Avatar of HereComesTheSnow


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25 days ago
Current they should let me into the presidential debates as like a stage hazard. i should be like the negligent drivers in onett, plowing into whichever seniors don't heed the warning that i'm coming
2 mos ago
frantically flipping through my notebook as i realize i'm late for my monthly bit. bomb. bomb. caesium capsule meets stomach lining. bomb. murder confession. bomb. need new material before they bomb m
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3 mos ago
Never stop creating. Never stop improving. Live life fully, honestly, and the mystical adventure never ends. Thank you, Sensei. I think I'll train tomorrow.
5 mos ago
My dreams are getting weird. They usually involve sterile lighting and a bunch of guys in labcoats discussing sedative dosages around me and getting really scared when i try to go to the bathroom lol
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6 mos ago
i consume enough energy drink i changed my zodiac sign, i'm more taurine than any motherfucker born in April and i killed eleven people in that applebees two miles down the road


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someone with a fighting background shall we say
Another fighter, how fun!
part time that is one hour away from being full time hits the soul different
Looks fun! I think the “failure of a human” thing is an interesting thread of commonality to pull on.
I don't think Iwao would have met the Lostman yet, and as much as I enjoy a good fight, the ideal would be to see character arcs move forward and interact, if that makes sense. I was pretty drawn to the "character-driven" aspect.
Okay, bit of a preview done. I think I could make this work with most prompts, and I'm willing to fine-tune further if necessary.

More seriously, I kinda like the urban exploration club, vigilantes, or shiftmates ideas. As funny as a love d20 is conceptually, I'm not too sure my dude would fit into it.
tentatively interested. got a small start for a character idea. cool with the university student age range, not sure on having met lostman.
what to do about this...
From beneath the hood, his eyes continued their sweep of the path ahead.
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