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Hello all. I am an experienced writer who is writing my own fiction stories on the side. I can role play any genre. What I love most is being able to go-all-out when weaving tales with other writers. It just makes the story more interesting, so I can't wait to write with you. :)

Most Recent Posts

Character: Evelyn Caroline
Location: The Unnamed Swamp
Tagging: The First Sin - Sloth @AllHollowsEve@Tenma Tendo
Summary: Eve and Sloth fall into the river. Eve is supposedly saved by the Holy Knight Lucien and taken against her will.

As they approached the river, something strange started to happen. The Gauntlet flickered in and out of existence beneath her. The sight made Eve gasp as she released the gauntlet’s finger and backed away to stare down at her bare muddy feet and the murky water of the river appearing beneath her. It was like standing on glass. How she managed to stay afloat in those flickering moments was beyond her. Her head snapped over to Eliphas.

“Mister…” she spaced on his name. She hadn’t heard it enough. “Sloth” was what immediately came to her mind and she felt horrible for remembering such a title. “Sloth!” she called out in concern. The man didn’t respond. His eyes were closed and his hand still holding his wound. Her face paled. Was he dead? His gauntlets were still transporting them—she thought too soon.

The Gauntlets vanished beneath them, dumping them into the brown water. Eve fell beneath the surface, arms flaying as she thought she would sink like a weight. She resurfaced, wildly splashing about in her panic. The princess had no idea how to swim. Swimming wasn’t a necessity. What would she have ever needed to swim for? Now she was realizing more flaws in her upbringing. More valuable life lessons lost in order to dress and walk like the perfumed angelic lady her parents wanted her to be.

Eve spat water from her mouth. Her brown locks obscured her eyes, adding more stress in her desperation. She saw Eliphas sink into the river.

“Slo-!” she tried to call only getting a mouthful of disgusting water. How cruel fate was? To tease her into having her believe that she had found one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and then took him away from her. Fate left her back where it had found her. Instead of drowning in quicksand, she was drowning in a river. Was she supposed to drown? Was she supposed to quit her quest? She went under.

Eve became tired and could no longer fight the river that engulfed her. She sank and as she gazed up at the rippling surface, for a moment, she accepted it. Her arms were outstretched, locks of hair twisting about her head like ribbons; and as she drifted away from the sunlit surface, she sank into the murky darkness. Everything became darker and darker. It became an unusual quiet and the water became unusually black as she sank. Did the river have no bottom?

Air was being forced into her lungs. Eve’s grey eyes flew open to find her lips against the lips of Lucien. She brought her hand up to grasp his face, pushing it away. The holy knight pulled away as Eve coughed up river water. Her eyes were wide in panic and the holy knight didn’t give her much time to figure out what was going on before he gripped her arms and forced her to her feet.

“Get up!” he angrily ordered.

Eve stumbled to her feet, her legs weak with confusion. The mud had partially washed free from her body. Her hair was still in her face, feeling like a wet rag as her wide eyes frantically took in her surroundings. She was still at the river. Didn’t she drown? The holy knight must have pulled her out, but what about Eliphas?

Eve suddenly began to resist, trying to jerk her hands from the holy knight’s grip and dig her feet into the dirt in resistance. “No!” she screamed. She couldn’t go back. She had come so far. Eliphas! Where was Eliphas? Did he drown? “We have to save him! Let me go!”

Lucien scowled, baring his teeth in his effort to control the hysterical woman. “I’m taking you back! Do not resist or else!”

“SLOTH!” Eve cried. “Stop! We can’t leave! We have-!”

Lucien’s fist struck Eve in the gut. The princess folded over with a rasp. Her eyes were wide in disbelief that a holy knight or any man would strike her. The pain had been so terrible that her eyes rolled back into her head and she went limp. The holy knight spread his feet to steady her before he effortlessly draped her over his shoulder. He stared back at the river where the Sin had supposedly perished and smirked. Not only had he captured the princess, but he could gloat that he had killed one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Persistent World ideas are tricky things, and in this case, I must disagree again.

One thing that was slightly useful to me in the first place, and part of why I didn't raise a shit on the first suggestion of EH (though I never really supported it, either), is the fact it had structure. Everything was connected and could be connected, there were limits, there was a general thing going on. The suggestion is now literally what exists at the moment, because EH no longer has the structure. All the things you mention could be done with the current structure. While it may come out better if the entire PW forum was rewritten to make a clear indication (if that route was run through), that this is what the people there want.

That's the idea to just have it rewritten as opposed to gotten rid of. I don't RP there so my comments about it have come from players who have RP there and the player Normie said that the persistent world had an overarching story that all participants were writing under. This is what led me to believe that it wasn't a multiverse because a multiverse has multiple stories than just one.

But even if it is rewritten, I still would not be in favor. Because what you suggest is effectively what exists now, and I fundamentally disagree with a broad, unrestricted multiverse. It serves no purpose. In a sense, the current forums are literally the same thing. If a couple GMs want to link and create a multiverse, they will do that. If they don't want people to interfere with their canon/multiverse, they can, and will do that too. If they want to make a true Persistant World, which is distinct from a multiverse, then the GMs can link their canons. None of that justifies the creation and maintenance of a unique forum.

The purpose of the broad, unrestricted multiverse is to appease all types of players and all characters they would ever want to create. The multiverse is called the multiverse because it is multiple universes that "interact." All conflict and drama that happens is cross-dimension. Players who want their own personal story can RP that out and if someone tries to barge in on it, then just like regular RP etiquette, they ask them to step out.

I would instead consider it viable if the idea was approached with more unity and structure, not only in general rules and "what you do here might affect something elsewhere", but also in genre. A balance should be achieved. Yes, players need flexibility. That's the core of the idea. But it also requires structure and unity, not only in terms of timeline, but also in things like power level and technology (in my opinion and based on how the site works, especially the community base). A specific fantasy PW would make it easier to avoid a fairly average swordsmen being absolutely obliterated by a sci-fi grunt with a gun and heavy armor.

If the player designed their swordsman to be able to deflect gunfire with his sword or have the armor to guard him against sci-fi genre weaponry, then they would do just fine. Again, this is all dependent on the players and how they design their characters. The Multiverse combines genre like a high fantasy/final fantasy universe. You could play a Medieval Knight versus a fleet of space ships and have him use magic to wipe them all out. It puts no restriction on the imagination of the writers.

It would make more consistency at large, making it easier for plots and characters to connect (in a way, like a roleplay MMO, only with more flexibility). It would allow easier maintenance and judgements as to what is too powerful and what is not, because you can look to fantasy stereotypes to make more balanced decisions when accepting characters and making judgements should a conflict arise (as compared to cowboi supagunslinger vs Archmage of Canterbury or something, and a drama potentially arising from that combination when the two entities meet). Repeat a similar philosophy with modern and sci-fi settings, and in the future, add more if there is enough popular demand. Finally, my main, short term revision idea would be to put the PW section in line with other sections so it does not somehow get standing over all the regular forums despite having an abysmally small fraction of the activity and relevance seen in the three sections below it.

No one is ever too powerful in the Multiverse. Also, I forgot to mention. The rules and structure are decided by those who join those kingdoms, nations, clans, factions, armada, etc. Those who don't join are lawless, literally. Whether they become vigilantes or terrorists or just sellswords, hired gun, etc. is up to the writers.

As it is now, and as the idea seems to propose, there's just not enough to bring things together. It becomes clutter that might as well go into the regular sections anyways.

It's not an easy overnight solution, but I think you're more likely to find the answer in structure and a degree of unity, not in making divided verses that don't even need to exist in the same forum.

And as for existing games, they would not have to be deleted. I believe they would work just fine dumped into the casual section, as they're largely independent entities anyways.

In short: Sure, have a multiverse. But it does not need its own forum. Not as it is described, and not as the EH operates right now.

The Multiverse was just to spare the EH from being deleted and to instead, broaden it.

@AmmokkxI was told that it wasn't an open world. But in the Multiverse, there is no one checking CSes. People are allowed to throw whatever they want into the mix. Laws are decided by kingdoms, nations, galactic forces, etc. The Multiverse is a very broad idea and it's self-sustaining. It's a self-sustaining RP that exists for as long as players continue to write in it and it's only as interesting as the players make it.
I don't quite see the point of making it a multiverse with jump-in. At that point, it might become a risk that people screw over previous lore by making their own that contradicts other lores. Also, it'd defeat the purpose of making it persistent to begin with. Making something without permanent consequence or interactivity means you may as well start your own RP in free/casual/advanced.

In a Multiverse, the consequences are dictated by the User. Say for example, “You make this dragon slayer who has slayed even dragon gods.” A player may see this character and get inspired to create a dragon god that gives the dragon slayer a hard time. The arena elements then come into play here. A lot of the conflict is handled between players. While ideas may at times contradict and can be pointed out, “Hey, there’s already a faction with said idea maybe you should join it,” seeing as there are so many Rps that occur already with similar ideas, what makes them unique is that they are all ran differently.

The Multiverse is per interactivity because it exists on the players. I have mentioned two types of people in all RP: the writer and the role player. The writer can create the world, characters, NPCs, and basically carry on with little guidance because they are writers. The role player needs a dungeon master because they can’t write without guidance. The Multiverse often has both types. The leading players are the writers who founded the faction, nation, planet, etc and who are leading that group. The role players will often be under said leader and they get their pseudo-DM guidance in that manner.

But regardless, it was just an idea.

Expanding Horizons is a neat idea, but the Guild doesn't really have the playerbase to support it in a healthy manner. A project like it reminds me a lot of forums dedicated to RPing one specific setting, which often end up failing after a year or two, if they're lucky. There's some exceptions, but those tend to also be incredibly huge, which E.H. isn't.

I heard that one of the issues with it was that it wasn't really an Open World because there was a story everyone was required to adopt. By making it an open world that people can just "jump-in," I think it would get more life.
Persistent World


The purpose of this discussion is to talk about possible revision or deletion of the Persistent World section, which has been highly debatable for quite the while. Users unable to have a civil conversation will be reported to forum staff. If you are a user who cannot disagree with another user without without getting offended, angry, or upset, then you will be asked to leave.

Proposed Revision

This is my proposed idea for it seeing as it is already a persistent world. It was mentioned to me that it wasn’t an “open world” really meaning that anyone or anything can participate in the idea, but it’s still persistent. There are many roleplaying games on this site that are multiversal and open to anyone using the “jump-in” option. The Persistent World can easily just be made into an open Multiverse for those kinds of games. Multiverses are self-regulating. Players can create: planets, kingdoms, factions, clans, nations, religions, and gods. There is little worry about there being an “overpowered” entity in the game seeing as every overpowered entity is often rivaled by another. These rivalries are what balance the game and create a natural “light vs dark” (not to literally imply good vs evil – subjective).

Multiverses are open genre meaning you can have sci-fi, fantasy, western, etc. in the universe. Multiverses also have no segregation when it comes to writing ability. Both the Free, Casual, and Advanced writers should be able to write in there without problem. The MV also provides a home for "main characters" characters that writers create and cannot find a RP or seem to be able to make a RP where they will fit.

Of course whether or not people will join any game, idea, or adopt any new feature presented by the Guild is always debatable. But it is a solution as opposed to completely deleting the forum and the work players have already put into it. There are also players who continue to write there and their feelings about it should matter and not be dismissed.
@Holy Soldier I have seen no arguments, and any arguments I have seen failed to convince me of the dire need to have this new sub-forum. I have asked a moderator for the estimate of how likely the addition of any new sub-forum was and it was estimated to be low to non-existent.

Nobody has been raging - that may be a misreading of the situation on your side.
Nobody has been trolling - that may have been a misreading of the situation on your end.

Everyone has written disagreements, but were dismissed by you. It seems natural that in their dismissal they dismiss you too. That you choose to write that off as trolling purely because they disagree is an error in your own reasoning, not ours. Following your disability to behave normally and act without dismissing anyone as troll, I will once again request the moderators to lock this thread before it can escalate into a real flamewar. If you want to flame we can do so on discord in private or in my server. Otherwise,

@Ruby @Rilla @Meth Quokka @NuttsnBolts @Sherlock Holmes Please read the thread/last few pages and determine whether or not this thread deserves to keep living - my own assessment is that we've passed the point of redemption for this specific thread.

That fact you are insinuating that you plan to make this into a flame war proves my point. lol
@PoiIt's not actually a surprise since the same people who argue and troll the Rp Lounge are doing the same thing here. If you were surprised by that, I'm not lol. But it would be nice if those people weren't commenting here because then a normal discussion would be able to occur as it did for a few pages before they brought their dirty laundry.
@OdinI answered your comments. You are welcome to go back and read. I'd only be repeating myself. I even posted a condensed version of everything I've previously discussed since it was lost in all the raging and trolling.

You guys need to learn the difference between disagreements and then trolling. Because if all you wrote were disagreements, then this thread would have never became so negative and hostile.
@PoiI've given you counter-points to your points and you've not read them but continued to post your misunderstandings. Then you get upset. As the OP says, if you get upset, then you don't need to be in here and that no one should entertain you.
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