Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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How about the EDEN syndrome? is that going to be a thing in this RP?
Like the others, Tanya also contacted her SADI once she arrived back at her room. With an unenthusiastic voice, as she threw herself on her bed, she spoke, "Sadi, tell me about the mission please."

As she had feared, there were really no interesting details. Maybe the unidentified ships, but that's nowhere near her assigned coordinate.

Aah, what a choreā€¦ I don't want to go now...

Eventually however, she relented, though not without a groan, throwing off the blanket that had covered her body.

Alright, alright, I'll go. I'll be screwed if I get fired from this job...

She walked over to the hangar, where her ship would be waiting for her.

The ship was a small one. A tiny one, to be exact, a tight fit for one single pilot. In that respect, and its shape, it beared a good resemblance to a fighter plane. It even had a similar stealth capability, though a fighter jet could certainly not transform into a small mechsuit like it could.

After checking in with the engineers, she was given the clear to go. She climbed up the ship, slid down the cockpit, and grabbed the joystick inbetween her legs, allowing it to bioscan her handprints.

"Identity confirmed. Welcome back, Miss Tanya."

The safety belts immediately wrapped themselves around her body on their own.

"Check all processes," she ordered.

"All functions operate at 100%. Fuel is also at 100%," the voice replied mechanically, turning on the displays on the ceiling.

Smiling, she pressed the launch button, causing the ship to activate its burners, lifting it up to the air. And with a simple push, it accelerated forward, leaving the hangar in one smooth move.

And of course, once outside, she engaged the warp drive, setting in the coordinate for her destination.

The "kick" was unpleasant as usual, with her body being pulled backwards when the jump happened, and when her body was pulled forward when the jump ended. The latter hurt the most since the seatbelts would dig into her skin, not to mention her crotch being pressed into the joystick as well.

Such was the lament of the owner of a cheap ship. No proper momentum adjustor onboard.

She landed on the designated planet immediately. A colony of magicite miners, according to her information. Not a wild, uninhabited planet, to her dissapointment.

Her landing was smooth as well. She jumped out of the cockpit on her own, and then she announced to the greeting party that she was with the Wind Riders.
Isekai RP is useless with a group since the whole point of the genre is to become the most overpowered fucker in the setting.
Bump. Still searching. I prefer the lewd to stay mostly at ecchi territory.
Looking for an isekai RP where I would play the male MC while you play his female harem. I prefer the plot would be not just be easy-going slice of life, but a slow but sure climb to power by the MC as his influence slowly changes the world.

Post here or PM if you're interested.
When the ping for the meeting arrived, Tanya was still sleeping in her bunk. She had never been the best sleeper, always turning back and forth in her sleep with her mouth half-open. So it was no surprise when the reminder came, with the AI speaking, she rolled down her bed in an attempt to turn it off, thinking it was just a cheap, old-fashioned alarm clock.


She groaned as she finally woke up after falling face first to the floor. Yawning, she slowly got up to her feet.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Now could you please shut up?"

She was always in a bad mood every time she got woken up abruptly like this.

She then walked into the restroom and gave her face a good washing, not caring in the slightest that some of the water was splashing down her chest as well. Then, she unbuttoned and pulled down her shorts and panties before sitting down and taking a leak, letting out the most unladylike sigh out of her mouth.

She had abandoned her noble heritage completely. She wasn't some highborn lady anymore.

After finishing her business, she delayed going to the meeting room until the very end. Her excitement in taking her first mission had vanished completely, knowing that it wasn't going to be anything exciting. And she certainly wasn't going to pretend to be the ideal rider for a task she wasn't excited with.

Once the time came, she exited her room and went straight to the meeting, where she arrived last. Without saying a word, she took an open seat, crossed her legs, and waited until the commander began.


Yep, it was just a patrol mission, as expected. She yawned at the end of the briefing before going back to her room to prepare. Like the commander said, she would just ask the AI for more details on this terribly boring mission.
"Alright, Sis," Christine replied with a gentle smile. "I'll take care of everything. You just have to rest, okay?"

She then lifted her hands from hers before she stood up and left the bed entirely. She then walked to the wireless phone placed just a few feet away from said bed. She took the device, entered some numbers, and then stood there waiting for the other side to pick up, all the while fidgeting in place.

She was nervous, that much was obvious.

"Who is this? Who is this speaking?"

On the other side was a booming, manly voice that was all too familiar to her.

It was her father, and he was not happy with this stranger daring to call him directly to his cellphone; the number only being shared to a few.

"P-Papa? I-it's me, Christine..."

"C-Chrissy? I-is that really you, Chrissy?!"

Christine then began telling him everything that had happened to her and Kath. Well, mostly the latter. All amidst her father shouting back over the phone with his loud voice. She had to keep the phone away just so her ears wouldn't hurt.

Of course, she didn't tell him about Clara. If she did, well, she was afraid that her papa would go back here and punch Clara himself. He was a large, musclebound man who was never afraid of anyone (well, the exception might be his wife when she's angry). He would certainly never allow anyone who hurt his daughters to just walk freely. She still remember one guy who tried peeking up her short dress while they were having a family vacation. Broken legs and arms were just the start, if not for Christine begging for him to stop.

As for the matter relating to the demon, she told him about it while reassuring him that it was under control by Kath. She wasn't lying. That was what Kath had just told her after all.

The call lasted for a while, about half an hour to be exact, and Kath would be able to hear every sentence Christine was saying. But eventually, it ended, and Christine took a long sigh of relief as she put the phone down. She then walked back to Kath with a relieved smile.

"Done. Though Papa nearly made us leave our schools and this town entirely. I had to convince him that there's no need for it," she said proudly.
Hearing Kath's response brought Christine's smile back. "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that, Sis! I was afraid that you--that you had been absorbed by the demon like Clara said!"

Here she finally spoke of Clara's name. As much as she didn't want to think of it, it was the truth that she had tried to hunt down her sister. And it was truth as well that she had made an enemy out of her because of it.

At the mention of her parents, she froze. She had not thought about them in the slightest through these last few days.

"I...I haven't contacted them," Christine said, looking away from her once more. "I... had forgotten about them entirely, actually..." she said sheepishly. "Should I... call them now?"
Christine soon calmed down (Kath patting her head certainly helped with the matter) and released her hug, though she still kept her hands on her sister's. When Kath asked what had happened to her when she was knocked out, Christine's smile disappeared, replaced by a frown as she looked away from her.

"You... were wounded pretty bad, Sis," she answered. "Thobias had to take you to his hideout here so that doctors could fix you up safely. Here, we're safe from anyone who would try to harm you. Like Clara." She kept the last part to her own thoughts. "We're free to stay here for a while until you're recovered fully, Sis," she added with a smile.

"A-and the demon... is she... still controlling you?" she then asked, a worried look on her face.
After the incident, Christine stayed with Kath, going with her to Thobias' place as she received her treatment and as she recovered as well. The two didn't return to their mansion, as Thobias graciously allowed them to stay in his apartment as long as they needed to. Christine took his offer, though she would only sleep right beside Christine in the sofa, even though Thobias had offered his own bed.

When Kath woke up, she would see the face of her sister first. Nobody else.

And that was what indeed happened.


Without warning, Christine jumped out of her sofa onto the bed, giving her sister a great big hug (that unfortunately couldn't be warm thanks to Christine's ability).

"Kath, you're awake! Oh, you're awake! Oh thank God!"

Christine started sobbing tears of pure happiness and joy as she hugged her sister even tighter, enjoying her familiar warmth and scent.

"I was so worried that you-- that you aren't coming back!"
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