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just rewatched hart vs austin at mania 13 last night, it will always be a classic
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Personally, if the roleplay interest check doesn't go into extensive detail on the world it exists in, I'm not interested. I won't even read it, honestly. I think there's something to be said of a GM's commitment to an idea if they put enough work in on an interest check.

I agree with this. Seeing a detailed interest check makes me feel more confidence in the GM's ability.

54 games for $40. 100% of proceeds go to food banks/charities.

I'm interested in this
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey here's my character sheet, sorry for the wait.

So I realize the C-rank power might be a bit confusing so hopefully here is a better explanation. It is the kinda "base" power I thought of when I thought of making a character. Nise is using Genjutsu to create "false" terrain and objects. He does this much like one would use Genjutsu to fool someone into seeing something that is not there but on a much larger scale. At first, he would start small, because the weakness of genjutsu is when it is noticed. He would change small things like rocks, bushes, and small streams. He would expand slowly over time in order to not let his target notice. This would escalate to larger objects like making trees, boulders and the such disappear and creating others in the wrong spot. This is for the purpose of either confusing and making an opponent lost out of battle, or force them into mistakes in battle. While his allies would see the normal battlefield his foes could be funneled into certain paths or even lose sights of others because of the illusions.

I know this is a pretty scuffed idea and I am willing to work on it a lot to make it work. I'm open to suggestions by anyone in the rp and really hope to work with others to make it work.

Your character looks fine, and I the C Rank ability should be okay -- if it seems too strong, I'll ask you to scale it back. Too weak, and we can buff it some. Anyway, you'll be in Squad 5.
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey just wondering if you guys have any slots still open? If you do I would love to join. I can have a cs done either today or tomorrow.

Hi! Sure, we have a few slots open for new genin. You're welcome to spin one up if you want.
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


“Now that you’ve passed the written exams, the real test can begin.”

The genin remaining were standing in front of what looked like an abandoned, fenced off forest. With barely a break between this test and the last, nerves were running high. The written exam had been anything but easy, and the way the second proctor was speaking made it seem like the second part would be even harder. With their collective lack of knowledge (consisting mostly of fact or fictional stories from elder siblings, or even the jonin leaders of their squads), the genin were getting ready for the next task they faced.

And none of them were yet sure what the so-called ‘real’ test was going to be.

Luckily for them, the proctor seemed happy to continue talking — so long as no one interrupted her. “What you see behind me —” at this point, the proctor gestured grandly behind herself “— is where the second test will be conducted.” It seemed she thought the genin were a little slow — a fact which couldn’t have been more obvious if there was a giant sign with arrows pointing at the forest and declaring it as such.

The proctor did give a lengthy pause, allowing the genin time to speak. The pause continued to an almost awkward length, and it wasn’t until one of the genin (a Cloud nin, bless his soul) tried to speak up, the proctor charged over them, without even giving him the chance to finish asking his question, “what’s the forest called you ask?” To the people in the immediate vicinity of the young Cloud nin, the actual question could be heard ‘what’s the second exam?’ “The stage for the second test… is Practice Area 69.” A pause that was so on the nose it had to be intentional… just the right length to let some snickering build up in the crowd, before...

“Also known as the Forest of Death.”

The follow up statement quelled whatever snickering was building up, replacing it with quiet murmurs of concern. The Forest of Death? Because of the implication, it was easy to incite fear in the hearts of the young Genin, who hadn’t faced any real threats yet. “Inside the forest, it’s going to be an all out, no holds barred war. Each squad will be given one of these —” She held out two scrolls, one marked with the kanji for ‘Earth,’ and the other with the kanji for ‘Heaven,’ “—and your goal is quite simple. Acquire both scrolls by any means necessary, and make it to the tower in the center of the forest. You’ll have one week. You and your teammates will all enter the forest from different angles, and you’ll have to survive on your own. It’s a no holds barred battle royale! Get the scrolls, and get to the tower — by any means necessary. Yes, some of you may die, but that’s a risk we’ve all agreed to take.” She held up a piece of paper — the release form the genin had all been required to sign before being allowed to participate.

“Any questions?”

There were some questions, a few hands shot up, and the proctor clasped her hands together as if she were preparing to answer them…

“No questions? Good. You start in one hour.”

With the second task of the chūnin exams beginning, the genin find themselves entering the Forest of Death, with the simple task of collecting two scrolls… from their fellow squads, with no rules and no holds barred. In this fight to death, how will the heroes fare?
i think i would like to secure young tom cruise as my fc, if that's alright
Sounds cool. I'm interested
Maybe interested.
Hullo, old rp'er here, wanting to get back into things. I'd be interested in joining!

hell yeah
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