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I want to have what it takes. But RNG has screwed me more times than I care to admit in the past.

Honestly same, RNG has never been kind, but I figured it'd be fun to see what happens anyway.
“Mr. Samael, are you listening?”

No, but admitting that would just be rude.

Chartreuse colored eyes directed themselves at the lovely Miss...something. Josephine? Jeanette? Jamie? It was definitely something with a ‘J’, though he couldn't bring himself to try too hard to remember. Not that it mattered much, as once they would arrive at their destination, they were unlikely to interact again. He had no plans on spending much time in the administration office, though time could prove him wrong. The pair walked along the empty halls, their footsteps occasionally accompanied by the murmur of the voices of each classroom. He had been checking his reflection on one of the glass panels they had passed, making sure every blonde lock of his looked effortlessly windswept, his suit crisp and clean. Truthfully, he was overdressed, but he had come late as it was and figured he could change later on. Who didn't love a man in a suit, anyway?

Even if he wasn't listening, however, the administrator still expected a response, narrowed eyes aimed at him. “Forgive me, I let my curiosity wander too far,” He would admit rather brightly, amused as the woman’ nostrils gently flared in annoyance. “If you could repeat what you said, I would greatly appreciate it.”

Letting out a curt sigh, Miss J-Something would take a page and envelope off of her clipboard, offering it to him. “What I was saying was that while classes are well under way, Professor Alder is already expecting you,” She replied dryly. “Your schedule and assigned partner, Mr. Samael.”

Taking the schedule in hand first, he skimmed the time and places, matching some to the rooms they had passed. The idea of wandering around lost was somewhat unappealing, the man preferring to move with purpose, though he supposed taking some time to explore wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Once he was sure he had his class locations committed to memory, he folded his schedule as he focused on opening the envelope, sliding out the photo carefully as he examined it. He lingered on it briefly as his middle finger flicked the picture, though he seemed pleased as he tucked both away within his jacket as he straightened up.

Once they arrived at Valbrek Hall, Miss J-Something stopped, turning back towards him without any hint of her previous annoyance. “And here we are. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to stop by my office.”

Curving his lips into a glittering smile, he nodded politely. “Thank you again, you've been very helpful--” He replied cheerfully, lingering for just a moment as he had trapped himself in deciding to use the woman’s name. Taking the risk anyway, he continued, “--Jenny.”

Raising her eyebrow at him, she averted her gaze, letting out a sigh. “...it's Janine, actually,” She murmured.

Eh, close enough.

The woman seemed miffed at him, but this was an easy fix. Letting out a sigh, the vampire furrowed his brow in concentration. “I was so sure it was Jenny, like my costar,” He muttered to himself, spotting the woman brightening up a bit out of his peripheral vision. Really? So forgiving already? The vanity of people was much too easy to appease to. “My sincerest apologies,” He continued as he straightened up.

“Don't worry about it. If you’ll excuse me,” Came the much anticipated response, followed by her clearing her throat as she gave him a polite nod, taking her leave.

Raising his hand to knock on the door, he hesitated for a second as he realized that the voice giving the lecture sounded somewhat familiar. No, it couldn’t be, could it? The same hand lowered for a moment before he would scratch his chin. Hm, he could just stroll in and politely wait for a moment to interrupt the lecture. But where was the fun in that?

Taking a step back, the blonde opened up his bag, rummaging through it until he pulled out a pair of black-and-gold, rimless aviator sunglasses. After checking his reflection in the lens one last time, he put them on and inhaled slowly. He made absolutely sure the administrator was gone before raising his foot, a mischievous grin on his face.


The double doors hit the walls, nearly slamming back onto the entrance until they were stopped by his hands, leg outstretched before him as he took a step into the classroom. His strut was somewhat casual, one hand in his pocket as the other clutched his bag in a controlled swing. The sound alone had been enough to turn nearly every head towards him, but as soon as he was in full view, the entirety of the hall erupted into a buzz. Something about hearing the commotion satisfied him immensely, albeit he was pretty sure there was at least one pair of eyes unamused by his entrance. Oh well, what was the point of having star power if you couldn’t grab some attention once in a while?

Subduing his grin and putting on a polite smile, he would ignore the current speaker for the moment as he stepped onto the stage. Facing the gathered students, he hoisted himself up on the podium, crossing his legs as he somehow managed to keep his balance. Whipping his sunglasses off rather dramatically, his chartreuse eyes lit up with unbridled joy as he tucked his glasses away in his suit jacket pocket.

“Good evening, my darlings!” He called out to the hall, giving a grand wave to all. “Sorry for my lateness, but I had to leave a trail of broken hearts behind just to get here.”

Clearing his throat, he straightened up slightly. “For those of you who don’t know, I’m Eris Samael. I’m 112, a Taurus, and love long walks on the beach. Going forward we’ll be classmates!”

Sounds interesting

Aurora did her best to stay cool, slowly nodding in response to Dante's comment. God, what was wrong with her? Dante shows a bit of humanity and suddenly she's like putty in his hands? Her eyes widened at the thought, quickly tucking her hair behind her ear as she exhaled, though she caught the very unhappy look at Reia shot her. Aurora quickly turned back to the front, preferring to be more interested in her homework than wanting to be under that look. They could totally talk later. But for now, the redhead felt an odd sense of satisfaction, quietly smiling down at her notebook.

Meanwhile, Wade watched as Dante would take Ella's, lips curved into an 'o' of surprise. Where was she going? How was he supposed to know? He probably said something stupid, but he thought Ella was happy to help! Or maybe she wasn't? He dropped his gaze to the desk, slowly shaking his head as he tried to think. Taking the initiative was supposed to work, but it seemed to have the complete opposite effect. He gave Dante a helpless look as he was questioned, not knowing where to start.

"I didn't do anything!" He immediately defended himself, raising his arms in bewilderment. "I--I asked her for help! Wasn't that what I was supposed to do?"

In the back of the room, Grant was slightly surprised by Savayna's sudden touch, nearly withdrawing his hand. Fortunately for him, Ella's exit distracted Sav, and he took advantage to throw Vivi a pleading look. Unfortunately, his friend was more amused by the situation at hand, giving him a thumbs up and a shit-eating grin that told him he was on his own. After throwing a scowl at her, Grant decided that if Ella was gone, he should just go, too.

Standing up, he took a hold of his bag, shrugging at the group. "Well, if Miss Goody Two Shoes won't stick around, no reason the rest of us need to, right?" He said, gesturing towards the empty desk in front.

So there was more to just controlling the elements? Lilie did see how having such an ability would come in handy, quietly watching as Kanalie and Aine commented on Cassandra's hand. Right, she never considered that controlling fire automatically meant you were fireproof. Maybe she was lucky to have a less harmful element after all? As she dropped her gaze to the awakening crystal, she wondered if she was going to get the hang of it sooner than later. She wanted to say she had the technique down pat, but it required a lot more concentration than she would have liked. Emotion, instinct--she guessed if she really wanted better control, she needed to make it feel more natural.

Those thoughts were put aside as Kanalie mentioned her boyfriend--boyfriends? She had two?--setting things on fire, and it gave Lilie an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Fortunately a much more pleasant feeling would replace it right afterwards. There was no way she could hide her excitement at receiving Kanalie's number, only stopping herself from hopping in place by coincidence as she managed to blurt out an excitable, "Thank you!" to the older girl. First day of classes and she was pretty sure she was nailing the socializing part.

Gathering her bag once the bell would dismiss them, Lilie was all too happy to spend a little time talking to Cassandra; it was just so relieving to talk to another human, she had met with way too many vampires for her taste. As they walked, she couldn't help but overhear another conversation that had caught her attention, something about a mage girl getting sent to the mines for apparently having relations with a Noila mage. Goodness, they were strict here. Was that something typical? Not that she thought she had anything to worry about, she highly doubted she'd ever find herself in a situation like that. Besides, who had time for relationships when there was magic to learn?

Her phone buzzed in her pocket before the pair entered, with Lilie excusing herself as she ducked to the side to see what it was.

> I meant what I said before. You can still count on me. Good night 💤

Rejuvenated by her brother's message, the girl went ahead and entered the lecture hall. Lilie decided to sit in the front--as she usually did--though as she went to take a seat, she took a look at the rest of the students behind her. Right, Salem and Aaron were probably also here! But she didn't see them, or at least not right away, and as she looked at the students next to her, she frowned to herself. It'd be rude to sit without them, right? Taking a second to scan the room, she spotted the back of who she thought was Aaron, speaking to a familiar-looking guy behind him, though he didn't seem too happy to talk. What if she had already hit her quota of friendliness with strangers? Getting hit with a sudden shyness, she opted to go towards the back of the class, all too happy to have a familiar face to sit next to. Tomorrow she'd sit towards the front for sure. The first day was usually tame, anyway, right?

Before she would head over, however, she perked up as she noticed Salem first. Without hesitating, she quickly took him by the arm, shooting him a grin. "Come on, let's all sit together! She told him, pulling him along as she made a beeline to the blonde.

Releasing Salem once they had reached Aaron, Lilie tapped his shoulder as she squeezed herself behind him, plopping herself down in the free seat next to his. "Reunited at last," She joked in a hushed tone. Giving him an excited smile before turning her attention to the packet in front of her, she made sure to try to catch the lecture the professor--or rather, the teacher's aide--started on. Her smile slowly faltered as he continued, with certain words outright turning her lips down into a frown as she rubbed her eyes. 'Enlightening and disheartening'? 'Strict and unforgiving'? Vampires sure liked to take the fun out of everything, didn't they?

“Last night was a fucking disaster,” Came the predictable, irritated huff from Victoire before her lips would claim her straw.

She was in a bad mood that hadn’t lifted in what seemed like forever. The last thing she wanted to think about was the shitshow of a dance that Homecoming ended up being, but from the initial forced pairings to Jun’s constant texts, her mood was permanently turned to sour and grumpy, needing weeks to recharge. Honestly, she probably shouldn’t have been as mad as she was, but everything was getting more annoying by the second.

And what else was she to do but kidnap Mara and drag her to brunch so she could freely bitch?

“I’m just glad it’s over. Hopefully, the administration realizes that their attempt to bring us all together didn’t work.” Mara uttered, following a silent yawn.

Victoire didn’t bother resisting the urge to roll her eyes, instead shaking her head at the blonde. “On the contrary, I’m sure they’ll find plenty of other reasons to pair people up, regardless of what anyone says,” She said before turning her attention to her notepad, scratching off a phone number as she rubbed her temple. “Meanwhile I get to handle more problems because apparently it’s my fault no one liked to get paired up, if I have to hear another complaint I’m pretty sure I’ll be throwing myself off the school roof.”

“I just want to graduate and never see these people again.”

Mara finished the last of the coffee in front of her. She may have had the energy to be awake, but she couldn’t deny that her body was fighting her decision to pull an all-nighter. But she was young, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to power through to Sunday dinner.

“I’m sure people will stop bothering you after a few weeks. You could just turn your phone off. Or get a second phone. Or something.”

Sighing in agreement, the brunette tapped her nails on the table for a moment, mulling over Mara’s words. “I can’t change my phone yet, I’m still waiting for some calls back from my applications,” She shrugged.

““Right. So you’ve gotta put up with it, then?”

“For now, yeah.”

“Fun. Hopefully it doesn’t make your entire October shit.” The blonde remarked as she twirled the fork between her fingers before pressing it down into the salad in front of her. At this point Mara had fantasized about leaving King’s Academy for awhile now and with only a few months left to endure while she waited to hear back from the universities she applied to she could only feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that she would only have to put up with everyone for only a few more months. Freedom was not so far, but yet at the same time she was worried all the same about how Bea was going to adapt going forward. She glanced down to her phone on the table and wondered if she should bother with her dumb party. She had given her the silent treatment long enough.

“So. What’s next on the big agenda? Halloween Party? Coordinating Cheerleading? Screaming at the faculty?”

“If only. Pretty sure I’ll hear something tomorrow,” Victoire mumbled, pausing for a moment. “Nadia was supposed to get some more cheerleaders, but her head’s always in the clouds, so who knows if she was successful.” Not that she cared, really, but it had come up some time ago.

“It’s a big school. It isn’t like we’re lacking in that department. But yeah, Nadia seems to have other things on her mind if the gossip mill is to be believed.” Mara shrugged, not really trying to perfectly recall certain whispers at the dance made by some of their underclassmen.

Victoire grimaced at Mara’s words; unfortunately, she remembered the little statements, especially when she had apparently walked out hand-in-hand with fucking Sonny Torvald of all people. “Don’t remind me, it’s like she wants that psycho Marisol to go after her,” She scoffed, waving her hands in front of her. “All I need to focus on is my college applications and my future. Everything else is irrelevant.”

“I mean, it’s not like you have to babysit Nadia. Sonny’ll make her break down crying in like a week.”

“I just don’t want her coming crying to me when it happens,” She pointed out. “When did I get Nadia and Stella to look after? I feel like a teen mom except I didn’t get the excuse of having a shitty baby daddy who gives great sex.”

“I mean, does that kind of thing happen a lot?” Mara snorted. “The coming to you part.”

“Unfortunately. God only knows why…”

“When was the last time?”

Victoire took a moment to think. “...When Nadia found out she was paired with Sonny,” There was probably something after that, but she genuinely couldn’t bring herself to care.

“Oh. Cool. So it’s going to be like the Kavi thing but worse. Your October is going to suck, Vic.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“What? Did you want me to pretend that they were going to work out and nothing bad will come back to bite you? I can do that, if you want me to. I’d be lying, though.”

“You got me there,” She shrugged, focusing more on her smoothie before deciding to follow up with, “So how about your babysitting job, then?

“Ha. It’s cute that you keep calling it that. Don’t let anybody tell you that you don’t have a sense of humor.” Mara rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh in frustration. “She wants to hang out tonight.”

“I don’t know how you have the patience for someone like that, where do you even find the time?”

“We’ve been friends a long time. Honestly, I feel obligated to. I know this whole ‘friends’ thing is like a foreign language for you, but I can translate if you want.”

“No thanks, that would require both time and effort I don’t have to spare, not to mention using one of my precious fucks to give,” She declined the offer.

The blonde shook her head, laughing. “But yeah, it's like. Sometimes I get the impression I’m supposed to look after her, but she’s old enough to not need a babysitter. But I’ll probably end up going. Benefit of living in a gated community, right?”

She didn’t seem too impressed, but she didn’t find a reason to say otherwise. “Maybe you can braid each other’s hair, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys,” She couldn’t resist the tease, raising an eyebrow at Mara.

“Shut up. I’m not twelve years old.”

“Everyone has to indulge themselves once in a while, I guess,” Victoire mused.

“Whatever you say, Vic.”

Her hand reached towards the older girl's face, Katya's eyes trained on the tapestry. Looking at its state made her terribly sad, wondering how this could have happened. Or rather, what exactly happened. She was sure if she asked around she could get them, but did she want to know? Was it her business? Taking her hand off of the tapestry, she tried to make sense of her thoughts, wondering why this place stirred the strangest thoughts, ones she couldn't bring herself to properly understand and filling her with an insatiable curiosity.

Feliks' voice caused Katya to jump, the blonde whirling around immediately as her azure eyes were wide. She would have screamed if she hadn't been so frightened, her hand clutching her chest as she had to take a moment to remember how to breathe. Good God, did he have to sneak up on her like that?! There was a small part of her that wondered how she hadn't heard him coming, but she had just been so absorbed in her thoughts that she just plain didn't hear him coming.

As she opened her mouth to retort, she was hit with the smell of tobacco, causing her to hesitate before she would let out a sigh. Of course he was a smoker, but did he really need to do it indoors, too? Taking in a slow breath to steady herself, she leveled a look at him. "I was just admiring the tapestry when you decided to come along," Katya replied dryly, shaking her head. "Were you trying to give me a heart attack, or do you normally like to sneak up on all your clients?" She probably shouldn't have been so curt, but his smoking displeased her greatly.
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