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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Nix - *Walks over and looks down completely unfazed though minorly impressed.*
You're right we are pretty far up.

*Steps away from the edge and notices your expression.*
You feeling some vertigo Drake?

<Snipped quote by Balance>

- I hope so as well, though I think it's likely we'll only be close at best and half guessing at worst.

<Snipped quote by Balance>

*Gets out, having not been expecting any of it.*
I'm just happy we stopped. Wasn't expecting it to go that fast.

<Snipped quote by Balance>

I'm fine with that.
*Has recovered from the high speed car ride by now.*

Are you doing okay?
jacoobie can you please describe Svenno's voice to me thank you

I've got you.

<Snipped quote by Host>

Me all the time.

Well, lead the way from here, chaos child.
<Snipped quote by Host>

Depends on the situation.

How consistently inconsistent.

Do your powers tend to cause messes?

Do your powers tend to cause messes?
<Snipped quote by Host>

*We arrive without a hitch* No explosions!

Yeah, I try to avoid that.
I'm writing the next chapter of Everything with a Side of Fries. It involves a Darkloid fight. I have several questions.
anyone who has answers please answer many thanks thank you

(1) what is the darkloids' intent?
(2) what are Aero's powers?
(3) what are Data's powers?
(4) what does Aero look like?
(5) what are Sven's powers?
(6) what are Sreig's powers?

1. It started as creating the ultimate darkloid. This started with Nebula Gray (Nebula Black also works), but this creature was consumed almost immediately by Dark X. From here, the goal is to consume Existence with Dark Power.
2. Aero is an android with android powers. She has several "energy" based attacks, but also has abnormal influence over subsystems, given to her as a gift by a demon that was in love with her.
3. Data can shift forms and also has influence over space, which he rarely utilizes. Since Data shared dominion over the subsystem interface (a platform of Existence Tier Five controlled, but not really relevant for this info), he also had several "general reality bending" abilities.
4. Her initial human form looked like Android 18 but was upgraded to Winry eventually.
5. Tech with his suits. For a full in-depth look, consult Sven.
6. Sreig is a tank. He's really strong and really resilient.
<Snipped quote by Host>

Or we can go in that direction.

Hold on.
*Moves through the road one block over until we get there*
<Snipped quote by Host>

Make a left after three blocks. Then it's about 15 blocks. I don't know if there are any crazy roadblocks, but there should hopefully be detours.

*Floors it and takes a sharp turn*
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