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10 mos ago
Current I wonder if it would be worth my while to return to this site. I've had pretty much abysmal luck with games. Wonder if it'll be any different after a couple of years of absence...?!
6 yrs ago
Last plug. I shall pester you no more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Here's your daily useless plug :) roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I'll continue to plug this for a week or so and than leave y'all alone. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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@POOHEAD189 I mean... He's ten years too young to be study buddies with El, but something along that vein, yes
@POOHEAD189 I'd imagine the Earl is often invited to give guest lectures in archeology and related topics. Elle would usually accompany him. They could have met that way if your boy is one to attend such lectures
@Amaranth Friendly rivals? Or rivaling friends It's never clear cut with nobility
@POOHEAD189 Edited in the requested piece of info in a hider between the memory and the history.
Safira's eyes widened as a ball of fire engulfed Bernie seconds after he'd fallen on his knees on the ground, his face smashed in and fear obvious in his eyes. The blood huntress' head snapped in the direction from which the fireball had originated. Her eyes squinted in disapproval. The captain bandit was finally yielding. He had surrendered. It was a pointless death to her mind as it was never really a punishment, more so an escape of sorts from responsibility. The tall, cloaked woman sighed. This is why she preferred to work alone. People are so different that it is so hard to find ones who will be willing to do things your way. Or at least close enough to your way.

Now what?! Safira wondered. Bernie could have convinced his brothers to stand down. With him dead who knew how they'd react. And Safira had already had her fill of bloodshed for the night. She was trying to put that part of her past behind her, not delve any deeper in it. She'd almost slipped with that last couple of attacks against the head bandit. The huntress could still feel the sticky fingers of the familiar darkness clinging to her consciousness. She shook herself free of their lingering touch. I don't need to follow suit to these other people. I've decided on a new path and I'll follow it! The tall imposing figure of the woman shifted so that she was blocking the two remaining Barnaby brothers' line of sight to Warren.

"I won't allow you to hurt Warren or Callie anymore." Safira stated darkly. But her voice held a hint of wariness as well. Almost as if the battle had tired her out, but more so emotionally than physically. As she seemed like she could go a few more rounds at least. "Your brother did not heed my warning and look at him now." The huntress pointed her chin in the direction of Bernie's charred remains. "If you wish to fight, we will fight." Safira brandished her lightning crackling scimitar in front of her to stress her point. "But make no mistake... You will lose! Just like your brother over there!" She finished, not really a threat. More so a statement of fact.

Tag, you're it.@rush99999
@Guardian Angel Haruki Oh, shoot... Spaced out that it was my turn >< And with Bernie gone Safira's whole plan went down the drain... So lemme think and I'll try to have a post up before I go to bed.
@Penny@POOHEAD189 Countess Ellen be ready for inspection

The Fallen Aasimar Cleric on a never ending path of redemption

I thousand lifetimes cannot wash the blood off my hands!
Alena stood in the morning dusk, gaze set upon the cathedral as she waited. The soft glow she'd infused her Suonetar emblem with, illuminated her pale face creating the illusion of her fair skin appearing almost translucent. Lex, the paladin they'd apprehended, stood obediently beside her. As soon as the group exited the building he gestured toward them affirming to Alena that it was in fact them that she was here to detain together with her men.

As the group filed out of the cathedral one after the other the cleric observed their facial expressions and general outlook. It appeared as though these people had gone through hell and back. And maybe even then some. Alena also recognized the look of loss on all their faces. Even if this Lex had not already informed her of the loss of one of their comrades, Daisy, she would have noticed it immediately on all of them. As it was a look she'd seen far too often on the faces of her enemies. Then, unlike now, it had failed to produce any sort of emotional response in her. But now... now she could empathize completely with these people and did not wish to pile up on their sorrow. Unfortunately, she had her orders. This mess of a situation at the church needed to be dealt with as swiftly and as bloodlessly as possible and since the General knew she had a propensity for the former and a preference for the lather, he'd entrusted her with the task to detain the group and bring the members before him to be deposed. And Alena planned to do just that.

She stepped forward a bit, tacking court of the officers piled in front of the cathedral, and raised her hands a bit, palms up. "Good morrow, folks, I am Alena Provost of the Knights of Bourgund. Forgive this abrupt welcoming of sorts. It has come to the General's attention that a number of people have lost their lives here under yet to be determined circumstances." Alena's gaze shifted for a moment on Lex, the paladin, and then returned to the group. "Your paladin friend here has already given his statement of what has transpired and has turned himself willingly to our purview. I am here to ask you to do the same until this situation is resolved."

The redhead paused, not so much for effect, as to gather her thoughts and relate what she wanted from the group in the gentlest, most nonabrasive and considerate manner. "I understand you've all been through a lot. I've been told you lost a companion and for that I cannot extend my condolences enough. What I can offer you is my personal promise that I will treat you with the honesty and respect your own behavior deems of me. General Aengus has entasked me with bringing you to him to offer your statements as to what has happened here. I ask that you come willingly. And yes, I will need to manacle you just like your comrade Lex here. But that is only as a gesture of your good will and as a sign that you mean not to disrupt the proceedings."

Again Alena paused and scanned the faces of her targets one by one. Although employing her most benign and placating countenance, there was a hard edge to her features. For she had permission to bring these people in willing or not. And even if she would prefer it if they came peacefully, she was also prepared to wrestle them into submission if need be. "I can assure you me and my men have no intention of parading you around the city as common criminals. We will respect your reputation and stature and take you to the general in such a route as to ensure no ill effects on any of you in that regard." A brief pause. "However... Should you decide to run from your responsibility in all this, I am fully authorized to use force. But I would very much hate to do that..." Alena paused yet again and this time a dark shadow crossed her pale face and her yellowish eyes clouded with pain. "So I again implore for your cooperation." The cleric fell silent and awaited the reactions of her charges.

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