Avatar of j8cob
  • Last Seen: 14 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: j8cob
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2468 (0.65 / day)
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    1. j8cob 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current All the guy did was change his pic to a swastika, say some entry-level /pol/ bytes, and changed his bio to basic slurs.
4 yrs ago
You know exactly who.
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4 yrs ago
I don't know why we can't blast both zoophiles and pedophiles at the same time. Two birds one stone.
4 yrs ago
idk who needs to hear this but if you like women then you're gay, no ifs ands or buts
5 yrs ago
I'm back.
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Bitch, I'm the best.

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The real best part is where y'all completely disregard the people "discriminating" and don't even attempt to look at the subject from a different perspective to form a real opinion.

"This person says he doesn't want to roleplay with women. Surely they're just a sexist pig."
<Snipped quote by j8cob>

Sorry but discriminating someone because their writing style doesn't match yours is not even close to the same as discriminating based one gender and nothing you say is going to change that.

How is it not? Its literally discriminating and odds are its far stricter too. I've discriminated against people for petty shit and you've probably done the same.

Let's say there's some young girl who wants to do a 1x1 but only with other girls because she's uncomfortable with talking to boys both online and in the real world. She can make that choice and is morally sound in doing so. Discriminating to your own benefit is natural and often subconscious. How would she be able to confirm that she only works with other girls? Fuck if I know, probably no way to do it. But that doesn't mean she can't set that standard.

Now let's say there's a young man who also wants to do a 1x1 but only with women because he wants to smut and is uncomfortable with the idea of making erotic stuff with another man. He's remaining within his comfort zone and doesn't deserve criticism for it anymore than the girl from my first example.

You're adopting a really narrow worldview where these people are automatically sexists or terrible people or something and aren't just regular people themselves. Their opinions matter just as much as anyone else's, and when it comes to how they want to roleplay then their opinions matter even more than yours do.
<Snipped quote by j8cob>

Once again, I'm not saying people CAN'T, I'm saying they SHOULDN'T.

Please explain to me how putting "I lack confidence in my sexuality so I only want to RP with girls" actually guarantees that all your partners will be girls. You can't claim that this is a method of reducing your obligation when you can't actually stop dudes from messaging you and pretending they are girls. It doesn't work like that, friend.

I didn't say it was smart, but there's nothing wrong with it. The fact that the site is broken into sections based on writing skill already proves that you can and should discriminate with who you roleplay with.
<Snipped quote by j8cob>
Not really. It is two different conflating issues. I disagree that it is acceptable to discriminate based on sex, gender, orientation, race, or anything mentioned prior. In fact, I believe Drache touched on this before. Obviously you disagree, but I don’t feel there is a rather strong argument for it being acceptable; but morals are like ethics – fluid and determinant on the individual. Such is why it is difficult to ever make an objective determination based on it.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>
Entirely agree.

Morality is subjective, glad you understand that. That's why you should understand that it can't be morally unacceptable to discriminate in your RP partners by any metric. You can discriminate on skill and on roleplaying history, you can discriminate on anything you want. Nothing stopping you and you already do it anyways to a certain degree.
<Snipped quote by j8cob>

Then you're being sexist. I guess that's okay.

Nobody has any obligation, neither morally nor legally, to associate with anyone else. I have no obligation to like everyone, you have no obligation to interact with everyone, the guy down the street has no obligation to talk to everyone. It's not sexist, its an observation. People can, and will, do what they want.
@Inkarnate Same deal.
It's perfectly morally acceptable to have standards, even on roleplaying forums. This includes the standards set for characters, settings, and plots. There is no moral obligation to not have standards, even on character genders.

It's that simple.
Yeah so my city is on fire right now so I might be a little inactive pending how that goes.

With Kamui identifying targets, Tsukiko followed in suit. She made sure to stay behind Sakana, who himself was behind Kamui, as the team advanced through the forest. While their red-haired sensor announced the team had split into two groups, he soon after provided bad news that one of them released a sensing technique of their own. Team Fire was likely to be detected on their approach now. As Sakana picked up the pace and took the lead Tsukiko maintained her speed and instead performed several handseals. "Understood," she remarked as she vanished from sight. Her Hiding with Camouflage Technique was now active, hiding her from the naked eye with no flaws. She figured it was unlikely that the sensor would miss her because of this, but the target that wasn't using a sensory technique would have no idea.

Only after Sakana jumped down to confront Kurin and Jaakuna did Tsukiko finally pick up the pace. In a single leap she sped past Kamui, who would be the only person that could really see her anyways, and landed upon a branch above Sakana within seconds. She wasted no time, however, and made use of his distraction. The wild woman launched herself across the clearing and landed against the trunk of one of the trees behind the two targets. Despite her momentum the impact made no noise as she touched down, though she didn't linger at all before jumping down to the ground a couple meters behind Jaakuna and Kurin. One of the two could sense her, she knew that, but she didn't know which one it was. Surely one of them will react to her presence and the one that doesn't will become her target.

Tsukiko took this moment to memorize the scents of these two. If one were to be sly and attempt an escape she would make sure to be able to track them down without Kamui's assistance. She didn't draw any of her weapons just yet, instead waiting for Kamui and Usagi to arrive on scene for a coordinated effort. That, or she'd be forced to move once whoever was sensing her made an attempt at attacking her. Of course, she could just be overestimating the sensory technique but at such a close range it would be foolish to assume she wasn't on his radar. All she'd need to see is a slight movement and she'd spring forward to attack the one that was clueless. The beginning of a turn or perhaps the motions to perform a handseal. Hell, perhaps the sensor would reveal himself by calling her out. In that case she wouldn't even have to potentially dodge an attack, just move in on the unsuspecting and unprepared foe. In her mind, the true question of what to do next was should I take the scroll first or incapacitate first? The rest of her plan she didn't foresee deviating. The success of her sucker-punch style attack was assured in her eyes. All she needed was a sign to tell her who will be her victim.
If we're gonna be completely real here, we don't need to threaten the entire thread because of one bad apple attacking the rest of the bunch.
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