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Current Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
3 days ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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19 days ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
6 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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Marcus Weston

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 - 6:55am | Weston Residence

The penthouse suite lit up with a pleasant light, feigning sunlight before the curtains automatically pealed off the window and a soft melody with ambient forest sounds played. "It's a new day, Marcus. It is now 6:55, it's a pleasant 64 degrees outside. Mild breezes and no rain on the forecast. Good morning." The female, artificial voice announced as the pale teen turned over in his bed. His eyes shooting open, as the A.I went on to go over the relevant news since the night before, celebrity gossip and the stock market. Marcus crawled out of bed, the room decorated in gold and ivory, being a mostly clean area with a lot of open space, sans the king sized bed in the middle of the room, a desk with three monitors and a computer all in white, with matching keyboard, mouse and headphones.
"That's enough, Sarah." He softly cut the A.I off while it was reading the latest news, stopping mid-sentence. He wearily put on a pair of shorts and a tank top from the floor walking towards the entrance to the room where the doors slid open revealing the elevator.

Inside of the elevator where a pair of sneakers that Marcus groggily put on. He hit the lowest floor and would spend the next 30 minutes in the gym running and doing some strength exercises. The pull-ups were always his favorite part of working out and one of the few parts of his morning routine he really did enjoy.

From the Gym area, he quickly walked into the shower room in the neighboring room and walked out again some ten minutes later, now wearing nothing more but a towel around his waist, another in his hands drying his hair. He stepped onto the elevator again and went back to his room. He quickly changed and styled his hair. He was wearing chinos, a V-necked T-shirt and a blue sleeved sweater. Walking to the computer, he pressed the space bar to wake the computer up, and opened a GUI window called "Dronie". Pressing the start button, a small disc shaped drone began buzzing from the other end of the room and came hovering. Inside of the drone was a sophisticated camera.

"This is Marcus, day 22 of using my 'gifts'. Let's see what I can do today." He softly began, the drone flying next to him and panning towards where he was looking. His eyes began glowing with a soft golden hue as he moved his hand with determination. An empty water bottle on the other end of the room began to levitate without determination, going upwards and down as if it couldn't make up it's mind.
"Creating centralized gravity that matches Earth's own has become quite a lot easier over the course of the past three weeks. " He explained, as he visibly struggled a little and quickly pulled the bottle safely into the air, four feet above where it had been. It was no longer levitating, rather just standing flat upside down in the air. "Even exceeding earth's gravity become a lot more manageable. Even for heavier objects." His words cut short as he took a step forward, falling upwards. Walking upside down he took one step. "Levitating myself was tricky, and I've not yet fully gras-" He was cut short by his powers failing him - and falling down onto the floor, landing on his stomach. "Shit." He exclaimed in frustration, putting his fists to the floor with determination, pushing himself off the ground and climbing back to his feet.

He turned to the water bottle and opened his hand, almost grasping the bottle in his palm, and then curling his fist. The bottle was crushed together from the increased gravity. "Destructive capabilities still far exceed what my father expected when he thought my powers were telekinetic in nature. According to Weston Tech's Hyperhuman database, there are no known Hyperhumans who possess the same ability as me. I am the sole wielder of one of the four fundamental forces of the universe." He solemnly, not taking much pride in this observation, trying to remain as objective about it as he could. That's a lot of responsibility.

"Marcus, signing off." And with those words, the drone went back to it's hiding place, the video showing up on his computer screen to be re-watched at a later time.

Sarah's voice came back over the audio system. "It's now 7:50 A:M, and you are going to be late to school."
"Have Lambo pull up front." Marcus told the computer, referring to his driver as he walked towards the elevator which doubled as his walk-in closet. A compartment opened up and his leather jacket came out on it's hanger, fresh from the dry cleaner. His latest SMART-Glasses plus his 4,000 dollar watch came out of another compartment. The watch was a gift from his father - a Hyperhuman suppression device - and fashionable. He put on the black rimmed glasses and the gadget lit up, showing him his normal feed, synching to the phone in his pocket.

"Due to the protests outside of the school, thanks to the new program starting today, your father has deemed it unwise for you to arrive by car. Additionally, you shouldn't be late for your first day. The Helicopter's waiting on the roof." Sarah told him. "How gracious of the old man.." Marcus sighed, his father away on business - as always.

He arrived on the rooftop and walked towards the Helicopter with it's rotors running. It was an old army chopper that had been put into the private sector. The pilot was an old military Pilot - Gus.

"Morning Gus." Marcus told the grizzled old man who in his black suit, sunglasses and headgear smiled "Morning, Champ! You ready for a new semester in school?" He asked and Marcus nodded. The helicopter taking off for the couple of minutes worth of flight it would be across town to the school grounds.
At least as ready as he could be.

Arriving at the school, Marcus could peer out onto the parking lot where there were hundreds of people quite verbally protesting the new semester - in particular Mr. Leshner's Hyperhuman program. A bold move that hadn't been very popular city-wide, Principal Fitzgerald was certainly going against the grain on this one. Marcus for one was grateful - he needed all the support systems he could get right now. The protesters were holding plaques with different Anti-Hype slogans.

Some of the parking guards had cleared a spot for the Helicopter to land, gathering the appropriate attention from the students, protesters and people passing by.

Thanks, dad. I definitely wasn't planning on keeping a low profile.

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 - 10:40am | Physics Lab

"Good morning, Ronald!" Marcus waved to Ronnie, a fellow Jock, popular kid and one of Marcus's friends throughout the years. He was far from his best friend, but they still got along quite a bit. Ronnie envied Marcus due to his wealth and it certainly was one of the reasons the latter had become friends with the now-revealed Hyperhuman back in Freshman year. Ronnie didn't even respond to Marcus's greeting, only grimacing at him. Marcus knew Ronnie had a disdain for Hyperhumans, but he wasn't expecting quite this cold of a shoulder. Evan walked up to him and Marcus smiled slightly. "Oh, hey E. I was getting worried people wouldn't talk to me after uh, y'know.." He said, stretching out his hand for a high-five as had become tradition for the two, and Evan looked at Marcus's hand and grimaced.
"Don't touch me, Weston." He said, bumping his shoulder, the other four jocks in their letterman jackets, Ronnie among them, walked past and around Marcus, in passing leaving some snide remarks. Marcus was of course hurt - a little bit dumbfounded, too. But ultimately, not surprised. When he had made that ball float in the air and then pop like a balloon with his brain - he knew his life would be changed forever. He took a seat at a lone table in the middle row of the classroom.

Marcus kept mostly quiet during the Physics class. He liked Jonas so far. His little bit with the eraser was incredibly impressive and Marcus was fairly sure that there was no way in hell he could do that twice in a row - he wasn't gonna ask the teacher to try, though. Not after the rather sobering experience he had faced running into his 'friends' earlier.

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 - 02:20pm | The 'Loft'

Finally, at the end of the day, it was time for the class he had been looking forward to the past month - maybe finally all of the secrets of the universe would be unlocked. Maybe Mr. Lehrer would blow his horizons wide open. Instead, he was met with an after-school special spiel and the least interesting question about life as a Hyperhuman he had ever heard off.

Patience, Marcus... He thought. After the girls had spoken their peace - Esther had written hers, he, with surprising amount of uncertainty - a feeling he wasn't used to feeling - he hadn't been anxious for a test or a presentation in years. Yet now, he found himself wanting to not bring attention to himself. Had Evan and Ronnie really done such a number on his confidence? He wanted to challenge the Chloe's claim that nobody wanted to be a Hype - but even he had just been shown a very sobering reminder of what life's like as a Hyperhuman out of hiding - his 4,000$ watch wasn't gonna shield him from that truth. Not anymore.

Trying to block out these thoughts, the normally well spoken Marcus blurted out a half-cooked response"Technopath!" Letting the word linger in the air. "I'd like to be a technopath. They are the ones that have pushed civilization forward with their gifts the most. With technology, everyone can be super-powered. A Phone today would blow people from all parts of history away." trying to back-up what he said and regain some of his confidence.
Okay time to start a discussion that isn't politics or an existential crisis.

If you could write as a second character, who would it be? Feel free to even mention characters who have already been claimed, this is all theoretical anyways so why not?

As a follow-up question, if you could bring in a character from another publisher outside of DC and Marvel, who would it be?

Flash, probably. I think I could do a lot of goofy stuff as Wally West or Bart. Or, Red Hood in a Outlaws team where I don't have to play the other characters. and I've got a hate-love relationship with Jason, as in, I don't actually like him the most out of the Robins, but he's always the one I end up gravitating towards. Character has the most interesting setup that makes him different enough from Batman, and I love the Guardians Of The Galaxy-vibe from Outlaws. Red Hood and Bizzaro's been one of the best things out of all of New 52, imo.

Lone Ranger would be cool and I'd dig the wild west thing. I'd like to do a Flash Gordon / Martian Manhunter thing, too.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>

This is where we blacklist Hillan from the RP, right?



Marcus Nathaniel Weston
17 || Heterosexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Marcus is tall, well built and fairly handsome in a boyscout kind of way. Nobody would think that Marcus is a bad boy, and they'd be right for doing so. His life's been pretty good. He comes from good money, his father is incredibly successful and he's a driven, well taken care off young man. It's plain to see all of these things in the way he carries himself, the way he talks and the way he dresses. His style's comprised of good brand clothes, nothing too fancy but nothing shabby, either. Jeans, T-shirt, hoodie, jacket. He doesn't wear any piercings and has no tattoos currently.

Character Synopsis
Marcus is a rather straight forward, popular and morally upstanding young man. People call him 'boyscout' on occasion. He is by the book and very responsible and reliable. This is kind of contradictory to his background in the top 1 percent, his father a billionaire and his mother a lawyer before her death when Marcus was a child. Marcus isn't a particularly spoiled young man, perhaps due to the humble pie he's been served more than once.
His father's job makes Marcus's identity as a Hyperhuman quite the issue and reflects poorly on his father's work and stature.

Marcus is a Straight A student, captain of the soccer team and class president for all of his years in a row and this year is hoping to become Student body president. Well, that was before this summer when his bracelet broke and he accidentally used his powers during judo practice. No one was hurt, so his only punishment was a fine for doing so. Him quickly being outed as a hyperhuman has started a chain reaction of negative events on his life that's only started.

He's joining the class because he wants to build a support network of other Hypes. He's in a position of power, financially and socially where him outing himself as a Hype has a lesser effect than it would have on others in less fortunate situations. He's trying to become a pillar in a community his family's directly opposed to and wants to work for Hyperhuman rights in society - thinking this is a good place to start.

Simply put, Marcus is a friendly, helpful and kind young man. He's got little intention of hurting anyone and cares about other people in a genuine, non fabricated way. He's a bit childish and playful and isn't above pulling pranks on people in good spirits. His one downfall is social situations is perhaps that he's too nice. His non partisan way of thinking and ideas of truth and justice might make him seem bland in a world of edgy people with very polarized opinions.

He believes in protecting the weak, helping those who are down and doing everything in his power to make tomorrow a little better than today.

His fur allergy makes him not much of an animal lover.
Plays quite a bit of Super Smash Melee, well, Project M, technically.

What if? The Punisher, 2018, colorized.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>

I was thinking that Esther would look up to Marcus, like a 'fan' or something due to who he is, wanting to join his 'club' as she would call it. I'm not sure about the timeline here, but either she would be somewhat into it already or beginning to see it this way. It's tricky to explain, but I think I've seen this kind of dynamic somewhere in a movie or show.

Sure! He hasn't actually done /anything/ by the start of the IC. He's starting his senior year expecting everything to more or less be the same as it was the previous one. I don't necessarily think he's gonna handle it all with grace.

On another note, it'd be neat so see some of the other Hypes have it out for Marcus, considering his father's a massive piece in the suppression and imprisonment of Hyperhumans.
What will Marcus do when he works for Hyperhuman rights? Would it be something that's already on-going or something that he'll pick up along the story? Esther could potentially be all over it, wanting to help.

I'm not sure what concrete plans he has. Probably trying to mobilize people and trying to build a community for Hypes and those who don't believe every Hype's a weapon and should be locked up. He's got plenty of resources and people skills to try and make something happen. He's very new to being 'out' as a Hype, so he'll probably need some time to adjust and mature in his identity before he starts making big moves.
I haven't written much in quite a while, so I'm trying to regain my sea legs and shed a bit of rust.

Also, on the topic of Titans. I really liked it. Fucking of the man of Bats, aside. They should've made it a 2 hour pilot, it really would've helped.

Martian Manhunter

Episode One; Natural Born Killers, Part I.

It was about noon on the trading moon that orbits Rann, six light-years from Knowhere. The Martian Manhunter was handling paperwork for his last job, a bail hopper who had tried to flee to the outer rim, J'onn caught him in a refueling station using his old credits account. It was really sloppy of him and made him quite the easy mark for the Martian whom could easily track him down. He wasn't a violent criminal, there was no fight between the two and the arrest was simple and easy. He'd be put in an isolation pod for six years - a meager punishment for his large spree of robberies. Finishing up his report and signing the papers for his reward, a relieved sigh escaped the martian's mouth as he saw his credits increase after the successful transfer. He was about to head back towards the port, get in his spaceship and head back home to Knowhere. Go talk to Jack and the other patrons for a while, go home and read some books and call it an early hibernation cycle.

Well, that was, till the ground shook from the explosion in the distance. Sirens wailing from the hovercars above him, streaking across the aerial highway. The Rann peace-keepers were heading over there, but judging by the calls J'onn was hearing in his earpiece from the peace-keeper scanner in his ship these four cruisers weren't gonna do the trick. It was an armed robbery on the Osmium vault from the platinum mines on all four of the moons, a multi-trillion credit heist was in progress, six cruisers had already been taken down by what appeared to only be two assailants. The Manhunter tapped his ear, connecting him to dispatch and forward to the officer on the ground outside of the vaults.

"This is Martian Manhunter, bounty collector, ID number 52565325. I would like to assist you in your peacekeeping efforts. Permission requested to engage the suspects alone."

"What the hell is a Mars?!" The Officer's gawked back at the Manhunter. "You'll get yourself killed, kid."

"I guarantee they cannot do more harm to me that they can to your officers. Give me a chance and you'll save your officer's lives." J'onn insisted, now airborne, heading over there at Mach 4, surpassing the speed of the cruisers. As he approached the site of the vault, he saw a massive worker mech that had gone through several aftermarket facelifts to turn it into a military machine, armed with Gatling laser, forcefield projector, and rocket launchers. The Mech was hailing plasma onto the police and their barricade, their shields about to give way any minute now, the officer in charge let out a disgruntled yelp as the plasma began burning a hole through the forcefield.
"Okay, okay! Permission granted! Try to at least keep them a little busy so we can regroup before you get killed!" The officer cried and J'onn nodded. "I shall do my best." The Manhunter promised, picking up speed before impact. Phasing just long enough to sneak past the forcefield, he became tangible again just in time to strike the mech in its core, sending it horizontally and falling backward with good momentum, making the several hundreds of ton Mech sail forty meters backward.

J'onn turned his attention towards the vault, as he heard applauds from the officers behind him who frankly couldn't believe their eyes. "What in all of Rann's name was that?" The officer in charge exclaimed. "Give those winged freaks hell!" Another officer cheered as several of their co-workers went to tend to the wounded.

"Winged?" J'onn asked, peering inside of the Vault, seeing the 7 foot, incredibly well built humanoid with massive silvery wings spreading from his back was putting the precious metals into a small pocket dimension carrier - a hammerspace for personal goods, essentially. A very expensive device primarily used by criminals to hide stolen goods from authorities. Making his way into the vault, J'onn approached the burly man who looked out towards the officers and the Mech. "What the hell is going out there. All the fuckin' rann's dead already?"

"Not so. I'm afraid there's been a bit of a dent in your plans." The Martian spoke, softly appearing in the winged man's sight. "Who the hell are you?!" Grabbing his blaster from the table next to him, firing four times into thin air - the Martian wasn't there anymore, appearing instead under him, phasing through the ground, his arm becoming tangible as he grabbed the culprit by the throat with one hand, his other hand knocking the gun out of his. "I counter four seriously injured - if not worse outside. Why would you do this?" J'onn asked bluntly, the man trying to fight the far stronger Martian off of him.

"Why?!" he commanded, this time with a psychic scream, shocking the bandit. "M-Money!" He cried, shocked by the trespassing into his mind. With it, J'onn was flooded with images of the war efforts between Rann and the winged man's home planet - Thanagar. His name was Hro Talak, a Thanagarian. This man was a deserter from the army after his platoon had been decimated by a warship, he had been on the run for decades, stealing what he could and killing those that tried to stop him. In the moment of distraction, the Thanagarian was able to pull a plasma cutter hidden in his sleeve. Igniting the blade and swiftly slashing the green arm that held him, the pain from his arm being cut off sending J'onn to his knees, holding the arm in pain. The Thanagarian crawled onto his feet, sprint turned into flight. As he tried to head out of the Vault. J'onn regained his composure in a moment, picking up his severed arm and attaching it to his stump, the two quickly reattached and regenerated the damaged tissue. The arm was gonna be weaker for a time, but it was truly a minor setback.

J'onn set off after the man whom was flying out of the deep Vault, only to be met by 24 officers with their blasters aimed at him - having already arrested his partner, Paran Dul whom hadn't put up much of a fight after the concussion she had received from the hit she took inside of the mech that's now nothing more but scrap. Having nothing but a plasma cutter in his hands, a pissed off Manhunter behind him and a small army in front - Hro had no other choice but to give up. "You'll pay for this, green man."

"So shall you." J'onn simply stated, as he watched the officers bring the duo in. They'd be transported to Rann and processed there - both for their wave of crimes on the outskirts of the Rann territory, but also for their crimes of war during the long conflicts between their two people. He took no pride in this arrest - three people were dead. He hadn't been fast enough, done enough. It was nothing more but a pyrrhic victory.

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