Avatar of Hyperdrive


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Wild to visit this site again and remember how good memories have been made here just years ago.
3 yrs ago
To the writers I've met and lost; thank you, you don't know how grateful I am to have spent my creative peak with you.
3 yrs ago
Looking back, my active time here in the guild was the highlight of my life. Adulting sucks.
5 yrs ago
Adult me - saving up for the new Switch. My 15yr old brother - gets one for FREE.
5 yrs ago
Back to the site. Promotion finally paved way for me to pursue my passion.



Why are you here though?

Star Wars
Elder Scrolls
The Witcher

[Current Roleplays]:

- None

[Previous Roleplays]:

- Brimstone
- Brimstone 2
- Orbitum 2 - SciFi Space Nation RP
- Star Wars: The Succession Wars
- The Elder Scrolls: Rising Storm (Fantasy Nations RP)
- The Elder Scrolls: Fruits of Contention

[Roleplays Created/Gm'ed]:

- None

Most Recent Posts

Some activities to take part in:

-Check the antique shop for books regarding the Kamals

Count Trius in on this one.

At least our characters will get along, @Hyperdrive. And it stands to reason that many Dunmer followed a similar path in life over the last few decades or so.

Can't wait to see Niernen's reaction once Trius eats his Nix-Hound jerky in front of her.

Am gc, can confirm.

Hyp is original, mostly.

Hyp is original, mostly.



Male Dunmer | 78 | Steed

Looks fine. And in addition to being pretty close to Hank's character, it bears pretty striking similarities with Dervish's as well. Course, I tend to maintain that a good story is a good story. I like it, I think Trius and Karth could get along, similar personalities.

Huzzah! Thanks Lieden. I was really freaked out on how Hank and I had the similarities on our sheets, especially when I worked on my CS with gc through PM, and not in public. Haven't fully read all the CS's yet (immersion purposes), but I guess I'll give it a go, wouldn't want to pass on an opportunity on making new friends. :D

<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>

I noticed that too. Apparently we all had good ideas at the same time.

Indeed.. or maybe it's just the Daedra lords messing with us..

Just received @gcold's go signal, @Leidenschaft what do you think of the CS?


Male Dunmer | 78 | Steed

PS: I saw Hank's CS and read it, and I swear, any similarities is purely coincidental.
Holidays are finally over, sorry I've disappeared for a while. Still interested in this if you guys are still accepting.

@gcold - Sent you a character overview of the Dunmer character I've made, will send the entire CS if you're ok with what you've read so far.

(Me smoothly talking to talking to girls)
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