Avatar of Hexaflexagon


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I teach my first online lecture today... this shouldn't be too hard right?
9 yrs ago
Tout ce qui est fait n'est plus à faire
9 yrs ago
"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."
9 yrs ago
"El amor es como el fuego. Suelen ver el humo los que están fuera antes que las llamas los que están dentro."


Hexaflexagon (Concept)
In geometry, flexagons are flat models, usually constructed by folding strips of paper, that can be flexed or folded in certain ways to reveal faces besides the two that were originally on the back and front.

Hexaflexagon (Person?)
Academic who somehow got conned into working for the Government. Been role-playing both on forums and TTRPGs for close to twenty years at this point. I'm like 99% retired from active RPing on the Guild, but I still like to poke my head onto here once in a while to make sure that I didn't leave the lights on.

Most Recent Posts

@Lord Wraith
Roger that boss, the changes have been made. Rest of the sheet is the same save for replacing John with Frankie if that saves you guys anytime.

@Lord Wraith
That's a fair point. (Just got of work now so I'm looking some stuff over/slowly reading through where I left off in the IC) Thanks for alleviating some of the unnecessary stress.

Not too worried about the Constantine matter, I had a few ideas even like two months ago with replacing John with somebody that would work a little bit better with the story. Kinda ambitious me to pick such a highbrow ticket as an NPC anyway, so I kinda knew something like that would eventually happen. So we can just officially consider him un-NPCeed and I'll edit the sheet to reflect that soon. And of course if they want to hash anything out with me with what they wanted to use Zantanna to do a potential collab or something in the future, if they really needed that arc I would be more than happy to do that as well.

So I guess what I'm saying is I'm willing to at least take the shot. What did Michael Scott/Wayne Gretzky say? "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take and all that."
I will give you all of my meager belongings if you bring back Zatanna. Well, I won't- I need my shit- but it's the thought that counts.

Honestly, I'm tempted. My schedule has stabilized at this point since all the moving/getting settled has ended at least until I go back in August and if I'm actually able to budget my time, I definitely have enough free time to squeeze a post in at least once a week, in some sort of Marvelous Monday fashion.... though alas Z... doesn't really work that well with alliteration or days of the week for that matter. And my Internet is surprisingly good, most of the time; I'm used to being out in the country, not a "civilized" place like Petersburg with things like proper Internet connections and all that.

I still feel bad though, because I don't want to promise anything and then like not post for a month or whatever. Mostly since I feel that would be unfair to you, @Lord Wraith, @Inkarnate, and everyone else for that matter. So I don't want to be like yeah lets go! Unless the GM team is fully on board with taking that chance.

God look at me looking after other peoples feelings and the overall health of the RP instead of desperately pursuing the story that I want to write.... I'm getting old.
Editing is the cowards way out you live and die by your typos. Wait... I shouldn't set a bad example. Don't be me kids, make your grammar daddies proud.

Also, y'all have a Shadow now?! A shadow played by @Byrd Man at that?! And a Doctor Fate?! And Terry Mcginnis?! Damn, why does all the cool stuff happen when I leave.

Also, speaking of Doctor Fate and the #spooks... looks longingly at Zatanna sheet, feels tempted, cries instead.

Guess who was finally able to get his Russian Internet to work on his computer? pleasedon'tseethorughmyVPNPutin

As y'all may have noticed my posts have kind of vanished at this point. Well its sort of because of good news because I've been accepted to do research/serve as a visiting professor in Saint Petersburg this summer at Saint Petersburg State University. Because of that though things have been really hectic around here as I get ready for that. So unfortunately because of this and of uncertainty because of the quality of Russian Internet which can be very spotty, I do not think I will be able to complete the season here. I might return in the future but it would be unfair for me to hold onto characters that others could use if they so desire.

Thanks y'all for the opportunity though and writing in these games is always a pleasure.

Update time!: Intro Post + some of the backlog has been made for the next chapter. I just need to do some edits on it to make it presentable and looking pretty. Next post should be up tomorrow hopefully?

And can confirm @HenryJonesJr's statement SHAZAM was pretty dang solid fun romp and when you have a movie theater full of kids piling out of a theater yelling SHAZAM it can be safe to say that it seems to be excelling with its target demographic.

Update on my part! Been a busy week so sorry for the lack of updates! But I have managed to finish up my outlining for the next chapter so expect posts to start arriving sometime in the coming week!
And with that the first chapter of Zatanna's story has come to an end! Probably not what y'all GMs envisioned as Chapters but otherwise all my posts would probably be in one big chapter for the entire season which doesn't feel right. Next time watch as Hex tries to be Donald Westlake if he took a lot of acid and decided that Wizards were the shit. Also wait a second, I managed to finish an arc in a timely matter..... this may or may not be a sign of the apocalypse.

Anyway to answer the earlier question of
Well we're almost a week into the IC and already on our third page so out of curiosity, what are the driving factors and influences in your story?

Honestly for Zatanna, it's pretty predictable for me in regards to inspiration: Alan Moore probably first and foremost particullary his run in Swamp Thing, Neil Gaiman's work on the Books of Magic, the original 1960s run of Zatanna's run which I found online just for this story, some Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood, et cetra y'know the spoopy guys. Other media wise, I've been playing a lot of Cultist Simulator and Sunless Sea recently I don't know if that counts? Also drawing from other iterations of Zatanna we have seen in the animated world like Justice League, the old Batman cartoon, Young Justice et cetera, and I've also been watching the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, I guess that counts? Basically its a real hodgepodge of stuff is what I'm saying. lol And like honestly I'm just having fun exploring weird magic stuff because that is kind of my bread and butter when it comes to this kind of writing so it comes the most easy to me. I have a general plot outline of where things should end up but like beside that I'm kinda just writing and seeing what happens!

Also I forgot to mention earlier but if any of the more spookier or non-spookier heroes want to do a crossover or something? I'd be glad to! You'd just wanna hit me up somehow either here or in PMs or Discord if you have my discord et cetra.

Homecoming IV

London, The United Kingdom
9:35 AM

“Why England?” Zatanna questioned incredulously as followed Voodoo.

The only memories Zatanna could associate with England was of childhood when she was ten or eleven years old. A cluster of the Zatara clan had taken a boat up and around Gibraltar before the War, as it turned out the squadristi held no love towards strange academics and occultists living out in the countryside, and she and her father made a trip to visit them. The memories clung to her, it was one of the longest times she had ever spent together with her Father - a whole two uninterrupted weeks during the summer. Of course, he was as distant as always his face always down in some book or tome, and when he did speak it was always to impart some sort of lesson on the young Zatanna, but there were sparks of humanity too. Persistent little quirks that had ingrained themselves into her mind even to this day, these little dumb and inconsequent moments - he would always smile at the scent of a freshly poured cup of tea. But now he was dead and here she was again this time chasing after his ghost.

“We have a train to catch” Voodoo explained in a blaise tone pointed a single finger towards the ground.

“Are we getting on the tube?” Zatanna inquired “While you are dressed like that?” .

Zatanna gestured towards Voodoo's entire pants but no shirt beyond two leather strips getup. Though now that she mentioned it Zatanna became painfully aware that she too was dressed rather... bizarrely for 9 AM in London. To their credit the passerbyers seemed to bare the two of them little notice. There was of course a few raised brows here and there, a couple of muffled scuffs, and perhaps a slight increase in catcalls thrown in Zatanna’s direction that she had to hold her tongue not to respond to, but nothing beyond ordinary. The people perhaps too polite, too timed, too tired, or too uncaring to really but into the manners of two strangers on the street.

“Something like that” Voodoo replied as he turned a corner with the comfortable gait of someone that had made this walk several times before.

The act of turning the corner seemed to have transported the two through time. Pave asphalt gave away to cobblestone worn by the time and age to the point of smoothing over. On the corner ahead of them there was a pub that looked more at home with the works of Shakespeare than it did in modernity, the smell of cooking grease filling the surrounding air with its distinctive scent. Zatanna followed Voodoo as he walked down the block towards a big red circle that maybe once proclaimed the words Underground but now only told the world Udrgron. Zatanna carefully made her way down a set of crumbling steps trying to stay optimist even as though steps ended at what appeared to be a solid wall of brick.

She curiously watched as Voodoo approached the brick wall. He seemed to analyze the brick intensely for a moment running his finger across the surface and bringing it up to his mouth for a lick. Voodoo’s face contorted and scrunched at the taste as he muttered something underneath his breath in displeasure. Taking his staff in two hands the older man took a few steps backwards and with the careful precision of a man defusing a bomb he began to tap individual bricks. At first there seemed to be no sequence or pattern to the taps but after the first five or so flames began to appear tracing a path from each touched break. The trail of flames grew longer and longer as Zatanna watched a complex series of geometric patterns slowly began to form. Voodoo hesitated at the last brick, the staff shaking in his hands as he took a deep breath.

“What happens if you got it wrong?” Zatanna asked not realizing that she herself was holding her breath in.

“The ward will be triggered and a fireball will incinerate us before we have time to blink.” Voodoo remarked his monotone voice providing no insight on how he would feel about becoming a burnt pile of flesh.

“Fun,” Zatanna replied her voice raising in pitch as she took a step backwards though she doubted that any measure of distance would really help her “gotta cross the Rubicon at some point right?”

And with those truly inspiring words Voodoo pressed his staff against the brick. The pair watched muscles tensed with anticipation as the flaming line met with the last brick. For a moment there was nothing and in the next the arcane sigil drawn across the wall began to burn brighter and brighter. The heat was like sticking your head in a running oven and Zatanna reflexively tried to take another step back but found that her legs could not move. And then the heat died away almost as quickly leaving nothing but black scorch marks across the wall. Zatanna raised a brow as she heard a deep rumbling as very slowly and with surprising fluidity the brick wall began to slide into an indention hidden in the right handside of the entranceway revealing a long dark passageway that continued to descend downwards light by flickering candles mounted on the walls.

Don’t stare down there whatever you do” Voodoo warned throwing a sideways glance at Zatanna before he moved deeper into the passageway.

“That’s not foreboding at all” Zatanna mused to herself with a shrug before she followed after the sound of Voodoo's staff tapping against the ground.

The path sloped downward stainless white tile walls illuminated by the flicker of candlelight. The descent seemed longer than any other she had experienced in a subway more akin to a descending mine then a place for trains. She remembered reading about the trains in Moscow built so far underground that they could survive even the shock and awe of atomic hellfire. Was this something like that? She wondered as they walked. Eventually though the slope began to level off and come to a halt. Peering through the darkness ahead Zatanna was able to make out a large wooden door with an ornate golden handle flanked on either side by two large metal braziers whose flames soared upward to about a head taller than Zatanna herself.

There standing in front of this display was two large figures easily twice Zatanna’s height. At first Zatanna though that they were wearing some kind of armor but as she grew closer her eyes widened. The figures were not wearing metal, they were made of metal. Bronze armor plating bolted in sequence over what could only be described as a sea of clockwork that Zatanna could see whirring and clicking through gaps in the armor. Atop this rather intricate display of automation was large stalagmite of crystal giving off a pale blue luminescence that tapered off to a fine point.

“What are they?” Zatanna whispered a slight hint of panic on her voice, adrenaline beginning to kick in as she readied herself.

“Calm child,” Voodoo replied in a half-whisper slowing his gait so that the pair could walk side by side. “They are the guardians of this place, they will not harm you.”

As they drew near to the guardians the large crystals that made up their heads began to emit a different going from that pale blue to a much brighter orange. Voodoo held out an arm to keep Zatanna back beyond a long line marked in black tile interwoven with gold like a stark border across the barren floor, the line stretched across the entire width of the tunnel save for the center where it bulged outward into a circular before thinning out ward again.

“H A L T” Two voices rang out in perfect unison with one another.

The gargantuan frames of the guardians turned to regard the two of them.

“J E R I C H O D R U M M, Y O U A R E K N O W N H E R E” The two guardians started but then despite having eyes Zatanna could feel them begin to stare at her “Y O U R C O M P A N I O N I S N O T K N O W N”

“My name is -” Zatanna started but was cut off as the crystals turned red.

“S I L E N C E !” The guardians roared the volume so loud it made Zatanna reflexively flinch in pain. “T H E U N K N O W N O N E W I L L S T E P I N T O T H E C I R C L E”

Zatanna looked towards Voodoo for confirmation who nodded his head and ushered her forward. With his reassurance, Zatanna hesitantly took a step into the center circle that broke up the line. The red glow of the crystals changed back to a pale blue as two beams of mystical energy emanated from the crystals directed towards Zatanna. She raised a hand upward in attempt to somehow block the beams but they managed to make contact anyway. Soon Zatanna began to glow with the same energy that the strange guardians were embedded with the aura pulsating with her own heartbeat. And Zatanna could feel the alien presence in her head as something began to analyze her, dissembling her with only a glance, and she could feel the pair began to root through her memories pulling up things long forgotten and was not for others to know.

POTS “ She yelled at the top of her lungs almost on instinct alone as there was this brilliant display of magical energy coming into contact with other magical energy. The wave scattering the particles of the beams being aimed at Zatanna. She stumbled backward like she had just been punched square in the kidney buckled over in pain, the shockwave expanding outward with enough force to knock both the guardians back a few inches, their crystals flickering a whole rainbow of colors. Looking up from her pain she turned towards Voodoo was standing in a defensive position he staff raised looking at the two guardians uncertainty in his eyes.

“R E -R E-R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N C O M P L E T E” The guardians declared as their crystals stopped flickering and settled back on their amber-orange glow. “A N A L Y S I S O F T H E U N K N O W N O N E IS C O M P L E T E”

They projected an image in the air of Zatanna that looked identical to her form standing in the circle, next to the image a long list of biographic and biometric data. Huge amounts Zatanna herself only being able to make out bits and pieces of words as they flashed by: Homo magi, Giovanni, Caution, et cetera. As the information continued to be displayed slowly the orange glow of the crystals began to fade back down. Zatanna and Voodoo before visibly
relaxing as the colors morphed.

“ Z A T A N N A Z A T A R A Y O U A R E K N O W N T O U S” The guardians declared as their voices began to fade away, the large door behind them slowly opening on its own. Zatanna and her companion looked at one another for a moment in silence, letting the tension of almost getting killed wash over them before the two of them both bursted out in nervous laughter. Giddly and quickly they made their way past the two now sleeping guardians and through the door.

Emerging through the doorway they were blinded with immense light.

“I must be dreaming” Zatanna muttered as through squinted eyes, she saw the most brilliant train platform that she had ever seen. Marble statuary and fountains surrounded the area and chandeliers made of crystal and flame hung from the ceiling. Everything was carved of persistent and spotless white marble even the pots for the strange mushroom like plants scattered about in planters. And the most fascinating thing of all was the people. Some were most certainly human though dressed in gaudy aristocratic gowns and garbs that Zatanna only saw on television. Others though were stranger than anything she had ever seen in her life: strange scaled green goblinoid creatures with huge heads, other squat square creatures who had the feet of elephants and no heads but rather faces built into what seemed to be their torso, and beautiful winged creatures that dressed in clothes weaved of flowers and whose skin shined bright as any sun to name a few. Yet despite pinching herself she did not awaken from any dream, it had to be real.

Taking in Voodoo’s advice, she tried to avert her gaze from the bizarre menagerie around herself instead focusing on the following dreadlocks on the back of her companions head.

“Drumm” Zatanna asked trying her best to not stutter from shock “What train are we taking?”

He turned to face her a wide smile on his face “The only one that matters child, the train to Faerie.”


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