Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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Most Recent Posts

-Pastierre needs a level restriction perhaps 4 or less

Yeah, forgot about that. That would be ridiculous.

-Soldiers stats are too high, perhaps reduce its defence to 0 to bring it more inline with the high attack beaters at level four.

Fair enough.

-Candy Giant needs Stats

Woops, forgot again.

-Jawbreaker is oddly worded. It should say "your opponent cannot attack any other Candy monster except this one".
-Cerberus is fine though oddly worded. It should say "this card can only be special summoned by tributing three candy puppy".

Yep, not really used to making cards.

-Candy Saint as fine as the top end card, though I suggest an ATK reduction to 2500.

-Candy Goddess is sadly too broken as is. Perhaps add a restriction where she can only be summoned by tributing three monsters similar to cerberus.

Probably will make it so it needs Candy Saint and another two Candy Monsters

-Seeker drone is fine. However it needs to be clarified if it special summons before or after tribute and also if the tribute has to be for a monster or if it can be for any card.

After the tribute. And it should be for Tribute Summoning only.

-Paradise does a bit much, If you add a hard once per turn and also give it a level restriction then it is fine. At this point you can reduce the LP cost to 500.

Alright. Once per turn and the usual Level 4 and below.

-Candy Recycling machine is a little potent since all the monsters add LP when they are sent to the grave so instead. I would prefer if they only added LP when sent from the field to the graveyard. At which point this card is accepted.

Yeah, I just realized that the effect also includes being sent to the graveyard from hand. Didn't mean that actually.

-Interdimensional Cannon is fine however it should only remove your monsters from play.

Fair enough. I actually intended this to be used with Candy Virus for a pretty cheap combo.

-Candy Cleanup is denied simply because it completely powercreeps MST and Twin twister, While also being able to be run in any deck.
-Candy virus is unnecessary

Alright. Will think up new cards for replacement.

-Candy Barrier shouldn't end the battle phase. Everything else about it is fine.

Fair enough.

Here's my deck.

Alright then. Making my deck now.
Is it okay if I make a full custom card deck?
Hmm, so I should make a bunch of "shitty" cards first that can be switched with better ones later.

Hmm, I'm kinda interested. Probably will play a farmer.
Copying my character from the old RP

Also, is it allowed to play a second character?
Well, As long as you make those cards before you duel and not pull a 'I produce the winning card right here right now' Then sure I am okay with this.

Ah nice, I probably will do that. So I have to send my deck to you first for approval.

I'll probably end up being that scrub character who always loses.

I have an idea for something like that too, actually. A living goddess, choosing to seal herself to allow humanity to flourish on their own, awakens a millenia year where everything has gone to shit in her absence.
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