveyard, the hero's nose would be assaulted by the stench of death and decay. This wasn't the kind you would find on a battlefield. This was an old rot, the smell of bodies long left to the maggots and worms, most picked clean of any remaining flesh and innards. Whether fresh or ancient though, Tristan knew the smell well. They were certainly in the right place.

While the young vampire would be shaking in her boots, the hero strode confidently beside her. Were they vastly under leveled if the source of that hacking cough turned out to be hostile? Yes, he was quite sure they were, but after an unaccountable number of lives, one learned to never fear death, merely to be cautious of it's presence. "Nimoa, if this lich proves to be unfriendly, I want you to-" he began to say, before the lord of death reared his skeletal face out from his crypt.

Tristan couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at the lich's appearance. Of course, he couldn't say he looked threatening at every point of the day back when he had been one as well, but this one didn't even seem to be trying anymore. His brain must have been the first thing to go rotten.

And then the staff came out. While he certainly wasn't trying to aim for the two of them, the lich wasn't exactly trying to avoid firing his spell at them either. Luckily, Nimoa's small stature would keep her from harm and the hero would be able to lean back far enough for the blast to stop just inches away from his face.

With the information they needed attained, Tristan would hurry in getting his young companion moving before the senile skeleton fired off another spell. "Let's hurry along now, Nimoa."

Then the chimera attacked. In a split second, Regalia launched herself at Nimoa's defenseless rear, sinking its teeth in and combusting into a ball of fire and lightning. "Not you again! Get out of here, you flea-ridden furball!" Tristan shouted in anger. Like an abusive owner to their mistreated pet, the hero pulled back his leg and launched it toward the chimera pup, kicking her right in the stomach in the hopes that the impact would launch her away from the vampire girl. He didn't care how young or cute the creature was, his steel-toed boots were rated E for everyone.
Shipment Protection - Mission Report


After fighting off the first wave of Grimm, the Beacon seniors found the source of the beasts' irritation: A young faunas that had stowed away on board and hidden herself inside the engine room. After a short argument between members of the crew as to what to do with her, they came to the conclusion that the best they could do was to merely proceed to Patch and hope that the Beacon students could fend off the additional Grimm activity that the small girl's anxiety attracted.

Unfortunately, things would not proceed smoothly. Not long after leaving the escort range of Vale's air force, the ship would find itself ambushed by an even larger school of Hrossvalr as well as a hostile Nevermore from above. The forces of Grimm had wrested control of both air and sea from Team HTTS and the sailors.

Experience and ingenuity would prove to be invaluable though. With the combination of creative problem solving and the lessons they'd learned from their professors at Beacon, the seniors would hold off the Grimm long enough for the ship to pass into Patch's protected waters. With such small distance between them and the shore, the island's own team of hunters were able to support Team HTTS in the last leg of their voyage.

When the ship docked, a quick headcount would reveal that the students had been able to prevent all possible casualties during the trip. Not only would they be rewarded their usual number of credits, but also the pride of having protected every life aboard the vessel, including the one not meant to be there.
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