Avatar of Heckno12


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Hilarious joke, that's what I am.

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Stranded: Blacksite (High casual Sci-fi/fantasy Horror)


The prison ship Alcatraz, designed by a council of multiple races and nations to house the worst criminals (and even a few of the lower offenders) in an effort to cut down on prisons. The ship had a self sustaining food supply, an around the clock staff of guards and civilian staff. Unfortunately, said staff weren't informed of the ship's true intention. Once out of explored space, the ship's controls locked up and the engines shut down setting it adrift. Months later, the ship's intercom has started playing some strange garbled message and communications with the rest of the galaxy have been completely cut. The warden has vanished and the captain has locked himself in bridge with only a few crewmates. If the prisoners and staff hadn’t suspected anything before, they certainly did now.

Magic origins:

A mysterious pulse that emanated from a colonized planet light years away from earth had unprecedented effects on lifeforms all around the galaxy. It seemed to attune them to energies that were naturally present and previously unobservable. These abilities, once realized, allow the user to manipulate the elements around them using a combination of the energy present in the air and their own "mana" reserves. Oddly enough, the powers granted to these "Attuned" as they have been designated manifest in different ways. Some seem to be able to heal the wounds of others and themselves, others can wield nature as a weapon. Unfortunately the Attuned are unable to receive any type of technological augmentation. All attempts have ended in the death of both the Attuned and the one trying to conduct the procedure.

Unfortunately for those aboard the Alcatraz, the disconnection from nature has heavily affected their ability to use magic.

Types of Magic:

Fire: Those attuned to fire can normally ignite the air and control those very flames. Those unfortunate enough to be stuck on a ship for long periods are lucky to still be able to manipulate fire that’s been artificially created.

Air: Those attuned to the air would usually be able to compress and use wind as a weapon. In space with the recycled air and lack of ambient mana aboard a vessel though, they can barely use their magic to filter airborne particles or create a light gust.

Water: Water attunement allows mages to wield almost any liquid as a weapon to defend themselves assuming there isn't anything solid between them and it. Their power is weakened without the assistance of ambient mana, but they can still control liquids that they touch directly.

Earth: Earth wielders can move through dirt and rocks as though they were liquid, of course this is a constant drain of mana and is rarely used for prolonged periods. They are also able to draw minerals to them as a defensive or offensive measure. Aboard a fully metal ship however, there’s not much use to any of their abilities. They can use their magic to help them bend metal somewhat, but it’s still rather strenuous.

Life(healing): Being attuned to Life lets mages manipulate any living matter that they are in direct contact with. While this is normally used to mend non life threatening wounds, some have used it to do...horrifying things.

ProstheTech Corporation:

Naturally, the abilities of the Attuned bred both fear and envy among the people not fortunate enough to recieve mana. As a result, technologies that were originally seen as tabuu saw an immediate spike. Body augmentations became commonplace, especially when it was found that the Attuned couldn't benefit from this technology. The original companies that developed this tech joined together to eliminate any competition. Eventually they even managed to create basic kinetic shielding and cloaking tech by condensing air and bending light around the user.

The only race that has developed better prosthetics is the Arraxi.


Humans: Yeah, humans. They have a decent connection to magic, but fairly powerful internal mana reserves. As far as cybernetics go, they're quite advanced. (Probably about Deus Ex level give/take)

Homeworld: Earth

Tulak: A humanoid race with horns and a strong link to nature. They are naturally stronger magic users, but unfortunately don't have the same mana supply that humans do. Unlike humans, the Tulak are almost entirely composed of magic users, and most of those that can't use it are in positions of political power.

The Tulak homeworld of Vai’Ralu is mostly forest with a small portion taken up by the planet’s scattered lakes. It’s almost nonexistent industrialization is very clear just by glancing at the clean waters and air devoid of almost any pollution. Truthfully, had it not been for humanity discovering and elevating their technology, the concept of spaceflight would have been at least another century off.

Arraxi: An advanced race of cybernetic bug people that lack any kind of link to nature. By the time the Pulse occured, they were already more machine than organic. Those that could have become "attuned" died in horrible agony as their bodies suddenly rejected the majority of their organs and limbs.

Not much is known about their “home worlds”, enormous space stations that they have a cybernetic link to upon stepping foot back onto the station. These insanely huge metal stations travel at random, the “Queen” Arraxi being it’s commander of sorts, and they aimlessly travel and observe...everything. Arraxi as a whole, want to study the universe and vice versa, be studied, so that they can further their technological advances, each day something is added or taken away from the Arraxi “ecosystem”. Most of the universe’s remaining Arraxi population, tend to stay on the stations. There are pockets of Arraxi population on major planet systems, but the further out you get, the less Arraxi will be there.

Currently, there are about 6 stations, each one being a melting pot of Arraxi, all different shapes and sizes. Each station does have a “Queen” and they make up the Arraxi Council, meeting at the beginning of a new Arraxi Cycle (about two human years). These Queens are the oldeest Arraxi to exist currently, they are also the most integrated with the ship.

Arraxi rarely conceive kids, about 3% of the active population are born naturally, the other 97% are born in “birthing labs”. Yes indeed Arraxi are test tube babies, this being that many Arraxi have stripped reproductive parts from their body, an act that the Queens started, to limit population growth, though now it’s widely accepted as the norm. Growing up on the station, kid Arraxi will receive their first modification when they turn the Arraxi equivalent of five, from there the modifications flood in. Upon being created, each Arraxi is given a job, that upon reaching the “working” age, if they choose to stay on the station, will be their title. It works on a random generation, so each child has the same odds of getting any job. For the past 30 years however, the stations are encountering something that troubles the Queens. Much of the Arraxi youth don't want to stay on the Station, instead wanting to explore the vastness of space. This has created somewhat of a rift between the New Age Arraxi and Older Generation.

Sapishte: A race of people that seem to be able to shapeshift on some level. This is due to what seems to be a sentient goo attached to their flesh. This goo or "slime" is able to change in density and shape allowing the Sapishte to mimic the forms of other races. One other notable trait is the Sapishte's inability to cloak their emotions. Only a select few are able to hide their feelings, and those that can are almost immediately exiled upon discovery as they are seen as terrifying mutants.

Homeworld: Glonelia
A swampy world, home to the shape shifters of the Sapishte race. The planet is of a tropical, humid climate with swamps and jungles covering most of its landmasses, with warm oceans covering everything else. The Sapishte people aren't exactly the most advanced of the races, having only relatively recently become capable of spaceflight and most of the planet is comparatively low-tech compared to the rest of the races. The people themselves are often quite amicable and more or less an extremely honest people. Being unable to hide emotions well, make for poor liars and manipulators most of the time.

For the most part they are friendly, and have relatively good relations with the rest of the galaxy. Considering their ability to mostly take whatever form they want, there is no shortage of demand for them in less than reputable jobs.

The Alcatraz:

The Alcatraz was one of the biggest collaborative efforts between each race’s governments. A ship capable of securely holding over ten million high priority prisoners without ever having to stop at a planet. Of course, anyone that was aboard the ship would wonder why a vessel with such a capacity only carried about a quarter of its capacity. In reality, the Alcatraz was much more sinister.

While the standard crew and prison staffing is indeed present, there also seems to be much more under the surface. A week after the ship was launched about a quarter of the guards were sent further into the ship on some seemingly inane assignment. When they returned, it was in completely different armor and with much more lethal equipment than they were sent down there with. The warden announced that these guards were to be given absolute impunity when dealing with prisoners and that the regular staff was to completely ignore their presence unless specifically approached. Not long after, a large chunk of the medical staff was also taken to the depths of the vessel, though unlike the guards they did not return. From this point onwards, prisoners that acted up ran the risk of being taken down to the Draught and never seen again.

For some seemingly inexplicable reason the prisoners’ belongings were kept aboard as well. Stranger still, the decision was made by the warden to keep said things on display in the owners’ respective prison blocks. The majority of the crew suspects it’s just an excuse for the Draught Sentries to abduct those foolish enough to attempt to reclaim their property.

Stranded: Blacksite (High casual Sci-fi/fantasy Horror)


The prison ship Alcatraz, designed by a council of multiple races and nations to house the worst criminals (and even a few of the lower offenders) in an effort to cut down on prisons. The ship had a self sustaining food supply, an around the clock staff of guards and civilian staff. Unfortunately, said staff weren't informed of the ship's true intention. Once out of explored space, the ship's controls locked up and the engines shut down setting it adrift. Months later, the ship's intercom has started playing some strange garbled message and communications with the rest of the galaxy have been completely cut. The warden has vanished and the captain has locked himself in bridge with only a few crewmates. If the prisoners and staff hadn’t suspected anything before, they certainly did now.

Magic origins:

A mysterious pulse that emanated from a colonized planet light years away from earth had unprecedented effects on lifeforms all around the galaxy. It seemed to attune them to energies that were naturally present and previously unobservable. These abilities, once realized, allow the user to manipulate the elements around them using a combination of the energy present in the air and their own "mana" reserves. Oddly enough, the powers granted to these "Attuned" as they have been designated manifest in different ways. Some seem to be able to heal the wounds of others and themselves, others can wield nature as a weapon. Unfortunately the Attuned are unable to receive any type of technological augmentation. All attempts have ended in the death of both the Attuned and the one trying to conduct the procedure.

Unfortunately for those aboard the Alcatraz, the disconnection from nature has heavily affected their ability to use magic.

Types of Magic:

Fire: Those attuned to fire can normally ignite the air and control those very flames. Those unfortunate enough to be stuck on a ship for long periods are lucky to still be able to manipulate fire that’s been artificially created.

Air: Those attuned to the air would usually be able to compress and use wind as a weapon. In space with the recycled air and lack of ambient mana aboard a vessel though, they can barely use their magic to filter airborne particles or create a light gust.

Water: Water attunement allows mages to wield almost any liquid as a weapon to defend themselves assuming there isn't anything solid between them and it. Their power is weakened without the assistance of ambient mana, but they can still control liquids that they touch directly.

Earth: Earth wielders can move through dirt and rocks as though they were liquid, of course this is a constant drain of mana and is rarely used for prolonged periods. They are also able to draw minerals to them as a defensive or offensive measure. Aboard a fully metal ship however, there’s not much use to any of their abilities. They can use their magic to help them bend metal somewhat, but it’s still rather strenuous.

Life(healing): Being attuned to Life lets mages manipulate any living matter that they are in direct contact with. While this is normally used to mend non life threatening wounds, some have used it to do...horrifying things.

ProstheTech Corporation:

Naturally, the abilities of the Attuned bred both fear and envy among the people not fortunate enough to recieve mana. As a result, technologies that were originally seen as tabuu saw an immediate spike. Body augmentations became commonplace, especially when it was found that the Attuned couldn't benefit from this technology. The original companies that developed this tech joined together to eliminate any competition. Eventually they even managed to create basic kinetic shielding and cloaking tech by condensing air and bending light around the user.

The only race that has developed better prosthetics is the Arraxi.


Humans: Yeah, humans. They have a decent connection to magic, but fairly powerful internal mana reserves. As far as cybernetics go, they're quite advanced. (Probably about Deus Ex level give/take)

Homeworld: Earth

Tulak: A humanoid race with horns and a strong link to nature. They are naturally stronger magic users, but unfortunately don't have the same mana supply that humans do. Unlike humans, the Tulak are almost entirely composed of magic users, and most of those that can't use it are in positions of political power.

The Tulak homeworld of Vai’Ralu is mostly forest with a small portion taken up by the planet’s scattered lakes. It’s almost nonexistent industrialization is very clear just by glancing at the clean waters and air devoid of almost any pollution. Truthfully, had it not been for humanity discovering and elevating their technology, the concept of spaceflight would have been at least another century off.

Arraxi: An advanced race of cybernetic bug people that lack any kind of link to nature. By the time the Pulse occured, they were already more machine than organic. Those that could have become "attuned" died in horrible agony as their bodies suddenly rejected the majority of their organs and limbs.

Not much is known about their “home worlds”, enormous space stations that they have a cybernetic link to upon stepping foot back onto the station. These insanely huge metal stations travel at random, the “Queen” Arraxi being it’s commander of sorts, and they aimlessly travel and observe...everything. Arraxi as a whole, want to study the universe and vice versa, be studied, so that they can further their technological advances, each day something is added or taken away from the Arraxi “ecosystem”. Most of the universe’s remaining Arraxi population, tend to stay on the stations. There are pockets of Arraxi population on major planet systems, but the further out you get, the less Arraxi will be there.

Currently, there are about 6 stations, each one being a melting pot of Arraxi, all different shapes and sizes. Each station does have a “Queen” and they make up the Arraxi Council, meeting at the beginning of a new Arraxi Cycle (about two human years). These Queens are the oldeest Arraxi to exist currently, they are also the most integrated with the ship.

Arraxi rarely conceive kids, about 3% of the active population are born naturally, the other 97% are born in “birthing labs”. Yes indeed Arraxi are test tube babies, this being that many Arraxi have stripped reproductive parts from their body, an act that the Queens started, to limit population growth, though now it’s widely accepted as the norm. Growing up on the station, kid Arraxi will receive their first modification when they turn the Arraxi equivalent of five, from there the modifications flood in. Upon being created, each Arraxi is given a job, that upon reaching the “working” age, if they choose to stay on the station, will be their title. It works on a random generation, so each child has the same odds of getting any job. For the past 30 years however, the stations are encountering something that troubles the Queens. Much of the Arraxi youth don't want to stay on the Station, instead wanting to explore the vastness of space. This has created somewhat of a rift between the New Age Arraxi and Older Generation.

Sapishte: A race of people that seem to be able to shapeshift on some level. This is due to what seems to be a sentient goo attached to their flesh. This goo or "slime" is able to change in density and shape allowing the Sapishte to mimic the forms of other races. One other notable trait is the Sapishte's inability to cloak their emotions. Only a select few are able to hide their feelings, and those that can are almost immediately exiled upon discovery as they are seen as terrifying mutants.

Homeworld: Glonelia
A swampy world, home to the shape shifters of the Sapishte race. The planet is of a tropical, humid climate with swamps and jungles covering most of its landmasses, with warm oceans covering everything else. The Sapishte people aren't exactly the most advanced of the races, having only relatively recently become capable of spaceflight and most of the planet is comparatively low-tech compared to the rest of the races. The people themselves are often quite amicable and more or less an extremely honest people. Being unable to hide emotions well, make for poor liars and manipulators most of the time.

For the most part they are friendly, and have relatively good relations with the rest of the galaxy. Considering their ability to mostly take whatever form they want, their is no shortage of demand for them in less than reputable jobs.

The Alcatraz:

The Alcatraz was one of the biggest collaborative efforts between each race’s governments. A ship capable of securely holding over ten million high priority prisoners without ever having to stop at a planet. Of course, anyone that was aboard the ship would wonder why a vessel with such a capacity only carried about a quarter of its capacity. In reality, the Alcatraz was much more sinister.

While the standard crew and prison staffing is indeed present, there also seems to be much more under the surface. A week after the ship was launched about a quarter of the guards were sent further into the ship on some seemingly inane assignment. When they returned, it was in completely different armor and with much more lethal equipment than they were sent down there with. The warden announced that these guards were to be given absolute impunity when dealing with prisoners and that the regular staff was to completely ignore their presence unless specifically approached. Not long after, a large chunk of the medical staff was also taken to the depths of the vessel, though unlike the guards they did not return. From this point onwards, prisoners that acted up ran the risk of being taken down to the Draught and never seen again.

For some seemingly inexplicable reason the prisoners’ belongings were kept aboard as well. Stranger still, the decision was made by the warden to keep said things on display in the owners’ respective prison blocks. The majority of the crew suspects it’s just an excuse for the Draught Sentries to abduct those foolish enough to attempt to reclaim their property.

Stranded: Blacksite (High casual Sci-fi/fantasy Horror)


The prison ship Alcatraz, designed by a council of multiple races and nations to house the worst criminals (and even a few of the lower offenders) in an effort to cut down on prisons. The ship had a self sustaining food supply, an around the clock staff of guards and civilian staff. Unfortunately, said staff weren't informed of the ship's true intention. Once out of explored space, the ship's controls locked up and the engines shut down setting it adrift. Months later, the ship's intercom has started playing some strange garbled message and communications with the rest of the galaxy have been completely cut. The warden has vanished and the captain has locked himself in bridge with only a few crewmates. If the prisoners and staff hadn’t suspected anything before, they certainly did now.

Magic origins:

A mysterious pulse that emanated from a colonized planet light years away from earth had unprecedented effects on lifeforms all around the galaxy. It seemed to attune them to energies that were naturally present and previously unobservable. These abilities, once realized, allow the user to manipulate the elements around them using a combination of the energy present in the air and their own "mana" reserves. Oddly enough, the powers granted to these "Attuned" as they have been designated manifest in different ways. Some seem to be able to heal the wounds of others and themselves, others can wield nature as a weapon. Unfortunately the Attuned are unable to receive any type of technological augmentation. All attempts have ended in the death of both the Attuned and the one trying to conduct the procedure.

Unfortunately for those aboard the Alcatraz, the disconnection from nature has heavily affected their ability to use magic.

Types of Magic:

Fire: Those attuned to fire can normally ignite the air and control those very flames. Those unfortunate enough to be stuck on a ship for long periods are lucky to still be able to manipulate fire that’s been artificially created.

Air: Those attuned to the air would usually be able to compress and use wind as a weapon. In space with the recycled air and lack of ambient mana aboard a vessel though, they can barely use their magic to filter airborne particles or create a light gust.

Water: Water attunement allows mages to wield almost any liquid as a weapon to defend themselves assuming there isn't anything solid between them and it. Their power is weakened without the assistance of ambient mana, but they can still control liquids that they touch directly.

Earth: Earth wielders can move through dirt and rocks as though they were liquid, of course this is a constant drain of mana and is rarely used for prolonged periods. They are also able to draw minerals to them as a defensive or offensive measure. Aboard a fully metal ship however, there’s not much use to any of their abilities. They can use their magic to help them bend metal somewhat, but it’s still rather strenuous.

Life(healing): Being attuned to Life lets mages manipulate any living matter that they are in direct contact with. While this is normally used to mend non life threatening wounds, some have used it to do...horrifying things.

ProstheTech Corporation:

Naturally, the abilities of the Attuned bred both fear and envy among the people not fortunate enough to recieve mana. As a result, technologies that were originally seen as tabuu saw an immediate spike. Body augmentations became commonplace, especially when it was found that the Attuned couldn't benefit from this technology. The original companies that developed this tech joined together to eliminate any competition. Eventually they even managed to create basic kinetic shielding and cloaking tech by condensing air and bending light around the user.

The only race that has developed better prosthetics is the Arraxi.


Humans: Yeah, humans. They have a decent connection to magic, but fairly powerful internal mana reserves. As far as cybernetics go, they're quite advanced. (Probably about Deus Ex level give/take)

Homeworld: Earth

Tulak: A humanoid race with horns and a strong link to nature. They are naturally stronger magic users, but unfortunately don't have the same mana supply that humans do. Unlike humans, the Tulak are almost entirely composed of magic users, and most of those that can't use it are in positions of political power.

The Tulak homeworld of Vai’Ralu is mostly forest with a small portion taken up by the planet’s scattered lakes. It’s almost nonexistent industrialization is very clear just by glancing at the clean waters and air devoid of almost any pollution. Truthfully, had it not been for humanity discovering and elevating their technology, the concept of spaceflight would have been at least another century off.

Arraxi: An advanced race of cybernetic bug people that lack any kind of link to nature. By the time the Pulse occured, they were already more machine than organic. Those that could have become "attuned" died in horrible agony as their bodies suddenly rejected the majority of their organs and limbs.

Not much is known about their “home worlds”, enormous space stations that they have a cybernetic link to upon stepping foot back onto the station. These insanely huge metal stations travel at random, the “Queen” Arraxi being it’s commander of sorts, and they aimlessly travel and observe...everything. Arraxi as a whole, want to study the universe and vice versa, be studied, so that they can further their technological advances, each day something is added or taken away from the Arraxi “ecosystem”. Most of the universe’s remaining Arraxi population, tend to stay on the stations. There are pockets of Arraxi population on major planet systems, but the further out you get, the less Arraxi will be there.

Currently, there are about 6 stations, each one being a melting pot of Arraxi, all different shapes and sizes. Each station does have a “Queen” and they make up the Arraxi Council, meeting at the beginning of a new Arraxi Cycle (about two human years). These Queens are the oldeest Arraxi to exist currently, they are also the most integrated with the ship.

Arraxi rarely conceive kids, about 3% of the active population are born naturally, the other 97% are born in “birthing labs”. Yes indeed Arraxi are test tube babies, this being that many Arraxi have stripped reproductive parts from their body, an act that the Queens started, to limit population growth, though now it’s widely accepted as the norm. Growing up on the station, kid Arraxi will receive their first modification when they turn the Arraxi equivalent of five, from there the modifications flood in. Upon being created, each Arraxi is given a job, that upon reaching the “working” age, if they choose to stay on the station, will be their title. It works on a random generation, so each child has the same odds of getting any job. For the past 30 years however, the stations are encountering something that troubles the Queens. Much of the Arraxi youth don't want to stay on the Station, instead wanting to explore the vastness of space. This has created somewhat of a rift between the New Age Arraxi and Older Generation.

Sapishte: A race of people that seem to be able to shapeshift on some level. This is due to what seems to be a sentient goo attached to their flesh. This goo or "slime" is able to change in density and shape allowing the Sapishte to mimic the forms of other races. One other notable trait is the Sapishte's inability to cloak their emotions. Only a select few are able to hide their feelings, and those that can are almost immediately exiled upon discovery as they are seen as terrifying mutants.

Homeworld: Glonelia
A swampy world, home to the shape shifters of the Sapishte race. The planet is of a tropical, humid climate with swamps and jungles covering most of its landmasses, with warm oceans covering everything else. The Sapishte people aren't exactly the most advanced of the races, having only relatively recently become capable of spaceflight and most of the planet is comparatively low-tech compared to the rest of the races. The people themselves are often quite amicable and more or less an extremely honest people. Being unable to hide emotions well, make for poor liars and manipulators most of the time.

For the most part they are friendly, and have relatively good relations with the rest of the galaxy. Considering their ability to mostly take whatever form they want, their is no shortage of demand for them in less than reputable jobs.

The Alcatraz:

The Alcatraz was one of the biggest collaborative efforts between each race’s governments. A ship capable of securely holding over ten million high priority prisoners without ever having to stop at a planet. Of course, anyone that was aboard the ship would wonder why a vessel with such a capacity only carried about a quarter of its capacity. In reality, the Alcatraz was much more sinister.

While the standard crew and prison staffing is indeed present, there also seems to be much more under the surface. A week after the ship was launched about a quarter of the guards were sent further into the ship on some seemingly inane assignment. When they returned, it was in completely different armor and with much more lethal equipment than they were sent down there with. The warden announced that these guards were to be given absolute impunity when dealing with prisoners and that the regular staff was to completely ignore their presence unless specifically approached. Not long after, a large chunk of the medical staff was also taken to the depths of the vessel, though unlike the guards they did not return. From this point onwards, prisoners that acted up ran the risk of being taken down to the Draught and never seen again.

For some seemingly inexplicable reason the prisoners’ belongings were kept aboard as well. Stranger still, the decision was made by the warden to keep said things on display in the owners’ respective prison blocks. The majority of the crew suspects it’s just an excuse for the Draught Sentries to abduct those foolish enough to attempt to reclaim their property.

Agent Actinium

@Zanavy@Crimson Flame

Alicia grimaced, this situation just got much more annoying. The grunt that accompanied her was quick to step towards the two newcomers and send out his Cramorant to back up Torracat. "Mind your own business, or this'll get messier than it needs to." the grunt said, her irritation bleeding through in his voice. This had to be sorted before Saki noticed, if the gym leader got involved this would go downhill fast.

The trainer that questioned their motives received the lion's share of Alicia's current glare, but she put her hand in front of the grunt. If this became a battle, their chances of getting caught would go up exponentially. "Just trying to keep that little kitten from starting a wildfire in town." She said, trying to make her ire sound justified. "It doesn't concern you, unless you're the trainer letting this young fire type roam around freely in a town covered in plants."

Team A


Both grunts charged with planting the device behind the contest hall balked at the Arcanine briefly as the trainers atop it attempted to intimidate them. The more senior of the two came to his senses first, stepping away and pulling out a pokeball. There didn't appear to be any way around a battle here. At least they had already done as they were told and completed their objective, this was just a sudden loose end that needed to be tied up.

A Haunter and an Impidimp were sent out by their respective grunts as the stage was set for a two on two.

Rheese Laudat

Rheese sat against a tree again, this time panting for breath out of physical exhaustion as his team rested around him. He pulled out a sleeve of crackers and split it among the other members of his party before snacking on a few himself. Bounsweet had kept up, often looking to its senior grass type for assurance that the Cottonee happily provided.

The scene in front of him put Rheese at ease as he closed his eyes and listened to the gentle rustle of leaves and his pokemon obliterating the snacks they were provided. For a few seconds he even managed a grin as everything that had plagued him seemed to be far enough away. His team was filling out nicely, and all of them seemed to get along and enjoy their time. Maybe most of their captures and training hadn't been traditional or ideal, but that was all behind them now. These pokemon were his partners that he'd face the rest of Kosei with, win or loss.

He was snapped out of his sappy thoughts by a feeling in his gut that told him to return to town. Something was up, and he wasn't about to just sit out here and wait for it to blow over.
Saki Matsusuki

"You and your friends still rescued him from their grasp, that was more than anybody could ask." Saki said gently before putting a finger to her chin in thought. "I'm afraid I don't know much about the pokemon you described, but given the how the message was delivered...It's a safe guess that it's a powerful psychic type. As I mentioned before, more of Ray's expertise. I've sent his sister a message, hopefully she will be able to help locate him." Sake sighed, there truly wasn't much else for her to say. "For now, you and your friends are free to stay in town and wait for a response. I'll provide any amenity I can in the meantime." She promised, the gym's lights flickered slightly...Windshire's new gym leader's doing of course.

One of Saki's attendants walked up and whispered something to her as she began to look slightly concerned. "It seems your friend got angry and stormed off. I'm not sure he's in any state to do that right now...but I suppose that's his prerogative."

Saki sighed and turned to walk away. "Even so, I imagine as friends of his that you would probably like to make sure he's not doing anything reckless." She said without looking back towards the pair. Without another sound she was gone, back to helping her attendants keep the gym's flora maintained.

Agent Actinium

As Alicia waited for the grunts under her command to report back on their missions, she noticed a Litleo sniffing around one of the bushes she had planted a voltorb in. With a sneer she walked over and attempted to shoo the small pokemon away. The last thing she wanted was for the 'fireworks' to go off prematurely. "Get out of here, before I have to force you out." She said, her Torracat hopping out of the ball and getting between the smaller feline and the bush.

"Team A, Team B, report. We need to hurry this up." Alicia said with a huff as her much larger pokemon stared down the Litleo. This problem was already under control. This time, even if those people from before showed up she was much more equipped for a battle. Even so, it would be best to keep this operation as quiet as possible.

The other grunt with her returned, clearly done planting the pokeballs. Yet the others still hadn't reported in. That was odd, if not slightly worrying.

Agent Actinium

Alicia pulled her hood up a bit more to hide her face as she and the grunts she was with entered Vareena again. Ozzy returned to the base to handle the debrief while she was reassigned to what was being described as a vanguard mission. Their failure escorting that trainer was completely overshadowed by Shaymin running into the flowery town, which would've been great...but there was no way those trainers wouldn't recognize her. On the plus side, one of the grunts that had intercepted her and Ozzy brought the rest of her pokeballs. Maybe this could just be an opportunity for revenge? No, the mission came first. Still, she had just been here...this wasn't exactly an ideal time.

"Team A, proceed to the back of the contest hall and place the devices. Team B, those Grimer won't get into the well on their own. She said as she waved both teams of two off toward their own missions. That contest needed to be stopped and the townspeople evacuated. That was the easy part, the real issue was doing it all without being caught. The townspeople wouldn't notice them, Mesprit's power assured that...but all of the tourists that had been flocking there for the contest would be a problem. Not to mention those trainers and Saki, it seemed the gym leader was able to resist the psychic pokemon's influence with ease. If it weren't for her, the whole town would have likely been converted into an undercover Noble hideout by now.

Alicia shook off her thoughts, all of that was irrelevant right now. Team A and team B had their assignments, so now she and the remaining grunt needed to do their part. She took a pokeball marked with a 'V' and hid it in a bush outside of the gym. Her accomplice did the same nearby. The Voltorb in these balls would be instrumental in flushing Shaymin out when the time came, their strength was curated to ensure that the explosions would be mostly noise and smoke.

"Agent Actinium reporting in, the plan is proceeding as expected." She said into the microphone she was provided.

Saki Matsusuki

Saki bowed lightly towards Oscar before turning to Sophia. "Hm? Something to do with your friend's predicament?" She asked as she hands her pokeballs to a nearby attendant. "Unfortunately, I must remind you that there isn't much that I can do for him here."

Saki was curious as to what the young psychic hadn't said about the situation earlier, but felt the need to keep expectations low. A second attendant showed up and handed Saki a few completely different pokeballs that each had their own markings. She thanked the young woman and shooed her off to leave only her and the two trainers in the room. Saki motioned Sophia to continue.

Rheese Laudat

Rheese sat in the forest with the back of his head resting against a tree. He had triggered that mental block three times since he had gotten out there and made no progress trying to figure it out. He had hoped that he could just willpower through it and come out alright but...it seemed like with everything else he couldn't deal with it on his own. Bounsweet and Wooper had snapped him out of it both times, but both of them just kept looking at him as though worried he would do it again.

"I'm fine, not about to test it a fourth time." He said, much to their relief. He already felt like he had been put through a wringer, so putting a stop to it for now made sense. "Guess I'll just accept that I need Ray's help...again." Rheese slumped down a bit more against the tree, resigned to his fate of asking the guy that had only days prior told him that he'd die if he didn't get stronger.

Rheese pushed himself up suddenly and brought Cottonee and Minior out as well, the latter not even bothering to assault him as it saw his face. "Okay guys, basic drills, time to bring Bounsweet into the fold." Rheese said as he tried to psyche himself and his pokemon up.

Troe Revinah

"Would you please stop mutilating yourself for science?"

Troe leaned a bit into Ash as he tried to steady himself. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." He chuckled weakly as he allowed Ashley to look over his shockingly unscathed hand. Whatever had drawn his blood had inexplicably not left a mark. Troe gladly took the vulnerary and chugged. Satisfied with the condition of his hand he looked at the strange entrance that had opened up. "I think it's safe to say that we've made it further than that Gremory hoped we would." He removed himself from Ashley and steadied himself a moment with a few breaths.

After a few moments he felt a bit of his strength return. He fired a small blast of wind into the cave entrance only for it to continue on into the darkness. As it didn't burn up like everything on the mainland it seemed that this entrance was legit. "I suppose that my parents were wrong, my ancestors haven't actually forsaken me." He said with a bit of sarcasm. The fact that he was not only Rjaskavi, but a noble at that was out of the bag. He casually produced his signet ring from his robes and wore it to spite the island that had cast him out as a boy.

As much as he wanted to study the workings of the strange shrine-like lock system that this entrance used, he knew that they were currently working on a much bigger mystery. Upon entering he felt an odd warmth, almost as though he had returned to a welcoming home...which was half-true he supposed. The ancient looking stone hallway seemed to go on for quite a distance with a couple of small sidepaths along the way. As if by instinct, he could tell that the end of this path led outside...it was as though he had been through here a million times before despite the impossibility of such a thing. Even more interesting to him though, he felt a familiar pull towards one of the pathways on the side. He just hoped that whatever this was wouldn't charge the same toll as the door. As Troe took another step forward he felt a pressure plate slide downwards and quickly jumped back as a litany of torches suddenly lit the entire corridor. Despite Ashley's earlier warning, Troe moved forward with very little regard for his own safety.

He only hesitated slightly as he entered the side room. The room was lit similarly to the corridor with a few inexplicably lit torches, but in its center was a strange horn-like object that Troe was being drawn to. The walls were marked with odd drawings of black towers, some odd monstrous shape, and a number of golden weapons and other pieces of gear...including what appeared to be the horn that Troe had already snatched. It rumbled slightly in his hand but settled comfortably after a moment. Now that he had taken the horn, the odd feeling that had been pulling him along let up and he turned to the group.

"Ashley, I think...I think we were supposed to find all of this." He said, pointing to the drawings on the walls. "Whatever's going on on Irinoth, it's safe to assume this stuff is relevant." Troe fervently pulled his notebook and began making rudimentary sketches of what he saw. This was likely one of the best pieces of evidence they could have even hoped for, but it still wouldn't be enough. Surely at least a few reasonable skeptics would think that the group made all of this up just for the reward money. No, they would need something concrete.

"Well, I suppose it's time for us to properly enter Irinoth." Troe said as he walked to the exit. He would have liked to have studied more, but given what the drawings showed it would be a safe bet that their time was limited.

As the group emerged into the light...or surprising lack thereof. The sky was dark and cloudy and even the ground seemed quite dead. This was completely contradictory to what they had seen from the outside. Worse still, the feeling from the 'deadzone' back on the ocean pervaded the area. Troe looked over the dead land with a dread that he didn't expect. He thought that he'd be completely indifferent...he knew his home was gone and up until now he just didn't care but something about seeing it like this...Hurt. Fields that he played in as a kid, the nearby town completely in ashes, everything being so far gone hit him in a place that he hadn't felt since his exile. He almost didn't even see the massive black spire that extended far above the clouds seemingly into infinity. Without a word he sprinted towards his family home, praying that there was someone or something there.
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