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starting off 2022 with COVID LESSGOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Whoever says "the customer is always right" has not worked with atual customers.


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@Hey Im Jordan Yikes. My toaster is starting to show its age so I'm looking into upgrading soon unless I wanna get floored by the graphics alone lol
<Snipped quote by Hero>

idk about that, but fab and i had some disgusting input lag and just lag in general when we played. hopefully it sorts itself it out.

this did not stop us from playing 40 matches tho

Hopefully a temporary issue
Having to watch everyone on my friends list play SCVI like

Although I hear that (as always) there have been some bugs, there was something in particular about character creation messing up?
Got a WIP, should be up by the end of the weekend
<Snipped quote by Hero>

What are you getting it on?

PC, it'll be interesting as I've only ever played fighting games badly on PS4 so I'm kind of excited to try it out.
just a reminder that soul calibur 6 unlocks tonight, and to preload it if you haven't already

So salty I don't get paid until next week, wanted to play it at launch
I'm still in it to win it mostly my head is kind of a mess this week
In Rengoku 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Another day, another headache.

Whatever God or divine entity or mean spirited demon that had chucked her into this world sure had a funny sense of humor. Going from a life in the limelight surrounded by luxury to having to actually budget herself and scrounge for food had been such a whiplash that the few days had practically flown by in a blur. But as always, there was nothing to do but to roll up your sleeves and get to work, and the young woman was determined to do that. There was no use in whining, even if this weird town and its weird inhabitants and its weird monsters had initially freaked her out at first.

With her chin perched on the palm of her left hand, Étoile slouched forward as she let out a rather heavy sigh. She was at the bar just having come back from slaying a few monsters, but it wasn't exactly the most fruitful of tasks. Not that she was one to avoid work, but the felt sustaining herself was the real challenge. Letting go of a whole lot from her previous lifestyle had been a challenge, but she had no idea how many things she took for granted: a soft bed, hot baths, her hairdresser, her cellphone, the ability to walk around freely outside of a town and not get attacked by monsters or bandits.

Her right hand tapped the table, bright eyes staring at nothing in particular. Something needed to change, but what? What could she do to change her situation? Her thoughts went to that mysterious man she had met on the first day, but there was no going back to that weird place no matter how hard she tried. Being at a loss was a very odd feeling, and it was one she did not like. She just had to think, that's all. Not her strong suit, admittedly, but she could totally come up with something.

A commotion managed to catch her attention, the redhead sitting up slightly. A bar fight? The hell was wrong with people? Some drunken idiots starting up crap, though it seemed to escalate when some nerd's papers got ruined. It reminded her of those so called 'screenwriters' with their laptops at a Starbucks. Who the hell writes in a bar of all places, anyway? That's like being surprised when you wear all white then go to a paintball competition.

Letting out a huff, she straightened herself before giving the guy a look. "You're expecting a little too much if you think they'll compensate you," She raised her voice so he would hear her.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Yeah pretty much haha. With the squad roles in consideration, how many people expressed interest earlier (more than expected) and the size of the squad I didn't want to accept everyone at once. Gotta give everyone who wants in a chance to apply then judge them all fairly.

Yeah like me and my slow ass >:[
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