Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
1 like
6 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
6 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
6 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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10 mos ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Situated near the coast of North Carolina USA, lies the small town of Edgebaston. It is a fairly unremarkable small town with a population of just under 5,000. Nestled away from the coastal towns and beaches, Edgebaston is only really known for its boarding school - Edgebaston academy.

Founded in 1851, The academy was originally founded as a charitable school to help educate orphans and children of bereaved widows. The campus was simple, and included the orphanage onsite. As populations grew, the academy switched to generally accepting all students and almost tripled in size, losing the orphanage and turning it into boarding halls. It was eventually bought by Willis Pottinger - a wealthy landowner nearby. From then until 1970’s, the academy functioned exclusively as a private boarding school. After the Pottinger Trust fell into financial difficulties in the mid 70’s due to fraud and financial mismanagement, the school was sold off. However, there wasn’t anyone willing to buy the entire school due to the steep cost, and the state didn’t want it either, as they didn’t want a boarding school, and the location wasn’t ideal for a large school either. Eventually a deal was struck between a board of businessmen in Edgebaston and the state to own equal shares in the school each. What was created was quite possibly one of the most unique schools in the country.

Generally speaking there are three ways to get into the academy:
  • Buy your place: If mom and dad have the cash, they can simply pay to send you. These students tend to have the first pick of the accommodation and tend to have either their own rooms, or share units built similarly to multi bedroom hotel suites. They make up the vast majority of the schools students, roughly 70%.
  • Get a scholarship: The second largest group. Several interest groups have bought out spaces at the school each year to send students to the academy. The different interests have varying criteria to get in, but are mostly based around aptitude, or perhaps being able to study better if away from family.
  • The State Relocation Programme: The only constraint that the state part of the school enforces, is the reservation of several spaces each year for students the state deems appropriate to attend. Because the state owns the places, they decide who goes, and ultimately it tends to be either kids who have caused trouble at way too many schools, or students who the state has decided would be better off away from their parents. Most of the time, students who are in the care of the state tend to get these places as it kills two birds with one stone for the state.

Hello Everyone, and thank you for showing interest in my RP! This is a nice little SoL High School RP where we can roleplay some wonderful High School drama. Our characters will be in either Junior or Senior year (Your choice). In terms of plot we are going to start at the beginning of the school year, and work our way to the end. We will be time-skipping to different points of the year, so no need to worry about roleplaying every single day out!

Being a Slice of Life RP, this premise will be heavily reliant on creating plot based on your character and their relations to others. As such, players are expected to play an active role in plot development. Relation sheets aren’t required in the strictest sense, as players will have character channels in our discord to plot. In terms of post length, minimum 2 decent paragraphs.

  • Standard Guild Rules - The usual stuff
  • IC and OOC are different things - Please be able to differentiate between them.
  • If you have any issues please bring them to Me or the Co-GM. Please bear in mind that we live in different timezones and might not reply right away. We do have lives.
  • If there is going to be any reason you can’t post, do keep us updated. I don’t need reasons, just an indication of when you will return.

Character Sheet - Kindly created by @HaleyTheRandom - Orignal Post

Discord Link!
We are opening up slots for two more players who may be interested in wanting to join! Feel free to look around, and Join our discord if you want to know more or speak to us directly! - Tanner Discord


Accepted! Let the Sin Magic begin!

Location: Coven Household

Time: 8:05PM

Tanner. Home. Kirstie had mixed feelings about returning to her hometown. On one hand Tanner was the one place that she felt the most special, University hadn't exactly been the best experience for her. Leaving Tanner had forced her to abandon her posse; her most elite group of friends. University had forced her to start all over again. Despite her best attempts at trying to create a brand new elite circle for herself Kirstie found it hard to adapt to the social circles of university. It seemed almost as if the social norms of high school didn't apply at university. As a result the normally social Queen bee was actually quite lonely during her college years.

Returning to Tanner was a perfect opportunity for Kirsty to start again. She wasn't entirely sure what happened to her entourage after they went to college. for the most parts they had all broken contact with her, or was it that she broke contact with them? Either way she was no longer in high school and therefore had to find new ways of making friends, at least in Tanner she knew some of the people. not that she really liked them, but she did know them. Regarding returning to the Coven Kirstie was rather indifferent to it. She never really enjoyed her witch training. She had always felt that she was mixed in with the common kids. And that was beneath her. All the while, Carlisle, Serena and Lilith got pulled away to do special training.

Her indifference caused her to entirely skip over the coven meeting that morning. She didn’t particularly care to listen to Carlisle and his words. She remembered what he was like from high school, and if he hadn’t changed, then she wasn’t interested. She was pretty confident that a lamppost had better charisma than he did. Having him run the coven was just a recipe for disaster. While she did blow off the coven meeting, she did find out about the party. Now that was more her style. Still. She needed to look perfect for this. As a result, while everyone was out making themselves useful, she was out picking outfits. Retinal therapy was the best kind of therapy. More so when you weren't paying, but daddy was. After going through the shops all day. She found it. A red jacket dress finished with a black minibelt. That was the look she wanted. It was perfect. The neckline was so low that it left exactly nothing to the imagination and it would draw eyes towards her with ease.

She knew the party was due to start at 7pm, or sometime around then. But in all honesty, she never planned to arrive until 8. At that point the party would have started. People would have started to get a little bored, and a little drunk. That meant when she walked in, all eyes would be on her. Driving into the driveway in her silver Mercedes SLK, she climbed out and locked it, taking a moment to adjust her minibelt. She then strutted towards the household and burst through the front door, opening it and sweeping through. She made sure to slam the door open, the sound of the impact hopefully getting people's attention. She then stood still for a moment, letting everyone get a good look at her. With her strut now complete, Kirstie made a beeline for the vodka at the table, grabbing a bottle and a cup and pouring herself a vodka and coke. Taking a stiff drink from it, her eyes wandered around the party. The vibe didn't quite feel right. Something was off with the way people were dancing. She took a deep breath and focused her mind, trying to look at people and see if she could read their auras. There was tension. So something had happened. With a soft sigh she leant back against the table, her eye wandering to the otherside of the room near the veranda entrance, seeing Aurora enter. She couldn't remember the woman's name in practice, but whoever she was, she didn't exactly look happy. Her Aura was off the chart. Something was about to happen, so Kirstie took a sip of her drink and stayed back, watching the movie unfold in front of her.

Location: Coven Household

Time: 8PM

Pain. Unbelievable pain.That was the first feeling that Hayden felt as she came too. How long had she been out for? How was that even important? She couldn’t even move her body at the moment. Priorities. Opening her eyes slowly; As best she could given the swelling, her senses were assaulted by the party. The low light, the noises and the scent of drink and sweat. Hayden was still slumped against the wall that she passed out on. She tried to scan her body and assess the damage. Her face was pulsating in pain and she was struggling to see clearly. Her left arm was broken. She couldn't assess the damage properly to her arm as she was scared to even attempt to move it.

She could feel The dried tears on her face. It made her face feel stiff, more so as the dried blood had also formed splotches over her mouth and swollen cheeks & eyes. Raising her unbroken arm, she attempted to wipe some of the freshest tears from her eyes. With a soft whimper, trying to not draw attention to herself, Hayden attempted to sit up against the wall. As she did she noticed the pools of blood that had formed on the floor. Was that all hers? While it wasn’t an awful lot, it was still disturbing for her to see it. Despite being a hard nut who was used to fighting in New York, this was different. She had never lost this badly before in her life. Admittedly, it was an unfair fight. She was fairly certain that if the other two girls had not got involved, Hayden would have that bitch Delaney right she wanted her.

Kolby was going to be pissed. She hadn’t thought about that before she started the fight. She hadn’t even been here a whole day and she had already caused problems. She knew the duo had their issues, but deep down, Hayden did care about Kobly. She just enjoyed the arguing and the fighting. Kolby gave as good as he got. But deep down she didn’t want to hurt him. And she couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling in her stomach signalling that she may have fucked up. She couldn’t let him see her like this. Scanning the room from her lowered position. She didn’t seem to be able to see him. So that was something.

She then remembered that earlier that day Carlisle had seemed to get his nose fixed rather quickly. She began to wonder how he had done it. He left the room, and then came back almost fifteen minutes later perfectly fine. So it must have been magical. Hayden needed to investigate. But first she needed to get up. And that was going to be hard. No one seemed to be eager to try to help her, or check up on her. So she was going to have to do this on her own. Getting up with her arm mangled was going to be an issue. Her body wanted to use it, but attempting to move at all, caused throbs of protest and pain in her arm. With a small howl of pain, Hayden began to press her back up against the wall and use her legs to try and lift her body up. It was a slow process, and during the entire time, Hayden bit her bottom lip and tried her hardest to suppress her grunts of pain. But some still slipped through. It took her a near full minute to get back up on her feet, her back arched against the wall, as she pressed her good arm against her broken one to try and hold it in place so that it didn't move and cause her any more pain.

Scanning around the room, she spotted the door that Carlisle had gone through earlier in the day. Staggering across the party, trying not to hit anyone, or have anyone hit her arm. She stayed alert, keeping eyes out for Serena, Erin or Delaney. She wasn’t ready for round two yet. Reaching the veranda she scanned around. There was only one way that she could go, and at the end of the veranda she could see a set of double doors. Maybe that was it? She staggered forward, noticing more broken glass and blood on the floor. Perhaps Delaney went this way? Hayden stopped. If she had gone this way. Did she really want to carry on this path? The urge to feel better trumped that of the embarrassment of seeing Delaney. With a pained sigh, Hayden charged forward, reaching the double doors and going through them. She found herself inside an Alchemy lab. Hayden smiled. They must have kept healing potions in here somewhere. Walking over to one of the cabinets, she used her good arm to start searching. She found herself a healing potion, and stumbled over to a nearby chair. She carefully sat down, before attempting to remove the cork from the bottle with her one hand, using her knees to hold the bottle in place. Without any hesitation she necked the drink back, feeling its warm liquid rush down her throat. Her face began to feel better almost right away, and she could feel it working on her arm. It was going to take a while though. For now, Hayden sunk into the chair, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation as her body began to heal itself.

"Damn that tall bitch knows how to throw a fucking punch. Fuck." She remarked, chuckling to herself, before breaking out into a laugh. Despite the beating, she had to admit that it was fun, now she was looking back on it. It was a challenge. "Maybe next time, rip her sister from her and just get her on her own though."

Location: Coven Household

Time: 8PM

Carlisle had been laying on the veranda longer than he perhaps would like to have admitted, Mostly thanks to concussion he had endured. Lilith knew how to throw, and the accuracy of her shot was scary. He could feel blood and glass mixing at the back of his head, as well as blood oozing from his once more shattered nose.

”If I had a nickel for every broken nose I had today, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice” Carlisle muttered to himself as he stumbled back up onto his feet. It took him a few good moments to get his bearings. He felt like shit. Both physically and mentally. Carlisle took the time to try and stabilise himself but ended up staggering forward, grabbing onto the railing for support. His body clearly wasn’t ready for this. With a deep breath, Carlisle guided himself across the railing and towards the garden, making sure to avoid people as best he could.

After taking the slow and deliberate movements required for Carlisle to stay standing, He had found himself over at the benches at the end of the veranda. Taking a moment to sit himself down on one of them, Carlisle could finally take a moment to go over everything that had just happened. ”Fuck… I went and fucked that one up royally. Well done Carlisle, literally just told your only friend to fuck off”. He let out a heavy sigh, blood finally reaching past his lips and now dripping off his chin. He really should do something about that. But at the same time he felt like he deserved this. This was his punishment. To take a healie would be too easy a way out. There was no consequence.

Had he been too hasty? He had assumed that Miles was the threat to him and that nothing was his fault. But maybe it was. Miles hadn’t done anything to Lilith, and yet here Carlilse was blaming him for taking the one good thing he had in his life. He wasn’t too far off though he believed. Miles had taken girl after girl from him. So in his mind, this was justifiable paranoia. He had become so overprotective of the things close to him. Scared of losing them and proving his mother right. Was it selfish to protect what you loved? Maybe it was. He didn’t think he was being possessive, even if others might have seen it that way.

A long drawn out sigh once more escaped his lips. What was he to do? Could he even recover from this? Feelings of shame and sadness began to overwhelm him, streams of tears began to fall from his eyes, mixing with the blood on his lowerface. Whimpers escaped his lips in between breaths. The realisation of what he had been saying to Lilith was finally setting in. His heart rate elevated, as his breaths and whimpers sped up. Whimpers began to turn to wails as he lost control of his composure entirely.

”God I give up, I wish I could just disappear”

It was at that moment he felt his body and soul give up and surrender. His body began to feel heavy and stiff. He felt his body undergo a slow but painless nonetheless rigour mortis as his muscles froze in their place. All the while, he could feel his soul and presence drain from his body. The darkness began to claw at the edges of his vision, slowly seeping into the centre. After a few more extra moments, Carlisle completely froze, his eyes permanently locked in a sad expression, the last of the tears falling from his eyes.

If anyone was outside and hadn't seen Carlisle freeze, they would be treated to a different sight. With Carlisle now passing on, he wasn't there to maintain his connection to the Tanner Barrier. The lovely blue dome of energy that normally was invisible unless close, suddenly became very visible, at least to those who knew magic. From all angles the barrier itself began to fade away, leaving nothing but the starry sky in its wake. For the first time in a very long time, Tanner was no longer protected from the outside world.



Can I has one more hiding please?

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