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9 yrs ago
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Location: Inside of the creepy murder house
Interacting with: Robin @McHaggis and Miranda @Damo021

"Uh, not really," Heather said to Miranda when she asked about the reenactor. The outfit was too old to be a civil war reenactor and that was the most common that Heather could think of.

Heather picked up the wooden box that Miranda pointed out and ran her hands over it seeing if she could find a false bottom or something etched into it. "Hey, there is something scratched on this." Heather showed the box to Miranda and Robin. There were scratch marks and some latin carved into it. "We should look up what this means." She pulled out her phone and searched the words in a translate app. "Possible Vessels" Heather read the English translation. "I don't know what that could mean." She frowned and put the box back down on the ground where Miri had found it, and wiped her hand off on her pants nervously.

"I wouldn't want to squat here." Heather thought of her falling out with her dad and how it might mean he would cut her off from the money he had always been so happy to give her to make ends meet. She shivered. "There has got to be better places for people right? I'd rather be in a tent outside, at least then if the house collapses I'm not in it." She really needed a better job. Maybe she'd go teach at the high school or something.

Heather sighed and reluctantly followed Robin up the steps. She let him lead by several before she started up the stairs, not trusting it to hold all their weight in the same area. She glanced between the rooms. "Master bedroom is most likely to have something in it." She started walking into the room when the house rumbled. Heather quickly stepped out of the doorway her eyes darting around as if looking for a place to hide, and then the rumble stopped. "Oh, I thought it was an earthquake for a moment." She frowned. "It sounded like it came from the basement. Do you think the other's are okay?" Heather had no desire to go down to the basement to check, but she was worried about Olivia. The dust that had been kicked up caused her to sneeze, so she pulled up her shirt to cover her nose and mouth for a minute.
@Siaya Dragalorn I'm doing pretty well except for almost breaking my foot a month ago and am still recovering from that...

Niah Bautista

Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Phase Three HQ: Medical Ward
Skills: Unknown

Niah’s mouth was dry. She couldn’t taste anything, which she was thankful for. It probably tasted god awful. Her ears were pounding as if a dozen heartbeats were right next to her head. What drugs had they been given? Three distinct footsteps broke up the pounding. Then Director Fury was speaking, it was loud in Niah’s ears as if he was screaming. She shook her head and covered her ears as she sat up opening her eyes. The pounding stopped and her mouth filled with the lack of brushing taste. Ick.

The experiment was a success, for her. What would her power be though? She looked around the room checking faces for other survivors. Relief washed over her as she recognized several, Z and Arc were both there, and Maria and Sparky. It was quickly followed by worry. Where was Antoine? Had he died? Niah's heart wrenched. They had known it was a real possibility. She hoped that he was alive, but none of the experiments had taken. She would ask later. There was so few of them. Of course, Tinely survived, ugh. At least Niah had friends who had made it through.

The Director was speaking of a simulation. Worry crossed Niah’s face. She wasn’t operations. Niah was certain that the simulation would take that into account. She knew of Agent Fitz, he was something of a hero at Sci-Tech. She let the worry go and slid slowly off the bed. Her legs were unsteady for a moment and she used the bed to keep herself from falling.

"Yes, sir.” She hoped the simulation would be able to discover what her power was, and that they would do a good job at it. It wasn’t a real mission, but it was vital nonetheless. One of the operation guys she had seen, but never really met asked what she had been thinking.
@Morose Done (finally)
@Siaya Dragalorn post when you can hope you feel better. But do try to get a post up soonish

Location: Inside of the creepy murder house
Interacting with: Robin @McHaggis and Miranda @Damo021

Miranda had taken the lead, Heather was perfectly happy with that as well. It wasn't her and that was what mattered. She followed in the others steps making sure she gave enough space between them and herself that their combined weight wouldn't be on the same floorboard. The house had a tense feel to it, or maybe that was just her own fear. Every step the floor creaked. The odd picture in the foyer caught Heather's attention.

"Who is Siegfried Becker? Judging from the outfit that's an ancient picture. Did they even have photography that long ago?" She picked up the picture and flipped it over to see if there was a removable back to the frame. "Could be a reenactor?" Heather opens the back of the picture but she doesn't find anything worthwile. She closed it back up.
@ihinka Perfect!

I run my games on sundays so my group started asking "is it sunday yet" :)
@ihinka science friends!
Also from your signature are you a critter?

Niah post Ultron

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