Avatar of Lady Selune


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3 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Roleplay man, roleplay man, does whatever a roleplay can. Does he write? Not at all. He brings plots to a stall, look out... He’s a fucking ghost.
6 yrs ago
I hate websites that tell you an email is wrong whilst you're trying to type it out. CALM YOUR TITS, I'VE NOT PUT IN THE FUCKING @ ADDRESS YET, NO SHIT IT'S NOT VALID.
7 yrs ago
Does anyone else see a word spelt totally correctly and think 'that can't be fucking right, I've messed something up.'
7 yrs ago
When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager!

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Perafidion's capital has experienced no great assault by monsters, but otherwise he's much better.

We are indeed still accepting.
>Celts have the least votes of those that actually received votes.

I cri.
@Prizrak If you’re aware of Darkest Dungeon or Bloodborne, the characters in those are generally good guidelines. If not, join the discord and pop me a message, we can chat it out.

Hm... Unfortunately, I don't feel like Daniel fits well with the overall theme I'm trying to go for. Sorry.
Wanted to give some insight into how their love of shinies effects everyday life. Lots of colour and brightness with the Collection 😊.

For those wondering, the colours on Teyeka's home are red and white.

The splash of sapphire water in the sun. The tink of stone against stone, and the general hubbub and chatter of a Magpie camp. Bream and carp were speared, their stomachs slashed and then hung up, large half-doused bonfires sending up billows of smoke to preserve the fish. Teyeka watched as this went on, hands busily working on the blackened stones some of the wanderers collected up in the mountains, where the rocks sometimes felt hot and the ground would tremble. Down here though, the rock was as still and dead as any other rock... Albeit sharp and shiny. Perfect for a new knife.

Teyeka was a fairly average man in the Magpie. Both of his ears were pierced, and threaded through the holes were hard cords, sparkling blue and black beads clicking faintly with every turn of his head. The blue matched the same rich blue of his eyes, which in turn matched the water below the man. Finally, having already spent three hours, watching the sun rise as his hands clacked the stone, he held it up. The blade was slightly curved, and when he held it up to the light, shone gently, darker veins running through the rock. Taking the antler he had carved specifically just for this, he fixed the blade against the bone and started to twist the cord around and around and around. Finally he had finished the piece. Placing the knife down on the rock next to him, he calmly took a large feather and extracted a needle from a pouch at his waist, using the bone to drill a hole through the end of the feather. When it was large enough, he slid the end of the cord through the hole in the feather and tied it off, turning the knife over a few times in his hand and brushing off the spare flakes of obsidian.

It was done. Hours and hours of delicate knapping, carving and gathering, all so that he could have this most beautiful of tools. He had no sheath for it yet, so instead he wrapped it in the piece of hide that the blank had come in and gripped the blade tight, making sure it wouldn't slip and slice through the hide. Carefully, one hand pressing the bundle to his stomach, the other pressed against the rockface, the man would work his way down the side of the small cliff he had perched himself on, bare feet splashing in the water once he had made his way down. Wading through the almost knee-high water, past where the fishermen stood, heron-like with their spears, he would return back to his hut.

Magpie homes were almost as extravagant as the individual- in fact, if anything they were even more extravagant. Paints and powders, sparkling metals and stones... They resembled the nests of their spirit creatures. The top of Teyeka's house was made from lashed together saplings, covered in hides and with browned and yellowed leaves scattered over the top. A fatty mash had been bashed into it in order to make it waterproof. Then, over those leaves had been tossed paints made from crushed cinnabar and barite. Brushing aside the entrance hides, he placed the knife in a position of pride up by the ceiling.

The winter would be coming upon them, as it always did. The wanderers would be returning to these halls, and the harder times would begin, and yet he knew that the Magpie would see them through. He always did. Stepping back outside, the man watched life around him. He was still a youth, but that didn't mean he couldn't assist with the fishing he supposed.


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